Horace: Odes and Epodes; a study in poetic word-order

발행: 1922년

분량: 320페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Uxor Paxa cris Ibyci .

tandem ne luitiae I e molium tuae samosisque laboribus: maturo Pro tor desine sun eriinter ludere vir gines set stellis nebulam spargere an lidis. non si cluid Pholoen satis. et te Chlori decet silia rectius expugnat iuvenum domos. pulso Thyias uti concita tym Pano. io

illam cogit amor Nothi

lascivae similem ludere caPreae: te lanae prope iaObilem tonsae Luceriam non citharae decent nec flos Purpureus OSae is nec poti vetulam saece tenus cadi.

28. consule Planco the addendum feein P. 33 emphasiae the tengthos time compare thns . . a. m. a. pauperis p implies that Ibycus cannot assor lier extravagances. a. tuae s): contrast iliae is ou on' restra in Our daughter, at lcastrostra in OurScis. 3. famosis p): contrast the olscuris laboribus Os Ianiscium. 4. maturo ps : Ontrast immaturo. funeri comes lastras an Offensive surpris sor arvo o the like. S. inter ludere virgines the mesis emphasire vir ines. Contrastides 3 3 37. 6. candidis s): the position ives candidis greait emphasis i. e. no matterho bright. In ac candidis comes as a su rise hal expectin aprolepti obscuris. 7. non .e. It is no the case that ...' non quali fies the whole sentence se onides 2 9. 3 . iuvenum p contrast senum, horare more fitte sor Chloris. i pulso. . . tympano so the rotapin se On P is pulso equais thebeat so the drum ' Se o P. 26. uti sor it positiora se Oniaeo l. 3. 29, O. ii illam so it position e P. Si. Ia laScivae ... capreae so the rota Ping Seein P. 2 a. tis . Capreae the further separation os this ord by Iutare mahes the simile

even more offensium compare Iuneri l. 4 bove.i 3. 4. te lanae so the orde S in P. l. lanae . . . Luceriam so the grOupin Scein P. 4.




Inclusam Danaen turris enectrobustaeque ores et Vigilum Canum triste eXcubiae munierant satis

nocturnis ab adulteris, si non Acrisium virginis abditae Custodem pavidum Iuppiter et Venus risissent: Ore enim tutum iter et patenSConverso in pretium deo. RUrum per medios ire satellites et Perrumpere amat saX Potentiu to

ictu fulmineo concidit auguris Argivi domus, ob lucrum

Is nos purpureus rosae so the abnormal orde se on P. 44; ut furfureus a Colour olla stos an rosae compare des I. 9. I, an See P. 32 ad . Ι6. Vetulam the interpositionis this,ord in the normal groumpoti faece unus cari ivescit appropriate and most unpleagant emphasi M the two OrdS fore verulam atinc bring up the picturei a drunken old heldame. ut thereadin verula 'hwith faece has potnt; ecause the wine is old, heirinhSit to theireg S. XVI. I, 2. Inclusam Danaen turris aenea i robustaeque fores note thechiasticaroupingis epithet an nounS.

Danaen turrris: See o P. I.

Vigilum s has tressu contrast Somnolent.'Vigilum canum the preposited genitive is the logical subjeci See o P. 38. 3. tristes s i. e. the sternness, implacabili ty os their alch ' se on


temersa exitio dii fidit urbium

Portas vir Maccdo ct subruit acinulos reges muneribus munCra navita in is saevos illaqueant duc . crescentem se itiitur cura Pecuniam maiorumquessa in CS iure Perhorruilate conspicuum tollCre Verti CC m. Maecenas, C luitum decuΝ. rocluanto quisque sibi pthira negaverit ab dis plura seret nil hipientium nudus castra Μrto et transfuga divitum partis lin luere geStio, contemptae dominus splendidior rei, as

quam si quicquid arat impiger Apulus

occultare meis dicere horreis, magnas inter Pe inoPS.

io. l. potentius . . fulmineo is an emphati addendum : sce On P. yll, a. auguris p . . . domus .e. the augur and his house' sc o P. 38, an compare theses 3 8. 8.I2. 3. ob lucrum . . .exitio is an emphati addendum sce On P. 3.

urbium ' i. e. citi es t and thei gates ' se on P. 38 The Orde also Prepares iis O the antithesis navium 's in l. 3.14. aemulos p i. e. cause the were rivias' the vir Macedo 'divisis

IS. muneribus comes ast illi emphasis se on P. 3 to remini us sol lucrum l. 2, and aurum l. 9 munera solio in heightens the emphasis. navium ps): contrast urbium l. 3 the antithesis is lani an sea ceto P. 43. ita saevos 's i e. the brutati ty os captains ' se P. 27. P. I, and

i8. maiorum ' is emphatic t e. O more. i9. conspicuum ' is proleptic se ora P. O. and P. I. zo equitum ' emphasiae the ac that Maecenas preferrei thesio ver

22. nil cupientium t ps contrast divisum. 23. divitum a b uno κοινου ithis an uia arid rarus. 2S. Contemptae. . . rei so the rotapin Se in P. S. 26. impiger . ' i e the energy, vigOur the Apulian ' see o P. 27. 27. meis D is emphatic in very own' se oni es . . , and . i. 28. magnas sὶ contrast inops.



PUrae ri UUS aquae Silvaque iugerum paucorum et segeti Certa fide meae o

fulgentem imperio fertilis Africae

fallit sorte beatior. quamquam ne Calabrae mella serunt apeS, nec Laestrygonia Bacchus in amphora languescit mihi, ne pinguia Gallicis 33

crescunt Uellera PASCutS, importuna tamen Pauperie AbOSt, nec, si plura Velim, tu dare deneges. ContraCto melius parva Cupidine vectigalia porrigam, O

quam Si Mygdoniis regnum Alyattei

Cam Pi Continuem. multa petentibus deSunt multa bene est, cui deus obtulit parca quod Satis S mRn V.


Aeli vetusto nobilis ab Lamo. quando et priores hinc Lamia serunt

auctore ab illo ducis originem. qui Formiarum in oenia dicitur Prince sis inii ante in Maricae litoribus tenuisse Lirim late tyrannus. cras soliis nemus inultis et alga litus inutili iodemissa tempestas ab Euro SternCt aquae nisi sallit augur

XVII. An uia satisfactor Ode in both mean in and order Editor may

2-4 The orde throw n light On thes Obscure lines. a. priores hinc Lamias: these Ords may be grouped together .e. theearlier Lamiae descende. Dona hina, and hinc may then e repeated illi. nominatos See o P. So a. ierunt a verbs taking the acc. and in normali come early, . m. NI, comin i ite has the tres os increduli ty. 3. denominatos the ponderosit os the word in a positionis stress seeonide 4 9 26 is, PerhaPS, Satirical compare sermonibus at OEE 3. i. I stra orientis a. s. 9 ena .anae. 2. 4. Ii formidulosus 2. 7. 8, and of Duones 4 9 34. nepotum Is may be contrasted illi trio aes bove, an represenis descendant os hom here is ritiei record memores. . . Ios in oppositionto the semi- mythica priores tu i is also the logica subjectis the inlinitive and the resore comes early se ora P. 38ὶ.4. per memores . . . faStOS: so the rotaPin See o P. S. omne trahi e. the hole race' - uniet ersum. S. auctorem position equat a Munder.'6. Formiarum p i. e. Formiae and iis alis ' se On P. 38. 7 8. princeps lies ἀπ κοινοῖ betwecia moenia and Lirim. innantem ... Lirim: M the rouPin Sec Ora P. 46 a. Maricae litoribus perhaps ' Marica and her hores ' see o P. 38. Mari a cenas O qua lucus Maricae. 0 late tyrannus see o P. 3, and Oniaeo 2. 7. 9.io multis may have Stress se on des 4 9 26 , perhaps t emphasire the violence of the torna.



annoSR Orni X dum potes, aridum Compone lignum: Cras Genium mero curabis et porco bimenstri scum famuli operum SolutiS.


Faune, Nympharum fugientum amator, per meo finis et aprica rura lenis inceda abeasque ParUiSROQUUS at UmniS, si tener pleno adit haedu anno, larga ne desunt Veneris sodali

Uin Craterae, Ciu Rr multo fumat odorC. litus the positio of this ord like that o nemus etween foliis and multis, malae a vivi picture sis hore covere with seaweed se the noteat Odes 4 8. 33. Latin love os parallelis may also' at ork after foliis nemus multas it was inevitabie to rite alia litus inutili. Compare des


ludit heri, o pecus omne camIM . cum tibi Nonae rodcunt Deccmbr . io sestus in pratis vacat otioso cum t v I illus inter aud. aces tu Pus Crrat annos. spargit agrestis tibi silva rondes. gaudet invisam PC ulisse si SNOr iste pede terram.

XIX. Quantum distet ab Inacho

Codrus Pro Patria non timidus Ori, narras et genus Aeaciet Pugnata sacro bella sub Plio:

i Decembres s the monili is perhaps, more important than the day. Compare Odo . . I Martiis Is caelebs uiae axum aDndis, and see

P. I.

read these charmin lines thus: Phere is holida in the meads, ali is est vacat anili ce otioso . or an and beast 'i3 audaces 's) contrast timiasos hich Ouidi the natural and expected epithet. Tlu orde say holdnes in frontis the olf.' ii agrestis ps equat in Tros, Over the fiet .ls. Compare Oaeo l. 22. in Salina. is invisam ps i. e. l catas haled' heiace his delight. The partici pleis almos a noun, his haled enem y, the ob ectis his contumely.i6. ter pede terram notico the effective cro dirigis explosive consonants t, at the lose hea the illud os his dance.



quo Chium preti Cadum merCCmur, qui Aquam temperet ignibus, quo praebente domum et quota Paelignis caream frigoribuS, ACOS.

da lunae propor NOURC, da noctis mediae, da, Puor, UgUri IoMurenae tribus aut novem miSCentur Cyathi Pocula CommodiS. qui Musas amat impariS, torno ter Cyatho attonitus petet vates tri prohibet Supra i 5riXarum metuens tangere Gratia

Murena, are Safer,ith three only. I umbi agre With age that the sis of the bumper i the poliat, o the proportio of water and wine. Commodis is an addendum See o P. 33 i. e. ambest suit eaCh. Notethat the groupinguribus aut novem ...cyathis...coυInto is S that DP. 34. I 3 imparis s): see o P. I. The epithet meret equat novem and prepare uiso terno ter.

14 IS. terno ter the orde is due to the destre os avolding the ingle ter


n udis itincta sorori bii N.

insanire iuvat cur nerecyntiacccssalit lamina tibiae Zcur Miulci tacita fistula cum lyra io Parcentis dexteras Mi sparge fas audiat invidus dementem trepitu in Lycus et vicina seni noti habilis Lyco. spissa te nitidum coma, asseuro te similem Telephe, VCSPCro tempestiva petit Rhode; me lentus Glycerae torret amor Cae. XX. Non vides quanto moveas Imriclo, Pyrrhe Gaetulae catulos leaenae 3 dura Post paulo fugies inaudax proelia raPtor,

P. l.

28. me ...torret amor: See On P. l. ut re S also contrasted illi Dil. 23, 26.

2. Gaetulae . . . leaenae so the rota Ping Sce On P. Oct. 3, 4. dura . . . raptor so the roti Pin See On . .

N. H. ii



Cum per obstantis iuvenum AterVRS 5

ibit insignem repetens Nearchum grande Certamen tibi praeda Cedat, maior an illa. interim, dum tu Celeri Sagittas promis, haec dente acuit timendOS . Ioarbiter pugnae POSViSSO nudo sub pede palmam sertur et leni recreare Vento SParSum Odorati umerum Capillis, qualis aut Nireus fuit aut aquOS i5 raptu ab Ida. XXI. nata mecum Consule Manlio, Seu tu querellas iUe geri iocos

II. nudo 's) he is cool in himself see l. 13 an hi Sensuous charnacis emphasiged by the implied nakednes of his person.