장음표시 사용
cerning his supposed divine generation. In his apolog to the emperors, aster a fine passage, in hic he describes the pure an rationes Ormi whicli the christians at to the creator of the universe, e says a) I mali ste.
ed by Ρontiustilate, the procurator of Judea, in the eig of Tiberius Caesar homo are taught to have been the Son of the iij true God, and old hi in the secon rank and in the inita, the prophetic spirit. aut in this me ore counte tot persens ut o our senses, in assigning the secondilaceraster in uncta eatae and terna God, and isther of es things, o a man ibat mas puto deat vomue erose But the knowno the greatis terrinat is incit. litile aster he me omllius to acquaint the --
undergone different ind of death so that in his peculiar hind of death Iesus hia nothing more reproachful than they 'ut hois farrae surpassed
It is tot lamented that Iustin idio alWaysabide by sis superior excellenc os mores character, a Christ' greatest honou and dignit sinceit is in iiself the hi est possibi persection: insteado placiniit, in a supposed preexistence, and a faneisul divine generation.
Iusti mas the inventor of the doctrine of Christ spreMisenee, and of his bring the agent f hedeiu in the old Totament. I ma hinc be inserreri that Justis a the fissi minor an propagator of the doctrine es Christ
being an inferior God, and subordinate creator olthe worid. For his assertions that he had a divine gis bestowedimn him, hereb he seundout lus in the scriptures of the old Testament, bespea it to have been quite a nemining to his,unheard of and unknown hesore. Is he had been apprieted that others ad publime the same doctrine e re him, he would not have pretended tothe discovery alone, an taken the credit o it in bimself For sthough muc mistaken in this indother mattera, he was a most honest man, and sem
judge Without rejudice, ill eis suffieient onfutatio of that imaginar preexistence, MehJusti Would give to Christ, an a proo that he was intiret one of the human race For is sucha doctrine had been true, that Christ, in any stiape,
or unde any character halsoever, ad been the agent of the deity, in the creationis in universe, an astemard his minister in the MVemment pa
ticulari of this globe that, inhabit caesit ea ining possibie, that he hould neve have told sowonde ut a thin to his discipies, and that theymould o have mentione ito thei discipies, And
transpired. For it has been sieWn that allatat languam, of comis θη- Gia, ominiis infremheaven, and the liue, signifie nothin more than his having an extraordinar divine commission topreac the gospeL Anfit has been osten, and rightly and justly observed, on these occasions that nomoticeis taenis Christ asinining preexisted no respector regatas mentione in the scripture, as pata orto besai to him, ut so the character Whic heso nobi sustaine asin humanaeire in this morid. The highest prasse recorded asalven to his, is ascribe in him, a to the iam that mas suis raro to the Eternat, or the Minynex to theatemnat, or condescendiu to come mam; ut in the holy an innocent Iesus ho mihingi su rendered his life in the cause of truth and of humanhappinest. So that a no account is madet mything that he was or did, esere his birth in Judea, Me must conclude that he hadio character besorestat time, and that the was the date of his ex
Is it stould e nid that besere the age of Iustri, Barnabas ad spoken o Christis Ming
ncerne in the creationis the, M. I,ould bellem to resera another place c), ora funconsiderationis the languam sed by this venera '
period, ad suchis age of allegorigin everything in the old Testament, an applyincit to Chri and the gospei, that there is no possibilityos collecting thei real sentimenta; fm could be
quiring mith exactnes into suc matters se id he perplexe Willi the languam concerning Christ, Whic is ound in another of the apostolic famem; I would take occasion here brieflyrio an that withrespexi me epimes of Ignatius, it is universassyallowed that libentes have been tae With them, by different parties of christians and I mould only
With ur New Testamen inourheads, Mnwe find such lan age, me must say that the good fathe went heyond his rute, in talkinii suci a different strain from that of the scriptures, in makin Christ an thin above the condition o a Creature, and in applying the sacre nam os Godso familiari to im But it is most probabie, that the ord, God in these places, assut in by ome copyists, who ished to mine this early writer appea to favour thei peculiar sentimenta
The earl Arsian writers ho eam after Iustin, adoptia uis notionis Christ being the agent, and representatis of the Deit in the old Testament. But though, cannot ahe Iustin's Word with- t mos that he had a particular illumination
mon, as an inferior God an unde creator and vernor of the orta besore he ecam man; and are moreove persuade stom examining theirown Words, and the weanes of Iustin's inserences fiom them, thalmeither Moses nor Solomon kneψMight of Christ' preexistence, or of the existenceo an lac greataeing With God it a never- theses a doctrine se palatable, an agroeable totheraearne of thos times, ho ad embracedestristianity that the greater par of them receivedit impliciij, and even improve o Justin's in
I his excellent person' -- piet and many virmes, adde to the authoritative ir hic heassumed of one reali belleving himself to e in-*ires, go in ascendant ver men's mi s and made them ais harine sal to earum Without examination. M ascit is of importance to maeout esearly to ali christianseople, o suta a delusion concerning Christ' preexistence, obtainedari ting, an spreta Gel to suci an extent, it illae proper se me to Produce instanees, Domsonae of the principes christian sithera, an successes of Justin, notimining other Marium Mntimes, o me the extrem readines missi Whichthe aB seli into this notion, and thei speining ofata iting the ining as a rea faci, Without the
g. Universitiss. 187least distrast, a the would any the most ac omlage se in the scriptures, though nothing morethan his Mod man's ancilii comment pon
ωργον.- . e. meli does Iustis Melare in his tremis against Marcion Rould not have belleved the Lor himseILε is he his auth an otheret be God than the creator. Irenaei p. Ed Mataei. P. 33. Marcion as a learne man, cotemporar Wit Iustin, o seli into ver extravagant errors. e Mas ne of those early christians, potnte at above, p. 32, Who, Doughignorance, and wron viems of the system os nature, and of the imperfections of the lewissi dispensation maintained thatit a seme inserior God vilio was the creator, and giver of the laW and that desus Nachol the so of the creator, but fame hom the supreme Father, hen Pontius pilat was
Iet u ma e man after our mage and likenes. Ho
procurator of Iudea, under Tiberius Cesar and thathe was manifestexto the jein ima human sermoto dissolve the laπ and ille propheis, an to correet the work of the gor o made the worid: Iesum autem ab eo Patre, qui est super mundi fabricatorem deum, venientem in Iudeam, tempori-hus Ponti Pilati praesidis, qui fuit procurator Tiberii Cesaris, in hominis foris manifestatum his qui in Jude erant, diubluentem prophetas et legem, et omnia opera ejus dei, qui mundum fecit. Idem ibidem p. Io6.co Adest enim Deo semper, verbum et Sapientia, filius et spiritus, per quos, et in quibus, omnia libere et sponte
fecit; ad quos et loquitura dicem, faeiamas hominem ad imaginem et militudinem nostram, P a 3.
9 Homo autem, ut secundum similitudinem Dei
sermatus est, et per manus Hu plasmatus est, hoc est, persilium et spirituma quibus et dixit, Gen. i. 6. iacia- ι
g Et iterum in eversione Sodomitarum Scriptura ait, Miluit Dominussore Sodomm et Gomorrham, ignem resusura Domino
here intended. continues Irenaeus, p. 9O- ,ho is the person that conversed milli Abraham, and who received pomer fio the Fatheroo punissi in Sodomites sor heir ichednest Irenaeus here coptes Iustin's istae in grammati in brin ing in the Son and mahing tW person coneemed, Where oses intended onlyine.
no Domino de cinis. Filium en1m hic significat, qui et Abrahae colloquutus sit, a patre accepisse potestatem ad judicandum Sodomitas, propter iniquitatem eorum P, 8o. hJ Propter hoc judaei excesserunt a Deo. Verbum eius non recipientes, sed putantes per seipsum Patrem sine verbo, id est, Me filio, posse cognoscerea Deum nescientes eum qui in figura loquutus est humana ad Abraham, et iterum ad Moysem, dicentem, videns miri et,exationem populi mei iun to et defendi Iiberare eos. Haec enim filius, qui est ver bum Dei ab initio praestruebat. P. μή