Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


there is no ground so that extreme dissatisfaction, in hicli ou are maderi Oin Withthe president of Μagdalen, at the following passage hichrae cite Dom the seque toth apolog on resigning the vicarage of Cattericho p. 88. 49. ur Lor neyer called mimself an ligh priest, mor is spolieni a such by any of the four lilia torians of his lis and of the first propaga tionis his religio among jews and gen- tiles nor is e so stile by any of the

writers of the New Testament, except the author of this epistie to the hebre s. rom ,hence e ma conclude, that either Christ, nor the evangelist estreme this tot an res par of his character, or


Moses' account of the transgressionis Our'sparenti much mi eprefenieri throus ihelias mron religious Eoiems. I is probabis,

ground to found whatae calis, the necessit o Christ' incarnation, and the essicacyos his death, o the transgressionis ou first parenis observin to im, that, the fallis man whateve it was, ad been an event, on whicli the whole christian scheme was thus founded, we might have expected His in mora


a more expres declaration, rom sufficient authority that it was Q But in non of the prophecies, in hic the Messia is an nounced, is there the least reference to this catastrophe whic you suppost is have made his incarnation necessary Neither Joh the Baptist, ortu Saviou himself, eve sat an thing that could ea our thought to it And notwithstanding the frequent metitio that is made of the love

o God in the gis of his Son by the apostles,

it is neve sal to have been to undo any thing that ha been done at the sali, seme passage of Paul above excepted who calis Christ the of Adam, an mahes se of term whic impi that death was intro duced by Adam, sisternal lis is the gist of Godi Christ. Sutoo know that the writings of this postle bound wit ana- logies an antitheses, ni hic no very serious stres is to be laid Howeve contrar this account of thesaumayiound to what yo have been accustomedio hear, it certaint deserves our attentionsor the arguments rom scripture by whichit is supported, and si fama they bring conviction


inus to the Almight himself, or ne nextio dignit an timerio his, is interpose, byeondeseendin to ecome a ea suffering mortal, and submit to a lingerinideat in tormenta, o repat theireach of the divinela by the wo fir frail creatures of ourrace; efore that consistently ith justice, o with eano no what ther bar and obstacte, the couldie pardoned althoughthe sinceret repente of heir transsi

whethe St. Paul intended his language relatin to this event, to e construe in aruorous sense o would oesytherebraeach, in generat, the heinousnes an satat ide-

sideration in hic a virtuous obedienceris


the worid, in the might honour done to Christ by eing the means and instrumentos bringing mankinxto virtve and an eternal

sentiment, Tobservations o the histor of the creation and sal of man whicli erecite a ve in hic he maintains, that werare nota look upon oses as ritingunde an nunediate divine influerere, ut asgiving us the est account of thos trania actions that he could collect. on this, Dr. Horne cries ut What

Voltaire, of Hume, oris Bolinorohest'It is noto he wondere at that r. Horne' pre judices mould lea him to this eXtreme, in a Cast, here doctrines, whichii sancies o lye at the foundatio of thegospei, are called in question But besere he inade suc an exclamation, it ould

h ve


implicitly solio his decisions and will not

Moses nota have composed his narrative of the fallis our raeparent Dom an supernatura insormation, ut rom suci materiai as e found ande down Concerning t. Whilst seme have assertia, that thewhole narrative a to eoahen iteralty and that, serpent a that time avin the facult of speech, t was a real serpent that spolie to Eve, ho through enu at hersuperior station, re her into the transgression of the divine law; an others have suppost that there a no rea serpent, but that the devit, unde that resemblance, Was the tempter, c. hichris the opinionthat generaliros late has prevalled many in


ali times have been persuaded that sommunis happy misconducti ou first progenitors, ingivin Way to animal pleastre, to the no- gles of the divine command whic taughttheni a just moderatio of the inferior appetites, a thei crime, and the ground-w0r of the histor We have of it butthat the introductio an cras of the serpent, it dialogue illi Eve, c. are onlythe circumstance an embellissiment in Whicli it istaressed up these ela Dignedand invented by oses in the easter stile ;who probabi thought it more proper, and likel lodo more good, than is he had spolie of the matter plaini and without


tris miser res. Os 3mages, and the serpent is an emblem ofvicisus pie ure, c. 99 The genera design is to insorm us, that fi an disobedience came in illi theirst parent of mankind, and was attended withfatal consequencos to them, and thei posteri . And oses, saecam a pious, holyman, and divine laWgiver, misedi by providence, and supported in an extraordinarymanner gives the description whicli,e have of this fata transgression to deter men Domgratistin irregula passion, an to e them in a constant Obedience to the willis

ci se the different opinion es Je s and christians

concerning the sali, in L Clerc' commentar and noteon Gen. iii I. I the ollowing ordsine probabisω- clares his o. opinion, hich has also been statis many others. Maec et smilia alii cum viderent, eo deveniendum esse censuerimi, ut agnosceremus ex hoc aenigmate hoc tantum liquido posse cognosci primos, scilicet, humani generis parentes initium secisse peccandi, unde innumera mala ipsis eorumque posteris incubuere. Constat certe humanum genus, nunc et multis seculis, corruptissimum ruisse nec initium ejus labis ullum, infra orbis originem, depimendi potest. At quomodo peccatum in orbem armis

gressium sit, adeo ut primi peccati circumstantias perspicue edit sine ulla dubitandi ratione, intelligere possimus, indicar orarim esset, qui rei interfuerunt, si reviviscerenti'


A to the notion commoni received that the devit unde the hape of a serpent, Wasine prime pari concerned in this transaction, and the tempter of Eve; ou illi persuade that Moses could no intendisny

thing of the indiu , nor indeed belleve

theresti Plato, in his a book of the right orderingi a

find it necessar to lay own many rules an cautions tomum in readire thei meis, stat the might receive noharm rom it. Nam grieveri that i stould emeedsul to pultur incomparabie me Milion in the fame predicament, in semedegre' it Mathen poets. For although intenditi toserve me cause of true religion, b his immorta poem, Paradiis Lost, he has contributia, and stili contributes, to e numbers narrat error about it by the countenance .hie me charm of his poeu give to the false notionis the existence of a great evit spirit, the devit, o satan, and many inferior evi spirit unde him, perpetuat enemies toGod and ali his desim o goodness, and particulariss ornis totur race and also the doctrine of the pre existenceo Christ; a me supreme God, or asine nem to him michmuhaverum, and wili stili more se tot voidis ali sup-pore stom me scripturo Young person are surprim into a lis of these hings by reading this poet, or ather arothereis


this circumstance that he neve aster ards,

throughout his sive books, ahes the least notice of any ththg of the hind. o. is heri bellaved that there reali existed suchan invisibie busy, vi and most powersul

spirit, that was continualbat men'sears, sug

gestingaevit thoughis, it could not belut thathe would have tot oscit, and have medthe

thereb is consisne in the popular notion early instilledant stem, that the impression is seldomestaceri as se. seuch the scripture so themselves tesse What the reatly Mach. Wherea mun person stould beetauot stat Milton' scener concerning Chri and the tale angeis, is lihe Homer' batiles of the gias me mere fimonis thamet groundia on piniges of scripture illindersto . Foenone ever did, or eve could oppin the Almioty byssoreei and the emine ei ou Saviour' charam arises nocisom- priorit os existence in potat of time, ut isom thois viriues of pie , sortitude iniusseriniis the cause of truth, and the in enlarge benevolance, hic constitute real

I mio siem a though Moses had some notion of the existe ne of evi spiridi, who ad communication issimaniund stom ha is sal Lev. ix. I. Raga, natis alat have familia orith and rom xx. 6. and Deuti xviii. I. ut it is Mellanown to scholare, stat the wordi the origines signitas only thin stat pretemudio conjure, and foretest thing to come Seera Chron. . I 3 a Chron. xxiii. 6.