장음표시 사용
i ne me pigris ubi nulla cain is
iluod latus uncti nebula malusque Iuppitc ur Ct a Pon sub curru nimium Propinqui solis in terra Ornibus negata: dulce ridentem I ala Cn amabo, dulce loquCntCm.
Uitas hinnuleo me similis Chloe . quaerenti pavidam montibus aviis
matrem non in vano aurarum et Siluae Ctu.
nam seu mobilibus veris inhorruit sadventus soliis seu virides rubum dimovere lacertae. et corde et genibus tremit.
i7, 8 pigris...nulla campis arbor so the grotapin se on . . Forti is compare iners a G. I . . S and . . a. aestiva ipsi se On '. l. The re is an antithesis to 'strii in his is os
19. malus ' See o Odes 2. 4. 23. The word is naturali placed near fui, and ma welli in cirro xo o Position See o P. 3 M. Compare Odes 3 3. 6. 2I, a. propinqui p) compareides i. 24. . For solis se Odo . . 26. 23, 2 . dulce ridentem p . . . loquentem the Participies are o mere adjecti veri ut re a UΝ. it. XXIII. i. hinnuleo me similis the orde is a is Horace ad rittenhin Dus me uti sor hicli se on des i. s. 20 and l. 9, Io os thisiae . For the early g roupin os case relation Se Odo l. 2. 7. 2. montibus aviis: these Ord properi be long by order se oris l. 7. 29 totarzinr and aDYm the mollier is terrifiei sor her child' salie by the pathies motantains. Loth mother andis buck, Owever, are Orch- in and there re mon ibus retrias may ti seli illi both. S 6. mobilibus veris inhorruit adventus foliis ' eris is the equivalentos vernus hich Horace ould perhaps have riticia ut so the similarterminations os obicibus and et ernus: so thea rota ping See P. I and P. z. Forither rea lings e the commentato S. virides sis the oeen to the lirard) se P. 27. It is also the contrastistheiright reen against the dar blachber musti that tarti . 7. lacertae sor it positio Se onides I. 3. 6.
atqui non ego te tigri ut aspera Gaetulusve leo frangere PerSequor Iotandem desine matrem tempestiva sequi Viro.
Ouis desiderio sit pudor aut modustam Cari CapitiS praecipe lugubris Cantus, Melpomene, Cui liquidam pater UOCem Cum Cithara dedit. ergo Quintilium perpetuu Sopor urget cui Pudor et Iustitiae soror, incorrupta Fides, nudaque Veritas quando ullum inveniet parem p9, Io ego te tigris ut the CaSe relations arearouped early se on des I. a. 7. For the poSition Osu See ni e I. IS. 29. Note the Chiasinus tiris. . . assem l GaeIulusve leo. Ia sequi the positio is stariling. Is itini to give viro tres in Contrast to marrem But Horace Seem to e saying two thing in ne expreSSion Se OG I. 27. 23, 24 I. 37. 8, 2 4. 3, and 4 4 6I Vig. Cense tofollow our mother, ou horare ripe formiushan to follow' .e sequi first depend on desine, then on remstestiva. Observe that Horace could have writte viro sequi, and theresore metri Cal convenience has nothin toto illithe order Compare OG I. 4. O. XXIV. I, 2. desiderio and tam cari capitis are the important ideas thereis nothin to e Shame o in re reu, bove ali for ne o deam encedesiderio Comes early an tam cari casuis is separate Dom t. oreoverram cari capitis may also heriet with sudor an modus i. e. in referen e to
multis ille bonis flebilis occidit. nulli flebilior qua in tibi. Vergili. O tu frustra pius heu non it. cr clitum sposcis Quintilium deos. quid si Threicio blandius Orpheo
auditam moderere artioribus fidem 3num vanae redeat sanguis imagini, is quam virga semel horrida non lenis precibus sata recludem. nigro compulerit Mercurius gregi λdurum sed levius fit patientia quicquid corrigere est C S. XXV. Parcius iunctas quatiunt senestras iactibus crebris iuvenes protervi nec tibi somnos adimunt, amatque ianua lim Cn.
7. incorrupta ' contrast thie si s Os .se l. 8. 6. nuda st is rightly Stressed, Scis incorrus a. 8. ullum ... parem both ord have tres by mutua separation See also P. l. 9. multis s i. e. πολλοῖς μέν ..., σοὶ δε ii. non ita creditum s is causal- cauSe notis entrusted iee also
quae prius multum facilis movebat scardines. audi minus et minus iam: me tuo longa Pereunt nOCtCS,
invicem moecho anu arrogantiS flebis in solo levi angiportu, Io Thracio bacchante magis sub inter-lunia Vento,
cum tibi flagrans amor et libido,
laeta quod pubes hedera virenti gaudeat pulla magi atqUe myrto, aridas frondes hiemis sodali dedicet Hebro. o
multum facilis affacilis is nominative, it equat an adverti se P. I);i accusative plurat, it a b ClasSed unde P. I. In ei ther age facilis suggest both literalty move&with ase, and metaphoricali 'fre an easy,'as in facilis adisu. 6. cardines hould have treSi See o O es 4 9 26 the poSition perhapS, suggest the weight an immovabilit os a door.
minus... iam both adverbiliave stres by position. 7. me tuo for the caSe relation See Oniae Q. 2. 7. longas 1 i. e. the long long nightS See AlS P. I. 9. moechos anus for the age relation See nide Ι. 2. 7.
arrogantis 1 i. e. lament the arrogance of moechir See o P. 27. Io in solo ps i. e. in the onet iness of an alley ' Se on . 27. The word of this line hould e rea in their orde vi g. thou ili,ee in lone-liness, fio aCCOunt in Ome lane.' II, 2. Thracio 'S): perhapso emphasire the bitte col of the wind; compare so . 3. 3 Threicio Aquilone But Thracio ma be regarde a a secon Complement hicli stand oulside bacchante. . . vento See o P. 48). magis place aster bacchante equat even more.'I3. tibi is an ethica dative i. e. when o seel the fire 'flagrans ' i. e. the re os passion ' se On P. 27. I 4 equorum S) the tres malae thi Statemen even more offensive. I S, I 6. CirCa... questu re emphati addenda see o P. 3. Prose might write saevis itaque circa etc. Her eari S at ready di Seased an need nostes onset os morbi PaSSion. 17. laeta ,s equat an adverti See o P. I.
Mu is amicus tristitiam Ct inclustra latri Protervis in mare C reticum Portar ventis, quis sub Arcto rex gelidae Cluatur rac, quid Tiridaten terreat uili CC s curus. quae sontibus iii tegris gaudes, Pricos nec te flores,
nec te Coiam in Coronam,i8. pulla the orde ma be parit due t chiasinus compare sorin Stan C, O. s 2 3 9 , parti t a destre O suggest that bright green iv is best, and even atque duli ree myrti is preserable to dry leaves. In hiscas uti eis by iis position qua is fir more' compare . il aliove and luali fies edera audeas and Laudeat Frto like. ut the hyperbaton is ver harsh and has no parallel in thei es and Ero es. The order ould e more tolerable is atque e re alien in the sense cis than ' se ora Epod. 2. 4 . Green iv may Symboliae Outh dar myrtiem id die lise dry leave old age Thus e might translate by l cause gladi yy auth re vel in green ivy, ather than in dush myrti e while it hered leaves
i in o. aridas p): contrast viri is Note the chias mus edera irenti. . . ari ius frondes. hiemis s) the sere and yello leas goes natural ly, to cunt' ' Coinrade the letirtis P. 43 i scio alii set a quasi- adjectival. sodali dedicet Hebro the orde is a light extensio of the type note lates'. i. The Hebrus viis Aracio os l. ii bove. Gow read Euro. XXVI. . protervis 's) i. e. to the wil iness os the win is ' se on
Pimplei dulcis nil sine te mei
prosunt honores hunc fidibus noviS, o hunc Lesbio sacrare plectro teque tuasque docet SororCS.
Natis in usum laetitiae scyphis pugnare Thracum est tollite barbarum
morem verecundumque Bacchum sanguineis prohibete iXis. vino et lucernis Medus Cinace sim mane quantum discrepat impium lenite clamorem, OdRlOS, et cubito reman Ot PreSSO. vultis Severi me quoque Umere
partem Falerni dicat Opuntiae ro frater Megyllae, quo beatuS
Uulnere, qua Pereat Sagitta. 9. Pimplei dulcis contrasti P. 36. mei ps Contain the subjeci se onides I. Is 33 as f we had nil sine
9. severi is the adjective goes illi Falerni, it Sss' and musti emphatic. Plin speak of a tenue Falernum hicli, presumably, i to e Contrasted with the ardentis si Falerni fides 2. II. 9, and the forti. . . Falerno of
mercede. qua te cumque Omat onus. non crubescendis a lurit is ignibus ingenti NUC Cm PCramor Peccas. quicquid habes age depone tutis auribus. a miser,
quanta laborabas Charybdi. digne Puer meliore flammat o
l. a. quo beatu vulnere qua pereat Sagitta Such separation os relative Or interrogative rona iis noui is commota at ali perio is and in aliauthor compare Cicero Div. in Caec. a. suo Oeo adiuvetento spera m and Horace Oaeo l. s. 9, o I. 26 4, i. 33. 38, 2. I. 36, 2. 7. 3, 3. 3. 3, 3. O. , , S. 2, 3. 7. 7, 3. 20. 23, 4. 3. O, - . 8, 4 1. 3, 4 4. 4. 0, Epora. 37 6. . a. 7, 7 36 and ll. 9 and 22 helow. 13. Ce at Cominiiirst, has tres i. e. do ou salter in Our illi' non alia is i e. on these and n other ternas' sc o P. 20, and compareitae l. 36 8. See O P. I. I 4. mercede houid have stress Seein .f. 4 9 26. Perhaps the implied antithesis is uri. e. ou may Orce me, butio otheriri be ill persuade me. quae te cumque so the rotapin se ora Odeso. 2. 7, an sor cumqueonitae l. 6. 3. Venus: sor position scemni es . . 6. IS. non erubescendis 'sὶ Sce On P. 20 and P. l.
t 6 ingenuo si 's has emphasis. Semper sor it position scein P. Sob. The word has tres si separation
19. quanta . . . Charybdi se on l. II bove.
qua Saga, qui te solvere Thessalis magUS Veneni S, qui poterit deus λvi illigatum te triformi Pegasus expediet Chimaera.
Te mari et terrae numeroque Carentis harenae mensorem Ohibent, Archyta, pulveris Xigui prope litus parva Matinum munerR, ne quicquam tibi prodest
2I, 22. quiS... TheSSalis i mam venenis: so the rouping one may compare . . ut Thessalis may be et with both magus an venenis seeo P. 2) moreover BESSalis Mus venenis an e re ad as a magi Cian os Thessalia charms' se Ode 3 2 32 . For the interest o Thessalis Compare Marsis is a Moae 3 76. quis poterit deus Heus Comes last S a climax-witCli, magi Cian, Od.
illigatum te triformi. . . Chimaera: hat we ea in the firSt three ord sis a bindin os o by a three-forme thing. The wor C imaera Comes late so that Iriformi Chimaera may be heard withioth illigatum and exseriet.
acria tempta Min domos animoque rotundum s
occidit et Pelopis genitor conviva corum. Tithonusque remotus in aura Net Iovis arcanis Minos admissus habent lue Tartara Panthoiden iterum Orco io demissum quamvis cli e Troiana refixot in I ra testatus nihil ultra
nervos atque cutem morti conce erat atrae. iudice te non sordidus auctor naturae Crique Sed omnis una manet no is
ironicat. The word is frequently used os a ritua gist, p. Catullus lol. 3 and 8, and I ratam. s. aerias ps air is the Potnt no domos se P. 27 and P. i. animo a be in re xolvo position illi te Luse in stercurrisse. rotundum i s i. e. the wheel O the heavens ' se Onci'. 27 and . i. 6. morituro separate lorona tibi an Comin las has reat emphasis. Compare the preposited moritur os des 2 3. 4 and interitura at Odes 4. 7. o. 7. occidit comes m t echo moritur and to emphasire the mora thal
Pelopis genitor, conviva deorum there appear tot an artificia chias mus. ut Pelopis is regulari proposited in Horace se Oaees 2. 3. 37 and Estoae. 7 6s . Se howeveri P. I.
8 in auras sor the position os these ord Seein P. 47.9. Iovis f): Minos is no meret con a deorum but confidant os great Jove himself Observe that Horace could have ritte arcanisque Iovis had he not is hed to tres Det D. Iovis arcanis Minos formas relation grous,ed early see nides I. 2. II: the topic is Jove' secret and Minos The Separation os arcanis Dona admissus ives arcanis tress heris admittet non cenis modo sed etiam arcanis see o P. 49 .il la demissum has Some stres. Sce Onide 4 9 26 contrast remotus
Clipeo Troiana refixo tempora: O the groti ping See o P i4. A Romancould I sancy seel Troiana illi sepe as ei as illius ora See o P. 2.13 atrae see o P. I. The effect is to death and darkness 'ia non sordidus p Seein P. 29. In litotes e have in effect a stres sed preposited epithet. ii naturae verique so the positionis these Ord S in P. S.
dant alios Furiae torvo spectacula Marti, exitio est avidum mare nautiS; mixta senum ac iuvenum densentur unera, nullum saeva caput Proserpina fugit. o me quoque devexi rapidus comes Orionis Illyricis Notus obruit undiS. At tu, RUta Vagae ne Parce malignus harenae ossibus et capiti inhumato
16 leti a standisutSi de calcanda ... viam the principi note a P. 48, orie ause via leti is reate a one ord- Death road, a Liv 34 9 6 has fars tertia civium Se alS o P. 43. So farci assume that mane is to besupplied illi calcanda semel via; ut i With calcanda e ma suppi est,
then semel, ecause postpo Si ted i emphati C, and the u=lam l. I has tress, i. e. the oad musti trociden once an on Cein ly one night an one nightoni await ali the torie os rein carnation re mere nonSen Se. 17. tomo spectacula arti spectacula Maloeti equivalent of Ssectanda, and thus torvo ... Marci Come Under P. 2Ι. 18. avidum ' i. e. the unger of the ea)' See o P. 27, and compare es . . , 2, 3. 29 6 I. I9. miXta . . . funera: so the intrusive densentur See o P. 46 a The insertionis densentur emphasiges the de of tam SomeWhat like fulenta at
nullum has tres standin alone at the en os the line. 19, o mullum isaeva Caput Proserpina: O the groupin See on . . 2I me quoque muSt, Socii Seem to me be antithetica to the ei l. I. The interposition os l. 9, 2 malae it unlihely that me quoque hould refero nautis of l. 18. The poSition os me is no necessarii due to the principi note a P. I, or in ali Latin, ame os natura phenomen maybe subjecis to transitive verbs ithout an divergen e ro the normal
deveXi ... orionis for the grouping se on P. O. For Settin Orion' see Odes 3 27. 8.eta. Illyricis is Notus these ord are ept together hecause a outhwind wouldirive the fallor rom his due eas course et to Corcyra or romthe morem orther CourSerio Dyrrhachium in to the dangerous fland of the Illyria CORSt. 23. at tu here the ghost Suddent sees and hail a passing boat. vagae is): the and is Scattere e verywhere and the refore cost nothing. The case of vagae is dative illi arce, genitive in poliat of hicli' illi malignus, an genitive os definition illi particulam. Compare Liburnis, Odes I. 37. O, Afri 2. I. 26, tibi 2 8. I, OV 2 8 6, consilii 2. II. 2, mons ris 3. 4. 73, obu 3 6 43, tibi 3 7 22, Sibio 8. 9, O, illo. 27. I, an Peliae in vi Her. 2. 29 Quid referam Pelsae natas fietate nocentes where Peliae is genitive illi aras an dative illi nocentes .