장음표시 사용
triuiu vir os that me lio is mentioned in line 30. Ho was 42i in o the two mos distinguished orator O1 his time. Sex iii hi in and Antonius, in Cicero' estimation, ranked L. Marei Philippo, consul B. '. I, a Prominent states man. though neutra in the civit Wars. Se p. 80 line 23, and P. Brutus XLVII. Lepos the lightest it in opp. t duli gravi ty jtitia the oeund wit, in opp. t Sober serioum s sales thepiquant it in Opp. to hat i Illa and trivial dii iritus, thesatirical Wit. D. 9. De industria, i. e. uot possessed by nature bui aequiredi, effort. t. more iudierimn. c. Juli caesare Strabone, an Aedile, in B. Q, and proserit,ed by the Marians three
years later. He M also an eminent orator, and was noted est tali sor his it. 10. Scauro die P. 32, linera note M.
Livio Druso tribune B C. 91. Belongin to the hi est nobili ty, and immens et wealthy, he was et a maia A simi integrit and the ures Patriotism. His comprehensive and thoroughi considere measu res os resorum vere mos bitterly opposed by the arisi raey, and he was assastinated in his tri-lurii est,ip. MOm. 11. C. Laelio se inero ger, mentioned Oni. ,ii, line 2I. 12. Ambitio. i. e. a trivingo Pleas other o to in theirgood-will He iit ad Quint. 1. 1 ni XIII. 5.14. Simulatorem, Properi y a mi gnem, pretender aud it asinaraeteristi of Socrates to Dign ignoranee, a Cicero Say Ofhi in Brut LXXXV. Se omnium rerum uinium isset et rim L. Stili, as the Dignin ignorande asin i emit sanowledge, the term simulator eould e sed a the equivalent os ειρων though the alter Properi means dissimu tor, ne hosay les than he thintis. Cf. Aeodem o II 5 Libenter So-
eruto uti olitus est ea, DISSIMULATIONE '0M Graeci ci ρων ἰαν
19. Q. Maximum Se p. 34, line 26, note celare. The present infinitive, by exception O the perseet for the Sahe ofvivid expression here depend upo the pers definite accepimus aster the analog of memini. a. 589 M. 408, b, Obs. 2.20. Praeripere, to antici te, and O to thmari. r. In quo genere, se of shilli abili . 21. Iasonem, tyrant of Pherae in Thessaly,4 about 375 B. C. 22. Versutum et callidum. On the distinctio in meaning,
42 es m M t. hor. ΙΙΙ. 10: Versuto eos apsello, quorum celeriter mens e satur callidos autem, quorum tamquam non is opere, is animus usu concolluit. Se also p. 63, line 13, note: p. 109. line 26, note undi. 8. 8tutu8.
23. Factum Solonis, se in seigning adness in orde to recite vitii impunit an elegia poem he had composed calling uponthe thenians to reconque Salamis, after a la ha been en- uete sorbiddin an sueti exhortation. Rus. Regularly m
timent of the principat subject. Se C. 117, 1 H. 449, 1 A. 196, α G. 21. Madvig, 490, Obs. 3, peuk of sueti instanees a this ac des caremit Written. 24. Plus aliquanto considerabi more. s. p. 18, line 14. note. An adverbisten supplies the place of the ablative, usi. g. multum in the nex line. m. 270, Obs. 1.25. His . he dative is the regula construction illi dispar, except When it is used asin substantive in spealain O Persons.
It is thon followed by the genitive. M. 247, b, Obs. 1. Simplices See p. 109, line 25, note. 26. De insidiis, sed adverbialty sor ea in idiis, lihe de iis
27. Putant. n the ood, Se p. 9, linei, note. 32. contra in contraritim. n. callicratidan, the ornagi ven in severat SS., and adopte by r. and . thoughaeeordin to M. 35, obf. . the endita am is mos common inproSe-Writers Callicratidas as a plain blunt Spartan of the
MSS. have alium quemque. Effcere, se accepimu8. Unus de multis, a common, ordinary man, se by his Deedom rom nyaSSumptionis superior isdomo rank. Cf. Tusc. Disp. I. 9:
36 Q. Lutatio catulo, patre, consul B. C. 102, and with Marius, Vietoriousive the Cimbri He was familiari aequaint With Gree literature: a the author os severa orations aliiStory, and poema, and Was note so the grace an purit Ahis style. 36 Filio. o p. 32, linera note Q. Mucio Mancia, nil unq
37. Scipione Nasica, eonsul D. C. Ili, tueorruptibi integrity, and as an Orator, Ore so the urit os hi lanmage audiis it Patrem ejus See p. 32, linem, note . 1. Ne Xenocratem-philosophorum brachete by r. Ο. 43He., and Gr. though ouu in the SS. The passage has nogrammati ea connection; for the elaus Audivi ex majoribus natu anno rei lyra XenocrateS, O Was the assertio in heres of the sentence triae of him. It is the resore tote considere lspurious. e. Xenocrates Was a disciple o Plato, nil iste Ward president of the eadem y. Chap. XXXI. . Tenenda sunt sua e te . i. e. eaeli ne uolt hold astri his peculia traiis os haraeter, O sar a lite aere
9. Universam naturam. s. p. 41 linea et seqq. Vith hisi raseris contrasted 10 propriam, individuo e rueter. 13. Attinet. Meae A. D. II. B, 3. 15. Emergit, is eriden . 16. Invita Minerva, contrar to the beri Dur 'eo 'a
24. Nullam-eonferre, to bring o ne alalom. 26. Nonnumquam mortem sibi, etc. his as a doctrine fili Stoies. For more definite intements of Cicero' views onthi subjeet, se Somnium Seip. 3, an Tusc. Di8p. I. 30.28. Cato, urnamedit Densis Domiti ea in Africa, here heeornmitted suiuide ather than surrenderit Caesar, B C. 46. 31. Lenior minus severa. r. Faciliores, more pliable.
b. portebit denotes objecti vel the obligation os morali tyani honor inditi upo any debere, subjectively the m uJobligation hicli an mancis under D. Quid sui, hut eo
itur traiis. Iui proprii. l. 6. Quam hore fur. 7. Est cujusque maxime, i. e. is mos natural to eaeli. Hti. 8. Maxime. Iuum quisque Br. and The S. reqdiniis mclaeime fluum. Quisque He. Gr. Hn. audii read inuae ime 8uum. Suum quisque Quisque isjoined with sui olf Ollows these prono vns, excepi in relative clauses, Where it Oinsitsel Delosely to the relative anil, or suus solioWA. . 800. 9. Bonorum, Dodii Mities. 13. Epigonos, a traged of Aeeius sone of the two mos noti Rornan tragi poetsi L. C. 170 d. later thani C. I, 3 in also the Melanippa and the elytemnestra. Medum, a Plu lPaeuvius, the ther tragi author os eminente b. ubout 220, d. B. C. 130), Wh also rote the Antiopa. 14. Rupilius, an other vis uti known aetcr hom Cicero hauseen in his bob h00d. Quem C. 137 Exe m. 407 A. 219 ii. 375 Rem. 2.16. Aesopus Claudius, the mos celebrated tragi vetor ut Rome during Cicero's life He was a Diend of 'ieero, an him instruction in eloeution. Fordhe violent exortions require in representin the partis AD Furens he was uoi siti . In. Ergo, etc. In argumentative questions o minor ad moD8, it is Cicero' usage to state the propositions ne aster themthe with Out an connectingiaritele, and generali tomegin theirst illi Ergo O An. f. Τυδ . Disp. I. 14 II. 7 Pm Arch. . Arn. Se also Z. 781 M. 438. Histrio, tuqe-pluver, a les dignis
16. o videbit, have refereno to this se the seleelion os opar sui ted olim.
yarator e . Cc meditetur p. 4 line in and
Ξupra dixi. e. p. 41, line it i et Se22.26 Tertia. e. Aliqui in Orm ound in soni sther authors, but othemise
idopted by me os edueation. 33. Ipsarumque virtutum et , hold that in the, tensive fiet os mores ut a multitude o Partieula P. traeed ut of Whieli ne may be appropriatet solo edindividua an anotheri a second. hen, hoWe Uer. ries this te sociaris to maintain that different odiri in re miculiat he asta in falles
37. Q. Mucius se Seaevola, Pontifex Maximus, consuli C. idem, in the De Orat. ns hi in the mos eloquent, jurisis and the mos learned juris amon orator S. His salier. Publius eo ut B. C. 33, as also au eminent Ia eri'auli. Aemilius Paulus Macedonteus, eonsul B. C. 168, and di quem os Perseus a Pydna the sanae rear His secondis nliste by P. Scipio the son o Afrieanus Major, and weam ei. Corn. Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Minor. 1. Eloquentia. ieem, in his B υ tus, asseris that the Founge 45 in ipio surpasse ali his contemporaries, except LaeliuS, in elo-luenee an Mommsen styles his spee master ieees fn et prose, as etllas expression O the nobies patriotism.' 2. Timotheus the Atheniati partaeulari note fortis signat ictor oves the Lacedaemonia fleet os Corevra in 375 B. Q.
45 iid everat ,ubsequent nava susteos es. Hi eloque learning must e trae , in a reat meaqure, to hi intimaufrisndshi With Is erates Diet. BiOg. 4. Gloriam, qui valent to laudem, audisse to a void a repetitio of the fame Ord. n. 6. Institutum, purp08 or lan life consequantur here sequo nor, a in De Leg. II. 18 Brut 83 De Nat. De . I. 15. 7. laborant. See p. 8, line 13, note. 11. Quos et quales Ἀλὲ quo genere laudis aecellen es. e. Quos is holi generat quales, hod in os men, resemehiessyrio the morat haraeter quo genere vitae, ho tio i, burin s. r. For the construetionis quos and quales Se p. 28, line , Ole. 13. Ineunte adolescentia. i. e. On assumin the toga virilis.18. Quod a to hol. Herculem Prodicus, the read ingadopted by r. O. He., and r. thers have Herculem I m, licium. Prodicus, a nativeos Iuli in Ceos a sophist anil rheto
rietati homouri hed in the oth cent. . . Apud Xenophontem This stor of the h0iee o Hercule V salven in tho Me nor illo ΙΙ. 1, 2 l. 21. Exisse, se Hercules. Solitudinem a solita ita 'o 23. Voluptatis, in Xenophon, c . 24. Iovis satu edito a poeti Phrase, Probabi a translationsmin sotiae Gree Poet. r.
26. Quos se imi ori. 27. Studia, ursui . Impellimus deducimur ani feruntur denote antis in J0 pende ne os eholae uni are contrust with secuti. r. 28. consuetudinem properi denotes the uniform ob servata of mythingis a customi ari in fronicitaeis and havi niti mundation in ine lination or convenienee morem Pro luetis reason and of the selfinon elous il l. havincit mundation in mora vieWs o the olear dietates of virtve, right uni de runt
29. Feruntur, stre curris murum
32. Bonitate. f. p. 9, linera note Sine. O tuerenburg, Br. and He. Wh eonside it required by the opposition ti, plo
8. Utriusque se natura disposition andi ut Ward circumstan. es the alter here denote by fortui . e. omnino. Where sol lowed by sex et be fure, in deed. 10. Ut it ut . 11. Tamquam. i. e. a though Fortuite, instea os eiu apo errat inde , ere M inferior O Nature a moria tocim. mortal. HII. 13. Non vitiosae, o fari it is uo deserared. r. 14 contulerit. - α lupies. Teneat. Se P. 4 line 2 ,
31. Ille se Africanus Major sui se Publius Seipio. Si 27 line 14, note the case, Se p. 13, linem, note Si igitur. Se p. 41 line 23, note Sive sive M. 442 b Z. 339.
32. Defensitare, to practis defendin'. concionibus. ι ι-runque Tenere, e the initori . 34. Iustitiam, etc. i. e. the virtu es hiel, he has callei l utor , and whic belon to every reatly good man. s. P. 22, Iin 32 et 8692. 35. Id quod desit, hi defletericis in Gher V .κρει t.έ. u. 36. Requiratur See LeX. . . II. B. 38. Cui se glorior 39. Vitium, the readirigi most MN S., an adopte by ,r. Most other editor prefer the readin impium. Nefas. Propter virtutem, vitium, propter λ' seM08, diei neceMe eSt. tuereriburg. 47 hap. XXXIV. . Vereri, to cheria revereuce reSPeetior tering on fear. D. b. Exque. The nemphatie artiele que re, ne re Om times appendedo a reposition os ne syllabie, ut more usuali annexe to the nou governed by it M. 469, Obs. 2. 7. constituenda, traived in8tituenda. s. Patientia, endi rurice. 10. Eorum refers by a frequently occurri ne con tructio red8608um, to aetas, line . He. f. p. 55, line , In quibus referrinito pars in the precedin line). O the rePetition iis in. Se P. 2l, line 24, note . 12. Iucunditati, a militer exim sinu i , ut 14. Ne, ani in in the SN. y inserte 4 , , tueretiburet II . . r. an. O. Onem S. :i r , instead , nolent. Rus-δnodi rebus, i. e. amusements and leasu resis ver Lind. Gr 20. Dedat, a tronger expression than dare so jucunditati, line 12 ascit denotes a more complet Surrender Bl.
23. Foruli tens os accessit, e M. 335, b, bs. I. 4724. Concipit, incur8. 26. Alienum, in pro riure, irres Cunt. De civium, e . innsidera superstilous an au interpolation, o the ground that the followin sentences reat of the uties of magistratus. Privuli, and perestrini, ut notis the uties o citigens It is uiso bracheted by Br. and . 28. Munus. Se p. 9, line 1 note P. 12, line 32, note audi inera note serere personam civitatis, icthe refresent uir of the Stute. r. 30. Servare leges, to suppor it constitution He Jura discribere, to diastidiae, Ominister juMice. Cf. p. 64 line 36.31. Aequo et pari. These synonyius are here Oine togetherto Streuginen the dea He. When the are contrasted theiorme has reserene to quali tym kiny the alter o quantityi, degree s. De Amicit. IX. 32. Summissum et abjectum, i. e. havin a lavisti disposition unWorthyi a Deeman. l. 33. Se efferentem. See Lex. s. Essero II. C, 2 b. 35. Peregrini is a Dreigner asi tra relier incolae, asi re8id re Without the rights of citi gensliis He. 37. De alio anquirere, i. e. tot a busybod in ther meu's
38. Curiosum, here in a bad Sense, meddi ome. Chap. XXXV. See Synopsis. 6. Formositate, a rare ord, beauty, comellura in generat. 48Ho. Thicis treate of in the solio in chapter. 7. 0rdine means the sines of individual part tomach other,
and of the holerio externa circumstanees. Se Chap. XL. ornatu, utWard embellislimen or decoration. He. Ad eloquendum, to e re in ord8 i. e. t give a complete an exhaustive definitionis l. Ad, it the gerund is neu sed in the fame significatio a the supine in , articulari astersu uis, di fellis, and jucundus M. 412 Obs. 3. 8. Intelligi, se eas thus they b in terrio . Instead of satis erit, an adjective correspondiu to dissicilibus ould regularly
trat of thought Hready begun. Arn. It connecis continetur cura it the precedin part of the causa claus introduced by quoniam.
48 9. Ut probemur, a clauSe s resuli pari in uis os thecharacter of an appoSiti veri illa. Quibuscum, Se membersos the fame sumit F, refer i persona interco urSe apud quos Sesellow-citigens, refers O loea connectio D. e. 11. Principio. See P. 11 linera note. 12. Formam denotes hape in an aestheticui relation res arasi is a visibi Stam an copyis an interior substanee t whlehit correst Onus henee, at that by hiel, ne individua is di tinguished romanother. Here it Seem to e used speciallyof the face. e. Figura denotes hape in iis mathemati tui relation a far ascit possesses a definite ut liue con Our Species in iis physica relation us iar us it tund op sed OSometh in invisibie, hieli it over a a mere utSide. . . Figura. 13. In qua, i. e. in o fur D. 14. Eam is redundant. When a substantivem Prono uti hasbee separate fro ita predicate or go vernin verbi an intervening especiali a relative clause, it is Sometimes Onphaticialis recalle in min by the prono in iis l. 489 a: Z. 744. 16. Deformem, n--ly that hieli offend the fine sensations an excites distike, in opp. t formosu8 turpem, that whieli offend the sense of deeency. It is the Stronge term , audiene is connected by atque. s. p. 54, line , and se D.
26. rationis obscenitas, ii o My Vulgario, Se petulunt oueret Thelhraseris antithetic t actio aperta. 27. Stoici paene Cynici Zeno the munderis the Si vie schoes, vas a pupil os rates the Cynic, an retained essentiau theethica doctrines of the Cynius. 29. o verbis omitted by mos MSS. and r. e. On the