... M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis, libri tres

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expression Ciesero osten uses hereae visites to avoid express 62 in the opposite, o has no ori forcit. He. 22. Sequi. The infinitive osten sollows impedio, hieli other. Wise talae the subjunctive. M. 375, a, Obs T C. 242 H. 505,

24. Temeritatam, here the Opposite os ratio. 25. Omnia. i. e. est the doctrines os other feeis. Nostris i. e. the diseipies of the Ne Academy. 26. Posset. O r. o. an He Most of the MSS. read possit. But ni pote/t, O the regular Orna posset, could e Sed here. The subjunctive present Wouid nolle alloWable He. Ex utraque parte, on eues fide. 27. causarum contentio. Se p. 26, line 5 p. 56, line 28,

28. Academicis nostris, se Bk. II. Chli XX et eqq. Theobjectis his orla was to give an account of the riserundii Og- res of the Academi philosophy, and to ho the superiorityos the principies of the New eadem ove thos of the kl Aeademy. It was publislied in . . . , si res in WO BOOks, the second os Whieli is extant, then, having been recast, in sour Books bu only tWelve hapter of the sit si Book of this edition have been reserVed. 30. Autiquissima-philosophia, se the Peripateti Sehool. eratippo. See p. 7, linera note. 31 Iis. See . 13, linei, note. Qui ista-pepererunt, i. e. the Dunder of that school, Aristolle and Theophrastus Ista,

32. Haec nostra, ur tenets, i. e. the eademie. Finitima vestris s. p. 7, line 1 et seqq. and se Introd. P. 140.ehap. III. Se Synopsis. his hapter, and the ollowingio p. 66, line 28 He calis a sortis second introduction, in Whichthe content of the Booti in genera arealven and the questionis discusse What is mos benesola and what mos injurious to

34. Quinqa6-persequendi, se on p. 10, line 35 et seqq. gstur indieates a transition. Rationibus. See p. 14, line 4 note

35. Persequendi, i. e. O a complete discussionis. r. 36. Pertinerent, i. e. quae pertinere diae imuS.

37. Eligendi judicium, a periphrasis sor electio He. 39. confecta, completed.


s T. I. In quo verbo. In relation to this orii Dcit in ilia

in of the word meis, ut a sar a tho 'age of speech Metive oecasio for the error He. 7. Summa auctoritate, ablat os characteristic. 8. Philosophi, se at the Socratius, includin the Stoies sorthenais distinguishediet veen thing good in theniselves vi tue and things orthym destre on account of thei utili ty. But 00ausu his distinction a meret theoretieat, an didnot entie to immorat actions it Was no inconsistent illi astriet morality. He. Sane here a a concessive Sense. Haec tria genera. o mosv MSS., r. an He B this must bemeant 1 the honestum in iiself, hicli is also useful; 2 honestu- quod non esset utile; 3 uule quod non eviset honeSt n. o. r. preser genere, an mali haec tria ς justum, tu

honestum. 9. confusa conjuncta cohaerentia. Se LeX. . . I. , ,

and cf. Ρ. 38 line 15 Tusc. Disp. I. 11. Quicquid, etc. his Passage is, Without uel doubi, an interpolation sor Cicero neve distin sines honestum and j tum S tW Venera, i l . st 102, line 11, an here, specialty had n Oeeasion sor intro- dueing justum. Perhaps the origina rea lingivas rare eru e confusa. r. e. ais consider it spurious ne 'aus itoontain a salse Syllogism. 11. Idem, also. See p. 13, line 24, note. 12. Quod qui-perspiciunt refers to cogitations distinguunt, se that the are distinguished si omisaeli thermnly in theory.

13. Versutos, more in a mora sense, se troit, DerAQtile u Halty in dissimulation callidos, more in an intellectual sense

cunning cr ty, a the result os experiene os the ori l. 3. Se p. 42 line 22, note. 15. Eam Stich. 22. Impetus, instinct8.24 Apes a probabi sirsi ritten in the margin us ane X ample o reliquas pecudes, and so crepi in to the sext. te. 25. opere, Pork, the readingis mos MSS. Bl. and Gr. sit notes more the mechanica activit os animais, et is ais iis of men, as in the phras mustu opere. Operse denote rectivum

especiali the intelligent activit os man. s. line 34, operis services line 39 p. 4 line 16. e. e. hoWever, illi .


28. Proxime the ex in orde Withoui reserene to distanee, nearer than nythingislse secundum ei Ose Proximio, -- diuulfuster, econd. 32. Exceptis se omissis. r.

33. Enim intro luees the mos os the pree in Paragraph, ais l. ruet os nil, of the lir t ar eontained in line 29). The proos of the eeoni assertion contuine incline a b ins in P. 65, line i l. e. 35. Manus, an littor . Nec iis Iu double elauses, Cieero uot uni requently abundo iis the relative construetion in these nil member, an disses ille denaonstrative. Z. 806 M. 323,

38. Frugum fruit os le eurim fructuum here the generalter in usuali fruits of treo II e. 39. Sine hominum opera, a substitute sor a conditional elause, is humon tubor ad nos been applied M. 47, c. 1. Earum rerum, quibus abundaremus exportatio eici, cen 640 id se reperabundit nee of nythin it could D, ii ea orte t. Se M. 369. b. Ferrum, etc. A quotation rom a tragi poet a iiii le

So He and r. Intransitive verbs hiel in the et iv voice tali a dative are sed impersonali in the passive Oiee, and reta in the dative. C. 53 3 m. 384 λ; . 230 m. 345, 3. r. and . reta in the S read in subvenire. ut this Would malaei necessar to suppi homines potuissens, hie does no fuit the eonneetion, sor Cicero isties o prove sirs that we κε

14. Derivationes numinum, cania D. 15. Manu factos, i. e. artise l. 22. Principes inveniendi, the earlieri lac erera.


240 BOOK II.

64 26. Tempestivos, i. e. at ille sit in time. 30. Qui-subveniretur. Soir. o. an He. The elause quae esset ars medendi Mosi SS. have subreniret Nei thorquis nor quid in eniret suit the connection, so the inquirris no for the person nor the means, but so the possibili nos healing. He. 33 Destitit removit se cultu does no properi apΡly ti animais, and canini refer here to the dens of eastis, them estis of irds, and thei modem lis generalty See P. 1 line 24, note P. 52, line 36. 35. Frequentari, bypeopled. Ex quo, i. e. in consequene ostho Dundingi cities. He. 36. Iuris-discriptio, an quia distributionis trivate risthra: in contrast to leges. He f. p. 14, line 18, and P. 47, line 30 notes. 37. Viventi disciplina, method for regi latin iij e. Mansuetudo, resnement. Verecundia. See p. 37, line 25, note. 39. Munitior expresses more than tutus, provide lisit ull


8 commemoratur For the number, se M. 213, a, Obs. Z. 373, Not 1. For another eas in hiel the singular i used, see p. 33, line 23, note f. also p. 72, line 18.14. Nascatur, sed in a figurative sense, as in De Vat. De . ΙΙ. 23 Illud quod ero a deo natum, etc. Est, i. e. Dicaearchi, a celebrate peripateti philosopher of Messana in Sicily d. . . 285, a discipleis Aristolle Fragments of his Works stili extant stio that thoirclos is one of the mos severe in ree literature Diet. Biog. 15 copiosi refers here to his oratory, eloquent. He.16. causis, eluvionis, i. e. causes uehis inundations. In the ea se Deluvionis seel. 23, line 14, note, and p. 45, line 35 Vastitatis, i. e. the los of Wholo armies, sueti a that os AleS ander in Asia, uni Cambyses in Africa He.


POTES. 241

IT Beluarum, partieulari sWaris os locustis, corpion ele. 65

19. Deinde serve to eonnee the participi leollectis hilareeli sely illi the finite verb. e. 22. Locus, sint, propc ition. 25. Usus, inter D. r. Itaque resera ni to the weoud paret of the Sentenee, hominum autem e te . . and the re partWituli properi have been subordinate Ocit. He. Artibus operosis the mechaniem industrici aris in Opposition to thoeso me Tribuuntur a b rendere a rei , in hie eas artibus is in the ablative. Orire scribe linei cause, in hiel e e the noui is in the dative. r. Zt Preser the lalter. 29. Virorum praestantium, era. i. e. O the Wis In audabilit of them, ut ur o n. The me genera Subjeet fret denote by the fidit Iaerson nostrarum , and the by Virorum; i. e. e Pr ure stir Oumelve thei operation Os Othermen only When e distingui tu elves in Ddom and abi litv He. Gr. 30. Etenim ete. In orde to homilia it is the osside os vir- tu IO in overes Our inter is the good-Wil of Our selloW-men. Cieer oves a ne analysis o virtve. his ae Us in generalmith the divisionis Panaetius ive in h. V. M BE. I. in thimiretieat an praetiea viriue only the praetica virtve is here divide again in t two paris, in sociar ascit ho scitfel in the subjeet in part illi reserene to himself, an in pari in hiseonduet to arci his fellow-men. The forme embraee animi a sar a this consi is in tranquillit os foui, and the contro of the impulses and destre : the lat


s more geldominione thali through them operationi ineu. l. r. In fortuna fortunae.12. Reflavit. For the tense se P. I, line 23, note . migimur, c are rected. In his, as in themther expression heri use With reserene to fortune lies a metaphor borrowed roin navigation. He. Haec ipsa, i. e. p per e, se init ut theeO-Operation O men. r. 13. Habet, i. e. en curiones 14. Ruinas, se O bullding and mountains. r. 15. Ictus, Se of Spidera an Seorpions impetus inues of the large animalS.

16. Proxime in per.

17. Trium se thali Pompe ut Pharsalus in Thessaly B. 4, of his et dest son a Munda in Spain B. C. 45 und ,1 Metellus Scipio at Thapsus in Africa, B C. 46 al by Julius

aeSar. Repe multorum, i. e. multorum, quo ni lius ti ει

19. Saepe, tote Oine With expulsiones by a Lindis brevityo expressio sor qui te in esu t. e. M. 301, , ii 22. opibus et studiis, in the fame SenS RS Me itura opera. e. Seei. 63, line 25, note Neutram in partem. I. line . 23. Longior, o long. 27. comparetur Subjunctive os destre Ita. I Deto. 28. Quaecumque igitur, te . an enumerationis the insons Whymen malae thenaseives Mesul to men. See Synopsis 30. Quempiam. See p. l. line ἰέ and i. 19, lineae, noles. 31. Suspiciunt, the reposite os deViciunt, th I lool j t ι.

32. Quemque, for et si quem Mehange iii the relative construotion hi elicis continuet to ducuntur li. 2 line

33. Et bene. Suppi que ut rom ille Precedin cui. 35. Populares homines demossoque o leuiter of thi poseulur Purty. r. s. p. 35 line . 36. Largitiones . . . ueli ascia s so the assignment of the reger publicuri for the distributionis gratia, for the abolition debi, o gladiatorial shows, publicianqueis, n. 37. Illa quidem Nee P. 26, line 35, Ole. 67 I. Necessarium, renuroidi le, i. e. a ordin to the ROIDRI


- - os obiaining voles sibi ostieest, the distributi, nos money. 67

6. Alterius is one os two, but is also us , hen eis renotheri e res genera relations. . 41. Ducuntur, etc. hesam reason a above, mentioned a Seeoni time in a more generat Way. He.

7. Beneficiorum magnitudine anno properi stan by thesi dei benevolenti as an independent member. Both Phras together correspondrio benevolentiae-diligunt o the preced- iugiage line 29 1. II e. s. uturum se e e. An adjunctis spe See M. 395. s. l. 10. Ut saepe videmus. Cicer means partieulari Antony, xviiii Non ove to his interest the veterans o Caesar by bribe hut also uel a Clodius an Milo, ho kept gladiatori aliun is in the interest of thei respective factions. me. Chap. VII. b. Quem metuunt, et: a line froni ille Thyes eso Ennius aecordin to Ribbeeli, Tru'. Lut. R iij. The metreis troeliat tetrameter eataleetie. lie rei ii ii is quoi ed in ii.

17. Nuper est cognitum se by the umeris Julius Caesar, whieli, hoWever, as in realit the work of oni a sex men instileneed so the in iis part by persona molives. ut tueri lciolis ut the matter frona the poliatis vi ex os his party ue. 19. Paretque -mortuo. Through the influene of Antonythe Senate decreed that ali the laws an regulations o Caesarshould rema in valid. Quum maxime Originalty used as a conjunction, Signifying reciseis then, heis. Aster ardes it cui neto have an adverbiali ree, With the mean ing hoc mox e tempore, i. e. in comparison illi ther times, uom more muri tho, Shere; or, preciael uore me. 22 Talem interitum, se a that rought ab ut by the Deoplestrumliniso Deedom. e. 23. Diuturnitatis, permanent possession ad perpetuitatem,

26. Teneri se conlineri. 27. Qui vero Sueli conjunctions as autem vero enim istitur ea Stand with qui only When iis referene icto omething that solioWs Arn. Z. 805. Instruunt, se With RrmS, reSOHreeS,

28. Nihil, osten se of persons, in the sense Os nemo Pa


30. Libertas, spint of liberty. s. p. 22, line li; p. 56, line

32, and notes. Haec se lege et Isbertus. Iudiciis tacitis, i. e. hymetions hie Without ordes expres an opinion. 31 occultis suffragiis se re ballot8 λ men ho ere en mies of tyranis. Acriores morsus. When men maintain theirsreedom, the exercis it Witheses bitternes toWard those holiave imperilled it than when the have lost it intermissa riora long time and the regat i t. r. 32. Retentam Gervatae. 33. Latissime patet. f. p. 8, line 33, note. 68 2. Quid here serves meret to introduce the interrogation ille clauseraein equivalent to Quo crucia tu ceri seu mons si tui ingi solitum esse. Z. 769. In the nexi sentene thereis an ollipsis of the ver censemus. 3. Dionysium, the liter, tyrant of Syracus Dom tu i ii 367 D. C. 4. Metuens, forfear of the participi put sor an entire clause 6. Alexandrum tyrant of Pherae in Thessal in the thioni. I: Q, an successoris his eide brother Iason, se p. 42 line 2l, Whose aughter Thebete married. At her instigation e vas murile red by her three broth 0rs. Aocordinito Plutareti, her motive as ear of heriusbandis nil hali sed os hi erue anil ruta charaeter. 10. compunctum-Thraeciis, tot oed asterili eusti m os ille Thraeians He. 15. Fefellit, sed impersonalty CL Eserat ud rem. V. 2;

18. Phalaris, tyrantos Agrigentum in Sicily a contemporaryos Solon, of Whom ver litti is definit et known. 19. Nobilitata, omous, notes s. p. 12, line 13. 21. Hic noster, e CaeSar. 23 Demetrium, urname Poliorcetes, horaeon me hin ni Iaeedoniam C. 294. He completet alienated hi si vii subjecisb his proud an hau ght bearin an his lavisti expenditureon his oWn luxuries, o that When Pyrrhus kingi Epirus, in vade Macedonia iii 28 B. Q his troops declared in favor iis Pyrrhus, and Demetrius as obligod orae in disgulae.



26 Leuctricae calamitatis, i. e. the butile os Leuctra in B00 68 otia. D. C. 371 bemeen the Spartans an Thebans by hi

quenees 1 in milii rule. The deseriptionis the opposite cuSebeons illi line 38 Sensim hanc, et: an is roughto a conelusion illi Atque in has, etc. p. il line 31. II e. 30. Beneficiis tenebatur, ita inuoluiised by the best0wmeni

lis, etc.

3I. Pro sociis, e g the war against in Samnites sor Capua. 32. Populorum. fee P. 24 line 34, note. 36. equitate fide ablatives of nuntier sed adverbi ut lyWithoui an adjective. Defendissent, a potentia Subjunctive inii subordinate elause Z. 569 C. 202, 1 u. 486 III. and SOL l. B Other i is explain las a subordinate claus in the uti obliqltu. 39. Jam antea, i. e. e re ulla. Post vero-Victoriam. f. Fallust, C . XI. 3. In illo, in the eas of Sulla. alie cause of the aristocracy, 69Whicli Sulla represented was in Cicero' estimation, jus and honorabie honestam), and Marius as responsibi sor the civil

7. Secutus est in Julius Caesar. In causa impia, i. e. in hu Vinion Os Cicero, ho considere loli spisty of the Republicdependent ut O the supremaeno the Senatoria party. While Caesar a the prosessed championis the popular party. 8. Foediore, c. tha Sulla, since he overthrem the Republic.


0 , Non- sed does no stan Precisel sor non modo redisti m. but Cieero intimates that Caesar' confiscationis Private iri, I,-erinos his enem te is uti important compared, illi his confisi a.

tio of the provinces, hieli e disi sed flat his te uis besides distributing the Campania land amonilii soldier

10. Iure, i. e. 8ωtu, 0uduione Thisci frequently it meaim iiiiiii Gaius and the other juristis, audio seldom in cicero. II. . 11. Ad exemplum etc. i. e. re an eriderice illa the Romanim iste ad os thei inverei ly, and Onsequently the righ to proieci illei ulli es. He. 12. Portari-Massiliam Massilia, hieli ad roria the in li0M times been a faith fu atly of the Romans, in the civit Mimos sed tot neutra undisi, ut iis ales regulas Caesar, he he was oti his mare froin Ital to bain, in ut admitte L. Domitius, a genera Os Pompey, and ave timcommand of the eity. Caesar oon aster besiege and mox ii. and in his triumphaad a m delis the cit borne in proce sem