장음표시 사용
osten a calla mention the fies, fio Isaiah is a ron transsatio of the prophet' Words, hospeah no os Christ' generation, ut of the meno that generation, bywhom Christ was se creellytreated. An in the ther passage, ait. i. T. he intiret mistahes the meaning o Christ; hois no sayin an ining of the natur of the Fa-ther, oris his own nature, ut of the will of the supreme Father of hichine ni mas the depositar and theresere non couldie suli acquainted Mithrat, ut by communications rom him. Having nex cited in a solemn manner, Iota l. I. In the betinnis mas ue ord, c. a tracting
spake, and the were made: he commanded, and the were created thus iatroducing the F theras. Hist. ecl. p. s.
This eloquent declamatio mant nothing ut truth to recommend it this earne mandav-ing suffere himself to e imposed pon, and
imposing pon thera in it. Forraeither osses, nor Abraham, o any of the propheis and right ous en, amed in the scriptures, appear eVer toliave nown much lesio have orshiped, nysuch inferior go an subordinate creator, as hedescribes. Eusebius then proceeds to give particular instances, produced by Justin before him, in hic he
Who appeared to Abraham, Gen. xviii. ' in the plain of amres That Moses evidenti stiles
In Eusebius' Preparatio Evangelica, Most os these texis re again o cited, and applied in Christ, a this reat preexistent eing, of Justin
Martyr' first invention; together With other passages fio the old Testament. t in his the large oin his DemoUratio Evangelica, he enter more minutet into the doctrine of the generation o Christ the Vord, asproducessio Godictore the creation, and aliis
as his instrument in mining and governing the worid. M in consequence of his fuli persuasiono this imaginar preexistence of Christ, he nevehmeet mith the term the mord, o any thing of the hind, in the bible, ut his imagination immediatet transfer ita Christ. And thus the superior abilities of this most cap ble defender of the truth, ere diverte fronathei prope an most beneficia channe in his valvabie and sese Writingsu an employed in distorting the scriptures rom thei plain and natura sense, to favour an imaginar dignit and
hio antiquit of our Saviour Christ , instea ofdisplaying, halcis offa more orth an excellence in an creature, his high ossice from God, to Promole the virtve and ternat happines of man-kind, and his om consummate Viriue, an benevolent labour an suffering unt deam, in
De. Ferverso of the hebrem scripturas by thesaatian aures, as ibo re calle . In the work of tires ecclesiastica writers, and leavi: rs of the christian orla Justin, Irenaeus, Clentaen Alexandrinus, Tertullian and Eusebius, at of thena copter afre the fies in respect of thesia exo our inquiry it is pronounce in themost decisive te s. that God together Wit his Mord, the Son, are the prime authors of everythin throughout the universe; the Son, an inferior God ministring to the supreme, and whois ais, represente a particulari appearing, and actin for him throughout the whole old Testament. An according to this idea, constructions intiret soreign to the thoughts of the sacred
and whereve God is Dido command an minia the immediatet sanc that he specilis to Christ. Thus, o nam no more instances, Eusebius 1, applies o Christ, s xxxiii. 9 He sale, an it
was done he commandia, and the cvere creaud
Eusebius, sussis these philosophi notions and pre-judices about two Gods, fir an a second,
ine sumst In ne of Which, xxxiii. s. thepsalmist beautissili describes it What ast aab a Word' speahing the Gnidit made themorid, and accomplissies ali his purposes Andis f. vii that he saves his creatures, hen aliother hesps an remedies are ineffectual. Νeve mouid his celebrate writer haveribundChrist, a secon God an creator in an of the innumerable passage of scripture he has produce
the idea. Interpretiui the lan age of scripture, a common sense dictates a the Mesem -- lanmage it is have in ali times undevio cit: that God's Word, Udom, spirit, is hic hedoes ver ining is himself, a the oes, Wisi dom, spiritis a man, are theman himself anda end Will e ut is his ne secon God and creator, Mich these christia facter have palmed υpon the mori these fifteen hundred ears and thereby to se no more of the mischief the have caused have inderet couaues multitudes stomembracing the gospei.
assertisas, versome eminent modere chrisurus. We cannot onder, that in the an dare
ages that solioWed the time o Eusebius, henthe civit pomer fir interposed unde the emperor Constantine, to stabili the belle o Christ's divinit by confiscation an Math, clam hicli
has continue in ali christian countries, missi greater ordesi severit to this Mur that se. ni ladare o speculate pon, and cal in question, hisso many Venerable famers, a therare called, had
stilled, and whic haesis sanctionis such -- ful authority. ut ne is su rized that in thedays of our fathers, the justi celebrared Dr Claris, Who Ventured opeia is pubiissi his dissent Domthe doctrine of the Trinit by la establistaed, stould suffer himself to e dagetled by the aut rit an assertions of Justis, henae remus With approbation thesayings of this antient isther, that in jews mere reprove by the prophet Isaiah in by Christ, or imagining that it a the fallier of the nrverse, ho spine to Moses, hen it was indeed in Son o God, ho is assed the ange an messenge of the ather d
again, quoting thos other Messi Iusti that the appearance, hicli Moses iam Exod. iii. 3. -6. Was both an angelland God; et it a not God the creator of the universe, hicli then sata to Moses, that he was u God of Abraham, rhe
GOLU Isaac, and the God of Dcob. ut it Was . the person, homine says, he had besore stemed tes have appeare to Abraham, an to Jacob. an at the judgment of Sodom, ministring to the will of the Father q).'How humiliatiniis it an may wel mahe allother modest, and distruaeial of themserues, o stelliis eminenti learne man, and able re oneri gi inlinio tu Mah, nsupporte concelli a condGod ministring to the supreme, hicli Iustin imponed stomaelato's philosoplis into christianit' and not able to discern me misrepresentation Dinose passage of scripture allaged by this antient,riter, hut so blindefas to bring himselfio belleve, that the ole natio of the jews id notan- - Wasthe particula God, ho spokerio Moses, and de- livered to them thei law: nay, it might be ad-ded that non of the natio everane cit, romthe beginning For it has been ad evident, matncither Moses, nor an of the propheis, ad any
idea themserues, or ver gave the remotest in
τω iniversiis: eto, representative, o that acte foraim; much less