장음표시 사용
t have been transtared necue ordo Maapon Sodom ad Gomorris, rim in and Mnesrom himself ut o Mavo. So the excellent Castellio rendere it in his es fienc versionu in te Seigneu fit plo oi sur Sodom et Gomorre, seuphre e seu de sol du telino 'The christian writer aster Iustin, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Eusebius, c. copita sindly this egregious mistae of his Some se indeta venture in hos times o publis theis dissentvit thei reasons, such as e no give; ut it a to plausibi an argument so thos that Wissie to exalt the character o Christ in give υμ and the greater number carriesit. In thecounci os Sirmium, bout the iddie of theseurth centHry the proceede so sar a tomae his decree against hos of the contra sentiment I any one mali interpret, the ord Nised rom the Lord, of his aining rom him sei and tot i the ather and therion, et hi be anathema
The aria a mellis athanasia christians and commentators, ali ho have been defirous os
se M. de Sacy' transiation is stili ethaps more proper; ab Seigneu repandit fur Sodom et Gonisrhe, ne pluredo laustre et da seu, qu iniit descendrei eiel.
The LORD Ie Vah, here appears to Iacob in vision, an promises him his protectio and hiessing. But in a subsequent vision Gen. XX i. II-I3. Where the time person appears again, it is seid, the uel f God Bal unio hia in a ream, Vc. From hic Iustin insere o), that in both places, it a no God imself the creator of the uni verse, ho appeared, ut his substitute, hocis called, and who he assirins reali is, the anget, the mesenge of the creator of the universe, naccount os his carryin to mankin the command of the fallier and maher of es things.
But Iusti is here inedi his inattention in
and ignorance of the languam of the scripture For the term ange of God Ges no alWays signi stine of that superior clas of heavent betam, Who are mentione as employedis messages hyhim. I stand ais for Various other thim animate and inanimate, made se of by the Αlmi ni hi government of the Worid, and in the m nisestationis his mill and designs, to the humanrace. An in the present in the extraordis Idream Was the ange of God by hic herimis in Iacob. ut this matter Will re ive more particular illustration, in mur revie o Iustin's nexi proos.
iret, an came to the ootain o God evecto Horeb. 2. And the ange of the Graeanearet ta
for the place hereon thou sandes, is hol graunae,
be justi assigne to the Wotas An also to the single person os Iehovali, God Mone, as present, mustae applied What sessoWs, Lam the God σαν fauera, the God of Abraham, c. any one rea the whole, Mithou preiudice, an he wilibe persuaded it cannot be interpreteiothemisse.
GodUIacob; stat this could notae the creator of the universe, themo over hom thereis noother, hecauserit could o b said of him, thathe was an ange or messengeri; ut that it Wasthe fame, hom, he imagines, he had besere prove to me appeare to Abraham, an is
Iacob; but herein e hau fhewn him to have been adl mistaen an inserior god ministringan subservient to the creator of the universe; om he supposes after ardyto have bee me man. His great error a ut his mauer here, and oother places, Mose rom his bringing suci a secondiso With him ut of his philosophy, and fro his ager desim to in him in the table hic prevented his attending to the phraseology
b undeinood, whereas, besides this conum acceptation, he term uel bas ther very imp tant significations.
In the stile of prophec citat Lma adopi thewotas of a in valuinte riter, stille in thescripture iam'age bove mann merrthiniis called an anges that notifim a message seo God, or executes the misi os God. Aprophetic dream is an angel; the pilla offire that ment besore thes Israelites, cis calleὐ God'x anget he
manne of true prophetic revelation wman vin Revelation. i. I.
an hundred Murstore an five thousand is inafaiah xxxvii. 6. 7. calles a Moy and was ostprobabi aio pestilentis,ind frequent in thosci
themor sentipon Israel, is emblematicali sigrinified by the nam os a destruis auel q). Acts s. r. The ange of the οὐ is by the lacre historia interprete to e the distemper, mitti hic Herod was suddent visited.
Universites. 367 Anythus in the present instance the re in the bus that remaine unconsumes, togethermissi the supernatura articulate Volce, mere theange of the Loia; by hicli the Divine Being manifested his extraordinar presence, an mill to Moses an no an second inserior God personatim im, and acting in his name.
tientive to ver par of the liniverse, hic hebas made.
Iusti esse id not se his inconsistency, norponsideri how directi he 0ntradictedii apostla. by this fanc of his philosophy, in mining Christa inserior God, holersonated the supreme, and appeared to the patriarchs, an to Moses henis is most plaini declared by t. aut, shrem i. I. c. that ori ho a fundo times, an in divera manners, pati ix time pas uni uesathres di ve prophe a hao i these a d sio en uni us by his Son thereb expressi ed -- studin Christinom Win ministere is ori' havincta an commission om iam, in his public ministry bega in Judea, in the Isthyear of the eignis Tiberius, he he was ab tilliin yeam os age. uke iii. I. 22. 23.
Iustin's may f provis to the emperora thati mas Christ, an no the supreme Min his se , - an redis Moses. Dur authoc in his fir apology, after haring entione as a thing quite certain, his heathensi ce of his oWn that it mas Chri and nota
domo allo that it mas Christ, burrather the God, ,hose name is ineffabie, Who spine to Moses Busi for this, the prophetic spirit, by the abovementio sed prophet thus rebukes thema Isa. i. g. The με nometh his omner, and the af his motreb cribr lut lyrae riuiso know, m rapis doctiso con- Idem And Jesus Christ also reproves them, sor notanowing ho the Father, and who the Son