Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


srom that da may be dated the genera disi position t0Ward a reformation in ur ecclesiastices system throughout the country, andalso sor an amendment in the forms of public orstips,hich last has been more apparent since, an no much prevatis. Although the leadin clero em to havetaken a contrar ply, ascis ut to evident Dom the america transactio relatin toste cree o Athanasius bove- mentioned,


IJ Dr virne, in a note to this sermon, p. 7, recomencis Mr Lestie's writings, as an antidote to thc Opinions of thes intans, or unitarians. Togethe wit them I could .ishoo to reia three stor tracts of r. Emlyn's, whichare placed at the heginning of the secon volume of his

1. Remark o Mr Chartes Lessie' last dialogue otithe socinian controversy. a. A vindicationi the remarhq, c. g. An examinatio of r. Chartes Lessiu's a dialogue, relatin to the satisfactionis Christ. Eo stremi and acuten si reasoning and just interpretationis scripture, ou Will mcct with sesequalis miscandid and eminent riter. To another parti his sermon, p. o Dr. orne alsos ioins his note An excellent litu trinisas primen


contendivior the aish, i. e. the doctrine of the trinity, wit a discours o the Gnist in unis annexed preached by the president of Magdalen, in his place a dea ofCantectury besere the present archbistoponiis primam visitation, Willi large approbation and now last, Bom the letteris anu ergraduate to Dr. Priesti , by the fame

hands, the belle to induce oua acquiesce in hings a the are, an to prevent ma-ing an examinatio Fourselves.

It is a vain thought to expect by lachmea attempis, o lay asee the spirit os

De inquir in to the scriptures, hic has hegu to e Walieno among ou, an in the nationis large; and that ali murmurand


and dissatisfaction it the doctrines, and form o woAhi imposed by the wsul and almo universat authorit os ages, ill equieted and suppressed. So id the superior ecclesiastics, at the

ginning of the 6th centum, in uri nand other countries of this ester Worid, exert every efforto stisse the ver generat cry an demand foro resormation and

vincibse, and equalitet and integri , sud-deninstarte fro his celi, mused by semeos themost laring abaes, and profligate pro-

sanation os things sacred then carryingon unde the pope's immediate orderandauthotity; and the most utrageous opposition eing made to his reasonable objections, without the ea concession or redress iven, hewas excite to go on detecting and exposing one grievance and Corruption after another, tili the yes of man provinces an hing-dom Were opened, and threw off the papal


The clerica petitionem, ho ad theirmeetin at the eathers' averti, strand, gave thei reason to the public, by theyjudge it more expedient, an preserabie, to appl to the legissature sor relies, atherthan to the bimops alone. But there a another clerica vis bl at the time, composed of a disterent se of men, ho me a Tennisen's libra mearthe Mews, it a view, a the expresethemselves, reque a revisa of the articles an lituro, an form os sub

scription but judge it fittinga consul fir thei spiritual superiors, an tobe directed by them. pon application to the archbishomos' anterbu , Dr. Cornwallis he replied


Theram ii meeti paper in m possession,

Some of the principat gentiemen con- cerned in this association to procure a revisalo the articles, liturgy, and forms of suh--

scription of the chur his England no fit ver high stations incit; viz. Dr. Porteus, lately move to thesmo Londona Dr. Yorke. p. o Ely, r. Percy Bp. of Dromore, in Ireland and probabi others, who may be unknown is me astavinxtinenan par incit. It is obvious sorao here to remark, thoseamong o particulari Whorare candidates for the sacre ministry, o different thepresident of Μagdalen' sentiment of thechure o Englandore, fioin thos enter


andae put in executioni the governors of the church. ut thes geniumen have bythei example, potnte out is you may Ino say, that it is our is , t examinemur creed and articles, and the natur ofmur subscription to them, o far rightand justifiable, an have declared, that ait amendmen is neede in Our articles, i tuto, and form os subscription Andissat ould e an injur to them, o suppost that thei sentiment on these minis ain Contra hat the publime them a se aears ago, o ma reasonabi expect,

that the wil noclei the matrer be hollydropped and that semething ill e atis tempte by them, of What good men have

a long


ton expected in these matters so the ho- nour os religion, and the eas of honestminds. or an itae supposed that th mould now allege, that the state of thingsis altere from ha it Was, and thecreed an articles and subscriptions of thechurch, discovere tolemo grievance at all. The reyerse of this is unquestionabi thetruth. From messem discussion hicha se matters have undergone or these fleenyears past, the nro sonabienes of many things, o bichoo are calle to substribe an to conform bath more appeared, and thes contradiction to the scriptures, theoninstandar os doctrine and wormim been stili more convincingi demonstrate i. learne personis ran in the universityo Oxford, a very se Iears ago, after giving the strongin arguments serra ne versionis ou englisti bible, With great good sense re- comends, that acts of that nature done authori , in hic are in ludod litur- gies or public forms of wormip mould be revise at the distance of hal a century,


tali os the almo sacred veneration the eopte ave so things, whicli not thei merit,aut antiquit alone has conse- crated. ut foresteing that ome would objecta a planis his tand Dom an apprehensio that an agernes sor reformationmight in such cases carr matters o oo

jector, perhaps noe probabie conse- quencest ut allowing the were; hat nobter object could the partiament, could

the convocatio have unde thei con-


thei conscientious scruples, and setting thea forwar in the way o religious improvement λ -Critical remarksin thebooks of Job, Proverbs Psalms, Ecclesiastes, an Canticlesu res p. ix by Dr. Dureli, D.D. principat fierisor college, and prebendar o Canterbury, I 772. The fame valvabie an liberat author in p. 8o of this Work, speining of the curses ultere against nemies, semetimes to emet missi in the book of Psaltas, maes this

moin far it may be prope to continue the readis of thes psalms in the dally service of ou church, I leave to the - fiderationis the legislatum to determine. A christia os eruditio ma consider theis imprecations ni a the natural sentiment of jews, hic the benim re- ligionae professes, abhors and condemns. ut hat are the illiterate to do, ho 'nowmo where in dra the line belween


standing the high antiquit that sanctifim

με as it were this practice it ould in tho opinion o a number of wis and good men, he more for the credit of the chris- lanchurch, to omita sew of thpse psalms.

an to substitute som paris of the MDpe in thei stead See Lessent en des theologiens de Holunde attributexto Lo Clare in his ounge days 'It is orthyi your notice that tris uindictous writer, latet inhen a ansrom this World where he filled his honourabie stations usesully, was of opinion, that manymight have conscientious scruples it rein speet to seme things in the articles and li- turn of the churchis England and findthem a barrio religious improvementa and that he not ni recomend a ecomingand modest application to governor sor re.

Ite in such cases, ut intimates that it is the dvty, and for the honour of the legisl ture, to listen and attenda suta petitioners. LET