장음표시 사용
hostile aratrum exercitus insolens. compesce montem me quoque I Rctoris
servor et in celeris iam lκ sinis it furent in nunc ego mitibus asmutare quaero tristia cluin mihi fias recantatis arnica opprobriis animumque reddas.
Uclo amoenum saepe Lucretilem mutat Lycaeo Faunus et igneam de sendit aestatem capellis
zo funditus Ap is emphatic sce also nide 4 9. 26. at hostile is preposite hecause a Irum is the emblem osteaces more-Over orace always places hostilis in stolat se on des a. a. 22 and usuali mahes generi ad)ectives preposited See o P. 37 .
pectoris a Roma might rea this genitive ascis in in heari' compare animi ultimat et ita S uti fervor. 23. dulci i. e. the weetia ess, gladiaeso osjohath ' Se On P. 27. 24. celeris p i. e. to quic sor me the ran way ith me. 23. mitibus is pia earlyrio prepare iis O the antithesis Iristia, hici, is placed last.26, 27. mihi. . . recantatis mihi is et with recanIatis a though the lalterwere a deponent in agreement With t. The construction is an extensior of the diona note lis Oiles i. o. 4. MoreOver hesis amica in the atmosphereos recanted libet : see o cinifes . . , XVII. , . Velox amoenum ... Lucretilem l mutat ... Faunus for thegrota ping See On P. O. The two adjectives et D amoenum mahe tun necessar to tali saepe illi amoenum Lucreti m nly se ora P. S E. The adverbioes illi the whole sentenco See Oniaees . . 3. igneam sis i. e. the tres , Os Summer ' Scem P. 27 and P. l. . usque meis may be rogardei as an emphati addendum i. e. and that withou ce in and those goat mine' se On P. 3. The Pause at the cndos l. 3 Obviales the necessit os grotapin carettas i usque meis together: Seeon P. Ob.
impune tutum per nem V arbuto squaerunt latentis et thyma deviae olentis Xores mariti, nec viridi metuunt colubras
nec Martialis haediliae lupos, utcumque dulci, Tyndari fistula iovalles et Usticae cubantis
di me tuentur, dis pieta mea et Musa cordi est. hinc tibi copia manabit ad plenum benigno is
ruris honorum opulent CornU. 3. tutum ps i. e. hecauserit is sala' the epithet is naturali brought
ruris in honorum to the aded poetis the Town the emotional interest o tunicata quies I lies in ruris.
hic in reducta valle Caniculae vitabis aestus et fide Teia dices laborantis in uno
Penelo cia vitream tu Circen rohic innocentis cula Lesbii duces sub umbra nec Semeleius cum Marte confundet Thyoneus I roelia. CC metues Protervum Sus Pecta Cyrum, ne male dis ariincontinentis iniciat manus et scindat haerentem coronam crinibus immeritamque CStem.
i 7 reducta ' i. e. causerit is reti red, sequestered, and the resore Cool. Caniculae 's i. e. the dog and it hcat) see o P. 38.i0. laborantis in uno these Ord go closely illi . Ys i. e. ill spolios a love sic sor ne 'm vitream r): the epithet suggest the immortal thus Penelope, the mortal, and Circe the Oddess, rare in ove illi the fame man in
at innocentis ps even Iad mandrin Lesbian without improprietyand without ea lache: ut se P. O l. 22, 23. Sub umbracis an emphatic addendum . e. and in the coo fhade': se On P. 3. Semeleius i cum Marte sorias relation grota ped early See de l. 2. 7. Roman would read the word thus: nor Semele' son illi Mars hali
24. proelia has tress See o OLD 4 9. 26. 24 2S. protero is equa is protervitatem Cyri see o P. 27. ut see also P. 24 and '. S. Ibserve that in the roti P pr. L m um suspecta CFrum e ma see proterarum. . . mum a equa to a prourvo Cyro, and thus theorde is les stari lini See o Ero . . 8).wSpectari. e. hecause suspected.' 26 incontinentis Is equat incontinenter se o P. 3 an P. l. 27. haerentem t) he has to ear decause the garland cleaves. 28. crinibus ould normali lie et con iurentem and coronam, ut irerentem is a ord hich an hard ly be absolute and we ait without dii licui ty so the dative se On P. 47. The effectra is the ordo is heclears gariand hair, and Clothes. immeritam is et with both crinibus an vestemu Scem P. I
Nullam, Vare, sacra Vite priu Severi arborem
Circa mite solum Tiburis et moenia Catili: Siccis omnia nam dura deu propoSuit, neqUC mordaces aliter diffugiunt Sollicitudines. qui POS vina gravem militiam aut pauperiem crepat squi non te potius, Bacche pater, teque decenS Onu SΘa nequis modici transiliat munera Liberi, Centaurea monet Cum Lapithis i X super mero debellata, monet Sithoniis non levis Euhius,
XVIII. i. Nullam 's): his adjecti vel position a s osten in Cicero,
2. 4. 23. Compare cura edacia Ori 2. II. 18 , an vitiosa. . . cura sodes
stre SS, of Ourge, i ait On moderation.' O the groupin modici. . . munera Liberi se On P. et a It S temptingo belleve that modici Liberi is aindo oxymoron limite Deedom.'8. Centaurea monet cum Lapithis riXa: for Case relations early seein OdeS . . 7, an for the in truSive mone See o P. 46 a The adjective Centaurea contain the Subject Centauri se onides I. I 3. 33), and the Latin read thus the Centaur a re a warn in and the Lapithae illi thei quarrelsought out ove the wine.' 9. debellata has streSM: See o O ES . . 26.
Observe the preti combinationi epithet, Complement notan C 'ntaurea. . .
cum Lasi his rixa with noun, complement epithet rixa super mero Phellata . monet. . . Euhiuii. e. there is a Warn in in the Sithonians and the heavyliano non levis of Evius. The normal order non levis Sithoniis Euhius is abando ne in orde to bring Disoniis early parallelo Centaurea Theantitheses are Centaur VerSus Lapithae' and Sithonian versus Euius.' non levis s): See On P. 29.
cum sas atque iactas exiguo in libidinum iis
discernulit avi li non Cil te candide Bassarcu. invitum luatia in ac variis obsita se , n litius Sub livia in rapiam. saeva ten cum crCcyntio cornu tym Paria. tua SubsCquitur a cus amor sui ct tollens vacuum Plus nimio gloria verticCm is
arcanique fides prodiga perlucidior vitro. XIX.
Thebanaeque iubet me Semelae Puer
io exiguo fine libidinum so the groupin Seein P. S. ii avidi comita Lis has emphasis and is causa i. e. l cause the aremee ly and sui os passiora.'candide pὶ sor it positio se o P. 36. ia variis obsita irondibus: so the rota Ping See o P. 24.
recyntio is always reposited in Horace the ound sis horn is not tangerous, ut the ound Os Cybele' is Compare on des 3. 9. 8 and
quae subsequitur the picture cenas O be that os a pageant; irs comelior an irarum S, then comes hi in Seislove then a in ride thena aith un-saithsul. Compcire Lucretius . 737 747. caecus in): Love siti nil but es peciali bl in is et love amor sui naalybe regarded asine ord φίλαυτία see o P. S). ut cium amor sui maybe classi fiet unde P. S. is tollens vacuum ... gloria verticem: O thea rota ping See o P. . plus nimio laas emphasis becauserit solio Mand is separate i storia iis verb
howevcr. be remembered that an Objective genitive usuali precedes the ordupon hic licit depen is se On P. 39 . perlucidior vitro is an emphati addendum See o P. 3. The statue Oi Fides is in id to have orn perhaps o the right and a hi te veli symboliring that Fides as ran and open white . et hept he secret veil butto lis perlucidior vitro is gOing too sar altogether. Compare l. 33 2i, and so the white ei se Liv i. i. 4, and Servius o Vergi Aen. i. 202 and 8 636 vid spealis os se a liquida Ex Ponto . . O . XIX. l. Mater saeva cupidinum a very rare order se on . . it is just Ossibi that aera a is scito qualis both ltare and c si inum is P. sa , and compare Odes 3. IS. is os turtureus rosae. See o onita sue i. a. Contra Stiaees . l. i. Dium t mare saret a Crati inum, and P. 36.
finitis animum reddere amoribUS. urit me Glycerae nitor splendentis Pario marmore PuriUS, urit grata protervitas et vultus nimium lubricus aspici. in me tota ruens Venus Cyprum deSeruit, nec patitur Scytha io et versis animOSum equis Parthum dicere nec quae nihil attinent. hic vivum mihi caespitem, hiCUCrbenRS, Pueri, Ponite turaque bimi cum patera meri: Ismactata veniet lenior hostia.
ODE. l. 9-2 41Vile M tabis mi Micis Sabinum cantharis Gra .i luod Ciloci sit sta conditum levi datus in theatro cum tibi Plausus, Care Maecenas C lues ut Paterni siluminis ripae simul et iocosa re ideret laudes tibi alicani montis imago.
. . Vile . modicis Sabinum cantharis: O the groia Ping See nP. . OthiiD and oratis have interest L. e. cheap tuis O shal s- ili': inde rotatis might e contra sted illi the more elegent bibes Os l. o. Compare Cicero P U. 2. 27 67 toros dies orabaIur i. e. there a heavydrin k in ali day' and the samiliar potus et exlex. Therars three ord Vile rotabis modicis gi verus the picture cheaP Wine, S illinx . and Dona cheap cupsi.'2. cantharis has tress se on des 4 9 26ὶ cant ari are large, ide- belli ed. and have han dies. The implied antithesis is the les clunis poculum os l. 2 below. For the roupin modicis Salinum i cantharis Se note at
Graeca 'sin another abomination something reeit appit it sint the whimos an emptybar Thesbia os patriolis nisu Gree wines belli nil ali
Italian ines although Pli ny esteemed them. Compare nides 3. 4. 7. 3. datus in theatro these ord have tres hecause the precede Cum. Possibi then datus equata ultro datus : Maecenas neededis claqueurs and in Meatro draws attention to the public natur of the et come. S. care sin the position perhaps emphasiae Horace' affectiona ut sceP. 36. Denticy's Iare mahes an excellent pol ni since clarus is sed especiallyos a senator, flendi ius os a linight se Dussin Juvenal Sar. o. S). Thus the sense Ouidie a glorious as a senator, Maecenas, thoughiutinanight.' See Oomni Es 2. 7 7 8, 3. 4. 3 paterni p): Horace thus emphasi res the antiquit os Maecenas sami ly.
6. fluminis ' i. e. the river with it banks ' sc o P. 38. Simul by position coniunctio ' be long t both ripae and montis maco. iocosa is equat an ad ver 'pla, fully' See o P. I. 7. Vaticani p): the pomi is that even the more distant Vatica Hiil more distant than the mons Ianiculus thre bac the echo os suci, oud applata Se See Oniaeo 3. 29. 38, 30 8. montis is i. e. the hil sand iis echo ' se On P. 3.
Caecubum et prelo domitam Caleno
tu bibes uvam mea ne Falernae Iotemperant vites neque Formiani pocula CollOS.
XXI. Dianam tenerae dicit Virgines, intonSUm, Pueri dicite Cynthium
Latonamque UPromo dilectam penitus IOUi. vos laetam fluviis et nemorum OmR, S
quaeCumque aut gelido prominet Algido, nigri aut Erymanthi silvis aut viridis Cragi.
prelo domitam Caleno l ...uvam so the groupin Seein P. 4. Caleno s) iis positio emphasiges the high qualit of the wine.
vos Tem Iur totide in tollite laudibus natalcmque mares Delon Apollinis io insignemque Pharctra
hic hellum lacrimosum hic miseram samem P temque a Populo et Principe Caesare in Persas atque Is ritannos i
In e vitae scelerisque Purus non eget Mauris iaculis neque arcu nec venenatis gravida sagittis, Fusce PharCtra,
sive Per Syrtis iter aestuosas sive iacturus per inhospitalem Caucasum vel quae loca sabulosus lambit HydaSI S.
9. totidem position e P. l. io natalem. . . Delon Apollinis sor the groupin se P. S. Compare notae 3. 4. 63. l. a. intimemque pharetra . . . umerum the orde iri os Ourse, normal See On J.6s l. 7. 29 i insienem agrees illi umerum EditOrs,
iraterna ps his brother's no his own ascis e had Ilena non sua . lyra forcit positio se on P. 48. 13. Ulum lacrimosum ... miseram famem note the ChiaSmu S. ut miseram si may equat the miseries hos tamine ' See o P. 27, and des a. l. 3.14. caesare in sor the positionis in se onides i. 33. 30. Horace Seemsto orget that Roman wil die even is a be transferre. Dona Rome and Italy See t in Ode I. 33. 30. 16. vestra 's equat a vobis se oni f. i. 3. subsequently trecemeans in an Swero prayer' se note ni ris i. a. io , an is eard itha et as ei as illi motus. XXII. a. vitae scelerisque note the chiasinus. a. auris s): is, Compare Odes 3. o. 8 nec Mauris animum mitioriani mibus, it scenas a sat assumption that these daris,ere anointed with Siaake PDison ence the stres On Mauris iniuriassage. The Same remarkS PPlyto the ea lini ituri. Venenatis. . . pharetra: so the rotapin se Ora . . s. iter: the nou equat a verti you go' and lies et ween Syrtis and
namque me Silva lupus in Sabina dum meam Canto Lalagen et ultra io terminum Curi vagor X pediti S, fugit inermom, quale Portentum neque militaris Daunias latis alit aesculetis nec Iubae tellus generat, Conum is arida nutriX.
. fabulosus 's equat secundum fabulas See o o P. II); it ma helat with both loca and H asses see o P. 2). compare Ode 3. 4. . 9. me silva lupus a beautim instance of case relation grouped early; was the objec ne in a fores of a Olf's attentions se on des I.
IO, II. meam 's may be predicative i. e. Sing of her a mine, o mayequat my beloved' se onide I. 26 8 ; ut See also P. I. ultra terminum has tres by Separatio Dom Vor. Horace .daydreamin and goes heyon his boundar lance. Curis vagor seditis: See o P. I an P. 23. The containe subjectexo may li belween curis an exseditis o the analog o dextra Hercules
13, 6 Iubae si is parallel o militaris in i l. IDabove. The nam os