장음표시 사용
milia an superiori the generali Meat the pures spirit os patriolis inWard theeommon munis' Is es his significant silane os noninungaria mittere, timuis a succession a centuries the mos valvabie tes
a are stat thei liberinas melltas thei nationalit mere ni secure unde the sinis os urconstitution Austria has Hready trie thres times during the scitemin and eventemineent es, and in I 815 aster the sit a Napoleon an his hingoni os Illyria in incorporate Croatiar ut tho Ialter alWays appeale in themmarian Diecto desiverrit immata tanger; and When ine legitimate munion Mith Hungary- realixe in 1824, tho, te munis madet an occasion or publie mising os a taenos Seir gratitude, the mala accepted Whatevervas ungarian inhio , costumes, coloure, -- proper ames Theomn me men
and the Electore gave stela deputiis, in 1825 and I830 the solio in instructions conemingste langua quote tho texi: Sine the Hungarians mis in decree stat the omisi language of the generaliovernmen stallae the Hungarian, an a We, mala, are inspiredint the fame mal, and Wis in possem allata necessar means in eam stat angvage, me instructisu deputies in propos an expressa-sor thei pose os introduciniste genera sindyos themungaria languam in Our se ola, and sex providiniste necessar means. '
sarian constitutio dare to proclaim the grand
Where could . Gy, excepi unde thes iter os themungaria constitution, have develope his colossia project M a great Illyria, ita he pro sed in Arm by the dismem diment fis a important states Sine se Hungar no longe exista, not ni is it notpermitteda speis of the reat Savonio Illyria, but it is even sorbidden to thin Orit. In a Word, it must be admitte that the Wallata,ere evero re in flaver' excepi in Hungary that e re the incomplete independe e of Servia, ali ste Seria aut thos in Hungary, ere sein that the Savonio race Was veryWhere civili an morali oppressed in Austria, Turisy, and Russis; in Wereoni Dee inmungam. idea os Murum, Illyrian, and Have unit' allobos ardent aspirations aster great
nati mal eonceptimis, iam to geminate in stegenies Warin and Dee atmosphere os our comstitutiones liberty.
Is it no astonishmg, then, stat notininstans inmine great latitude hie οὐ constitution offerta sor the developmen os ali nationalities. Austria sint sumetaed in I848 in provolania civit War in the name os the princise os natium alities 4rine te .hie in has neveraeco niae any here, and Whic We have alis religio inrespected Τ ut stat is no all. hoatio mee de in loWe incus in ste public opinion os Europe is her calumnies insisad os ing presseri a mas ou due, me have been uiuusu accused It is time justice in id be ne Europe must iso that is the Hungarians are politim martyre, stat sat has
besisse them solet Minus ste stragoedis ita in great principies, nationalisa and librem Yo maneasib conceive stat this civit War, this si in os rares, has lammine very mela Gob muvenis mons the inhabitant of H
os an reconciliation uch miraculous unani
one and Were deterred by a sense of stamesor thei errore, and in the oster, is a stelinga resenimentis havinime sit sue in illretum sor ait thei patrioso sacrifices. In sic themungarians, a mellis ste ther nations, hesitate some time elare the made inestistas eis to reconεdementi It is diu statunder the Austrian despot in theseouid Mither Urite nor spea ireely ut it is, opinionstat both sides mere o Mawar in aetas: Dee and cordia largivenes Would have been as
tini irable n the par of themungarians, as
At ali eventa, a right mora seeliniexisted in thes hearis. The est Austria involuntaribis, ' a ut is her despoti system, her res,tious intolerance, her antimationa tende ies, her entraliaing principies, o ompletet orposed in ur historica traditions and 7 herovem liminitaxation, Whic Was rapidi comductius the empire in the inevit te abyssissianisupicy.
The populations es IIungarri in the mici osthei flavem, privations an persecutions os
every hi , havinita lessure in meditate thepast, have Men the pari Whic themungariantae has played in ste histor os the eo uriata are noW again uilfoonvincedabat this raceis destine to lea stem on to the re ver os a they havo tosti In siet, What Oes histor inae them 3Thata Mungarian is the conquering race. Beso iis arrivata liuiuom hin no existenue.
and states gaverit stat amnietation stat poli, timi existence, under Whicli it Was diplomattealbremmiae in Europe. Where is ste dynasty that cani sco an anterior righta here therople vel The period whiel preeeded o conquest Was a perfeci chaos. Tho ungaria race alone organiae and maintainin the State. The not oes eoi quere in munt , ut What is more dimculi, the create a State; and so great a State, stat in the levenis, melim, and thirinenthcenturies, there Was Marcet another in Europestat Muld ea comparison missicit and there certainin s notine in the laurinenti century, When ita frontiere,ere bathed by the water os iure seas. Besides, it Was themungaria race Which, at disserent poclis, eopte in land wii ne colonias, so that haurit presentu putation are the descendant of thos thus intrω ducta. The Hungarianisaee Minde religious liber iniungar Even besore the Re riuation,
themungarian Catholio Church, Wit respect in Rome, a the mos independent in Europe. Aster the Reformation, it Was themungarianra on seu severat ore tonso lesy οὐ arius in desine os liberi os eo dience, and secure it against their π kings, is Bur successive trinum. Again, an Europe have immotis stat se three centurio Hungam Wasine rampari hie defende ali Christendomagainst the smage hordes os Llamisma Themungaria race transplante constitutional li iram Asia into ungary. Their
admirabie constitutio Was Wie consigne tot rchment in I 00I, unde St. Stephen, and in
l222, Wit iste denomination os the miden Bult,' unde Andre II. It was this race Who genero lyiave ille vanquished an eques stare in thei liber , and the alio have the signathono of haxing constanti defende it against the e maestinent of the aps ms. Theyhave been sterioremos in ista thei blood sorthe common ause, an in consequene theybave o numericali inerram in the samo
Mad hesti coloniis vere invited essetne in themuntU. In I 848, it Was themungaria race o hankly relinquished the arist rati prin-eiple of the constitution thoughios lavo ableto thei own interesta, and adopted hi ita stead
ste dem rati prinesse os equality. What is
more themungaria race has everria ure topropagate constitutiones ideas amon ine igh udi in natio . The old Onstitution o Poland was copiedio themungaria in ali ita most essentialiaris. Finalty the ther races sinungar area re, as very dy ma see, stat is, o theone and themungarian imple e tem -- ed in the path os progressis to the aris and sese es, it is attributabis to the ac stat sorthree centuries, ungar Was the militam ubpost os Europe against easter barbarians, and se three later centuries has been en ged in Masinistrumles against the Austrian poli :H2