Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


obstruct an inquiry that professe to im at the further illustration of the reat scheme of the gospe in generat, or the remova o error in an part in doctrine, in practice, o in or si An opinion is me heresere false, ecause is contradicis re- eritia notion : ut hether reue or false, is is a subniistis to a Iair examination;

ait, and every succeedinida will confirm aer superioriW.'-Bp. o. h's visitationsermon, reached a Durham, 738. Thus, 3 years ago, di this fine riter, an eminent divine, lea Dr. Priesit 'scause against his adversaries, and reprobatφ


condemn him unheard, and seelis to pre-judice yo against his opinion hy mere declamat1on, an expression o astonishmentand dissilie instead of bringing them to the te os scripture, as p. Lowth recomenti, ether theyae true o false. An se far a this earne man rompresuming that at things relatin to the doctrine and wormimo the church of En- gland were right that he invites ali iis member to examine for themselves whether in rare se, and bid them takecare, that throughumesionable prejudices, the domo obstructan inquim. that alm at the remova oferro in an mini, in doctrine, in praetice,. or in morsisp. And thus have Disten that nolint this prelate lates deceased, ut his present r in the se of London, and another alis

hio on the episcopaliench, together Withother learned an approve writers of thechurch of England ali agre in declaring

that a revisat of her creeds, articles and Arms


and theologian. prefident of Magdalen, at the end of the Ierier, in his characteros undergraduate, toDr Priem , passes a mori complimentiminupon

sin 'it great rebH sor mur character a a man es science, an equa disiae o our principies, as a theologian Lam, M.


Im Universities. rupon him, as a philosopher, though arcton havin ratae in Ou, in the preceding paris, ne favourable idea chim iuan respect se acto mahe yo destrous tose any of his pioductions an a the fame time professes, what indeta he has not been backWard in discoor, a very great dissike tollimis a divine. A the ground of this dissilie, hic hestrive to infuse into)- relates to subjects.some of them of the very highest importanc Pthin yo intereste in and equest your

attention to the stare representation, hichI mali indeooura give, of the opinion ofone o obnoxious olim an mahin al-lowance for prejudice, rom hic se inre exempt thoughi earllast habit an pre- possession leaned another Way an profess-- in obligations more than I can express, tothe 'ritires, example, and frienduat os this eminent person, neverthelesi, Pirust Duwilliso sin m account of things far Domine truth. Wit ali honou due, and justi due, tothos learne men, hos lectures O at tend I Win belleave to say that ou mar


Priestie in o branches of science, andread them to advantage. It is nosmali thing in hiis famur, to recommen him, that heris atretan come, may I saycit, the preceptoros nations. For notoni his philosophical and metaphysica aut

his theological Works, are fought aster ithavidi , and hight approve by fore ners, an severat of them transsated into different languages nisu continent. And writings in defenceis christianity, cominifrom sucha hand cannot sed of raising curiosi , ando contributin to remove the commonpresumption among unbellevera, and frequent

ground of thei unbelles, et that the gosipet is that system os doctrines hicli is publici establime in acti catholic and protestant state; hereas it is almo universallyquite another thing, in respectioin offaith, and wormip. Dr. Priestley' aim in his ritings, towhich ali his studies tend is to promote thegior o God, est seen an manifeste in the happines of his creaturescio discoverand


revealed word, o in his glorious works broad se ali natur is ut the revelationosti Μ, it great creator. It was to these most laudabie Ods, that Locle and Newton consecrate thei talenis,

and immense labours Though it is to belamented that the oble familnis horathe manuscript-papers of the lalter have been inheri ted, have mitherio declined to give them to the public Imperiae hinis Doma in se penetrating might be of service. An Sir Isaac Newton is nown to have

applied himsel f in a very extraordinar man- ne to the stud of the sacred writings, and of ali ancient riters that might illustrate them Nor are e without evidenceo his having been a strict unitarian, old ing Goda be ne person, ne eternat mind, and Jesus, the creature, and servant of that God. Our author mlh in the fame path withthese two eminent lighis, ho ould not


devoted himself at an earlier hour, and witha much more searles spirit than they, tostud and illustrate in sacred volume, and to,ipe of that polytheis an irrationalsuperstition, hic the also se , and

in philosopher ought to e semething

greater, an belle than another man.

The contemplationis the ork of God mould give a sublimit to his viriue, stould expandiis benevolence, extinguissi every thing mean, hase, an selfisti in his nature, give a digni yrio filiis sentiments. and reachaim to aspire t the morallem sections of the great author orat things. What areat an exalte ieings ouldo philosophers


objects bout hicli the are conversant, have thei prope morat offect rapon their inds lis spent in the con- templation of the productions os divine power, isdom, and goodness, ouldae a lis of devotion The more e se of the wonderis structure of the worid, and the law of nature, the more clearly do , comprehend thei admirabie ses, to mahe at the percipient creation happy; a sentiment whic cannot but fili thelieart with unbounded love gratitude and joy. Even every thingsainful an dissigreea- able in the wori appears to e provide

as a remed of some ther greater incon- venience, O a necessar means of much

eviis and inconveniences to vanisti, in the

glorious prospeet of the area good to ,hic the are subservient Hence, he is able to venerate an rejoice in God, no oni in the bright sunstine, ut alsb in the darkest mades o nature, hereas vulgar


vulgar in d are apto be disconcerted with the appearance of erit. Nor is the culti vation o piet usesul tousini a men atris even sesul torus as philosophers an a true philosoph tends to promine piety, se a generous and man- ου piet is reciprocali subservient to the purposes of philosophy and this both in a direct an indirect manner While , hee in iew the great fina cause of at the paris and law of nature, e have some clue by hic to trace the efiicient

cause This is most os est obvious in that par of philosophy hicli respects

the animal creation As the great and excellent r. Harile observes Since this orld is a system o benevolence, and consequently it author the object fin- bounde love an adoration, benevolence and piet are urini true guides iniur

inquisies into it the oni keys that ill unloch the mysteries of nature, and ciues ,hicli lea throughae labyriiuhs of this ali branchesis natura history, and natura philosophy, Grd abundant in


takerit foraranted previousty that very thiniis right, and the est that canae, meteris manentitus that is, et im with a pious confidenc see se benevo- lent purposes, and he will e tways di- recte to the right road an after a due με continuance in it, attain to ome ne and valvabie truthci hereas very thep principi and motive os examination, be- inc relan to the great plan hich the universe is construeled, must lead into' endles mages, errors, and perplexities' '