Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


respect bimo Butier, hos ' Analom ofreligion natura an reuealed', was put into the hand of youth in the university, in mytime, and Lam told is stili much read. hestriousnes of his spirit, an his dee concern lar piet and virtve cannot berio muta commended, and I proses myset to me many obligation to him o these accounts. Bul a he ahes a direct contrar road towhat we have seen the scriptum to Oint oui, pon his subjeci: and through ignorance, Charge the divine administration overus illi notieinis mercisul and gractousas it reali is, an filis the minxwith darh suspicions of the Divine Bel nihimself e- ingrander seme strange constraint , Pholdit os consequenceri potnt out o ou hismistahes te his authorit mould prejudice

yo against the truth. P. 295. his author says, Revelation 'eacheth us, that the rules of divine go- vernment are suci a noto admit os par- don, immediately, and directi upo re- pentance, o by the sole efficac oscit.

And adirile asterae adds, p. 96 Christ interposed


have followed the sin of the worid, had it no been or lac an interposition

D. It 1 allo ed that repentance illisol prevent prestent suffering in consequence of pastins it illio secure a man rom thedisesie consequent pon venerea excesses.sor instance, or immoderat drinhing. Butwhat ground has ou author o Conclude, ehacit illiso secure the an rom future sufferings. Surei the conclusion ought tohave been quit the contrary that since the

by them in ahing the an eas Domvis and ecome virtuous, heresere ther ut no continue in the ex state, be-Cause


mus there Wouldaeis occasion sor them. The analogy, o resemblance in the two cases is by this circumstance quite altered. a. What alareadfui pieture does e dra*of the most merciful οὐ Accoriandito him, Dis bounda certain laws and rules of his government, a the heathens heldJupiter subject to sate so that justice must

them, unies sonae poWerfui interpositio bemade to prevent his laws havin their loruat the nner, an puniminchim. Howlaappyciscit, that the scriptureaeaches alatia serent doctrine' ne passam, ite by urauthor speahas the ver reverse of what hesuppost intende bycit, an represent thewhole planis ou salvation and Christ' susi ferings, a contrive an appotnted by the heavent Father, ut os love to anhiud.

Christ are neve represente in scripture asthe cause of God'suhewing mercyrio sinners; but a the effect an resultis his mercy and goodnes ;


to bring men rom thei sin to holiness, and an immortalesiis. 3. There is a radicat mistahe in his writer, ut hicli is ymo means peculiarto him, in his languam concerning Christuflowing indeed fro his own persuasion, buta very wrong persuasio concerning him, sis he were equa to the Almighty, or ome great independent Ming, in his talkin socontinuali of his interposition his inie suto procure the pardon stans, ora maherepentanc effectuat by what he di and suffere for men. ut Christ speias illi more humilit of himself, and of the par helook in the falvationis mankind and the

scriptures uniformi teach, that he was

God' servant in aliae did, and acte al- together in obedience to him, and with a vie 'o recommen himself to his sevour, and that the principat thing that made him acceptable o God was his love 'o his brethnen of mankind, in eing illincto die to promote their virtve and evertastinghappinest. Bucit ma be os useri you, o piant ut


the oure of liho Buller' errors, and imposition umn himself and offers, in hismisrepresentations of the Divine Being, and of his Duernmentive mankind. At the end of his chapter o the import- ance of christiani , p. 3 . eis ver earne to impress pon his readers, the obli- gationis starching the scriptures, in order tessee, ha triflheme in revelation realb

this ver error throughout the whole of this, and the seu sono ing bapter of his wossici mo indoed by determining efore fom reseon, ut is determining befores tu the arricles andituro of the church in Eng-land what the scheme o religio miserae. Qithout ever properissearching the scripturesto se What it reali is. Givin an account i christiani , p. aeto, he says 'It contain a revelationis a particula dispensationi providence Carry-ingo by the Son and spirit o God, sor the ueCOver an salvation manyind.whorare represented in scripture, to e in astate


state os min. That in consequence of

o duty unknownictore, to the Son, and to the Hol Ghost, are revealed Now theimportance of these uties may be Judge of by observing that the arise, not fio positive command merely but also Dom the offices, hicli appea Dom scripture, to elon to thos divine person in the gos l-dispensation or, rom the relations, hicli, we are there informia, theystan in to us B reason is revesed the relation, hic God the ather stand in t us. ence arist the obligationi du we are unde to him. In scripture are reqveale the relations, hic the Son and Hol spirit stan in to us Hence aristine obligations of duty, hich, are unde to them mproc da aster ard in the nexi page aeta, to say The essence of natural religio may


veale religioni, ac distinguissae fro natural to consist in religious regatas to MMn, an to the mi Ghos.' e the gomon to spea of the distin ossices of these two divine persons, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and of the religious regards, o in-ward wormiplaudito each being equestrobligator upo Christians a the wormi ofGod the Father. An poetas, dWelis ponthe fata consequences, and the judicia pu-nistament that will ensue particularly Domno wormiping Jesus Christ, a God.

1. o observe that bismop Buller gives no proo froin the scriptures that therion, and Hol Spirit are ac of them divine persons, o Gods, except What is to be drawn rom me formos baptism Mail. xxviii. I9; hichisaver sandy foundation for the superstructionesimo nem God and objects of morsis ponit. For man indeed have silewn and it illappea in the ourse of this ork, that no


avo e and belove creatur an servant. and confirmedi his hol spirit, o the extraordinar divine power, Whicli accompanted Iesus an his postles. Not to mention, that tho postles appea noto have laidan stres on his recis formo baptizing prescribra in atthe , since the usuallybaptized in the nam os Jesus only. a. Aster thus makingimo nem divine persons, orsori, ithout an authorit Domthe scriptures, the bismop proceeds, as m lithe expected of course, to talk of the dutiesto besai to persons iniuch a siluation, and standing in such a qlation to us, the very fame with thatis God the Father almighty, and pronoufices that the iam religious re-gard and inWard wormi are due to them,

Tbis unquestionabi is, and has been thedoctrine and the practice of to many chrisitians, nomand for many ages; ut it was notωfromethe ginning nor is it the doctrine of scripture, o the practice of hol men there recorded Forseomthebeginning to theend the


io a creatur of such excelleno an moral

a. o perceive to his a degre this learne man vertooks the scriptures, and imposes upon himself that he eum mahes

the grand distinctio an peculiarit of thogospei, to cons in the wmsti of these


T. t versess. Qed by Moses and the propheta, o by Jesus Christ.

doctrine n scripture-grounci, e re heliad destiui judgments against those hodo no practice accordis to it But hestem to have considere the bible in many

respecta, as a book that was toae regulatedand interpreteri according to the cretas and

liturg of the church of England. s. o velli observe the same rejudiceto prevat throughout the imop's holeaccount of the christian dispensation. Without examining into thei rea meaning, hebring a ea o passage of scripture, toprove Christo have been a propitiatorysacrifice an intiret mista in the designof the episti to the hebrews, herusieris thelu a sacrifices tot an allunon to the great