Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


the Lord, the Son, at ollier times Wisdom, an anget, at thera God, the Lord, the mord;

u Justi alludes o Jossi. v. a. e. here ther i. avIsson or manifestationis the divine presenee, exhibite is the appearance of a captain with a drawn inord, callinthimself, ea ratis νιε hos of ehomab. ut there is nothinnio mar out Christ, or an other but God himself and partie Iarly, since in continu tiono the fame vision ascit seems, i. a.


i. But Solomon millie Bunesto give no more muniena e to Iustin'si raster Plato's secondam and subordinate God and creator, than Moses.

An in the fitit place since e neve in myother par of his ritings, speas of an such grea Ming, distin fiet, God, e ma naturali and justi understan him here, hic hasbeen noted aboue p. 29 as describing theri iotyunder his attribute os missiom, represente M a Person alWays vim him, an his des hi, by a figure of speechisua missi me sacre an otherestreme mores ritera, to reac an impressine reade in a more lives an forcitae mamenthat the wMId Was made and is governe by themost perseet Wistam.


τεν Universisses. 173. 2. Isthere had reatly been lac a divine person,

semearly materis mankiud, as to have been theirmaer, and govemor, unde God, an Solomon ha --n it, e Maedio have contentes himself,ith intimatis it in suta an obscure ambiguous manner, ut mould have mentione it frequently an plates , V, a Was sal besore of ses, it ould have been his ut to have oldit, he would have been inexcuseable in the omis

But, meet wit nothingis the kind. In his solem prayer a me dedication of the templa, Where it might have been a proper placerio Motahe notice of soareat a Ming, exto the eteni hal, ith Whom the were is intimatet concemed,

is there ad been an secti there is no Godnamediu one Ie vis, acting by himself alone, he re prayer, an semiving the sis of his penitent creatures in language so distinct an expressive of the divine uni , se exclusive of Christor an other person, ascis impossibi to misconstrue

From the ser in particular exa nation os Iustin's arguments and thei tuming out is me an insuffclent, e re constratne is mine this genera insere e that his notion es Christaeinga second


Father of the universe, in his orta os creationand ovemment, is the fictionis Warm fan , derived from Plato's philosophy, and thence obtrudelhyinim po the sacred writings Moses and Solomon ming been shewn to have been totallyignorant of any iuch subordi'ae god, o an persen but one, Ming God, and the creator and go- vernor of the orid. An a Mosts, the divine lawgiver of the e , kne nothing of thei messis, Christ, einguo se any thinibu a manis thei nation, Who masto be bor in seme future time me mirat con Hude, rom his circumstanc ontra ad e notnumberles arguments besides that St. Joh in his gospe couid notareat os Christis thelogos, the I sord, a God of an fore concerned in the creation fiat things, when Moses consessedlyWas a strange to the existence of an such person, in his histor of the creation.


stive ax peremptor a sile. Gat oris mastri agent of the eur a res crearis of rhem Id, aeris his Ioveramens fit fumaris It has been made evident in thera ve instanc an mi mem in ali iners of the Lind. produce by Iustin that he is intires' mistinenis his explanatio of the scriptures of the old es tament, an in his applicationis them in Christ; an esse hat Moses an Solomon, oin . se wriring he would extras his notions, ere hol-ly unacquamae With there ein an suc inferior God an creator, as e mines them pein se familiari of neve namim, Pearing toknow of an otherethan ne person, Who a God,

and creator.

In the meanwhile, e re su riete vitii the ver positive tone, it Whicli mi mo man de livere himself e spolis asci est e said uponthe subject was demonstration, and incapable os heing constited an treat the e siue converses With, as mere cyphers, an totali ignorant of their own scriptures, se notuirin immediate credito his interpretatio of them


me mould have been at auos to account se histakingat si h a concela inducti arato manner, isti himself had notinive us a clue serrat Andine real solution os me matte is that Iustin agunde a delusion Varii imagining that he had a supernatura insight given him into the meaning of the sacred writings, in his respeet. In ne place immediatet besere e delivershis explanatio of the divine appearance to Jacob,

sact without an ari or em ilissiment of Words, sor,hich Iaavem talent. ut it hath pletaed God of his species samur, to impar to me the gist os understandin his scriptures and of this his grace to me, I callispo alla partiae Deel and without reWard; est, sermo com- municatini areat a benefit to thera I should myselfi condemned in theci mentishich the creator of the mori Wil exercise by our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the sam dialogue illi Trypho, P Us.


fit stior o God, and besere sive creatures i and at theriam time the son of the piniarchs, in much a he was descende froin them, i a virginof thei race, and becam an ordinar mor tal, exposed to ignomin and suffering Anytoward the end of his dialogue, Iustin says, Do ou hink. Sirs that me minit have been able o have understood thes things in the scriptures, unlesi, by the willis God, e had re- ceived the os fio him. As Iustin was a person finquestioned probity, me cannot doub of his sincerit in belleving himselfio have ad an extraordinar insight into the

scriptures given him by the Almighty though hemost , Wretchedi imposedipon himself incit. His

In the fame page, in Deut xxxiii 3.-37. he finda thexeat poWer and myster of the rosi, particulari in the uni


proo to us oscit an me an no more admitan ne revelation rom his o- - , Wit ut

κ. Dcannot here omit an emimi, hic Preceived frema personai g, of grint Mori and credit that a friend of his, severat ears ago, alliing it Baron Mede orgalong Cheapside, in ne pari, the Baron stadent bovied verylowHown to the ground when the gentIeman, listinchimu an astans, hat he Was a ut the Baron replied byashing his, is helaid not se Moses pas by and toldaim, that he had boine to him. A man that eould se Moses walhinnalong Cheapside, might see any thing. nd Iustin sword, and pretencessor Ming inspired, is as litile iobe trusted, who could ascribe a victor of the Israelites to the position os Moses' hanci, and to Jossiua's particular name.



stem to have been this Being of a Warm enthusiastic turn it struc his imagination stat Christwas the logos, si chie of thos emanations Domthe supreme eing, of Whicli his favourite lato spolie. An as fiat e much Wim, me asty persuade ou elves o be me, he was te to fancy, that he had a private revelation om God thathis in vas extraordinarit enlightene to ste, that it mas Christ, a the logos, ho mas mentione by oses an Solomon in hos passages, in hieli, have sten him se egregiolis mis-

What might a fir promine, an continuallyconfirme this disposition in Iustino exalt thecharacter os Christ, a the mame of the rosi, the dismae of hising the tander of his nemre . ion, a mere suffering mortes; hic Wasiuighth observe a Ve. Itis remiskable that he seldom mentions this laeter circumstance, o Christ' being of the human race, aut he immediatet endemour to te