Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


moro creditabie se a belleve in revelationto mini out any defect in the sacred Writers, than to dissemble, an leave them tole de-- rected an boasted of is iis ene es and netther the truth of the ospei, nor theweight os aurcvstimon to it, re at allaffected by his arguinxit on some abstruse incidental potnis introducedi liim, in his episties. Ἐhd Erasinus, in his day, condemnedin the fame Way, formo rechoning St. Paulto berande a divine directio in very thinghe wrore, and insaltible. Echius, the manwho ecam Luther' adversar seon after, in a letter o Erasmus, in the ear SI 8,


Demosthenes' orations aut stom the po-

pular dialect

To his Erasmus replied that in cen suring the apostles for sips of memory,

he had assirme nothingis himself, ut

theque choisie, Tom. V. p. 233. 37.

Among many most earned in the verylearne times, at the eginning of the reformation, in the foremost an may be placed, Sebastian Chatellion other ise Casitellio, o Castalio To that great wor hecontributed is a transsationis the scriptures into the most classical latin, ithouilosing the sense an strengi of the original, but the Contrary an into his mollier longue, the French, in a plain an homel stile. Forboth, he had to eneounter With great oblo-


quy, and opposition rom his cotemporaries, and Domithers, since thei time; ut posterity though late, has renderediim justice, and his transsation nomare much esteemed. What add to his character and worth is, that in the id of these labours, he was unde many discouragemenis, and osten de

t en a to whicli Calvi had recomend-edaim, he had ome esse diagreementa with that resormer through his re sen- timent concerning the son o Solomon, whic he thought in orth of a place

in the bible an also b his denying the

articlei Christ' descent into hell, a sagnis his Oing to the place of the damned. put e9 Calvin eptis bound afterwardsin

. To mari amend se things es favourabis, hichvum has compelled to relate concerninistis eminent reformer, I mali here present ou With som masterly stroheso his character of a different complexioni togester init asine letch of Luther, as I sin them dram together, by novulgar hand in high paru-times, shewed himself in his inritings, a frienda his country, and to the civi and religious rights of men He is spealcing of the wretched state of things, when oper migne triumphant in this


Ρώ--uthed adversaries that attached thee. Acute to an

dictio atrie elevated and just thy sentimenta in m rat pure Leam'd ingenious, penetrating, and of seund j gment. Not acquainted missi books alone, and the


and genius thei equa a least, in sel go-vemmen and the cultivatio of the miId, henevolent spirit of the gospeI, leaving them both far ut of ght. Castellio' great

crime as, his opposition in conversation, as en a Dom the presi, to their intolerant principies, an favourite doctrineos predestination, and of punistring heretics by the civi power i. e. y burning themative. The mea part hic Calvi took

in entrapping the unsortunate Servetus, andaster ard in procuring his condemnation,

on his memory, neve tot estaced. But hactead me to mentio Castellis

here, is a stori latin S, parim a larger ork, composed the ea in hic helaied, preserve by etstei a the end of the second volume of his New Testament. flehad never Writtemany thing more this Would have discovere his liberal ind, and un- common penetration, and infight into the true meaning of the sacred writings. His admirabie remar o the distinction whic isto e made, in the things, whicli are the



τ. Universities. 123 subject matter of the New Testament, fur-nimes sun justificatio of ,hat Dr.

Priestley, and omers, have advancta, relatingto the partial inspiration of the sacred writers, an is a lassicient apology for annisulis, mistahes, diagreemenis, o defective reasonings, hich may appen to e found in them mal give an englisti versio of this rectous rellique, pulting the origines in the margim that yo may the bettersermyour judgment of both He had generalba fio ing elegant latin pen, though here hestem to have attende les to the stile thanthe sense, ieinistudious to mahe that perspicuous and strong. Wetstein telis us, that Castellio' titie of the work, was De orte dubita Pe em --iendi, ignorandi et sciendi; i. e. of the arto doubtin and of bein assured the arto ignorance an lino lege. The ille it-set has more in it to e learned, cia Dufini in many large books. For it is no ordi


Coeptum ineunte anno Is63.

Quo attinet ad distordiam, aut etsam repugnantiam, quae videtur esse, sacrarum Iiterarum, sciendum est, eam discordiam aut verborum esse, aut rerum ac de verbis primum dicemus. Verborum discordia aut E-hrariorum est aut authorum, C.

SED in rerum discrepantia major existit dissicultas, et de qua alioquin tacere quam loqui mallem, ad vitandam vel infirmiorum offensionem, vel iniquiorum invidiam, quae in hoc argumento vix actae vix quidem videtur posse evitaris verum quia sinesh iis explicatione instituto meo satisfacere et qatentem in rebus, ad conscientiarum tranquillitatem necessariis, veritatem eruere non possum, audendum est. Interea ab infirmioribus peto, ut rem saepius perpendant antequam judicent; multa


multa enim prima fronte, quia nova sunt, displicent, quae postea diligentius considerata placent et probantur. Intur primum omnium illud sciednum est, in sacris literis quatuor esse orationis genera, de quibus, quia loquitur obiter Paulus, ejus verba in I Cor. xiv. hic subjiciam: alioquin fratres, inquit, si ego vos alienis linguis al- locutum veniam, quid vobis prodero, nisi insit in oratione mea patefactio, aut cognitio, aut vaticinatio, aut doctrinar Patefactionem appellat, si quid homini divinitus patefactum est. Vaticinatio est alioquin eadem cum patefactione, nisi quod conjuncta est cum

mentis agitatione atque permotione. Cognitionem interpretor eam, quae e visis aut auditis emorescit. Doctrinam appellari a Paulo arbitror eam, quam homini literae et ratio conserum. Hanc illic esse mentem Pauli, nemo, opinor, negabit certe etiamsi illa nec Paulus nec quisquam alius dixisset, res ipsa per severa est, videlicet haec orationis quatuor esse
