장음표시 사용
on in other hand Where is there a nation sose in number. Whic has conquered, ounderian organiae in great a Stato here alaeopte in Europe ho have belle sulfilledines politio mission Where a Mople,
B ten centuries maintaine Seir liberi isHWays gallantly fighting in iis defende is any one iste toriae it rom them Where a imple, in fine, bo Whil retaining their own liberinan nationalit' equali respecte in e Potherea
Ιs Austria has dare to accuso us os o pressinioster races, Mohola histor abundantly proves the salsenes of the chargu.
Alas' o. osten do, se in the annal os nativus gruat salsub iis, Whun boldi advaneudas trullis, sor a timo deesse tho oria This scilicisse Austria mado of the principio Mnationality; ut it is ou duinto utimas thoerii genius Whita has here assume the Mure os an anget os light. Has no Austria in thisiaditieular played the par os a pirata, ista amendi das in orde is evry on his crinthini
oni sim ata deat ornations, illo destructiones thei political and national liberti l
institutions hic areaera in virtve os ancientiam, in virtus os specia an solem uoties,mnsecrating the condition under hie ise πω the fovereigni is in dynasty, andvbie in iis fide, Mesed, signeri an promise on ath in observe satinsul ly cons quently bemeen in nation and the dyn ut here Was a synallagmatio contracto bie eouid
notae annullaris iste os ita parties, mi inino liberatius the oster stom iis obligations.
ine throne in I 526, notis a conqueror, ut in conseque e os thesee e lae os the nation, as
ine Pragmasse a notiori, the succession vas ex , tended to the semese descendants of the Hapstur M. There,ere Bur hinti os gu antees by Whiel, Hungar uinuo it necessar is secure herlibertim an independende, as against thedynasty. The M of these suarantem a the natoast. At inelius coronation it Was no the nation
sovereim Who4Kore in observe the constitution.
contra . me mill strive in creas and extendit fallite means in o. poWer; and that,evili do A the publie good and the glor and hamnes os the States, and of allinungarri balaver, ea j ij and equitabi do. Sohel us God, and ali the ruinis an elec of the
is oster u es stan thos e stitute by thelis' and that no Hungarian stati everrae compelle is appear besere an tribunal bateversiuini Dnd the limita es theruingom. 4. That the in stat alWay mainini inviolabie in integrit os the territor of the State. Ha
Tho belligerent parties, the nation and thedynasty Were alWays N independent poWers negotiatinito ther. Hiswr iners se instances of suo tristi Miseen aleopte an ita fovereign. d there is no nation, se histor containsso many instances as ura.
B suta means as these Hungar almus stroveis moid revolutions. The hings a France, during the seventeenthan eightemth centuries, figureis many pages of the histor os ur ars os indepeliden ge, inmetimes as allies, ometimes a mediarum. Severat of ouestreaties With the AustriandynastyWere eo ista unde the influenco animarantis
I Will instanees ly a seW of them. I. y Article IV., of the ear 687, it is solemnis elare that the incand his Missare indispensablfensage in maintain the state generara the munis in allabes righis, libertim, and franchises. 2. Article III., of the ear I Ib says: That the Unishali onj ovem accordinito existinitam, or accorduicto in e whiel shallbe thereine made an vored by tho Diete' stat, e sequently, ungar shali neve begovernest On the fame system established in othermuntries unde the fame dynasty, and that Hungar stat neve undem an diminutiona territory. R Aruele XL, of the ear 74I ordalas
at the legislative poner, composed os thesovere n and the nation eo Ointly, has alone theright in malie, interpret, and abrogate laWs, and
that this sorin os legistitis inaltae maintaininaud respected by the king, andior ever transmit- sed rom ather o son,ithout change That the kingoni inali neverte ovemed by mya ordinances, and that ille incinali notarbitrarii introduce any change relative to the administration, especiali in the administration a iustice, and that irae attempte in do so the trinouus could no bibound to obe his ordos; That notWittatandiniste change intro lucta, relative to the succession by the Pragmatio notion l783 , Hungar remaliis a re and