... M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis, libri tres

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quidem. hieli osten introduce tria exuuiplo illustrative os a generat stateuient. et his aeeount also ould have to e considered spurious dii uot Cicero osten a litile regam to the cona in his selectionis aneedotes, sine it prove nothingis to the serupulo nes of the Romans in the matteris declaring War. He. M. Popilius Laenas, consul B. C. 173, ho a Sent With an arvi against the Ligurian mountaineers, conqueredi lieni in alitehed batile, after great Slaughter Soli the remainder of the tribe a flaves, and tundered ani destryed thei rei ly. Diet. Di . 15. Catonis filius M. Cato Licinianus, the et de sonis aioth censor distinguishexas a soldier und jurist. 16. Dimittere, to lacho ge. 19. Patitur. O Ostos the MSS. Br. O. and He. ne S. and r. have piatiatur I l. andat. , pateretur. 20. Obliget. For ille ood C. 28, 2 II 523 III., note; A. 339 l. 655. The pro 'ut tens is a violationis the tale sorseque nee, Whiel ad inita ni a laus of r uti in the resentaster an historica tense. C. 234, 2 II. 495 VI. A. 287, c;

sei red oras irregularities hieli cannotae explesne l. 22. Adeo-0bserVatio, i. e. o serus,illo usi dii they consormio the preseribed rules Movendo, eriterio repou CL Liv. IV. 8 Bellum motum superbum re/ponsum Veientia Seoutus. Bl. hoWever, considera it serendo. 23. Est there id aetant. 24. Missum factum esse, ad been dis nisse l. See ex s.

Muto, II. G.

25. Bello Persico the war illi Perseus, Lin os Macedonia, Whos doseat, . C. 67, b Aemilius Paullus, rought Macedonia in to the possession os the Roman s. 28. Pugnare, subjeci scius esse. Somo ei substantives Whioli a b construeled with the genitive of the gerund may aequire, in conjunetion illi est the fore of an impersonaliX- pression after Whioli the infinitive is used M. 417, Obs. 2. hein fin malae more prominent the adjective or verba signifieation f. p. 105 line 14.chap. XII. I9. Equidem, Formypart Quod-Vocaretur, easual elaus subordinate to lenitate mitigatam.


178 BOOK I.

l 30. Perduellis. s. p. 126, line 26. Hostis, ah in to an erit r00 GHAS, Whene Eng. yue8t, to eat a transter, R One lictis enteriainexat table. 33. Duodecim tabulae. The iam prepared by the Decemviri, B C. 451, ere adopted by the eople, engrave on ten tabli isos col)per, and assixed in the Forum to the rostra in frontos lis

usage. C. 119, 9 ν Η. 459, 3 A. 203, G. 32 I. s s. p. li , line 5 and so the es frequent sage, P. 30 line 4 nulli 36, line 24. 8 celtiberis, Whosechiesii ty, Numantia, Scipio Asrie uini


16. Vitam cernamus. i. e. Se LeX. K.

21. Dono ducite eoque Some and r. I. considera dono dative dependiis on ducite. Volentibus' propitiis Thel raseris a eommon formulam praye and Wish. r. For thequantity of the u se C. 266, 2 notera H. 526. II. note 2 A. , e. 22. Regalis, Orthy hing restius, ha belong to aking. D. Aeacidarum. The Lings of Epirus traee their descent f m Achilles the grandSO O AeaeuS.


180 BOOK I.

20 chap. XIII. 23. Singuli, i. p. in contra' to the Stato. Iemporibus, ire rem8tarice8. 25. Regulus. See p. 123 line 28 et seqq. undis 28. Non belong to reddendos as Cicero' statementi P. 128, line 1 shows It positio ma be explained by considering non censuit se negavit or di8suasit. l. an dat. a. 799 M. 468 M H. 29. Propinquis, hindred by lood D. . Nece artu M. 30. Fidem promise Omple e. 31. Secundo autem-approbavit This assage, a sar Are non erat p. 21 line ), is no found in an MS., and theremat rideri itini in one and the crities are divided in th tr

36. In aerariis reliquerunt. It is noWhere stated by the ancient riter Wh the cierarit,ere. The wer no in nytribe, and were excluded si omissice and Dom the right os voti f. The phras here litρrali means that the censors, at th eXPirution os their omee, testin record the namesos those WhOm Ili Pyhad degraded to the eonditionis the uerrerit. Se Diet. Antii lil.

s. N.

37. Iuris-fraude thro us evasion, no open reaeli, of Looath, as fraudem facere legi, to evade a MV. culpam invenerat, a rare eXpreMion Or ibi contraaeerat. r.

21 1. Nescio quid iliquidi quid tum inii more indesii

and commoni uSed in a derogator sense. Quod iceret. i. m in eis heua id, etc. C. 232, 3 m. 516 II. 1 G. 541, 2 4. In fide, here in the wide sense of jus Dinandum. l . Book ΙΙΙ. eli. 29. l. Quid senseris, ora re in meos quid dixeris, the mere ori , hieli are e able os severus meanings Bl. 5. Maximum exemplum. s. the accountini venis Page Ill . 6. A Pyrrho the connectionis a Dreposition anxit ἀwith a single substantive se M. 298, b, 2 Perfuga a deserter, Who botrays his party. D. . . 8. c. Fabricius. See p. 20 line 13, i te s. Dedidit, the read in os ali but ne of the SS. Fi, thenumber, C. 110, 2 b H. 463 II. 3 A. 205, b G. 202, Re m. l. 10. cum scelere, an adjunctis interitum. See linei, note, and p. 15 lineael, note. 14. Quibus depend o uti M. 476, d.


XOTES. 181

ut an particular reason, though in generat the repetition indicates a differen is deas. M. 70, obs 2 a. 745. 2β. cautiones stand here so eminue inter reportet. 29. Dignitate meitu. 30. Id resera to the clause immediates preceding. Haec omnia in recepta re8pectin this duis. r. deed se beneromterire He. 33. Perniciosi contraste Wit benefici assentatores, illi liberales. The forme reser to the ut ar aut the alter tot he disposition hieli is on to expressestseli Dirs of ut in

37. Eripiunt. Se p. 9, linei, note Cieero has particular individual in ind.

38. Quod largiantur, a relative elaus OPPUπOSe. 39. Quacumque Oeeur raret as an indefinite Pr--n, Withthe notionis universali , Without a relative signification. in the est riter oni in connection illi ratione.

abest, and inserte here by Br. o. He. and Gr. q. Sullae Caesaris subjective genitives pecuniarum. 'Vem


182 BOOK I.


22 a. Idem, et the fame time. Alter The second. f. p. 21 liue 28. 8. Quod Stricti a relative in the accusative, butisse herens a mere connective mors, a it neu is e re i and other

12 Inest autem A change of construction instead os deinde, whieli ould regulari solio primum in line . s. . l , Iine 2 and 33. He.16. Plerosque reserit qui benigniore volunt, etc., line . 16. Gloria, here, pa88ion for Dry. f. the se of con usto tutis, p. 56, line 32, and liberta8, p. 67 line 30. He. 18. Voluntate, genuine good-ν ili. 20. Tertium, sed substantively, instea o Tertiam locus. Se p. 21 line 29. Delectus dignitatis, a choice, i. e. α distinction, accordin to merit. r.

21. Esset, imperseet, because Subordinate to est propositum, perfeci indefinite. 23. communitas reser in relationsiti by blood societas, topolitica connection s. p. 13, line 1 note P. 14 line 4. 25. Si minus. I not, Without a veri, in Opposition to Something going efore, is expresse by si sis in minus, more rarelysi non. m. 442 c, in n. causae se sortestoWing a si richap. XV. 28. In quibus, tot connected with sunt. II e. 29. Agitur Se Lex. s. v. II. D. 8, b. Simulacra, the ἰα - α δ Or emblance Se Lex. . . II. s. similitudines honesti, p. 96, linei Pandi. 113, line 23-2. i. Wher rem uis in marib is contraste Mili justiti te soliduni o ex re rem sigie ι .3I. Significatio, iudication. 33. Virtutibus his lenioribus, i. e. in comparis in illi 0 titudo. s. p. 70, line 30 Theyare resere cit, again in line ἰοῦ. 36. Forventior, o si petu 'in.

37. Bonum virum attingere. h ton to th ' Muructer is 700d i. e. a virtuo ιδ mo'. l. 38. Haec Se erunt Pectanda. moribus, Ac of thos ulmu


NOTES. 183

unfrequenti stand without grammatica relation to the verbo the sentcnee, to introdue a ne topic like Quod attinet d.

Cf. p. 33, Iine 26 Z. 308.1. In ossicio. f the expression ossici est, line 28. 232. Benevolentiam, se of other toWardis.

b. Ineunda, quines, umes referenda, requites. r. 6. Reserenda, a very rare se of the ablative of the gerundive, instea of quum illi the infinitive, after a comparative. e. instead of incio referendae gratiae. Bl See M. 416, Obs. 2. . tenda, i. e. hic have been los ned to ou passive in meaning See p. IJ, line 14, note. 8. Acceperis, the econ person, agreein With a single indefinite subjeci, hieli is imagine and S to Speuk, ad treSSed, in orde to express something indefinite. m. 370. s. esiodus, se in his poem entille morti and Duys. Nam in quidnam ives livetines Or emphasi in the question. Z. 134. Beneficio, se unSought by S. 10. An imitari, etc. The sirs member of the ouble question is omitted, and the second member here expect an affrmative ans Ker Z. 353. M. 453 An is Sed hen a question itaeis answered unde the formis a question, O SOme eonjecture respectin What is asked is added in the interrogative forin in Whie case an somelimes talies the meaningi nonne. 12. Dubitamus, signifying hesitate, an solioWed by a clausecontaining the fame subjeci, generali talies the infinitive, as here though the subjunctive it quin Sometime Oeeur eVeni Cicero. m. 375, o, Obs. 2.14. Danta beneficii M. 417, iusti. C. 133, 5 H. 396 VI.; A. 214, f; G. 359.

15. Demus necne, hether oesive or not. O the formis thoclause, Se P. 10, line 24, Ole. 17. Injuria, se in ali98.18. Deleotus, idistinctiora bet ween, etc. 19. Maximo cuique, Se benescis.


184 BOOK I.

23 23. Impetu, ni Pulae, Sc. ω es individuat s. 25. Atque a8. Se p. 17 line , Ole. Judicio the generalterna, expla ined by the two sol lowing ords It is antitheti scite meritate udicio, line 22 consistera te, to repentino-impetu, an constanter, O morbo in omne S. r. 29. Contra, contra liniae, sed adverbially. e. Plerisque, in t eo 'le. . 109, note. f. the sentiment of iliis and tholi recediti sentence illi Luke vi. 33, 34 iv. 1 ue. 4.

Chap. XVI. 32. Societas hominum, etc. The third , theimur round of merit, mentione on . 22, lines l-24, is eri

common ly recedes it noui When Other genitives are also dependent ou it. . 791. l. and t. refer u furti beenu Se thuoccurreno Os genitives Sustaining different relation to the fame nouit is thus avoided. 36. Humanae qualisies both the nouias besere it Z. 90. T. Repetendum altius, muri a more thorou h in Dry. 39. Communicando, e consilia, the intercliany of thougho. Ir Disceptando, discussion f. p. 18, line 27. 24 2. Ulla re, c. than the possessioni reason and speech. g. Equis, leonibus. Asyndeton, hich deur in animai discourse Ot Ialy here there are three o more members, buteven illi tWο M. 434. Justitiam eonduet in aecordane uriththe civi laW aequitatom, in accorda nee illi natura right. b. Bonitatem, i. e. beneflcentiam, beniquit Mem, liberalitatem. 8. Societas haec, Se renis si steneris muni. 10. communitas, a common posse tori. Discripta sunt, Grili Q, ed O individual a private Properi y. 11. Iure civili properi included i qes, senat - ou80ltre, edisse, judicia decision8, mos, reequit08. A contrasted with HV to /it , it Sometimes meant resereritten lare Se I ii t. A nilqq. st.


2b 0. Fratrum, brother rend 8 laters. See Lex. . . II. B. 11. Consobrinorum, cous in8 sobrinorum, the chil ous ins He See Dici Antiqq. P. 319, a. 15. Suboles, os Uriny, prGeny 0rigo, the si 8 recturi 'inning. r. 16. Benevolentia refers to the understanding and wili caritat to the Delings Cicero Ofte connect them. 18. Monumenta, memorial o any hind particulari nutu and ecor . Sacris, private religious rite Os a gens Orfamily, observexat state times and with the greatest care. 22. Honestum. See p. 12 liue 18, Ole.

28 copulatius here se copulantius CL such Ord aes in-8ideratu8, cautus, a laus, tacitus, etc. Which have an active smel a passive meaning He. Gr. Bonorum, Sed Substan

32. Communitas, bon offeliores p.

33. Ultro et citro mutuaily. 34. Quae dum, sor hile thrae. r. 26 1 caritates, the abstrae so the concrete, the object loves.

2. Dubitet. C. 205 H. 486, II. A. 268 G. 258. Mortem

oppetere, a mora aet, in a sar a a mala, is heloes no seela death, et aWaitis it Wit si nes an contempti it D. 3. Istorum, sed in a contemptuous ense. C. 116, 5 II. 450 1 note Α. 102, c; G. 291. Immanitas, mon8trou Or v natura rei hedne88. g. ecupati sunt refers in Anton an his associales fueruntio Catiline Clodius, and CaeSRr. 5. contentio et comparatio, lucino to the nil compserium 9. Spectat in nos Se achel per and eouia seliora. r. 10. Beno convenientes, lihe---ded, illi hom e re in

12. Necessaria praesidia vitae i. e. verythin need sui forthe supportis lise. 13. Vita denotes the public victus lae privare lis os a naan. D. 16. Vigent, i. e. have hei proper l,lai e renu value. r. 17. Conjugavit Occursint iuri vo Other l, a s se in Cicero. Chap. XVIII. I9. Quid, c. tribu . 20. Vel has through an ellipsis the mean in os et n. V