... M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis, libri tres

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3. Dissoluta. i. e. hut e uo oppliculi re uoloiud no

8. More M. 256 Parentibus here, putribus.

Chap. XXXVI. 13. Venustas tot elino res ita in is it etiamsi exuites deSire ani captivates A contras ted With it, pulch Atuus means beaul a sar ascit excites admiration an satisfies a culti valed instet it Perseetne formositus, a far ex ites pie urei finen si mrm. It wi ais to the natura sense fi aut F. . . Forniosu8. s. p. 38 liue I 2, and p. 39, line I l. Dimitas, nobieno os imo a Such a inspires inem respeet .mn. 17 Palaestrici motus, i. e. thos that a re tau glit in the placessor exercise hic the Romans in imitatio of the Greelis, bulli in thei villas, and whicli the calle indifferenti gymnusiriand putaratrue. 18. diosiores, inmere en e i. e. beeaus to stiror affect Ineptiis, rejectatiori . 20 coloris con serion Palenes Was regarde by them

Exanimationes, here, χ de Delion demondeo . He.


218 BOOK I.


49 36. Motus animorum f. p. 39, linera et seqq.50 Chap. XXXVII. 3. Et quoniam- est. s. p. 6, line I f8eoq. Instea of the claus de hac quoque se tum dicam Whieli ould naturali solio vi Cicero proceed at nee ii de scribo the disserenue etWeen the w kind of speech s s. D. 47, lineo et seqq. p. 48 line 4 et eqq. Magna Vis i. e. contributos uel to the attaininent of the virtu O decorum. r. 0rationis. See p. 23, line M. g. contentionis, lit., exertiori here, re δε tuine temor in spe -- ω', o Mory. Hi Sermonis, converrastion. 5. Disceptationibus- senatus, i. e. the three hind of orato udiciat, demonstrative, and deliberative. 8. contentionis, rhetorum, Objective and Subjective euitive, respectively. Se Z. 423, note. Orithe in Stanees unditie usual order es. p. 22, Iine 4; p. 23, line 35 an note. 10. Haec, i. e. ermonis praecepta. Sed discentium, ete. i. e. here there are pupil destrous to earn in anythiug, there Willi Dund eaehersu instruet.

12. Turba, thron o pupila. Quamquam. Se p. 16, line



NOTES. 219

expla ined by putidum here, to με eur; oppressae. 50

33. Excludat alios se. Dom participatis in the conversa tion. The subject of this and the solio vin verbs is is uti- seu sermone, O be inferre frona sermo. Hia. s. p. si line 28, p rit. 35. Non iniquam a casei Meiosis sor prorsu me G H. i r. 39. Studiose, purp08e Θ, intentio; lim 1. Per ridiculum injohe, opp. to severe, in eurri t. n. bl4. Re publica poli leui σθαι a. 6. ratio, in more genera terna here no. Utcumque aderunt, aecordis to the o ructer of the compunyfrede Line. On the m d se Z. 521. 7. Iisdem de rebus, se colioquendo in cine. 10. Ita sit desinendi modus i. e. so the Peaher Should know the limi Where heriliould Di re GarVe. Chap. XXXVIII. 15. Pigritia. Se P. 16 liue IR note Ιgnavia indolence. 18. Videamur. See p. 46 line 24, Ole. 21. Videamur irati. i. e. assume the appea rancem ange butavoid the reali ty H n. s. Tu . D 3. IV. 25 Ormore ero ivsesci minime decet, simulor non dedecet. An tibi rure tum videmur, quum rei in cauri et tu et vel Hen fluidicimus 22. Urendum et secandum, ut lautiori Iud an ut ton,painsul operatious in Surgery M.


bi 26. Magnam partem, in mo8t cuδe8. On the construction, Ρ. 15 lin 10, Ole. 27. castigatione . de p. 36, line 1 note Oravitate dissuum 28. contumelia repellatur i. e. tbstineatura contum tire. e. The sume mean in iis O beatve to pellere line i . 29. Quod acerbitatis. s. p. 3, line 26, and note. The uu-t edent is here attractei tuto the relative clause. The naturalor ter ould e illud ip8rem acerbituli8, quod-6 rer fis . . .

36. Qui adsunt, thes Quod 8. Hu. 37. Ipsum in the Same cus With the subjech beenus it is imtended to express What ille Sullaeet isse , es sus distinguisti Doni halither do) s. p. 6, linerari note. 38. Militem gloriosum, a favori te character in the ei Atticas'et a the Romula mine ly like thutis Pyrgopolinices in theuite Gloriosus os Plautus, and that of Thruso in the Eunuch

52 2. Honorati, i. e. ho fili or has fili sed hi gli mei, in isto

State. Placeat, the technica expression O the docti iura rphilosophers, hicli are theresore also called placitu C r. 3. Finis, de8lyn, objeci. s. De Orat. I. 42. Aedificandi descripto, hepi the buit Greg. He CL P. 40, line , Ole. b. Diligentia a curesul maru for He. n. Octavio, navalcomitiander in the war against Perseus, and consul B. C. 16S. 7. Palatio. The Palatine hil boeam the mos si hi0nable Diue os residenue in the ity. The hous os Hortensius uinhought by Augustus, and Dona that timetecum the resident of the einperors. menee polace in Englisti. 8. Suffragata, here, as Osten, sed of thrum litet Procuresavor, Mi M. Gr. s. Novo homini. i. e. the fit si , his sumi ly ho hiatu is eurule mee Diui Antiqq. 8 Nobiles. 10. M. Aemiliu Scaurus, a si in iis ilio Scaurus mentioned ut . 32. anc si reson ,s Sulla distinguisti si ,r li guis, nee


88lonem -- aedibus, i. e. sed the inaleria os ille ouse of 52 Octavius sor en largin his WD. HI . 13. Repulsam se his allure to obiain the consulfhil in B. C. 54. Oeeasi Oned by his triat.14. Enim, i. e. Ne id mirum, enim, etc. 17. Sua. 8ui. The possessive pro noui is si metim , thoughrarely, substitute sor a learly Objective genitive. M. 297, , ,hq l Z. 24 s. p. I 13, line 28 dem tuu n. 20. Aliter, in ther ei es, i. e. here here is no Occasion sortor inpariment so the receptionis a thron os visi tors. 22. Alio domino, silat absolutei time. 23. Frequentari. See Lex. . . ΙΙ. 25. 0 domus, ete , ragmentsis o iambie senarii oua sonaei lino via poet Therars line laetis the si si imo an a hal f. l.

sir divides it a solio us in domus uno liqua, heu quam dis pari.

26. Dominare, sed passively IM. 27. In multis, it 'Me t , mreny uses ny salem byssis si omisim, an paludes oscille nobiliu had 0me into thooossession a the adherens os Caesar.

29. Extra modum prodeas, i. e. ecome X traVngant.

32. L. Luculli ili Qtii id ut vhed si, his generalinii in the thii Mithridati Nar, his justide his Iove or litera iure animari, unditi luxui nos his later Iise. He ad a villa a Tuseulum und


53 audis at line , note Liberalem speciem, Misonueriunt ei te, sit, i. e. that whielicis besiit in a re an Medii 'uted an p. 38, lineas i. 8. Moderata sint, beat uitis is prise, rudis uti. s. Decus, μοι ohic imbecoming. Ante diximus, se in thiach apter respectiniliouSeS, furniture, te. Bl. Chap. XL. 12. Deinceps See P. 1 line 23, O te. 15. Hanc se ευταξίαν, lit. 900d Order, in iis saevi meanin os contro oner oui dea ire8. he ron Oun is attrueled froin theublative into the accusative through the influene os the relative clause He. Molestiam, Se uiderived mira A, Utilused in iis primitive meaning, O Whieli See Ρ. 12, line 26, note. Cf. ais moderatione, line 29, and temperantia, line 30. 16. Illa is made the subjec os an in dependent clauso instea io bella in the eeusative to correspond With hanc, O in the ablative to correspond with scientia ea. s. p. Ia line I und

Properitae uni at the prope time,' correcines of cou luci. 17. Ut- appellemus, i. e. to se mode8tia, Whieli properly involves the notioni moderation, sor antis a more itingLnt in Ord us an equivalent of bra su eandem in iliis . seconi mean in o profricty. 19 Loco, te. i. e. V ortuno tempore dicendurum e Myeis in rerum. t. 20. Eadem vis, i. e. both appea in have the sanae signis,


o se ortu nautem Aeeor ling l . . Lowever, opportunitus is 53 more properi the equivalent Or ιυ ulpiu sine it denotes αρ reportunit lo underinke omething illi saetii and the probabilit Ot success whil occasio is the opportunit to under-take omething in a generat Sense. 26. Quam ita interpretamur i. e. in that ense of the ordwhielicis assigne to it in line 19.28. Prudentiae - φρονησις, is in tui utandingi What oneought toto or noto do, ' and Subordinate to this is εὐβουλία, se an understanding of the indisti donaniter os uetions hieli villi expedient. V The chole of the righi time and the sitisue is, therei ore, as uel the usines of this prudentiu asos that hieli he is speciali spe in Of Vig. ευru ia Oriuod 'Miu. The disserene bet ween the wo ideas is indiea ted in Whut solio : quae pertinent vivimus, ira 33 et seqq. e. 29. Principio, se in Chli V. an VI. Where, hoWeVer, O-ihin is a id os his Pind of prudene in Particular. e.

31. Quae erant, etc. sus super demori truci re se, etc.

35. ordo spiris of order, o regi iuri ty. Lir. s. p. 56, line 32,

36. oratione constanti, i. e. o ne in hie hises only the individua pares aestor Nim ne another, but alSO the subjeci-matiter, tyle, an desive . l. 39. convivio digna the readin os most M., an adopted by Br. o. and He. Se sueh est an dilausaniri rus areir erat a seast. Cf. . 40, line 6 et seqq. an P. 50 linera et seqq. Delicatum, anton, a cisi 8. 2. In praetura, here στρατηγία. Aecordin to Cicero, De 54 Leg. III 3, Praetor homira De was a titte hieli originalty designate the consul a the leuiter of the or uis os the State. The praetorShip as a separate ossie for the administrationis justice, as stablislied in B. C. 366. Sophoclem, the tragio poet. The Antigone, the earlies of his extant dramas, hieli heirought out ii 440 B. Q gave the Athenians Such satisfaction, specialino uecount of the political Wisdom it displayed, that the appo inted hi mineos the ten Strategi-of Whomieri.


9. Ut, or eae imple Si qui This sorin soli indefinite

13. Ab humanitate discrepant, do noti ordiit 'o t.

14. In foro cantet, se the place so transacting the mos im-Ρortant publie busi ness s. p. I i5 line 22 et eqq. 18 Ab iis . n the construetion, es. . 48 line 5 note M.

is retaine by Br. and . tot supΡlies uls Uectator , nullother Mimeri judicea besore esse. The condition is notulisti ψbe in generali ea oc diligentea, but that weme so in the exambnationis sauits Theres re a noui is necessar With these ait jectives, and we must illier suppos that ne like spe tore has droppediuti that que has been inieri late i. He. 31. Eorum, Se inue ni referring in magna. 32. Osticio here decoro, the generat so the poeta terata. 34 1llos the oad in adopted by Br Deee and dedecet moeria themecusative os ille person M. 22i; Z. 390. . He. Zi., and r. preser in illis, the reading ononem S. Most SS. haveta illos, and one has alio8.37. corriguntur, se ii. Imitantur, mimis. 38. Alienum, un8 uitabie.


29. Ad ea eligenda in hortened expression m ii 54

13. Agentur. The future ense stand With referene to the partieular case hie Will perhaps Oecur. He. 14. Illa ipsa M. O et ii titutia. r.

16. Aristippus, the Dunder of the Cyrenaic geli Pos philos phy, ho Durished about 370 B. C.

17. Fecerint. Is mo subjecti a re connected by aut the predieateis metimes regulated in numbe by the eares subjeet; sometimescit is ut in the plural With aut-aut it is almost alWays regulate by the eares subjeet, exeept hen in Subre os different persons. M. 213, b, Obs. I. s. p. 38 lineis l. l. hOWever holiis that aut loges ita disjunctive foro in anegative sentenee V. 374 M. 458, e, Obs. 2.18. Bonis, qualitio, chara eler. Game intellec ual endou -

I9 emicorum ratio the philosophy. i. e. the doctrines md the mode of life of the Cynies, hos Dunder AntiSethen , rejecte ad reor formanners and decorum. r. See p. 48, line

20. Verecundiae, modereari decorum s. p. 48 line M. 23. Bene . . . Sentientes, etc. good patriois tho8 who ither ore rendered mare uore rendering 8erviae to their counita. Hn. 24. Sic ut molles thun f. r. Honore aut imperio. See p. 15, line 2D, note . 25. observare medita sor demonstration Os reverene tinWard men, and involves a more tender regard colere, o meh


55 demonstration in vut d either god nien and involve Minoa 'palpabie activity. Tribuere multum, eniter high Minoeti 26. cedere. Se LeX. . . II. A, '. s. 27 abere delectum, i. e. to malae a distinction et weenthem inmur treniment. He. 28. Privatim an publice, in a privatem ossieta capaeity, asa representative of his State. ad summam, In hori. chap. XLII. 32. Artificiis ineludes here ali emptomenis Whiel elsewhere, in contrastri the fine aris and literar Dursuits are calle opse tu Strietly the lalter denotes the businessos those Wh use oni mechanica skill and industry the former, of those Wh emplo also mi Mand invention in thei mechanicalfunctions. D. Cf. opifices p. 56, line 3. Quaestus liberales a re modes of acquiring gain Porthno abre man. r. Ingenuum p. 56, line , is used in the fame signification. 33. Sordidi, mean, Muigar Accepimus refers uot to the wa-ing of hilosophers. ut to the custonas and sages hande ldown Dom earlier times He. 35. Portitorum, custom-hous in ira, an in serior elas A smen empl0yed by the Publicani sarmersis the publie invenum and generali of the equestri an order to examine the Elii, i Mexporte or imported, and levy an colleo the custo Muti upon them. The helonge to the fame clas a the publieo, of the e Testament. Diet. Antiqq. Faeneratorum, reser 'those ho made it their usi nescio Ioan money ut illega and exorbitant rates O interest. The were universali domis and haled. 36. Mercenariorum ineludes no oni meeliantes and duylaborers, but also sueti Orkmen a the scribue scir. 37. operae, munues tubor artes, artisti Ahili. 38. Auctoramentum, the purchos pris orionsideration sorwhiel the contraetuo beeome laveS. IrUO. 39. Qui mercantur, ete. i. e. re quer8.

50 I. Nihil proficiant, se in Requirin money.

3. Opifices omnes. mong the Romans, agriculture Only was considered an occupation orthym a Deeman in peaee. 7. cetarii, te. Do the Eunuchus, et II. Seen 2, 2 i. cetarii, dealem in saltish, called also stiis intentarii piscatores, in Desti sisti. t. artores, po ulterens Becker's Gallus EXe.1 Seene .