장음표시 사용
the Israelites against suci a dangemus ne my. A charaeter o hol an benevolent could not have been silent a uicit. The iam remar yo may mahe o the
presece . to the book of Job, hich
smah of Satan' comin a state times, in to the presence of God of hisaeing admitte to familia converse with him, and without reprehensio encourage an impo erexto dra men to si an impie ι
T. Universitier. IO9teach, that an such ein reali existes. because he neve aster ard throughout his hoo names him, here frequent Opportunities presented, ad he belleve that there reali ha been an such po erfui, ichea agent. Vinginares to seduce Dail mortals: but the whole is a poetica fiction, Mee- able to the dar superstitio of the timescissili howeve maintaining the fovereignt of
the inright author an dispose of allthings that nothing happens ut is his
appotniment an permission, and unde his
anouth of Ahab' propheis; ut it is a parabolicat representation and prediction, in theoriental stile, given bra true prophet, of the willing deceptio that Aha was unde bymeans of his false propheis, o hom helistenes and who ould flatter him to his
prepare and sortis him for the discharge fit is describe with the iam easternimagery, a the fallis our fir parenis. The sacred writers mentio the holy spirito God a directinihi into his solitude. Anythough the devit is named in the scenery, there is no round o suppos an suchbein concerned at all. ut this beloved sonan servant of God, eing intrusted illi such might godlike power from him, thetemptations that ould result Dominis eis siluation to abuse his trust, and misead himseo his dii a Whetheroo conside them
versites. Ioas the natural suggestions of his oWn plaus thoughtful mind, or a purposset presentedio it by the hol spirit, o divine power; these, in themigh, figurative, prophetic stile, are personifie and called the devit, cause tending to evit, is no resisted And attend-1ng to the mutilat stom, a carrie on inthis vlew, it is ea to perceive that the dinferent images, arising in or presented totur Saviour's mind were the ver trial to whichas afrail human creatum, he would be exposed
in the ourse of his ministry, and whichwouldie his an and destructio is he didnotauard weli against them; namedi the be-ingeto much elate by the great powers lentio him, to turn them to selfista purposes of private eas an gratificationa os gitanwanton vaniu or a to ering pride
mhicli the were estowed, o confirmiis divine missio an doctrine It williemo sinali confirmation, that oses
didisse a discretio se of his own In his
ORsHI ME, Matth. v. I. c. I like manne as itines, in an apparitions have ali vanissita, here-eve learning has lighted her torch, an men have foughtout the orta o God, and . discovered the natura causes of seemingi extraordinar appearances here the
gence, it will be Dund that there is nolowerful unknown agent, calle me devi or satan no possession os men's hodies by inferior demons, ut ali nature, altaeings hap-pit unde me immediate sole, uncontroiae directio oftheir infinitet wis and benevolent creator. byI. Clere has a curious rem Con that par of the narrative, Gen. iii Minc. hicii contain the serpent' dia- Iogue with the wise, sine ould have tuendered, and nora mana vis that Moses intended thereb tolive a chec toste pride of the Israelitisti ladies, hoetook o muta poli. them I suppose, upon thei coming ut o Egypt Plurims certe interpretes, iiiquit, tentatam volunt, absente viro, Hevam
2 - Universites. 113 manne os relatin the sinis ii fir pa .renis, s a might e most se viceable tokeep his countrymen, sor hom he wrote, in thei obedience to the divine lain; scit bealso true, that he ook a latitude of the likeiland for the iam end by advancing and by inserti nihil account of a divine command, a give at the fame early period evenie- fore the fall, I mea the institutionis thesabbath. though it a no actualdi institute an appotiate to e observed, ill a very long time aster ard s. The prevallin opinion indeed has been in later times, that the sabbath was instituted at the beginning of the worid, and with a designo be observe by Adam andali his posterity But man christians in early
Hevani, idque a tentatore data opera factuma quippe quam insidios sermone facilius deceptum iri, quam virum, crederet. Ut tamen non ausim inferiorem ingenio Hevam Adamo adfirmare, in nec sine aliqua causa, tentationis ham circumstantham scriptri mandatam osse Crediderim Multa sunt, in hisce fibris, ad mulierum eastigandam superbiam comparata, et ex hoc ipso loco, ad mulierum viris Conjunctarum, seu uxorum fastum deprimendum argumentum ducit Paulas I Tim ii. I .
early times an since, have been os a disi ferent sentiment. An such eminent judi-ctous scholar an exemplar christians, asLe Clerc, Beausobre andi'Eniant, and r. Archdeaconiale iniurioWn times, Uilter them;
te In m opinion, in transactio is the wildemessabove reciteri Exodus vi, was thesilast actuat institution ofine sabbath. For, is me sabbath had Men institutia atriis, sitne of the creation, a the woria in Genes may seem at sin sight to impori, and is it had Men observe allislongfrom stat timerio the departur os the Je s out Magyp
a period es, ut two thousand years, it appears unaccount- ille statis mentioni it no occasionis even the obse est allusion to it should occur eister in the generat hisi torno the woridaesore the callis Abraham, hic contains, me admit, ni a se memiars of iis early ages, and thos exueami abridged or, hic is more to bewondere at in stat of the lives of the three sindemissi patriarchs, hich, in many paris of the accoum is susE-eienti circumstantia and domestic. Nor is there in the passage bove quote sto the sinstent inapter of Exodus,any intimiatio that the sabbath, then appoinred toae observes, asini a revivat os an ancient institution, hichha been negled , orgoiten, o suspended nor is nysue neglect impute eithe to the inhabitant of the oldinori an par of the familro Noah nor, lini' is an permission recorde to dispense wit the institutionduring the captivit of the D s in Egypt ori annoster public emergency.
The passage is the second chapter os Genesis, hichcreates the whiae controversympo the subiect is no inconsistent Wit this opinion foris the levent da was create into a sabbath on account of God' resting ponstat a stom the wor of the creation, it a naturalenough in the historian when he had related me historros the creation, and of God' ceasing rom it o the eventhia' eo addo and Godalesled the sevent da and sancti- sita it,aecause stat on it he had rested stom allinis Work - .hie God create an mad ' although the lassingand sanctification, i. e. the religious distinistion and appropriationis that dari a no actuali made illi many ages aster arti. The woria des no assert, that God thenM Hessed' an sanctisted' the event dan ut stat heblessed and sanctified itfrahar Nasen and is an as 'hythe sabbatii or antasicationis the sevent dan was thenmentioned is it a notati appoinred, me an e is athand the orderi connection, and notis time, introducta the mention os the sabbath, in the histor of the subjectwhic it was ordaine to commemorate. V Archdeacon Palea DPrincipies of morai and political philosophy, p. 44, in Vol ii. 8vo. Se also Beaus re et L'Ensant, Pres.
observance of it, a no commanded, ordi tali place, ill the time of the de- partur of the Israelites out of Egypt Andisio, hicli I belleve yo wil findrioae a just statement, oses spok of the sabbath
in Genesis, ni by way of anticipation, and of his own accord, to give the greater dignit an solemnit to the observance of the institution.
Dr. Priesti fraedom in mentioningime δε- fas in St. Paulla reasoning and in critia citiu iber paris inscripture, counienaneed Θ other christians of acknowleged eminence; θ Erasmus, Castellio, Luther. r. Whiston, Dr. Dureli. WHATEvER Dr. PriestIe remarks con- cerning St. Paur reasoning that it is notalways conelusive, speciali in his applications of the scriptures of the Id Testament, it is by no means inconsistent wit his hold- inihi in generat to e an exceIlent rea-
m. Universites. II teacher, an ardent unWearie propagator
of the truth. Isthe Doctor e mistahen in what he has asserted on this subjeci, et his errorsae publicted, andae illis thank-
ful to the hand that potnis them ut Butlechim notis sticli accounts e traducenas an unbelleve an enem to the 'gospei,
when is his observations e just, hecis iis truest friend For it look better, and is a more
Hir Tucher, in his oc serious vision, here heris introduce in Locia, and Plato, bring in the latae pag. inisevere ceniares o the Ciliciani Tarsus, ache stiles St. Paul than any thing adva ed by Dr. Priestley; fier inita, steriather of the eadem thus farther characterisses