... M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis, libri tres

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28. Naturam equi, an expres, in equivalent to the ethica 14 in aximis the Stoies live aeeordin to nature.' communes afferre, to contribute to the common adrantes ge. See Lex. R. Vediu8, II. B. 1. 29. Mutatione officiorum, inter hange of Services. r.

30. Dando accipiendo explanator of the precedingit se. Tum tum M. 435. s. 3, and cf. p. 58 line M. Artibus. Cflin 37, and p. 56, fines 5 and I Facultatibus. See .

33. Dictorum eonventorumque Pro ire u ud compucu constantia M. cupiam, notis frequent oecurreno distering DOm qui quum in einet D perly used ni in afficiuative clames, and like insequam, ather more indefinite than liquis M. 93, b Z. 129.

hoc fortu8ae duriu8.37. Dictum est. O the O , C. 226. note 1 m. 524, 2, 2, A. 336, b G. 31. 2.2. Aliqua in omeliaee. e. g. in enumerations Dearly equiva ibi en to ultra liqua though the or itfel does no bear his signification M. 493. R. 3. Perturbatione. For the technica meaning of this ord,

ef Ac. Disp. IV. 5 and 6 e. g. motu turbido tu in irae tum cupidit iis controrio inimico8que rationi aver8a a rectu mtione contra sturam, animi commotio, etc. Quasi refers tothe hole laus manus assere socio Whiemis tot explained by the toto doctrine that ad rational eings are Moeiate in

5. In vitio, at fauit. It is equivalent to a predicate adjective. Cf. p. 27 line 22 p. 21 Iinera, and p. 23, linea. 8. Nocere. For the m d C. 242, 5 H. 533, I P A. 271, a


168 BOOK I.


P. 144.14. Perfruendas voluptates. his gerundive sand that os the ther deponenis hic have their object in the ablat.

is sed like that os a common transitive ver Whi h overtis the accus. m. 265, Obs 2 and 421, a, Obs 2 CL Z. 657. 15. Major animus, mi iter spirit. 17. Nuper se more than in years besore. As a parties of time it has a relative value, ut generali denotes a time se recent than modo. s. De Nat Deor. ΙΙ. 56 per id Glo,H0cis ante saeculis line 33, modo M. Licinius crassus Diu sev the triumvir, note sortis immense ealth. 18. Pecuniam, prope/'imo any kind perSODalis real. II n. 19. Fructibus, income cujus posset, relative sor conditionalclause C. 221 Η. 507, 2 A. 316 G. 594. ecordingtoM - , his hole estate at the uiset of his career Was equivalent invalue to 350,000 at iis close, after lavisti in enormous Sumson the People, equivalent in s8,500,000.20. Apparatus, great externa magnificenee, speciali iuliouses, decorationS, furniture, librarieS, Ork of uri, late, and dress cultus. Seel. 11 line 24, note. 21. cum-copia, i. e. elegan et copiosus, a Substitutionis a prepositio an nou sor an adjective, hicli is no uncoui

22. Esset. Fosthenense, See C. 234 4 II. 495,Ι. A. 2 7 a G. 511 Rem 2, and 519. 23. Nocens, is equivalent to a conditiona clause See C250 H. 549 2 A. 292 G. 670. The thir motive sor injustice.

26. Imperiorum denotes a military an absolute poWer notinuident to any ossice, but speciali conferred by a leae curio UPO conSuis, Praetore, an dictators exercised oni out of thecity, and without hiel, no militar operation could e Dii ducted in the nam of the State Honorum, ut magisteria an dpriesti ostices other than hos cum inperio. Diet. Anti m. 27. Apud Ennium It has been conjecture that this quoia tion is Dom the Thyestes, but cannoti certaini known He. 28. Nulla, et: are respecti vel the eud and thelegiun in I is trochai tetrameter catalecti verses. l. O the feet, C. μὴ


NOTES. 169

33. c. Julii Caesaris, the Dictator. 35. Quem finxerat, of Whie he hod formed an erroneous i. e. hic hae had erron usi pietur himself a thesummitis has in s Garve P. 118 line 11-18. l. 36. In hoc genere, i. e. in his deparimentos in alsos hielis idem is no tre ing. molestum odiosum, p. 28, line 3. 2 cavendum est is usuali solla vel by ne uti imperatio 16 cave, neu ithout ne j in the sense of toste cureis momi, ut in the ense scio ut id, Sometimes by the insiti itive. M. 375 a Z. 534. Ad tempus. Se Lex. s. r. II. C. , and cf. . 79 Ii De S. consulto et cogitata Sueli a combinat uis an adu stud adjec. is uel Ies frequent in ieero than in later Wrii K P. 42, line u p. 51, line 23. He. 6 Leviora enim, etc., a deviation rom the tot doctrine that ali sins ere equat. 7. Motu putie. Melitata, premedi ured, Sed tu a M- Sense, as are Ometimes the Perseet participies of a number of the deponentis, of whiel, a lis is iven in . 32 M. 153. Chap. IX. alie seconda indis injustice. 11. Nam, amely. When a generat description is followed by Something more Speetat, D Sue partiel a the Englisti nam Hyis used in Latin I an explanation is added iura ne Proposition, nam an enim are maderaseis M. 435 ObS. 4 Z. 345,


170 BOOK I.

l tenue spurious in hic this phras stands. Billerboch and s. Omit justitiae, and Gr. justitiae genus, in line 21 and Gern-hard inserta injustitiae aster incidunt, hic He. sayiis grammaticali impossibi an logicali false. Sine Cicero is heres alaing of tWo Lind of injustice, ther thin the connectionrequires the substitution o injt titiae genus itant. Se liue 21. ., Bl. an He. Dil Wing the readingis a later II S. substitute, in line 22, in altero delinquunt though He admits that it ca scarcet be explainei ho out of this rea ling could have arisen that os ali the belle MSS. Whicli has been adopted by Br. andat. an is give in the text. Ernesti regardo tu i-dere a here se ostenderem violare, an gives Severa instances

os a Similar se e g. Verr. I. 12, 32 Incidere in aliquem; De Fat. 8 Ne ipse incidat in Diodorum i e in eju8 enteu-liam): Pro Plano. 7: In me incurrit atque incidit Pro Roδα Amen. 52 In milites de impronis incidant, transi by Riddie's Lex. attach. Whit an Riddie' Lex oves unde Incidere II. C. , , to tumbi upou bluuder,pon, an cites his us- Sage an unde b, to allach, sall. t. regard alterum, iutine 22, as used substantively they sal into ometh in elae. 25. Putat, se Plato. The reserene is probabi to De Rep. L p. 347, C. Bl. Erat Fordhe mood se C. 196um. 476 5; A. 264,4 G. 246, Rem 1 M. 348, o, ObS. 26. Ita si, Osten nul on condition that Arn See also M. 442 a Z. 726. Quod-fit, i. e. is right in irael f an adjunctishoe ipsum. 27. Studio, ablat of the motine in the agent himselfi Whicli, hoWever, is found mos frequently With intrans an passive verbs hic denote the state of min of the subjeci, an moreespeciali Wit thei participies hen the qualis the subjecto a proposition, here in Englisti e Reu ni Say, ut Q. M. 256, Obs. 1.

29. Nec Severa MSS. rea ne, ut the motive so retis ment to private lis is Uready indicated in studio and odio,

36. contineretur See p. 15 line 22, note.

line i p. 59 liue 11 and in the plura very frequently. s. p. 17 line 10 P. 20 liue 23. r.


38. Ipsos in thesaui e case With in perSona Pronon beeause 16it is indieate that the actio is exerte um the subjeci and notis Other Persons The hole phrase --ule u e re eat remeis ebi8h. He. Amabimus. For the ense, C. I91, 3 H. 70, 2 A. 278, b G. 34, Rem . . Est enim et ., Q. because of sel Diove, a the sentene sed tumen quis p. 7, line prove S. Enim, heresere, joius es, et to the subordinate eluus nisi nosmet ipsos, etc. e. 39. Quamquam, sed i t in an independent clause, intri i- duces a remar by hicli the recediti siuiemen is limited, insteiled ii correcte in M. 443 Z. Mi Di, te in D . Terentianus ille Chremes, a character in a plano Terende entit ted alie SolsTormentor. 1. Humani, te. Dona Ac I. Seone , 25. abe ei neeilan in 17whic the verse occur is i solio et MENEDEM . Chreme, tantum re reli re tuo oti tibi Aliena ut cures, eaque nihil quo ad te reuiuent' CHREMES. Homo suo dinum uni vos o me alienum puto. Humani that belonga to in inhiod reser no to the error Orfrui lites of men, ut to the good an evit hicli Dia besalli lieni and by this sentiment Chremes seelis to apologi ge sorhis inquisitivenes about his neighbor' assairs. 2. Sed tamen, etc. i. e. ut stili even i ree do cheri8 this Deling of interest in the welfare of thers. r. Percipimus atque sentimus, amystero Proteron. The Delin precedes the perception He. 5. Ac than, after adjective and adverbs of unlineness after thos of likeness, as C. 257, 7 H. 554 I. 2, 0te A. 156 α; G. 646. 6. Qui vetant, em not the eachingis a philosophica school, but a sentiment osten expresse among the Bomans He. f. Plin. Epist. I. 18. 7. Agere Aster reto, ne iis the subjunctive is veryrare; and is the person to homin thiniis sorbidden is no specified, simple infinitive mansollow though it is more usual, heu the insin has an objecti' express the purpor of the prohibitioni the passive by an accus With the in . . 390, Obs. 3. Bu


17 I. cogitationem injuriae, i. e. is a signis the conscio u go a possibi injustice. r. Chap. X. See Synopsis, p. 143. 11. Eoque See p. 7, linera, idque note. 12 commutantur fiuntquo contraria. Hendia lys.

Cf. p. 59, line 1l P. 122 line 1.22. In fabulis f. P. 122 line 10 e seo 26. Iratus, Se by the accusatiou of his is Phaedra, huiHippolytus her Stes sola ha made improperiris alarii her. Maximos luctus, se on learning after the dea thi Hippolytu S. that he was innocent of the charge. The horses os Hippolytus, frightenedi a sea- monster senti Neptune, dashed liis Gai it pieces and dragged hi tit he was dead. 30. Ut, forisaeam te constitueris. Se Lex. II. D, 1 b.

31. Advocatum, a technica judicia term for ne hozav Phis advice or at in thema unagemento, Da eas in muri litat in the time of ieero, the word dii no Signis in orator impuli mi Who made the speech. Diet. Autiqq. In rem praesentem euire lit., to come to the luce Debsor in salie iii is laser

examination. s a legat elintea expression it ad resereti originalty to the praetice of the litigauis', ut si elim is illi judge's, alourn in modi i lii, os mund whiel, iis ille sui jec o litigation, sor persona inspecti in then Omlinari ly-


26. Standum esse. Frona intrans verbs hieli Other Ni e havem gerundi ve ille neuter of the gerundive is sed ac tit

407 I. 38. Iure praetorio. The ediet os the praetors, in hielieaeli Praetor, i eutering mee anno uneed the principies, hie lihe intended in follox in administeri urit, ere the fouree of the . a praetori in Whie supplemented an amende the statutelaws, speciali DOm the laud-point of existin eust in and natural eqvity. From these edi eis a thus derived the 1OStvaluabie par of the Roma law. See Diet. Antiqq. Liberantur, annuties, cancelle i.

39. Legibus, e g the welve Tabies and the Aquilian and Plaetoria Ia s. f. p. 110 line 2 et seqq. calumnia, hic ii ery eXplained by the sollOWing clause He. 2. Summum jus et . i. e. the trietes legat right a b 18 the greateSi morat, rong. r. The verbias is generali omitte dii stiori audiith generat udgments and seu tenees M. 479, a. g. Re publica, a uir of Mate. b. Ille, etc. Plutaret relates his of the Sparta Ling, Cleomenes A simila instane is mentione by Strabo of the Thraeians heu at War it the Boeotiaus He.

8. Q. Fabiom Labeonem, consul B. C. 183 an distinguished

a an Orator.

10. Auditum se id quod audivi. r.

13. Appetenter, greedily. Bl. Regredi. i. e. elata les thanthe thought the wer entille to. 14. Aliquantum asseris the existene Of Some, an generallyimplies that it is a considerable quanti . It is osten used Witha genitiVe Arn. 17. Quidem, emphacie.


18 I8. Quocirca like quapropter refers to a nuuiber of muniis collectively, ome of Whichia be implied only, i. e. for these in i similar reason 8 quare line 30 and quamobrem, to nedosinit ground distineti state i. Arn. 19 Sollertia, crastine88, ubilety.chap. XI. 20. Autem. Se Ρ. 7, line 20 note. At line Milias an emphati adversative foree connectin notions that areoppose to aut other Or contraste With aeli ther son theother und); sed line 6 denotes omethin Whicli altem, limiis, o set aside hal goesiefore. M. 437. Adversus syetther denote hostilily like contra, o a friendi disposition like erga here the lalter V. 299.22. Nodus, i λιit. Se p. 12, lines Mand 26, and notes. Haud does notieeur in Ood prose With verbs excepi in his phra ΝΡ. haud scio an, hieli, by an ellipsis of the rs member of liedouble question, aequi res the meantii per ps, and denotes a suspieion that the thiniis M. 453, in sit. 23. Eum-poenitere, se in consequence of the punishment. Gr. s. p. 66, line 2 . hi does no eaeclude the punishment, butini lays doWn a the prinoiple to regulate tho initietionisit, ille improvement of the offende and the deterringis other

24. Ne quid tale se. Dei it. An ollipsis of the veri, has bi come a generat Sage tu certain expressions, speciali in si milia discourse M. 479 d. f. p. 33, line 27. 25. Tardiores, ess divose l. r.

28. Illud, hoc C. 116, 4; I. 450, 2 A. 102 G. 290 and

292.33. Tusculanos, etc. Tusculum Was compelled, in B. C. 38i,to give ut it commonNealth and toenter into the burge s- uniono Rome In 286 B. C. at the communities of the Sabines. hi, were elosely relatet to the Romans, uni about the sume time anuinberis communities of the sorine Volscian territorv. Kere

compellexto sente the rank of the limo non burgesses Thel Iernicans ere finali subduod in B. C. 306, and the equi in B. C. 302 and both Were granted itigeninis Without theright of suffrage. Om. 36. Nollem A Wish,hieli ne ould entsertain underit herei reumstanees, but Whieti anno no b sulfilled is expressed by vellem, nolle n mullem. m. 350, b, Ob . l. corinthum, Q.


His dissent or eos su8tulisse. Se C. 242, 1 H. 535 II. und 8 note A. 331,2 G. 532, Rem. 1.37. Aliquid secutos, ad soni spe elui reus ha theydid. e. s. p. 00, line I et seqq. opportunitatem loci.

The cit completet e mande the three asses in ille mountains hiel, alone e fro the isthmus to the Peloponnesus, and in consequence of iis positioni the Corinthian an Saroni eguiss forme by far the most direct eommunication etWeen the two prineipa Grecian eas, and thus bestam the emporium iit the trade belWeen the Eas and the est Diet. 38. Locus, the location, OSition. 1. Mihi btemperatum, Se at the pening of the civit War ni Caesar an Pompey, heia Cicero repentedly ought tobring abolit a reeonciliation et ween them He. Notiee the use of temperare, hiel denotes obediene a an re rei ill from emunSion, Steem, O fear, in contrast O Mequi, whiel icto obe Dom love and Omplaisanee, an toparere undo dire, hieli denotes obediene a an obligation. i. t. Purere. 2. Aliquam, here sed in both a quantitative sense, a theopposite os uultum, and a qualitative sense, in contra Stri optimam. . r. Aliquis is emphatie, and reeedes the substantive When it means o ne tit it Periis, inme Uno muis it generuli sol lows the substantive lien oth are nemphatie Arn. For the differende et ween i and ther indefinites see . 14, live 'I4 13 17 linerar, an noteS. 3. Quae nunc nulla est. In familiar ritin and spe inmund in imitations os the fame, ii Huacis Ometimes Sed in apposition to the subjeet instead os non occasionalty ith an intensive signifieation, o mi V. M. 455 Obs. 5. s. p. in line ;p. 99, line 30 2 8e. Disp. I. 6, 11. The allusion here is to thse illegat assumptioni pomeri Antony. b. Ad fidem. See ex s. Fides, II. B, 2. The Same Phraseor iisdem is tot supplied With recipiendi.

6. Quamvis percusserit. A eit that surrsendered e re thebat tering-ramsiegan thei attae On the alis received favoru- le terms. Aster that it Was ivenis to illage. The sentiment here is that the severit of this reaiment ought to e

0. Patroni, i. e. tood in a relatio simila to that of the patriet an to their lienis, as adrisers, defenderes, and agent to


relation os the Scipio to Africa, em Paullii io Maledonia the Mareelli to ieily, ille abiicit, the Allobrog , andos prus He Belli aequitas i. e. o meret stri et justi 'ithreserene to both sedes, ut also hut humanit anil mirnquired. r. 10. etiali jure. The collection os ules hieli reseri sed the futietions of heaetiales in conneetion illi the deelarationand the conducti War. The etiales ere a college of t enly

opinion o allege infractions of reaiy- rightri in ea se os, ut deman satisfactio and deelare ar, illi erta in religio is rites, and o preside at the forma ratifieationis Peaee. Mom. 11. Ex quo Se jure T. 12. Rebus repetitis. Se Lex. s. Repeto, II. B, 2, a Theso a undii lie declaration os a by the Romans os either conditiona o pure ille Orruer hen it a made um rerum titione, a sormul demand o the restoration of the hin in questio D. V In respite of thi Pthree Jays rester illi ite-mand wae originali required by the etia la v. 13. Denunciatum et indictum ille lauer Word ad ted in order

was fio deelared by the ther Paro. In Popilius-movendo, brael et sed by r. o. He. und r. and considered spurious itythe two alter o the round that this and the OlloWingone dote relate the Same Oeeurre nee in a litile different sortia, andye are Contradicto , sine Popilius conduete War in lisulfhi against the Ligurians, no againsi Perseus that thes r est aneedote interrupi the tra in os thought sine the wntende Adeo-movendo hows that ieero is stili me in respectingthe entering upon ars : that Popilius- provinciam is a vagi and Un-Roman styleis designation oliat the teus os patitur an obliget is grammatteali incor ei inui priore amisso enn no Prol eri mean in the forme outh

and that bellum isto bellum incipere is no a Cieeronian pression The sine , id ne oleo eos illi Plutar '