장음표시 사용
1 redundant and lii inliciae elausera a mere impolitionis,hai 0 hascius been stated. Vt asseris iniit sueti hi aseolog is notuneommon in good Writers and ei tes De Orat. III. 10 Sed si- totis ita poterit uti, lectias imi ut utatur Sali Cat. 52 23 sit ut impetus u in vacuum rempublicam. 14. Quod Noti e the Latin sage hieli osten contieet therelative illi a dependent ver instead of With the rinoi palverbis the relative elause See M. 44, Z. 804. 15. Probabilis, e able of ein approred C. 104, 36, 2 Η. 33, 3 A. 164 m. The desinition here iven os mediunt oss-cium, in contrast illi perfectu in osseium, as also applied by
Illius tres sunt sed quum initio di*isisset ita, tria enerre ea quirendi, osse ii Mee nurin, qui liberemus, honestum senturpe sit alterum utile an inutile tertium, inura se inter e pustriare ideantur, quomodo judica idum sit, quo lis cclusa Reguli, redire honestum, insenere utile de duobus primis praeelare disseruit de tertio pollicetur se deinceps, ednihil seripsit consilii capiendi, respectin' the r olution ormessure o be adoptere, the eoui se of eonduet to e determine l
1 . Aut, o soliomed a regularly by aut, aut buti Tum autem line 20 and Tertium linerib). Similar deviations Dom
10 oui se more to the style os conversation, Oru osten Our in th dialogisti Work of Cicero us ellis in hi opisili . ue. 18. Dubitant. See Lex. I. B. 20 Anquirunt denotes a searet On ut fide so ille rei oues
solisinteres With ille dignitiei sum mons os viriue m return tolli right eourse. e. 29. Afferat, c. deliberationem. He. 31. Sit C. 204, 2, 1 H. 5l5 III. A. 326 i. 588. Praetermis Sa sunt, Se a P in Metio beeause the totos id ni, admit inuit here ere degrees in good and evit. 36. Rationem, subject for consideration. r. lineas Triplea
consilii cupieri di deliber utio.
res rem re με. 39. De comparatione eorum se honestum stud utile, in liti, L
nature, ilia honestum i in ilii ita uiti it in him re a rationali iug, and what he element i, cardinii viriues stre it , hic h
to the present state, animal O the nature. . . Animul. SomΡ- times the forme is the more generio, and ineludes planis. s. Tusc. Disp. I. 10: Fru8traque et animalia et animantes appellari. natura. his expression ersonifies Nature a the iver C.
2. Vitam corpusque eXplanator app0Sitive to se Henee theus Of que. r. Tueatur, carebor, tandS in the presentisne aperseet, Heli represent the present talem astair an a condition hieli has commene . Pueretur Would denote the designi Nature hen Sh created livingleings M. 383, obs. 2.For the relatio of this elauserio est tributum, Se C. 208 Η.501 Ι. A. 332, G.
b. commune, neuter beeaus regarde a a substantive reser-ring to Some attributei charaeter istici a certain et asscin gen
preeeded, and there is no contrust. 8. Beluam, as et a pecus, is used of irrationalieings, illi intelleetua referene a devoidi re on in peeulia oppositionto man. D. 8. Animal Seeline 1, note. s. p. 41, line 16, and De Nat. Deor. In homine mentem, in belua quiddam simile mentis, unde oriantur erum appetitu8.
s. Tantum, quantum, ni 8 muci s. f. . 49, line 23; Pusc. Diap. I. 13.10. Adest is ot and refers to p es praesens est, to time. Ir. The sorme is opposexto futurum, the lalterit praeteriturum. l. and Ηn. The lalter serves t strengthen the de of hepresent in both loeal and temporal relation. f. Tusc. Disp.
11. Se accommodat, Se in iis onduet He. Admodum mayetther foliolo the or it qualisies, as here nil in De Amicit. IV. in n. Or recede, R in De Amicit. XXI. and XXVI. 13. consequentia Notio the fore O con here Se Lex. . v. I. B., 2 b. 14. Earumque, Se cau8arum. e. Gr. Praegressus, thereading of most MSS. adopte by Br. o. an He By cau8ae
antecedentes the Stoies meant mediate cau8e8 in ΡΡ. O cau8ae
22 coetus, the genera expression sor athering o eve Liud celebrationes u ui me oua assemblage ora speeitiei, ieet, partieulari si, the eelebration sis estivi me and GriS00 also lin. s. Concilium. 24. cultum, victum. The lalter denotes that hieti in inius lise, 00d the forme ineludes ali ilier hings nee sar sortho b id in civili ged lise. Se Lex s. c. l . . , and es P ii, sine 30. 27. Rem gerendam This Phrase more commoni reser towar o politiem assulo, ni mi, deuote, res here busive is aurkind the dis Garge os in os the duties o stetive de 28. Inquisitio the generat ii rin investigatio involves herede so inest is tariam patiis. l . . um 33. Simplex ouilaleos sincerum rens 'Med. Oeunties in 'in into ne hole, hieli orans the eompli eui os verum. r. 36. Informatus e Lex. II. n. 37. Praecipienti is considered by ovi erities an interpola uou on theground that incidero Lud Ni hod in se both inor mi W0uid ave written reui ruet in ti, Jocenti. It , ut i sed minave res ini in textis rei explanation iis docenti. hieti more properi me ais to comm uni re trum: bile
3. Modus Se Lex. s. v. I. B, and of Hor Sat. I. 1, 106.4. Aspectu sentiuntur, a circumlocution sor risibilia, hieli Was notoet in us in Cicero' time. He.
6 convenientiam symmetry. Quam suarum est um, referring to pulchritudinem, eto. i. e. certain qualities of externat laeets. Se p. 8, line 39, note an cf. De Fin V. 15 De Nat Deor. II. 10, 27. Similitudinem, the analogy. Ηe. . interpretes the clause, transferring the de of beauty, etc. Domthe objecta of ision to the attributes of the oul. Cf. De Fin. II. 14 Cujus similitudine perspeeta in formarum vecte ac dignitate transitum est ad honestatem dictorum atque factorum. 8. constantiam, mora 8ymmetry, con8 tency. Gr. 9. Conservanda The realing of ., r. He. plural be- cause the subjecis are o considere collectives as a Whole, but are expresse as distinet M. 213 a 2. Severa MSS. eadeonServandam. O the euder, se C. 113, 3 Η. 439 2 A.
187, b G. 282.10. Indecore, antithetico pulchritudinem effeminate toconstantiam; 11. libidinoso, hic means bound o no laetoo order,-aetinifro mere inclination,-to ordinem. l. 12. Rebus constituent paris, elementa constatur, is fa8hioned properly used of the busines of metal Workers. l. 13. Nobilitatum multitudini probatum He. 14. Honestum sit. The reading of the MSS. and of Br. o. , Gr. and t. Est is preferre byme and l. The sentimentos his sentence Was that of the Stoies in opposition to the Epicureans. s. De Fin II 15 Quod sitissum per se rectum atque laudabile ; non ob eam causam tamen illud diei esse honestum qui laudeturi multis, sed qui tale sit, ut, vel si ignorarent id homines elisi obmutuissent, sua tamen pulchritudine e88et Fecieque laudabile. 15. Nullo memine, hic is notisse in the est ritem. M. 1; Z. 676. 0hap. V. 17. Formam, only embodies, faciem also personifies, virtve. D. mene the se of tamquam, hieli expressea meret eoneeived or imaginar similarity. a. 282.
gives a translation in the De Fi . II 16 Quibus se oculis sapientiam non cernimus. Quam illa ardentra amores eaeriture sui, si videretur. Sapientiae, here ut in the laee o comeliseis, Honestum, because i lies at therioundationis ali virtve. Cis p. 57 line 4 et Seqq. He. 20. Quattuor partium, ource Or elements i. e. articulur viriues, lar the exercise of Whicli, it Was hown in the re di in chapter, that man' nature Was stred, and Whicli Cicero no v proceed to Peario in order. 21. Sollertia, intelligent de Pelopinent Lex. s. line a 30:
quique . . . pote8 . . . e licare rationem.
23. Rerum contractarum, urino en gementa, coniraco. Cf. p. 8, line 37 and note. 26. Modestia. Se Lex. s. r. II. C. Strici ly, it is the Dei Augos prefererice so the proper mensure or limit in conduet moderatio, p. 13, line 6 the habit Aetin in consorini tyrio illis seeling, and in in is prudentiau temperantia, a qualit pervading the whole man and nnobi in his hole eing, i in tosapientia. D. . Adetis. Cicero et sewhere desines it ac Hows: Temperanti est retioni in litimem atque in alio non recti impetus animi si ma et moderat dominutio De Lor. II. I, 4. Here, hoWever, these ord signis the Same virtve. s. p. a
32. Virtutis here sed to denote ne os the our division 12 portium , Bonestum Munus funetion FO a similar se of the ord, es. De Seneci. IX. , Omne osset munus: I.: Nullum Hiie Di aut omnino viti e munus in XX For thenieaning When contra sted With viscium, Se p. 9, line 31 note. 3b Rationem. Se p. 40, line 1 note Is used instea dis an adver correlative to ut, ecause of the change in the preced-
36. Huio, i. e. 8apientiu . 37. Tractet. Se p. 9, line 39, 088it, note . Subjecta materia, is lit., moiter pluod under tib handled, 8ubject- matter. Hn. 38. Reliquis-virtutibus, se Iustitia, Fortitudo, an Tem Per tritio Se Introd. p. 143. Necessitates, the ash He.; the nee 8ary aeterna relations os life Bl s. p. 58 line 27. 39. Quibus ablat. Whie regulari folioWs contineri to consis os, an no vnfrequently hem to e contuinei in . .
1. Actio vitae, praetieat Ue Societas, human odiet in 13 generat conjunctio the lose tie of kiushi a tu friendAhip. Cf. p. 25, line 10 BL5. Despiciendis, no valuinq; contemnere, o tofur; Mer- ere, O to cure for o destre, though his distinetion is notalWays Observed . . . Spernere. Ordo et constantia et moderatio, are mentione a together comprising What the Greelis
style σωφροσυνη, the lauri division o Honestum, beeaus the Latini ad n term preelsely equivalent to t. Se p. 12, lines 2 8, 26, and notes. 6. His . The adjective similis is ut in the est ritersalmost alWays it the genitive of the ames of living eings, and with the genitive and dative promiscuousi ODOther notans. M. 247, b, Obs. 2. Cf. Tusc. Disp. I. 33: Facie vel patri8, ritu
orinnium perditorum similia, here the -- eas is sed,
though the wo ind of resemblane sexterna an internal)are contrasted Pandi Nat Deor. II. 59, 149, here both casesare used in the Same sentenee, though the fame indis regem. blene is meant. . Eo genere, tho desartinent of things T. Actio, i. e. outward acti . Gr. 8. Rebus dative, Whic is ometimes found With some trangi.
IVtive verbes coimpolin de With red, though in classic ros ille aecus With ad even ithout it prope signi si eation, is preferred. u. 243, Obs. 1; Z. 16.9. Honestatem, virtve in generat decus here se deorum. For the meaning of the lalter es. p. 37 line 2 et eqq.chap. I. SAPIENTIA VEL PRUDENTIA. Se SVn Opsis, P.
11. Locis puris ordea l8. Cf. the se of this ordini 28, line 26 p. 94, line 25 of partes, P. 12 Iine 20 os fonte, P. 14, linea; os ratio, line 4 and of genera, p. 27 Iine 2 eaeli, M
fro-whieli spring the seu cardinat viriues vim frona hieli proceed the uties elongin to eae of th e. r. 13. Attingit, is connected ii or uited o. f. p. 22, line 38 p. 58 line 21. the sentiment, s. P. 57, line 4 et eqq. 14. Trahimer, se by the impulse of nature ducimur, byre On. f. Pro Arch. 11. Cognitionis, a uot of the minit bywhie knowledge is aequired scientia, a tute of the mimi; unxit implies a thorough knowledge of iis objeet D. s. Cognitio. 16. abi, O er in one' conduet errare, O mistali false hood sororuth nesciri, tot in tota ignoran decipi in bele astra by thera Hn f. p. 38 line 1. 17. Oenere, deparimentos iu ty, i. e. these ingsor lino ed . 24. Easdem osten sed here ometh in ne is sa id os a Person O thin atready mentioned, o denote either simiUri y as here or a contrast M. 488; Z. 697. 26 operae, partitive genitive depending upo quod . 27. Astrologia here istronomia. Me L c. sub roribu . . Sulpicium, subjectis omitte insin. feci operam P08ui C. Sulpicius Gaius a consul B. C. 166, an eminent orator and Gree scholar. His knowledge of astronomnis osten mention by Cicero. See Class. Diet. 28. Sex Pompeium, unete os Cn. Pompeius Magnus, ille triumvir. Cicero, in his Brutus, spe si his thoi ou an ,3 Medges jurisprudence, geometry, and the Stoicihil Os Phy.
3I. contra ossicium se osse io inurarium, and w Orius hel redicate it est. Cf. p. 22, linea. O the sentimentis thia clause, cf. h. XLIII. 32. Actione. f. linea, and uois.
34. Ad studia, e g. ali Sueli scientisic studies asin re mentione 13
in the precedin sentences Restitus, Occa Sion 8 o retu . me. Tum praeterea Bl.
35. Studiis cogitationis, the read in os mos MSS., and adopied by Br. andat. e. g. in contra, to ad Studia bove. meditorion repon the rue und the good. t. Heusinge lituit Mille phraseo investigution in th u ture Uiuri ori miis l. 'oitionis is preferre by . He., and Gr. 36. Sine opera nostra, i. e. Without earing rea ling, Or, riting eve Whe en gaged in buSines Pu uiis. 37. Motus activity. Chap. VII. GUSTITIA. See Inim l. p. 144. 143. Reliquis, se roti0nibus. q. Ratio here ivrs, locus, a the expression D tribus re-Liquis hoWs. r. See p. 13, line 11 and cf. p. 62, line 34. 5. communitas oecura very raret excepi in Cicero Heneeth use of quasi See Ρ. 11, line 14, note. 7. Viri boni, pred nom. The phrase, in a poli seu Sense, means either striot oriri ore tu e g. De Ley. III. 9, 20 in juridica sense, men os honor against hos ut rightneSSthere is no ground of suspieion e g. P. 72, line 26, an P. 115, line 17 36 in a philosophical sense the perfectly virtuouS e. g. Tusc. Disp. V. 10, 28: Omnibus enim virtutibus instructos tum sapientes tu=n viros bonos dicimul He. The subjectis the verbis indefinite, o homines may be supplied. he mean in of the elauseris that juεtilio is the standard by hie me mensure themora goodnes of a man, o that vir bonus an vir ju8tus are convertibi terms in populares an age. Hn. 8. Quam M. 393, c, obs T Z. 601. Strictly benignitas is aetin Do an ungelsis spirit liberalitas has resereno toone' own an and the merit of the receiVer D. . Largus.
11. Nisi lacessitus injuria, et even then, not necessarii togratis revenge, butuo prolae SOeiety Ηn. 12. Pro communibus, a common profer , i. e. t Whicli Oone has an XelusiVe laim, e g. ORdS, Prin , RStureS. r. Suis stricti reserito in subjectis utatur, but is used as pro vasti. HE. 14. Ut qui, i. e. ut occupatione teirent qui He.
i the state to colonies an municipia, hieli mere established bys ore, and unde ver different conditions and term spactione, onditione). his land then re mained common property either in publico or in privato usu, an is here distinet romolle privatarum possessionum discriptio line 18 in He. The tu vpasse sor munditi a colon fixe the quantit os lund that was tot distributed, and ho much was tot assigne. t ea rh
fit, the subject of hicli is siquid undet si od), limite byeorum. r.
20. cuique almost alWays stand in the relative clause, commoni immediately after the relative. Sometimescit is re-Ρeated as here M. 495. obtigit, like breuit, properi denotes vlia falis to one' tot. D. s. Accidere. Teneat, C. 203, 1 H. 483 - 266 G. 253. 21. De quo, i. e. anythinifromethat hiel, has become privare property He. 23. Solum instea of the assi solis, though the alter soli se
more common Sage M. 300 c. ortus, et . i. e. Our existenceis a good of Whiel a hare elongs, etc. Que et O ac is em plοye where in Englisti ut is used i a negative claus is sol lowedi an affirmative in Whicli the fame thought is expresse ior continued. M. 433, Obs. 2.26. creari is sed dependiugul)on the sub ,rdinate elause, ut placet, Danacoluthon instea Oscreuntur, introduc ra y quoniam. He. In the De Fin. III. 20, 67 Cicero attribui olii uesentiment to Chrysippus. 27. Inter se. H. 44, note A. 196, f; G. 212. Aliis alii. C. 119, 9 e Η. 459, 1 A. 203, c; G. 306.