... M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis, libri tres

발행: 1910년

분량: 354페이지

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2. h. XII. - XXIII. conridereii , illi referenee io Partieular

a Iustitia illustrat se os coneealmen os fruin, and Ch. XIV. o falselio . a Ch. XV. The contrariΡtyos sue conduet both to the civit iam and Ch. XVII. to thela o nature. b Ch. XVIII. The motives t sue eonduet love of monen; Ch. XX. o distinctio : Ch. XXI. of Wer. 2 Ch. XXIII. ther cases of apparent confitet; particulari in the miniment of promises. b. h. XXVI. Fortitudo illustratin 1 by the eas of Ulysses, 2 p. 123 I. 26. by the eas of Regulus. a Argument in favor o violatio of the oath; b Ch. XXIX., argumentii reply. e. h. XXXIII. Temperantia. EPILOGUE, p. 131, l. 6.

ΤΙΤLE. De offetis etc. f. a statemen respeetin this in Cieero' letter o Atticus, ritten Nov. th, B C. 44 ad Att. XVI. 11): Quod de inseriptione quaeris, non dubito, uiri καθῆκον officium sit, nisi quid tu liud sed inscriptio plenior,

o Ometis. ωσ φωνῶ sutem Ciceroni Illi , Ui8um est non urni ειον. In another letter ad Atr. XVI. 14), he again maintain the eorreetnes of this se of the term : Mihi non 8 dubium, Viri, quod Graeci καθηκον. o osticium.

chap. I. 1. Marce fili See Introduction, p. 137. Annum jam audientem. The time hen the oun Cicero ent to Atheniis determine by a passage in ne of the letters of his ather o Attieus XV. 15 Seripsit M. Cicero no8ter hoc sutem ad Tironem, ibi po8 Kal. April.-8ic enim annuum temseu c9nsei- nihil utum esse. Respeeting the time os,riting this orti, see Introd. p. 135. For the mea niugis audientem, Se LeX. . L, IL, A. , and f. De Nat. I. 14 Cleonthes, qui Zenonem H disit Acad. I. 9 Iram Polemonem audiverset a idue Zeno. Orthenense M. 334, ObS. C. 189 6, 7 m. 467, 2 Ἀ 290 a; G. 221. 2 cratippum, a Peripateti philosopher, a native Os Mitylene, Where sor a timeae taught the doctrines of that school. Cicero


P mude iis equaintanee ut EPhesu heu ne a mn hi xva ii, Cilicia to assume the proconsul shipis that Province H C. Gi II is opinion o Cratippus is ivea in Severa itu Ps O thi, Work e. g. line 4 p. 62, line 30; . 93, line 30 and in therwritin spealis of himus his frien d a mos excellent undiearne man, a the e lites of at the Peripateties o whom he hadlisten , aridis equa in his opinion to the reates of that school. It was ut his equest that Caesar, hen dictator, conferre the right o citi gens hi upon Cratippus and that iners Wards, hen the alter entri Athens, he was invited iis illi eounei of the Areopagus to rema in there, and give instructio: in hilosophy. Idque A more preciSe definitionis a vom se connecto Memphaticallyb eri s. Is that whieli is ad ted i long io the redicate, an to the assertior tu generat, in neuter i ernployed et id, idque M. 4 4 c H. 451, 2 A. 1l I. 293, 2. Athenis. For the case se C. 148, and note II. 2. , II. A. 258, e G. 412. bundare Aster oportet, igni sying ut j. the aeeu sative illi the in sinitive is always used mut oti mise ther the aecusative illi the in . or in subjunctive illis ut ut M. 373, Obs. I. Praeceptis the doctrine. institutis use romeri rules of life so unde Mon these doctrines. hem eri in oti the true, the right the honorabi the latior sit lonthe in and charaeter in aecorda nee With lieni. t. g. Quorum. In RS O the combination Os masculine amesos livinglein 'ith objecis devoidis lis e the relative is ei her

denotes the result ather than in Puri se cum Graecis Latina. rivi studio uit Greeh.

I. Id in philosophia, se iis vritin stud simul in ut nihilosophisa subjecis in Latin, as et a by the sed os Greeuaut hors and by Iisteningo Greeli philosophors in dieendi


16. Proficias. For the mo . . 231 H. 529, I. A. 334 G. 469. Non paenitebit sinuti uot feri l cutisse l. Att. XII. N. 18. Utrique. The plura properly, and alWay in Cicero, denotes ea et i, fico parties M. M obs. Z. 141; here the Periinuetierio hieli Cratippus belonged, and the e vaeadem y


idea in nostra legens, because of the interventia parenthsetio

tius di sive State. . 652 M. D. Cf. . I6, line . In thecas of the genitive and the ablative ithout a Preposition thechoice et veen the gerund with an accusative uni the gerundi ve is deteranined by euphon and erspicui ty, O themere Die ure of the riter Ciuer uti Caesar Preser using the ruri dire. m. 413 obs. 1. Pleniorem. Se I X. . . II. B. 1.2. Velim. O the mood C. 202 2 H. 486 I. A. 3ll, b G. 250.3. concedens, grant in the 8uperior ity. r. n the ut rutigement of the ollowing clauses, e M. 476, o, ObS. 4. oratoris, the sua constructiora illi proprium, Meculturto. The dative is rure M. 290.f. pra-dicere, the three chie squalities of agood orator apte denoting propriety, suusMene ζdistincte, clearnes stud method in the arrangement of the dis- eourse a mellis in the se of partieular eXΡre ion ornate, the fit use of figures an tropes for the adornmenti discourse.


15. Nisi forte, illi the indieative, introduce a limitation or I

exception O What precedes Often indicat inrita improbability, or used in an ironical Sense, but nOLSO here. r. M. 442, o, Obs.1 Z. 526. Demetrius Phalereus bom B. C. 45, die in exilem C. 283 a distinguished statesman, and the head of th0govern menti Atheus for ten years a Peripateti philosopher, and the Iast of the in ore distinguisti ediscator Of Greece. 16. Disputator, ea ounder of phi 30phy. r. 17. Theophrasti, a Peripatetic philosopher of the th cent. B. Q a pupilis Plato and of Aristolle. The lalter designated him as his successor in the residen e of the Lyceum, hichposition e oecupiet to a very ad vance age. He a distinguished fortis learning and eloquenee. 19. certe here, a very frequently employe to limit theassertion. f. p. 102, line 36; De Seneci. . , and II 6.80metimeS, e. g. . , line 12 p. 102, Iin 33, it has the em Phati sore of certo, hieli is very rare in Cicero, except With 8eio, an elseWhere is found ni in the comi poets. Se Z. 266, Note I C. 99, 1 H. 304, II. T; A. 151, c. 20. Equidem. See ex s. v. II. B. The sentenee hiel, itintroduces, is inserte as a modest explanation of the factthat others have o been distinguished in both deparimenta. 22. Potuisse dicere, instes of the fui partic. illi fuisse, Whieli in Orat Obliq. ould regulari repreSent the luperfSubjunct., because in the ratio Recta the expressiou heremould e Plato potuit M. 409 and 348, c. 23. Tenuisset, i. e. continue to devote imself to it exclu-Si Vely. Pronuntiare, here to ery ound the philosoph learnedfrom Plato. He. 26. contempsit, o literalty despised, but dii uot care for,

chap. 11. 28. Sed resumes the thought interrupte by the digression in the preeedin chapter See M. 480 H. 554 IV. 3. 29. Volui Fordhe tense se C. 200 m. 472, 1 A. 282 G. 244.

30 Astati tuae, sto. Se Introd. p. 138. Auctoritati, Sc. ι utris et principi8. r.

31. Nam introduces the first reason sor Writin De mciis, thestatement of his intention to do,hich is implied in the precessingsentence Quum has the subjunctive hen it expresse a hind


is comparison, and speciali a contrast, et v noli se ea linuelaus and the Subordinate. M. 358 obs. 3.33. Latissime patere, to e mori mideis repplicolle ud norantis e genu8, tempu8 ac munu pertinere. Heus Cis P. 14 line

Qui haec tradunt et docent. l. Nulla, neque -neque Seu C

35. Privatis includes both forensibus, i. e. pertaining 00nu', Drosession or business, an domesticis, hiel, si and in thosum contrast a foris an domi. e. 37. Altero, sed here ne more is inentioned besides ne

that has been spolienis in opposition to that aioue and by iiself, where in Englisti the or unother is sed M. 496. contrahas. Se Lex. I. B. 2 b. 39. Atque introduces the seconi reason sor ritin On his subjeci. Haec quaestio, The Me twutiore of this subjeci.


imentioned, the indicative is sed M. 365. s. l. 7. Hic elegantly used after tu sor 8 i. e. - n. t. 8. consentiat, i consisten . Et non is omen me empi' iuste nee, heia the negative silended, ascit ere, inmineides illi inme partieular orii solio ving, here interdum tandthe whole reat is eo ordinate io Whai go in ore M. 458, ob i. Naturae bonitate, Mutur GD ue heu, t. r. f. l . 5, liue M. 10. Fortis, temperans. Eo the position se C. 260 II. 561 I. o. 344 i G. 675.13. Sunt the ea ling of Br. audi , solio viii mosi os theri . ther editor have rint, an reseruo Z. 574, Me nutili e Subjuvet Oecur uster q/μ -quunt in classi Proseinly benthere is Ome other re it. V. 361 Obs. 2.14. Alio loco, se in the De Finibus Bonorum es Dolorum und the last two book of the Tuscul0M Diis uti si . 16. Queant, Sed a more rarely thau se δ' and generullyoni in negative clauses M. 59 obs. 1; Z. 216. For ii ianu iis affirmative se, se De Sen. X. De Amicit. XX. ecord- in to D. po e denote abilli as a consequenue fio ver an lsiongin inire, o complete qualisi eation. 17. Firma denotes things hiet have a firm position a m hiel the cannot bedris Q stabilia in thenaseives no liubleto an . s. De Amicit. XVII. conjuncta, uecorduri trio; in his sense Dilowed by the dotire, O metime also hen combined mira though it then osten has the ablative. The verb


Ο. and He. at an BI. have nunt quid. cordiam to M. 90,1 the indefinite reidis used as a substantive, quod res an adjeetive. Quae, i. e. allither things hich. 3. sticiorum, the antecedent attracted into the relative clauseand ahing the sarme case illi the relative. I Such cases therelative clause precedes h demonstrative. M. I9. b. Id i. e. thei relation to the highest gOOd. r. 6, De quibus, elo. States the subject of the work. . Libris, abi. of place usualty ithout in When the contenta os the whole book are referre to M. 273, ObS. 1.


Gr12. Sic definiunt ut- definiant me criticis aliis expri