The Tusculanan disputations. Book first. The dream of Scipio ..

발행: 1851년

분량: 240페이지


분류: 미분류


BOOK FIRST ΗΑΡ. I. 105Lii ius Andronicus). The earlieS Roman poet, a sar aspoetica literature i concern ed. Ennius. The ather of Roman epic Oetry, and distinguishe also as a dramatist; Orn 239 B. C. Plautus. The mos celebrate comi poet o Rome bornabo ut 254 B in die 184. Naevius. Α Roman epi and dramati poet bor probablybetw001 274 and 26 B. C. Qui fuit major natu quam Plautus et Naevius Thi paS- Sage ha Salven commentator no liti te dissiculty. The positionis qui ould seem to mali it necessar that trahould ereferre to Ennius as iis antecedent; ut the ac is that Ennius a no olde than Plautus and aeviUS,aut oungerthan Elther. Is then, e retain the Teadin qui fuit . . . . Naevius, e muS either SuppoSe, illi Davis that Cicero has made her or paλμα μνημιονικον, Or e muSt, ille relli, Eloig, and Moser, reser the relative to Livius aciis antecedent.

The explanation iven by avis that Cicero in his pas- Sage made a mistali in regardo his facts - is righil rejected by mos scholar as altogether improbabie, particularly Sinue in his Brutus, viii. , he oint O ut an cen Sures the Same mistali in the annalis Accius hicli is here chargodupon himself. The ther alternative, clo reser the qui toLivius, cis Hected by illiner, ecauSe in the syst placu, he SayS, Such A the natur of the relative prono vn that itou hi tot reserre t the nou neX precedin g, and in the Seston place, an addition Such a i containe in the clauso qui fuit . . . . Naevius S feebl and nappropriate, speciali in this place, here there Si diScUSSion abo ut the ratio temporum, ut a mere paSSin alluSion is made to the ago os Livius. e thiniis, theresore, that the paSSage a firSt writ-ten on the margin o a S. y Some commentator, o desine more recisely the age of LiViuS, and that i asterward creptinio the texi an he ineloSe these ord in brachel in his edition. Some ther eminent editor tali the fame vie of the subjeci and accordirigi Wolfimit altogether the words


106 TUSCULAM DISPUTAT ΙΟΝS. et Naevius, an brachel the est, an Selisit an Tregder

but punctuates a solio S Livius f. dedit, C. , C. f., M.

T. conSulibuS, a. a. n. Ennium qui s. m. n. q. Plautus, et Naesius thia maliing the grammatica constructionis Naevius the Same a thati Livius. 4e n Sufficient reaSon,

howeVer, O changing the readirigat veri by the SS. The Separation os qui rom it antecedent Livius is not illi ut precedent in ther paSSages in Cicero Billerbec cites

de N. D. I. XXiii. 65 nor, grantin it to e an inaccuracyi style, is it at ali incredibi that Cistero hould have

been guill of Some in adverte ne in compoSition. The parenthetica natur Os the clauS C. Claudis, C. f., M. T. c. a. a. n. Ennium, the whole of hiuli is introduce simpl tomarii th time hen Livius exhibited his I res play, malle theirregula poSition Os qui, Scit appear t me, noer naturalone. Nor is there an dissiculi in justis ying the allusionis Cicero, in his place, O the comparative age of LiviuS, Nee-vius, an PlautuS. The three ere early contemporarieS, Livius 6xhibitin his sirs play hen Plautus a abo ut Ourteen ear Old, and ut eas sive ear bes ore thetarest dram os Naeviu wa enaeted There appear t have been in Cicero' age Some dispute in regari to the time heri tho irstplay of Livius a brought 0rward, and Accius S cen Sured by Cicero, in the passage in Brutus ses ore alluded to, forasSigning a date revious to hiuli plays ad been atready exhibito by both Plautus and sevius Cicero ma haVethought it neceSSary then, o mention the aut that Livius wa olde than these two dramatistS in Orde to mali clearthe oin So essentia tu his argument, that Livius a thesirs Roman who could properi be calle a poet.

II. Vel . . . . el. Vel . . . . vel denotes a diStinction, in v hiuli ho ever both member may be connected part0. . . .


lates onlyrio a disserence of erpression. 436 Se also Z. 339. B. 236 and 23 T. Originibus. The Origines os . Porcius Cato Censorius, an historical orti containing a histor of the Roman iuges, of the origis of th Italian Howns, and of the sirs and econdΡuni War the narrative of evenis a continued ais to theyearis Cato' death, B C. 149. Solito esse .... virtutibus. r. acaula combine the

Huic generi to this ClasS, . . t poetS.

Oratio Catonis. Supposed to e the oration againSt Servius Galba, ho was essended by the Fulvii. M. Nobiliori. M. Fulvius obilior, ho conquere the. Et aliaris f. Orat pro Archia, i. Brut. XX. Quod .... durisset. Quod in his Subordinate clauso du-notin a reas in is followed by the Subjunctive, ecause therea Son S gi ven aeuordin to the vie w of another paris Cato),who is represented a the agerit in the proposition in qua objecit, etc. upon hiuli his depentis h357. a. Autenri. his ord is frequently used by Cicero to intro- duee an Xplanator parentheSi as, infra iii. 6 feri autem

introduce by autem is no a mere Subordinate to the preced- in clause, ut it add a ne thought, and contain an independent proposition. itfine poliat out the resemblance be-

tween his Latin partiole and the Greel δε. Si qui an elegant expression or ii qui F. A. Wolf stiterunt Steppe sortii made thei appearance austraten F Α. Wolf0.4. Fabio C. Fabius Pictor, ho patrite tho templo os Salus, hich wa dedicated B. c. 302. his patritin g, hichmus have been On the wali of the temple, a probablya representation os the batile hieli Bubulus ad gainedagainst the Samnites It is the earli est Roman work os artos this kiud of hicli, have an record.


od with tho suggestion that it id not exist in fael. V. 424. Quod pingeret Quod but o quia is ut illi vertis for phrases Whicli ignis pratSe bla me complaint, UrpriSe,

with a subjunctive solio in g, here e State both the reasonand an asSertio by another part that the fac is So. N M.L357. a in n. his claus is also an essentia par of a proposition Standin in the subjunctive. Multos . . . . futuros fuisse. . 493. n. Otice ho muchmore livel the expression is made by this se of the fui. part with fuisse than it ould have been illi the simpleptupers. Subj fuissent. Futuros fuisse meanS, o Simplywould have been, ut ould have been ready to come forward. Pohycletos et Parrhasios. Olycletus as One of the OSt celebrated Statuarie os Greec Seulptor, an architectoanda artis in toreulie ParrhaSius asine of the mos distinguished Greel painterS. Honos alit artes, etc. The ines of Martiat, Epigr. VIII. lvi. 5 sq. have been quoted in illustratior of this passage Sint Maecenates, non deerunt, Flacce, MaroneS; Virgiliumque tibi vel tua rura alunt. So to Valerius Maximus II 6 5 Virtutis uberrimum alimentum est honos Seneca Epist. 102 Antiquus poeta ait: Laus alit artes Orat pro Archia, i in init. Jacentque .... improbantur. Α Simila sentimentia sistenellodorom Plato, Lib. VIII. De ep. 'Aσκειται δη τυ ει

τιμω μενον, ἀμελειται δε ὁ τιμa μενον. Summam eruditionem .... in . . . . cantibuS Ita ut διιου- σους Ossarent in Ct0S, et musice nomine Omnem doctrinam

Et Epaminonda .... ThemiStocleSque D. . . . que are


ΒΟΟὐ FIRST CHAP. II. III. 109oni mundos a l0ose Way os connecting tw propOSitionS. Vid. De Finn. V. 22. N. 435. Obs 1 frui. 402. Annis. . L476. Ernesti, illiner an Some ther edi- tors, O the authorit OfieVeral MSS. read annos. Quum . . . . recuSaret. Imperfectum Significat, Themistoclem eodem tempori puncto, quo lyram recu3abat, indoctiorem habitum esse, ut vidit rellius. ' Mithrier, Ernesti, an F. Α. Wolf read recuSaSSet. Indoctior See B. 85 n. Id. A constructio ad sententiam B id is orae under-stood music the idea os,hicli is implied in musici. s. De Nat Deorum I. XXXi. 88 non vestro more, sed dialecticorum, quae funditus gens vestra non novit, etc. 5. Nihil Osten used os persons, in the SenSeis nemo, particularly ith a comparative. Terenue, Eun. V. Viii. 21 Sq. Nihil est Thaide hac tua dignius quod ametur. epoS, Alcib. I. nihil eo fuisse acellentius vel in vitiis vel in virtutibus. Cicero ad Famm. IV. 4. Tuscul. III. X. 22. Brutus, XXXiX. 144 nihil erat Crasso copiosius Liv. III. 14. 5. Quidquamis in ille maniter sed sor personS, in the SenS O quisquam. Brutus xl. 148: noli existimare his duobus quidquam fuisse praestantius. So quid sor quis, Catul. X. 11 quantum sorquot o quotquot Ter Heaut . IV. V. 6 tui. iii 2 X. 10. III. Galbam. Servius Sulpicius Galba, consul B. C. 144. Sue Cicero' Brutus, XXi. - XXiv. Africanum P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus Minor, consul B. c. 147, but Ounge than Galba See Brutus xxi. Laelium. C. Laelius, urnamed SapienS, OnSul B. C. 140; tho intimate friendi Africanus the Ounger Se Brutus,

Lis Wols, relli, Jotet an Mose rea his Tregder, Κύhner, and ischer, iis . - Iis anteibat Z. 487. i. 46. Catonem. See supra, ii 3. Lepidum M. Lepidus Porcina, consul B. o. 138. Se Bru


110 TUSCULAN DISPUTATION S. Gracchos. The brothers Tiberius Sempronius and Caius

Semproni US.

Cederetur S. 262, Rem. I. B. 41.Lumen litterarum. f. Orat pro Archia Vi. 14. Illustranda et eicitanda. Elegans verborum delectus Philosophia, quae jacuit, ercitatur, quae nullum habuit lumen litterarum, illustratur. N illiner. For a simila oppoSitionosiacitare illi jacere, Se De Amicit. XVi. t. . . . proSimus S. 9 262. Si possumus See B. 129 n. 6. Libri Latini. . . . non satis eruditis Cicero reser to Some Roman Epicureans li had written book On philoSophy. Ab optimis illis quidem viris, sed ' men ho were Ice lent, Certain ly but .... The demonstrative illis Sed redundantly illi quidem. Ushen the parti te quidem Stand witha conceSSive Signification indeed, certainly), with a predicate verbis adjecti re), illi sed following, it is in the est,riters no connecte immediatet with the ver o adjective, ut a prono unci in Serte bes ore quidem, hich eorresponds to the word of hicli the predicat is concede d namely, equrdem sorego quidem ), nos quidem, tu quidem, vos quidem, ille more

raret is quidem. V M. 9 489. b. Cf. Z 744. So ipse quidem, Brutus, X. 35 Tum fuit Lysias, ipse quidem in causis

forensibus non versatus, sed egregie Subtilis scriptor atque elegans. The formula ille quidem . . . . sed Occur With particular frequene in theirutus So ille quidem . . . . verumtamen IXViii. 239, lxi. 220. Optimis is here sed ironicallyri a bonus in the Andriam Tereiace, III. v. 10 V. i. 5. t recte qui Sentiat. . . . eloqui non possit. hil OStratus, in his Lloes of the Sophisis, describe onera γνωνa με περιττος, ἐρμηνευσα δε περιττος DaviS. - is one. It i herethe horte form of the indefinite pronoun, Willio ut the characteriStic presi ali. It is used here an indefinite subjec or

Se infra xvi. 38, note On quidem.


BOOK FIRST CHAP. III. IV. 111 Et id . . . . polite eloqui non possit. Et is here elegantly usod in the sense of et tamen. o Tacitus, HiSt. II. XX. Speciosis et irritis nominibus.

Qui .... possit. See note est. 1 quae .... pertinerent.

Cum suis H. e sui similibus. Mit Gleicligesiniaten. Oratoriae laudis. Somuli ner, lotZ Tregder, and OtheIS. Orelli and Moser, oratoriae laudi. Attulimus Scit populo Romano. Illa manabant. Illa reserendum est ad aliquid, in quo ineSt notio numeri pluralis aliqua, nonnulla in ' Mulinor. IV. T. Aristoteles. Cf. ad rem De Orat. III. XXXV. 141. Quintilian, Inst. Orat. III. 1.

Scientia multifaria doctrina. Τ pia Ustimen Orationi aureum. Dicere . . . . jungere These infinitive depend ach pondocere. Etiam is to berialien illi dicere. Prudentiam philosophiam. Pr. c. log jungere prudentiae eloquentiam adjungere.

1Τn like υτ . . . . τε in recth. Quae . . . . pOSSet FO an X planatio of the ense of this Verb See note Onci. 1, pertinerent and contineretur. Nos studiose dedimus Thus OS recent editor read although the SS. generally, and many editorS, ea nos tudiose operam dedimus. Scholas disputationes philosophicae. Meterrem hae disputationes, qua Tullius scholas appellat, disserunt ab iis, quae proprio nomine disputationum Vocantur, quale Sunt Academicae, de Finibus, de . . de Divinatione. In scholis unus est, qui velit doceri, alter, qui doceat auditori parte eae Sunt, Ut pareo Obloquatur, neque alio conSilio, nisi ut alteri facultatem praebeat Suam X plicandi Sententiam in disputationibus variarum disciplinarum philosophi inducuntur ita disputanteS, Ut Suae quiSque Seetae Sententiam defendat. Auderemus. e liould Xpec here the present tens in


osten, as in thi instance, accommodates his eXpreSSion S, Otto tho de of the sentence, but to the formis the proposition; and thus e malles here the perseet dedimus contro the tenseos auderemus. Very numer ius Xamples of thi conStructionmight be cited. Tuum post discessum. The departur os Brutus into Gallia Cisalpina, o whicli province he was made Overno by Cae-

ed in des eiice of thei eterna abodes. From th bank of Laliu


ΒΟΟΚ FIRST CHAP. IV. 113 Rugillus to th gale o Tusculum the acclivit was Studdedwith the lea svre-houses of the obtest families os Rome. The pages os Cicero commemorate the villas of Balbus, of Brutus, of Julius Caesar Os CatuluS, Metellus, CraSSu S, and Pompotus os Gabinius, uouilia S, LentuluS, and Varro. Accordingly the retreatis the literar StateSmania Zed ponthe centre os his deares interestes, and wa Surrounded by theliaunis os his frien d and rivals It was here that, at a laterperiod, hen his Ortune Were ree StabliShed, e composed some of the mos abstrae of hi philosophica speculations; but even theSe tuo, partook of the air of the cit and tho tonuo praetica liseri the interlocutor of his dialogue ere thesam mori hom he had usi est belli nil a Rome or homi, might en eo uriter among the hady wallis a Iound him tho subjectis thei converSationes neve wandered Soriar froni theirdail concern a notrio ad mitis con Stant application to the times, an illustration rom them. privale' Histornos the Romans unde the Empire, Ol. I. p. 366 369. Quid possem. I.*552. B. Q 52. - Α. S.*265. Declamitabam Declamitare means o speast for the ak of practice frui. XC. Ponere propos a subjeci; like the Greeli τιθλαι. Quis See notem iii. 6. Id id Ad aliquid disputare dicitur, certi rebu vel quaestionibus propositi diSSerere, et Seeundum ea certa via ac ratione instituere sermonem Vel diSputationem. -Hand S Tur- sellinus, Ol. I. p. 110.

Quasi agatur. The subjunctive is Sed in ali propositioris anneXed by particle os comparison, in hich omoth in is stated that oes no actuali exist, ut is only assume sortii salie os comparison a is hypothetica propositions of comparison). In EngliSh the imperfeci and luperfectore employed in Such propoSitiora S, in orde to express liat is meret assumed; ut in Latin the subordinate is regulated by the lua diri proposition, and has the imperfecti pluper-


V. . . . . . . TheSe letters are antiri in almostat thum S S., and were evidenti inserted by Some editor tomarii the paris of the two interlocutor in the dialogue. A. is variousi talion to denote Iuditor, Adolescens, Atticus, and Iulus M a Signifyin MagiSter an Marcus. Considern a standinisor Auditor, M. O Magister.

genia in Euripides

Malum, and miserum, elow, have the orcem Substantives. NeceSSE S . . . . misero esse. V. 625.10. Num te illa terrent. U Sometimes a direct question is put after dic Or quaero, here an in direct ne might have been empl0yed. M. 456, Obs. 3. Mento . . . . TantaluS. A troeliale tetrameter catalectic. Some editor read enectus Tantalus siti.

ro, in the Orator, lviii. 16I, Suy Quin etiam, quod jam subrusticum videtur, olim autem P0litiuS, eorum erborum, quorum eaedem erant postremae duae littera quae Sunt in Optumus, postremam litteram detrahebant, nisi vocalis insequebatur. Ita non erat ostensio in verSibus, quam nunc fugiunt potetae novi. Ita enim loquebamur Qui Si omnibu' princepS, non, Omnibus princeps et, ita illa dignu' locoque, non, dignUS. - Κuliner compares illi his verse of an id poet the lines in the Odys-My, i. 593-600, and remarli that the wOrd saatim sudans nitendo correspond well,ith the Greeliacia aνω ωθεσκε ποτὶ

λοφον, and repreSent Vividi the weariSome laboris Sisyphus. Hilum This ord is the oot of nihilum - ne hilum)and nihil. It is mostly Sed illi a negation e g. Ueret. iii 843 Nil igitur mors est, ad nos neque pertinet hilum. b. iii 221, 785 v I 408. Enn. apud Varron iV. L. L. XXii.