Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


rowed the notio sto the latoni doctrin con, semiis ne deity, and certMn divine en a ration

logos Was One.

οεν . i. e. Aster this, Celsus aes pon hiat to censere


was Justin Who importes into christiani , the notiono Christ Ming a divine person, and Who Wa em--oyed in the creation of the worid. For in his apologi so the christians, he insem the emperors, Antoninustius, and his adopte sens, M. Aure

viri a pure and hol I Grai, ut a mortes creature most in famousifled arua as a malefactor, o b crucified. ' OH-xen contra Celsum. lib. ii. p. 79. d. Cantab. 677.


srom the jemissi lawgior, and thus introduces aemsecondary God and creator into the christian system, who continues iste moreriped by the greater par to this day How e contrive to suppore thismo extraordinar doctrine, I g on to coninermore minutes ilia I have ound it initherio attempted no sor an peculiar stre- in the arguments of this pious, istasen heathen Conversi huc causeae has been copied by in ther mans tace, both arians and athanasians, fama se at them, though certa j vit ut nyintende reproach havin adopted Plato irevertes, and made Jesus Christ a preexistent Godan creator, mere intereste to provide se him semesare to act in the old Testament, and aflacein the sacres histor stomahe creation to the christianera; Wheremo Israelite homoeror j t could everius couer him. For it Would have been minunaccoun able, an been much against thei ne doctrinei

in axe introduce Christos iste maer of the woridi an to have hau nothinisor hini o dosor the creatures he had made, tillae came amore them, a mortes man, o die so them.



Justin's moner o provin Chris to have heman inferior God, and creator of the orta, undero supreme ather of azIt is in his dialogue illi Ipho the jeW, stat

have preexista binore the ages, as a God, and DBave submitte aftemsaias to have been bara, andro hecome an These ining howeve Iusti u deriae to prove. ut his proosi in e seund id os ali suppor fio scripture, and intire the produce of his v imaginatio an prejudices.



come in he creatiρ of the moria. Upon Gen. i. 26. ' Letis mati man in ore sum


asturedly had Moses been a rigefo ureriiste eo an suchi inferior go an creator, he ould have direm and expliciti tola his munumen o it in no have describe hi in such a --


In this chamur, there is a maniastatis of the divine presence, attende by three angeli, in theshape of men, Who appea to Abraham, an areentenarie by him. Iustin illinave ohe of theseto be superior to the othera, and to e by Way os eminence, in prime angelis messenge of the divine id, an inferior God unde the supreme creator is est things, an bearing the ille os Je-

Iehovalis, mentioned Gen. xix. 24 one of Whichhe suppost to denote his subordinate God, hoastematas hecam man But unde the extheia, it mill emen that his discover of two Iehovins, in this place, is oming to agrammaticas mistae of this orth persen. . Ibis evident also that inmughout the visio πscene, the Divine eius is lates distin Domthe three angels, his attendanis. ω certaininno ne ould ver have presume one of thes angelario hau been lac a singula beire different stom the others, Hessae had come to the reaGing


ing of the historrmit sita a notion vitready in ea

Iustin , mastus proviu Christo hamo been ex fimo Jehovalis, hom hesupposses o have been o gaged in the destructionis Sodom. Iusti, triumph much in the proofhere tabesed, Gen. ix. 24 aste supposies, of there Ming tWodistincto persens. orare each them God umo die expressi authorit os osses. ut justice mould bedone tolim, in observiso that he is here, and at alltimes, most arefusio preserve a due suboresnalson ,


tion, he ould not have seund here more thinone For it is a mere idio of the language m9, to at the nou inice instead os using the pronoum;

the Lor fio the Lord, instea of the oram, himself, and this is es that he has here tobuit his notion pon, of there ein tuo Lords havera e the true sense, it ought

day to suppos Christ o b the Lord God here intended by

the prophet.