Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


All the gentila christia Mere ais tunitariam sorine received the gosper metheraposum and osterjemissi christians And common uniearned christiaris continue to e Vestinans, sor severa centuries. But the leamed among them Boi gana corruptis true doctrine of the Scriptures conceriam Jesiis Christ by maius him a person that preexisteriand who mas an inserior God, and emplo d by the fallier of the universe in mining the worid ,- fore heiecam man and at larem, by convertingitis lato the supreme God, as hecis lao dispon


AB christian who ould consermo the en timents Worsei and practice of the aposties, musthe unitariam: that is, the must pra i and wor-sti the singleierson o Jehovah, the ather of the universe, the es true God an consideri respecton honour Jesus Christ, as his hol servant, and meshngerrio mankind once thei sellow- mortes, ut no mortiat exalted, and appoinred tot the future u erat that Gy, When the wholerace of mantan mali have different assotments of happines o misery, accordis a the have done modi evit in the Worid. VII. Some christians, in forme time, and latet', not indingahat Christ actooked pono any thing more than a man in his sise-time, have taen uponthem to a that his divini ima tote dupla dat his resurrection. ut the area be remindes, that the sereming conclusion are drawn Domine mota and practice of his possies, aster his resurrection and ascensio into heaven and that thela Vari


standing srom the seu sacre historians of our Orci liis, and stomahe histor of the propagationos his religion ine his Math and rinirreetion by St. Line; THA the postles of Ieius, id notiso'or orship an other God, o reach that there vasan other God o be ormiped, ut the si person of Iinovin the supreme lor of est the God of thei fathers, the parent an sole creator


M in an extraordinam manner, o resem themoria sun in vice an ignorance, an to reachthem viriue, and the knowlage and womi es theone oesy living and true God in opposition to pre- valling idolatry, and to the worssit os an otherethanthe single person o Ie vah, the Faster an sole creatori est inings. These e s have in a certam degree been a V tained inmugh the preactis of the gos l. For a Iarge portio of the Wori hath been greati en-1ightened and reformed by it, compare mit inela forme heathen state. An inhough christians, in processis time, corrupte thei religio an sellinio an idolair simila to that of thei heathenancestora, and worshiped Iesus Christ a the elemia God, hicli stili continues among the greater parto them this polytheium is manifesti mearing out in many christim countries, particulari in urio naand is giving way to right sentiment of the Divine Unity, and of the orstii of the ather Hone, whicli the lessed Iesus recommende an pra tised Andri the many Who are convince of this great truth, could prevaded with to recommen it by theiriwn example and practice, hic is thei Gly the whole Worid, in no long pace of time, ould become Unitariam, orstipers of t Father, the ni true God


Ofcteis eorrumionis re trae doctrine concerriet Iesus Christ, in the time of the postus. I is palami to have causerio observe, that erystrange errors, respectis die person o Christ,too place even hil sonne of the apostles meae alive the effects of whicli remain to thisinour. For coeus with the ver fir preachin os thegospei, there mere learne an speculative menstat embraced ii, lio, ut os a desire os exstingthe character of it founder, and throuo the pre possession o a false philosophy, and notions of im purit in halsomer a connecte missi matur, ovi no allo our Saviou to have been a se seriiq


ata a to the assertions of his possies to the con . tram. Who mere uniearned men, and not acquesnted

wit science, the stem nodito hine regarde their testimon in his respeet, though the pari a de serence to it in thera That this ora thelight in hic these me considere the aposties may be gathere stom ha St. Joh says of them in h. episties, here me find that in



1 6 TO G Dathis Gestili continue in the professionis christiani ,

an maintaine thei peculia doctrine, nolinth-

epimes, opposts, a Mi he might his o- -- perience conceminitas lord and master Iesus thetestimon of his senses, ali in testimon necessam, o that could beatven that he Was reatly a humanhelag, and n phantoma that the an Iesus vas himself the Christ and that it mas in characteristic massi os a true belleveri in Wn that Iesus, hocame,ith a divine authorii seo God, a reatly

one of the humanetace. I Iohesi. I.-3. V. 2. i. 22.

But o mi potnt there is no nee to vel at present. Thus early hoWoer, o seri a laid the nound of ine false doctrinem a preexistence of Christ, and ais os his belli composed a it be- came astemard cassed, of two natures both theone and the other, . in direct opposition to the declarationis the apostle. That parti these men' notion, that Christ .asma in appearance only, a phantom, Bon ledaWay, notieing able to stan such direct assertionos an pomerio the contrarn ut it a no sowith the other branchisit, his preexistence, equassyat the fame time reprobate an condemne by the postle; ho maintains, stat urior mas


1n perusing the scriptures of the old Testament, . sn them uniformi describin Gor , as ne fingi petis: ho creates and ovem the woridhν Mnsessalone, ithout an other divine personeinpio ed by or actinisost, siffunder him.

The personat pronouns-I, thou he, me, thee,

him, constanti usta therein is propheis and hol men, When the Divine einiis introducedisining himself, o whema refled, or hema; aere a demonstriuio of the svine unity, without an tr alis o pluraliti persons , hicli cannotia resisted. Our Saviour Christ, in theme. stament, sesinvariabi the fame linguage, in characteriging the Deity and neve tela sui the leam ord that there Was an person ut ne, Ie vis, thea Κ a ther,


ther, - - God and crrator, ither origines orsubordinate leastos ali, that he himself vas the oneor the other or an ining more than ne of the humana ce and a divine and extraordinam inessen-ger an promet. In this state of thium, an total silence of the hebre in christia scriptures, Conceming. πGod or creator, ut Ie Vah, the ather, there steps sortii, in more than Uri years ster thedeam of the posti Iolin, ne of the fies of the famers, a then are sed ineratiose calleo vos stolic, Psin by name, a eathen philosopher of great integrity, and a sincere seeher aster triath, hohad lateis come a discipleis Christ, and Maahesupon hirn to maintain, ibat there M another b Godi christians, an inferior God Who ministeredio the will an designs of the ather and acto est things, in his ork of creation and gover



my Thisia in his dialogue Missi Tryphotheae. eoneeriam ing .hic there have been doubis, hether ita hilace realis y asae relatescit o the whola was se nexa 'him, inmatos maflner, hereb to have opportuni , in a more greeabde Way, to maestinown his extraordinary insio into the hebre. scriptures, and thes'in discovery he had mada in them, ache supposta. hisem more probitae, that he had sim persona inter- eourse With the aerumpon the subject; but that the conversationhad received great embellissiment an improvement Dom=ustia in Wardia dinia. p. P. O .