... M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis, libri tres

발행: 1910년

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NOTES. 187

hul Ibin i et . Necessitudinum, elutionδhips, suchis are meu 26tioned in the precedina chapier. Se line De seqq. Non iidem qui temporum, uot dentica with cum unco i. e. there a be circumstanees in hiel in e lio re bound ii

becauserit interrupis the traium thought sine the res of the sentene plataly reser i circumspicienda sunt alane, an be- eos the expression consuetudo capienda the hubi mamilia re quires, i S unuSual. 29. Deducendo, subtracting. Nee LeX. . . I. B, 7.

35. Besore quidem, With a concessive Signification in deed, ob surri pith a predicate verbi adjective , With sed solio ving, pronoun is inserte in the est riter' hiel, correspondsuo the wordis hiel the predicate is conceded. V. 489 N C. 116, 9 H. 450 4 note 2 A. 151 e G. 292, Rem. 4.37. Ab iis rebus au adjuncti ducatur. Sunt in jure, etc. juεω unt in societate humana. r. f. P. 14 line . 38. Ex aptum, dependens pon See LeX. S. Apo. The third cardina virtve Fortitudo. See Introd. p. 144. 1. Intelligendum est. Ille gerundive it sum denotes that 27


Αhiold ' os Rome. 16. Alii se a rhetori a lauduntur. He. omniurn con emo otione celebrantur Zt. 17. Studium, se Romanorum. Stud bellicae gloriae, Se in

25. Probe recte, praeelure Eam is the subjeet, virtutem, the predicate. T. 27. Gloriam the reputation laudem ij u ' reuoico Garve. 28. Honestum, ortis of h or.

30. Illud Platonis. The sirst artris si om ille MeneXemus, p. 246, E; the seconi pari, pertires, immoli LaelaeS, . 197,

31 calliditas denotos an aequire linowleclge of the orti sta in edi experienee, Whieli lead one to hoOSe right et A. and is more frequently used in a bad Sense. Sapientia, a quali tyen nobilia a many Whole bein and leadi nihim to choos right 6Urere. D. 35. Eosdem See p. 13, line 24, note. 2. Ex media laude justitiae, the in nos substune ofJustice. 283. Illud odiosum, etc. f. p. 15 line 36. g. Pertinacia, stubboon sit opinion, βω- tiam. r. b. Apud Platonem, se in the Laelies, Ρ. 182 E.

6. omnem morem, the hole character. 8. Princeps esse the sua constructio aster volo. For thecas os princeps Seei. , line 10, note Sometimes an aecuSative of the pronoun is expressed the objecti the will and destre ein conceived ather asin distinet hing in iiseis. Cf. line 22. Volo is common ly used with the subjunctive ithout ut ni in horton ambiguous expressionS. M. 389, bS 4;372, b, Obs. 2.12. Publico, i. e. relatinito public affairs legitimo, fixe byla and affecting private relationS. r. I4. Largitores et factiosi, not subjectivi predicate.


21. Natura, i. e. the unpervertet natur os man the ulla os sequitur, Mel after. r. 23. Errore the erroneo u judyment. r. 25. Ut, accordi ny GS.

26. Animo. For the differene belween the ablative and genitive of quali ty, Se C. 134, note 1 m. 419 2 A. 215, note; G. 364 Rem. M. 287, o, Obs. 2. f. p. 29, lines 11 I5, and 20. Locus lubricus, a disse ult topic o discit . r. chap. XX. 30. Omnino, In yeneres i. 31. Rerum externarum. f. p. li, line 39. 33. Honestum refers more to the in varii charaeier, decorum more to the out Ward a1 earundem manifestationis mora good ne s. p. 37, linos 28- 3.34. ptare, to iis, and leave the realigationis one' u isti mollieres expetere, to appl to ther sor the realiitionis one'

29 3. Utilitatem logieatly belong to est causa et ratio eff-

6. Id like eo in line, . refers O priore. 10. Ratione principie. 11. Ducendum est has th infinitives ducere and contemnere sor iis fulset t. 13. Versantur, occur. Statu naturae. Passion and emotions rere diseus os thes ut The uotura condition i one os uniformtranquillio equabilit os mul He.

15. constantiae a qualit os ne ho MWays et in aecorda nee illi his convietions os right. s. line 1 and we P. I 2. linera, Ole. 17. Labore bar. h. and voluptate are personi eda Partu in the struggle, and o beeome ablatives of agent M. 244. Obs. l.


NOTES. 191

equivalent in providere, curare; ut the opposite notion is required here. O. 24. Libertatem, persona ii id eueen delice, hie heiannot POS- vhose ambition malae hi a Servant of the multitude, through,hos favor heraeelis D promotion. 25. Imperia, subli offficeδ. 26. Ac potius. Da negative elaus is folio Ked by an amrmative in hie the fame thought is expresse Or Ontinued, que et o aeris employe Where in Englis but is sed M. 33, Ob 2. Interdum approaehes molle mean in O rari a non-uum um, O Saepius. 29. Voluptate. Messice o in latra redis illi aegritudine. l. R. 40, line 20. r. 30. Securitas ' D, in 37. note. 33. Otium Se p. 30 line , otiOSiA. Ole. 34. In his, et: a tendin os , Non tenue in one, M I, Lissi erunt aphioso uehi et quidum, te qui potuerunt. 3β. Quidam homines, te . . . Attietis an M. Piso. f. Nepol Ι. Severi et graves .in Afris princi e and urne Me racter. l. 36. Populi, the common eo e principum, the aristo uem

Mores,'eharior, conduci.

37. Nonnulli reserario both philosophi and homines o Veri.

38. His propositum fuit. The resolred re o. Se Lex.

II. F.

1. illi uterentur suppi ut rom the precedin ut ne e 30

2 cujus huju enim, se Hibertutis.chap. XXI. 3. Quare Se p. m. in 18, Ole, and Quapropter line 12. Hoc, i. e. vivere ut Delo. r. Potentiae The Tenera term an aetua pomer: potestatem. line 17, a justa nil lawful poWer. 4. cupidorum. The genitive osten folloWs communis bui also the dative. M. 290 f. tiosis, O uno eius ted, ut o Martici-put in in publie res ira See p. 29, line 33, and p. 92 linea. 10. claritatem amplitudinemque. The lalter is the external


il l 2 concedendum sit. A conjecture respectin v lii in Rhiesi is aetnalty the suet, is ni , expressed by the subjuni live exedi t illi the partiet forsitan a re M thul, hii hin the est riters is almos ulWays ui illi that in il M. 350, b, Obs. 3. For the meaning See Le X. . . I. B. 3 b. I lii thing to iapurdo Muci expressed by the participi capessenti


18. Quibus autem the position of the relative clau- P. 1 u line , note Est is the ea ling of Br. and II 0. The indieative gives prominene to the fac state l. The Ss . . in ilinost editors, hoWever, have sit. 19. Imperia. See p. 15 line 26, Ole. 20. Magistratus, es. 21. Quorum eorum. 23. Factu, a pleonasti addition. 24. Tum peoolly. offensionum, tilures repulsarum, deferens se in efforis to obtain ostiee. 25. Ignominiam, properly the lossis ii, litical honor, hi conseque ne os an osticia denundiation infamiam, the cliniora honor, the consequone is dishonorabie eonduet D. Heiae theraseis quasi quandam. li. 11 line 14, note.

26. Parum-constent, t. t conristently i. e. do notino the fame eourage unde disserent ire u instanee . In. 27. Molliores in u8 fortes. t. 29. Constanter, Q. fuciunt.

3e. Est the readin O Br. O. and He. xliii rem lis thalthe veri, couldie made to dependispoia haud scio an ont l, uti in; os anaeoluthon othereditor retain the S reudin sit. and eonside it a potentiat subjun et . . 37. Securitas free lora froni cur the in ly meaning os sit word in the Ciceronian age. 39. Faciliora. Suppi eo. minus multa Pra i3D I. Possunt On the ood se C. 216 II 511, 1 A. 3603 Tam graviter i. e. Dona uel a height of externa e


NOTER. 193

dea vors. The gerund is usex soluiely, sta in sciendi uelutus alfusi ea habendi He. 6. Quietis itio8D. 7. Angoribus, in contrast With cura, denotes intense solicitude, an is alWays regarde a a perturbatio mentis He. 9. Ut habeat dependam caveat, sed in a someWhat different signification Vole care thoi. M. 375, a, Obs. 1; Z. 534. l. eonSidera ut suomodo or quatenui, an habeat dependent onconsidereti

Chap. XXII. 16. Urbanus, ei Pilta Minuenda, refuted. 20. Apti. See C. 113,5; Η. 438 6 A. 186, d G. 202, Rem .i, Xe. 2. Et-gerendorum, considere spurious by many erities eius it repeat in the protasis hat has jus been expressed in the a dosis. 21. Multae-urbanae, hereduve been an instanees of eiril

24. Solonis. He nourished in the fini hal of the ix theentur B C. Themistocles bout a centur later citetur. e Lex. II. B. 1 b. 25. Anteponatur, a thought more IisIty f. consilio ei, tha legislation. 26. Primum constituit. The couneil of the Areopagus asone os very remote antiquity; ut Solon enlarged ita pomer, andent ruste it With the genera super risionis the institutions and law of the State and the religio an morais of the citigens, and so might almost be calle iis launder Diet. Biog. 27. Hoe, illud. See p. 18, line 28, note. 29. o consilio, se Areopagitiarum, Gr. Solonis,me. 30. Nihil taxarit, ill not euεilyde able to adduce anything. M. 350 b. 33 consilio senatus . he allusion here is supposed tote tolli fac that he Areopagua furnished the fund necessar toman the fleet Whie fought the batile of Salamis. 34. Pausania, in Spartan the victor at the batile of Platae ove Mardonius the Persian B. C. 479. Lysandro the Spartan Who Onquered Athensi siege B C. 404. 36. Partum. So r. and . instead of Whic dilatatum is inserte aster Lacetaemoniis by Bl. He., and Gr. The MSS.

havemeither. 37. conferendi sunt, o Paetieanaos et Lysander, in men


3 theniselves instead of their deeds, compare Wit the in iis LycurguS. 32 I. Pueris nobis, ablative absolute os time. M. Aemiliuς Scaurus, o patricia deseent, consul in B. C. 115 and B. C. 107. Though distinguished for his opposition to the popular Ieaders, he a alWays regarde With om degre o favor by the pe0Ple. 2. Q. Lutatius catulus, consul B. C. 78, One os the prominent leader of the aristocraey, and distinguished for the purit os his character and his patrioli spirit. 3 cedere, to e inferior. 6. P. Corn. Scipio Nasica Serapio, consul B. C. 138, an a fiere aristocrat. His ather, ho as urna mei Corculum, hecause of his attainment in jurisprudenee, Was a secondeousin, an his mother a sister of Cornelia, the mollieris the Gracchi. Eodem tempore se. B. C. 133. 7. Privatus, contrasted Willi imperator. Nasica, sontifex maxlinus, but heldio civit omeo that year. With the sentiment expresse in his sentence, es. p. 74 line 2 et seq. Cieer Wasan adherent of the aristoerati party, and regariled all,liora ad proposed mensure so the politica elevatiou of the masses asdisorganigers. et earlier in lise, in his oration, De eis Agraria, II. sch. V.), B C. 63, he had expressed a very disserent opinion. 8. Haec res se a b se gesta. Ex ratione esse, to e of hiud, libelongam catestory Gr. Domestica, sed like urbanus, p. 31 line 16. χο too urbano line 11 colliana. 11. Autem, moreover See p. 7, line 20, note. 12. Invadi. his ver in the active voice sonaetimes be- eomes transitive and ahes an eousative, ut in the earlier prose more frequently retain iis intransitive mea ning and is followed by the preposition repeated, o the dative. M. 224, b, Obs 2; Z. 387. 14. edant, eici a line Dona in thiri book of Cicero' poemon his consulfhip. It is quote stogether With another linesrom the fame poem by Quintilian XI. 1, 24), ho minariis Iu carminibus utinam pepercisset quae non desierunt corper maligni. Laudi, i. e. the PresseWorth services of the state

15. Ut omittam. clause of purpose ometimes indit


the uatemen is mado the elaus on hieli it reali dependAbeing oinit ted so the salie os brevi ty M. qu, tis. 6.17. Periculum gravius, se than that illi hieti he State was threatened by the conspirae o Catiline. 18. tium, peuce, 'Dis.19. Delapsa ceciderunt, a Pleonasm emphaSiS. He. 20. Ipsa, of then eis . 24. Quidem gives emphasis O mihi, hil certe has refereticeto Pompey and what he did Bl. 25. o tribuit puid thia tribute. 26. Triumphum tertium. Pompey's irs triumph was in B. C. t ove Hiarbas, hingis Numantia his secon in B. C. 71, aver Fertorius, the Maria generat, in Spa in and the thii do v the Pirates, Mithridates an Tigranes, in B. C. 61.28 Esset habiturus. ii the ortu, se C. 228 6 and 9 H. I, 27, III. C. 662. 29. Fortitudines ease of fortitude, mura ous deed8. r. chap. XXIII. 34. Ita assiciendum, Mouset Duo sue u conmditio ι, socii sine tor acci tomed. 36. consilio rationique the decisioris of hererem a mendi a-

1. In quo, and herein i it referene to thia. 332. Togati, i. e. a statesmen. f. p. 32, line 14. 5. M. Catonis, se conrilis. 6. Mortui. Cato the censor, diei the fame ear illi theopening of the third uni War, B C. 149. 7. Decernendi, decertandi, an instanee os paronomasia cited

8. Id faciamus, i. e. decernamu8.10. Nihil aliud nisi, nothing further than or more thun, i. e. not an Other advantages besides. Nisi aequires the sense oseaecepti omittiniit verb, or unitiniit With the leading verb. Z. 735.11. Quaesita. When another substantive is connpete Withthe subjecti quaan or nisi in comparison or exception S), the predicate, is it folio us the word so subj ined osten agrees Withit. m. 217, Obs. 2.12. Tumultuantem, a stronge term so perturbatum, tr.



33 a. De gradu Hiel, t be forced Pom one' po8χίon l. e. discon certe ἐς an expression horroWed si otii the gladiatori uleombats. r. araesenti animo proe ce of mio in 14. Hoc refers to hat precedes, se non perturbari illud tu What sollOWs, se praecipere, to anticipale. r. 15. Animi spiriti disposition. ingenii, in t Hleot. 17. Accidere denotes both favorabie an uni avorabie Oecum rences that are fortuitous henee, in utramque partem, in euher fide, i. e. either good Oriad. s. 18. committere, orae in fauit so that, ae more Mesa hut

20. Fidentis, re in t on, i. e. here, et reliant. 21. Temere, ithout susscient caule. The remur has reserenue t commanding general only. S. 23. Tempus necessitasque tempora nee 80ria: Hendia lys. Heiace postulat is in the singular, the subjecis being considero leollectivel asin hole, ascis osten the eas With hings and impersona ideas; ne idea bella expresse by Severat, iis, irseverat ideas, hieli are connected, being considere Mn one M. 213, a, .

28. Rebus agitatis, in times of commotion, civi tumulis, irredition8. He. 29. omni fortuna, very condition Ofili State He. 31. Supra dixi, se in Chap. XXII. 32. Reperias. See . 23, line , note calida, ra8h, i H-


33. Quietis et cogitatis, alm ond wel considered. Hia.

39. Leniter i. e. re it mild remedio. 34 2. Tranquillo se mori. Tempestatem. For the niean in

here an in the nex line, se Lex. s. v. ΙΙ. A. 3. Subvenire means to come p, generalty to assist Some times, as here, to ard vis to tute me sua edis I ri Xf. s. l .al ,

line 23 De Rep. I. 19, 3 Fam II 6 4. r. g. Sapientis, osten sed substanti vel in the philosophi cal