장음표시 사용
had notarought another God therion, along withhim to the rearing of the book of Moses Andyoia cannot ut observe here, homae cites inclmisapplies, Matth. i. 7. in his allusion to it of noming the ather mithout the unci a Iustin haddone besere him.
error conceratu Christ. CLEMENTAE Alexandria in Egypt a most learnedman, and ingenious, animaled writer supposta tohave been originalty a heathena lived a the lalterend of the secon centum me fin his ostencelebrared a president of the famous school in that cima here an eminent persons Orige and others, ere bre u unde him. He Was a manos deeppiet and Virrue an a reacher of thegospe in angemus times. ne of his orica, intille thetaedagogue, i. e. the Schoesmaster, is Writte pur set to serm the mind of Dum tomodness, o mata them no ovi scholare, ut belle men βεMiωσαι, ου διδαξαι It is stillis excellent things; ut ould have been ea mitti
tures in no notice of an sueti imaginar persenage, and Godmimis alone is intended. ouwill see his manner, in the sello ing extrins and quotations rom his single Work.
dently hews our master, and the care he taes. in another time, heiwn himself the master,
wis to e accounte ser ut by supposing thateither Clement thought himself inspired, o soll-ed one homine belleve to have a divine gist os interpreting the scriptures, hicli Justin pretendedio te possesse of in the way strem aboVe. What consused or learne me alleia be-gana make, With thei thus introducing Christ asa second
D rom his strange rhapsody, asciscit as of divine auctori , Archbistio Pottet gravet concludes that ,e have a most ample testimon to the consubstantialitv of the Son of God, and to his true divinity, and to that of the hol spirit, against the Arians. Porro amplissimum hoc του os οουσι filii dei, eiusque ac S. Spiritus verae divinitatis, contra Arianos. testimonium est ot in loe.
O Tertulli ' cynia is sustin, error uerat Ichrist.
TERTυLLIAN, the most antient os the latin fa- thera, ourimed about the ear oci. Hemas aman os great earning and irreproachable character , ut severe in his temper, and give to carrethings to extremes.
Whatae advances aster Iustin, o the subjecto Christ eing the acting God of the old worid, is a proos of this. ne instance rom him illsumce. It is taken Dominis book against Ρraxeas, who as unquestionabi a Unitarian, though Tertullian milander o an misrepresent his sen-
l, sic omn1 per filium facta sunt, et sine illo factum est nihil. Nec putes sola opera mundi per filium facta, sed ex qua a deo extode gesta sunt. Pater enim qui diligit filium, et omnia tradidit in manu ejus utique a primordio μl;git, a primordio tradidit. Ex quo a primocdio sermo erat apud deum, et Deus erat sermo, cui data est omnis potestas a patre in coelis et in terra. Non judicat pater quenquam, sed omne judicium tradidit illo primordio tamen. omnem
omnem enim dicens potestatem, et omne judicium, et omnia per eum sacta, et omhia tradita in manu eius, nullam exceptionem temporis permittit: quia omnia non erunt, si non
omnis temporis suerint. Filius itaque est qui ab initio iudicavit, turrim superbissimam elidens, linguasque dispertien, orbem totum aquaram violentia puniens, pluens super Sodoniam et Gomorram ignem et sulphurema Dominus a Domino. Ipse enim et ad humana colloquia semper descendit: ab Adam usque ad patriarchas et prophetas in visione, irrsomnio,&c Ac. Tertullian adversus Praxem, P. SO9-
mas ho almus defrende to converse mire mans Had frem Adam Boen to the patriarchs and propheis; in visions by dreams. c. 'This is a semple o Tertullian's anne os provinchis favourite potnts by quotinistraps fio different paris os scripture, and putting chem ogether accordm to the ound an a theysuite his present fanc an purpose, Withou any
attention to What the writer intended a methodo interpretin the scriptures stili ver common, and by hic an absili dit ma he grastediponthem. When once a minis Warin imagination,
like Tertullian, persuade himself, that the pre face of St. John'sa,pe was intended to describe Christ, a the Imia, as a seconii God by Whom est things ere made therest solio si course. Though either Moses, nor blamon, o any other of the sacre writers aclino lege them- stlVes, o representis, of the oly men hosthistor the giveras, acharin any the least knowlege of such a secon God the -- , et ascitis ahen or grante that he made es things, hemust gover them to and by setting thesim gination to ossi, it is east accomplimed. Thisne God the Vord, the Son is very thing. Ali communication to an transactions mith the
is3 το ue ouu of the creatures are madet Um. The fovereigniora and parent of ali hingsiecomes an die spectator, Who has nothingo do But ait his aer fabrici Vanisties Way, When rought to the test of --rnon sense, and the scriptures. One personinlyis there spolie of throughout a bein God; Without an coadjutor, o representative Andthe wormi os patriarch and propheis, of Christand of his apostles, is directed to this single perisnof Jel ovis, the supreme aster in heaven, and o no ther hesides him.
EusEBIus, the jussi celebrate ecclesiasticat historian, a mapis genius and extensive learn, ad polite Writex, shali clost. the list of the antient ; of thos men, Who ver principali contribute to promine and cur on the delusion, Whrcii
be ad received stomaho that wenti ore him, Mad hicli made Christ, in agent of the deityin the creation, and throughout the whole old Testament. Abating his fine strians of eloquence, Eusebius illi seundo exact copter of Jussin, though he much improved and extended inisheadien
iversites. 199 athen invention. ear the egmning of his ecclesiastica history, e thus launches ut D; language an e uincient o expres the raceand splendor, he jub ance an natur of Chri . AEdiencerit is, that the divise piris ait in ueprophecies Whoeshali declare his generationi or