The Tusculanan disputations. Book first. The dream of Scipio ..

발행: 1851년

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ΒΟΟΚ FIRST CHAP XIII. XIV. 135 the instructions os alures they di no understand the relations and causes of things fand they e re osten disturbed, etc. Physica metaphysica.' Qui ....didicisse=u. RamShOrn ALat. r. h 183, p. 764 Sq. ed. 2.30. Ut porro 8, hen. Quod sit The subjunctive is here sed ecause thesentiment i stated accordin to the opinion Panother party. Killiner. Deorum opinio Q. e. opinio de diis Objective genitive. So, De Vat. Deor. I. ii 29 Empedocles in deorum opin are turpissime labitur. Multi . . . . putanda est; - quis est igitur. The whole clauso mulli . . . . pulanda est i parentheticat. Quis est igitur: hois there, I say. Observe the Se os igitur, o reser ac tolli clause Ut .... opinio whicli ha been brohen sy by the

parenthetica sentenue. e have here an anacoti vhon, nasmuch as ut ould regulari be sollowed by ita, and is Cicero

with whieli Cicero in his dialogues imitates the reedom os

converSationa language, - an imitation particulari conspicuous and happy in his Brutus, and whicli completet vindicate tho capabilities of the Latin langu age sor elegant ease in style and diction.

Maeret . . . . dolent . . . . anguritur. The Ver maerere Signifies, nolint to lament, ut alS to X preSSaries open ly by visibi sigiis. Forcellini desine maeres tristi Sum aegresco, in moe8titia sums eju8que aegritudinis signa di quer endo , lamentando, lugendo. Dolere anilangi indicato the eelingis patri, ut notis much it eXpreS-sion. Cf Laelius, iii. 11 supra, p. 96h: Quam autem civ tali carus fuerit, maerore funeris indicatum est. I Sc.

IV. viii. 18 Allic. XII. 28. XIV. 1. Omnibus curae. S. 427. Maaeimae


136 TUSCULAM DISPUTATION S. Quaesutura sint. Indirect questiori . Ut ait in Synephebis. The Synephebi is the nam os atranslation by Statius Caecilius os a comed Os Menander, Συνε 'βοι Aster ait SOme editor an MSS. read ille, Some Satius, and Some Ennius. Our readin is found in the Regius and Bernensi MSS. Ergo then This partiet is here Sed in interrogative argumentalion a minore ad majus. AndrewA' Lat. Lex. s. v. See Hand A Tui Sellinus, II. p. 460, . .

Baeam. The est books ive his orthography, in Stead os bucca id Grotes end. Orthograph. 142.

Elogia. In Scriptiones Ora monuments to the eud. rellithirilis that elogium is corrupte frOm the Greeli λεγειον, and was introdueed in to the Latin angvage aster the war in Magna Graecia and iei ly. XV. 32. Cogitasse had in iere. s. ep. Vit Dion. IX. Q navem agitari jubet, cogitan8. . . . ut haberet, quo fu-

Iisdemne ut mas it that . . . . by the Same, etc. O the Sentiment, ef De Sen. XXli1. Pro Arch. i.

io have been written by Ennius himself, as his epitaph. Theywere probabi attached to his bust. hieli a place among the iugies of the Scipios, in hos tom he was uried.


is to tho Annales os Ennius, a histor of Rome in hexameters. In the thir lino notio the old sortia lacrumis an in the ourth another elision Farit. Se Z. I61 m. 115. s. It is here a present subjunctive Sed like an imperative. This epitaph has been thus translated

Αnother translation ill e so und in the artici ori Ennius in Smilli' Dici of r. an Rom. Diog and Mytho Sed quid poetas Scit profero Or persequor. TiSeher.

Phidias. The magnificent colossa statue os Athena in theΡarthenon, ad of VOry and old, a the reates of the work of Phidias at Athens, an secondis Illyrio his statue os Zeus at olympia. For a description Of this oble orti 1art See mi L Dici Vilog on Myth. III p. 250. . Theshield was Ornamente ori Oth Sides illi emboSSed ork, repreSentin g, On the niter Si de the batile of the ianis illithe OdS, and On the uter ille batile folle magons illithe Athenians Among these figures h introduce hi own likeness, in Such a way that it could not be remove without destroying the whole hield Aristoide, De Mundo vi. 3.

Sui similem. The rule a commoni Stated that similis tali es the genitive hen it denote an interna reSemblanee, or ne os characteri quatity, and the dative hen it denotes an aterna reSemblance, O One Os Murem appearance, illno hold vithout exceptions. In Cicero and the olde writerS,

whieliuver in os resemblance it denote, it almost alwaystahes a genitive of the a me of iving eings especiallygod an men), an is found with the senitive an dative promiscuoiasty Pother notari S. Se M. 219, Obs 2, 447. b, Obs. 2. Infra xxxiii. facie vel patris, vita omnium


138 TuscULΑΝ DISPUTATION S. perditorum ita similis, et: although the two hirides o reSem- blande are contraSted the adjective is construed illi thesam case in both instances. In the ollowin paragraph, esindri followed by the wo cases in the Same Sentende, ut though the fame kiud os resemblane is meant Itaque plectri similem linguam nostri solent dicere chordarum dentes, NareScornibus iis, quae ad nervos resonant in cantibus Cic. de Nat. Deor. II. lix. 149ὶ Froni the age of Livy say Madvit ad Finn. V. V. I 2ὶ the use of the dative beeam more and Ore frequent, O that there is carcet a single passage in Virgil, Horace, and the Metamorphoses of Ovid, in hiel the geni

tive OC UIS.

Sua nomina inscribunt f. Pro Archia, i. 26. XVI. 36. Natura ablative. Videbare Supra, Vi. 10.37. Grande losty high-so unding hoclitonend) Speciali on account of the accumulated a in the sires line, and scin the second. F. A. Wolf.

Arium . . . . inferum. The verse i trochai tetrameter eatalectic These lines are probabi from the Hecuba, a trage-d of Ennius Acherunte. S. 455 Rem 3 in in . Z. 481 in n. Constat like συνιστατα. F. A. Olf Inferum Genitive plurat. Possent Although in the Sentence quae .... pOSSent, Cicero give his own opinion, and O that of the superstitious perSOn t whom e reser a the Subject of the ver sngerent, the ver possent is place in the Subjunctive imperfeci,as illine observes by a Lind of attraction to the formis theprecedin clause illi hiuli it is united.

eleventh book of the Odyssey, in hi h the descent of UlyS- se into Hades is described. Appius Appius Claudius Pulcher, consulo. U. C. 700. Cf. De Divin. I. viii. 132. Seo Smith s Class. Dict. S. Claudius, 19. J


alectio. In aperto the finalis in tho thesis is hortened hesorutho sollowin vo vel, ut o elided. s. Virgil, Georg. Ι. 281. Pelio Ossan . illiner. Obscura umbra In dark,

falso, to avoid the ac te in the ourth oot; ut his changeis not authorige by the SS. 38. Equidem. Compotin ded of the demonstrative syllabie

and quidem. The Syllabi e Simila in many eSpeci toth Greel γῆ has a demonstrative orce, rhich in compOSitionis rendered intensive It is both prefixod in certain Ord S, in the Same way a γῆδη likewis is compotanded, and it paSSesove into Other formes. O by the addition of the letteris, it beeome en jus a tamen i made rom tame . his en, oinedwith the demonstrative c. is pronounced through the SSimilation of the letters ecce But his syllabi is prefixe in three Lind of ordes. In the sirst, it Xtendes the Significatio by a certain demon Strative force a in enim, hieli is nam, and in e quidem and in ille anne in the interjec

whicli the Greeli νὴ in pari correspondes, has SSume the


XVII. Redeo ad antiquos. Seil. Pythagoreos. Quid fomething Thu indefinite quis aster nisi . Numeris. B numbers, i. e. by arithmetica demon Stration S.

Descriptionibus B drawings, delineation i. e. y geometrica demonStration S.

39. Quod Pythagoram 'il sensisse ferunt. 40. Macte virtute relli thiniis this phras is derived


Mai me, macte hac hostia Sto.

Rem . . This subjunctive is sed 'o denoto that to hichone is incline l. 350. b. Num igitur dubitamus, an Sicut pleraque quamquam, te. The sense is Re do not doubi then, the question illinum implyin a negative aias er), that the euri has the π- Pearance of a potnt, etc. o di e do ubi it), as lilio tho Academies re doub very many thingi although his atteast an by no means e Gubted for the mathematicians by

thei unerrin demonstration S convince S, etc. I the ana- coluthon, Se infra, XXXui. 8, note On confrmat illo. . . .

quin . . . . Sit Our rea linii given by many of the est ΜSS., a the Regius and Gudiani I. and II., an adopted by Κsilinur

omit an .

In m dio mundo In the iddie of the universe. Ad in comparison ith lik the Greel προς S Terenee, Gn. IV. v. I ne comparandus hic quidem ad illum est. Cic. pro D tot viii. 24 addidit etiam illud equites non optimo misisse veteres, credo, Caesar nihil ad tuum equitatam. Se Hand ' Tui sellinus, Ol. I. p. 104, 105. Quasi puncti instar obtinere Has almoSt he anearance of a potnt. ' On the word instar, Se Zumpi' Grammar, 9.

Quasi .... habeant. See Supra note On quaSi agatur, iri S. Momenta. otiosis, o law of motion illiner. Terrena ressi, ut terrena. Nutu tendency. Cf. De Nat Deor. II. XXXiX. terra . . . . locata in media mundi Sede solida et globosa et undique ipsa in sese nutibus sui S conglobata. Id pares angulos. Um. e. ad recto angulOS, ad perpen


Cf. De Nat Deor. II. XXXiX. 101, Jvi. I 41.41. Quinta illa. See supra X. 22. Non nominata magis quam non intellecta. . . belle un- derstood than named. Ut so that. . .. jaceat. Significare vult Cicero, nisi horum aliquid animum SSe StatuamUS, Verendum SSe, ne tam egetamenS . . . . acent. R. lolet ' illiner. propositiondenotin a design i Sometime emplOyed Domin OneiSeneSSOs X pression noto indicate the designi the action mentioned in the ea diri proposition, ut thu design with whichthe staternent is made. V M. 440. b. - Obbe reades nec

XVIII. Condoluisse. Cum in compoSition Osten iVeSintensit to the signification Os the Simple ord. utinergives collaudare ani conniti S Xample MOSer conticere and concalefaCere. Qui .... non Sentiat Because he oes not perceive, etc. Qui with the subjunctive giving the reason; S, Tusc. III. ii. 27 Tarquinio vero quid imprudentius, qui bellum gereret cum iis qui ejus non tulerant supeΥbiam ' here qui forhe the construction, illi the relative, ein more compactand legant than it ouldie illi the demonstrative pronounand a conjunetion. Haec d. e. philosophica SpeculationS. Quam .... Xerceat. AriStophaneS, Vespae 1422 143l

'Eρδοι τις ην καστος εἰδείη τέ ην. 42. Autem. Particula autem inservit transitioni, et Saepe ita, ut Sententiarum contextum interruptum repetat. Vid.


XIX. 43. Accedit, ut thici tote ad ded that .... The differetice etween accedit quod illi the indicative, and accedit ut illi the subjunctive, an e eaSil Seen rom urpassage. Accedit, quod facilius animus evadit, Ouid designate a sactis actuali eXisting or ut eaS as havin beonalready thought os accedit ut sis evadat, denotes a thingwhicli is no state as existin in sact, ut Whicli is orae soconeseived of in the mirid, or hicli S O bo understood assomuthin addod hiuli ad not bes ore been thought f.

Nihil est animo velocius. Cf. OdysSey VII. 36ὰ ων νεες

Quum . . . . adeptus est relli, Tum . . . . adeptus.

Tamquam partibus Iaminatus ponderibus: Asris polsed in equilibrium. 44. Aemulemur Aemulari With the dative, in a bad sense. Se Andrews' o Riddie A LeXicon. Ut namely that. Visere. Hoc verbum nunquam idem Significat, quod vi dere, Sed Semper adjunctam habet notionem aliquid diligenter et accurate inSpiciendi, Xplorandi, examinandi. Est enim verbum intensivum, ductum a verbo videndi. Sic Pro Leg. Manil. xi. 61 eam quoque rem populus Romanus non modonidit, sed etiam omni Studio visendam et concel brandam putavit. ' illiner. Se Freund or ither of his


144 TUSCULAM DISPUTATION S. lura Ablative. 45. Haec pulchritudo. H. e. harum rerum caeleStium pulchritudo. Orat pro Mi XXXui. 108 quae oblivioso cujus rei oblivio. have a similar se of the demonstrative in Englisli. Patriam. He means partioularly the Ioni o Thalesian philosophy. F. A. Wolf. illiner, lotZ, and Tregder read putritam, after Onius. Theophrastus Greeli philosopher ted B. o. 287. Dispicere. See AndrewS' Lexicon, unde thi Word I. and ErneSti, Clav. Cic. XX. Aliquid assequi. Iliquid est quod operae pretium sit Pari modo Graeci dicunt τι. ' o illi dicere, Tusc. III. Xvi. 35. IV XXiX. 46. V. XXXui. 104. See AndrewS' Lex. undor his ord, M Riddie ' Lex. 2. II. Eas angustias. The Hellesponi and the Thracian Bosporus ohe alter is here calle ostium Ponti the gate of the Euxine Sen. Delecti . . . . arietis. From the Medea Os Ennius, ut altered by Cicero.

Europam . . . . unda. FrOm Ennius, Annales, II. 46.46 Cernimus .... videmus Cernere a gr. κρίνειν ortum)eSt rem aliquam ejuSque Singula nota perspicere et dijudicare diseernere Apposite Billerbeckius contulit Mil. 29 ut

ea cernimus, quae videmus. acad. II. 25 : ego Cumanam regionem video , Pompeianum non certo. Mithrier. Ista aperta et patefacta viderunt. I. e. in thei dissections. Viae .... perforatae f. De Nat Deor. III. v. duo lumina ab animo ad oculos perforata habemus) Plin. H. N. Xi. 4. si id agat, et adsit tales itiives attention to it, andis at hanc For an explanation of the se of agere illi hocor id denotin to give attention to, be intent upon, se AndrewS' LeXicon, unde ago, T.

Et is relli, ut idem. 47. Quale quidque sit: in what character ac thing is.