장음표시 사용
38. Cum caritatem i. e. h love hic licis Munde Mon honor 69 and confidence He. 1. Accommodandum est, mus dupi i. e. determi ne i 70by. It subjec is the soli in clause, i. e. the inquiry, hether,
2 certam se decretum, constitutum. 3. Idque See P. 7, lineae note. q. Habere. Regularly the infinitive thus sed ould avo subjecbaccusative. r. V. 395. s. i. 5. Nostra mirantium hiseis Me in uur orth. Haec una res refers to ha hascius Men aid of the necessit of ining the afleetion and Steem os men. n. It is the subjecto est comparanda ouset to e mcquires i. e. is in inven/ubleto. Una Serve S, as Osten illi superlatives, o Strongilien the
14. Duo libri, the De Glorio published in uly, 44 B. C.,
20. A singulis i. e. Domi with. V. 305. 21. Alius-aditus reser to the specia Precept give Oup. 75, linera et eqq. 24. Quae ante dixi, bove mentione , c. line 17. . 14 3. BeneV01entiae, i. e. for acquiring good relli objective genitive. 26. Voluntate benefica, an expression like Sapien eaeeugatis, remanti88imu 3ermo, etc. although aleetives hieli an only
means to Or Wishes O so that it is no sui ted to voluntate. Besides the whole clauSe Voluntate-movetur Onta in e semiiully the fame idea a the est Ofthe sentenue, Sine the bene
olent dispositionis a man eould e nown to the multi titile prior to thei receivin benefitis from im on I by reputumo I ii the best M. too autem is omitte be re amor, indicat ingit, ut se eundo autem Ioco is to e talion it hol that solio, This eluus is heresere belle ve tot a margina note indie. iii the contentis of the passage, hiel asterWard erept into me texi and tris brachete by Br. o. an He. 27. Res the ab ility in contrast to the will. r.
29. opinione liberalitatis, et: the belle of Other in o
liberality, etc. 30. Quas pertinent, etc. These virtveS, moderita tem μ' antia, ju8titi 1 are theresore calle virtutenteniores. Se p. 22,
line 33. 31. Facilitatem, a socia virtve hicli saei litates mutua intercourse in i se in contrast illi civili 08, a political, co
32. Quia hould properi stando the egi uning of the
period A the Sente ne stands, illud ipsum has no grammatii ut construction logical ly, it is the subjectis placet and the verbs solioWing. 39. Duabus rebus. Instea of additi justui et rudi inter se conjunctis, Cicero hanges the expression to si existimabimur, etc. bemus the confidene of them in us dependspreciselympo inis. r. 71 I. Intelligere denotes Adoni in generat futura prospicere aud consilium-capere, it tW subdivision respectively. seu and ready P. e. g. Discrimen the decisse tuo uerit, crisis. r. Seei. 57 line
5. Expedire rem like re e licia tu, p. q. line . See Me Ex tempore, here, reccordios o cir i tum 6. Homines, etc. The opinion os the multitude i Opposite to that O the wise in hos estimation re Wisdom consist in the discernmenties Men good an evil. He. 7. Autem corresponds to si in linea iustead os et i
the influe tace of sdom and iustice Only, Uthai et diad0es notproperi belong in this eouia tion the expressionyi lio 1 tu bubeiatur,ide Wouldie of itfel strange, and the paraphrasei AD 1-brosius, fuci enim j titio ut uultu sitfrcludi met 8, ut hecit stili more probabi that the Phraseris Spurious. e. 8. Ita-ut, ovi condition thret, has a restrictive ree. V. 726.12. Iustitia, etc. his Cisero has ulready siai rubove, and Dii res eat scit for the Sahe of the antithesis lily. e. 14. Fidem, cons J1b. Quis For in iis os this indefinite Proi un, se ei. 54,
Chap. X. 21. Sit admiratus. Se p. 31 Iin 30, Ole. Inter -constet. Al the post Merari sch00is id, in deed tuae t theuniuis particular virtves, sine the true lali virtu es bau toknowledge; ut O bis a connectionis the Stoic maintained, n other seu belleved in II e. 22. A me ipso saepe se. Iri, in V. 23, 66 Tu top. III. 7, 14 Acudem. I. 10, 38 Purud. III. 23. Habere, Se eum. m. 321. 24. Sejungam, Se viri te 25. Veritas ipsa. t th in luel si truci truth Without referenceto praetica lila. r. 26. Limatur, the prope terna tot used os philosophica iu- qui . Subtilitas, nicet os eae colon destre os ccurre .
l 36. Communiter, en Gly separatim, individuolo. It meaniniis explained by in singulis. 72 3. Despiciunt, properly pluce' value rep0n the opposite ire irari, revereri contemnunt, rejearle line 36 spernit, oes notis ire for the opposite os appetere. D. q. Virtutis, ability animi, Pirit nervorum, uergy. e. 7. Maledicos the MSS., r. and Myttera bach 'si u-jeetura rea liniis adopted by Reier an He., beeatis the . t ιι ι rer oes no exhibit the Strength and energy hiel procure respectisve so the evil-doer The paraphrase of thei: by Ambrosius II 16 also gives moles M'10. Nec sibi nec alteri, se valent, a proVerbialis ing. 12. Admiratione assiciunt udmirationem movent The SS. have re irenter but admiratio expresse either ans the ein admired or an action the ad miring so that theexpression admiratione assci an hardi be sed like thephrases laude, honore osset. e. Affciunt is also adopte byBr. and . 16. Majoris partis se hominum. s. p. 45, line 30. 19. Quae qui-despiciunt, etc. Notio the irregula change, Domin relative to a tempora clause, by Whicli the omittet ant cedent of qui is test,ithout an grammatica construction i s. p. 12, lines 32 36. 20. In utramque partem. i. e. ithout longin and excessive Jοy, and On themther hand Without ea and sorroW. He.
m it me. 32. Igni spectatum, a proverbia expression illi the Greelisalso. f. Plato De Repub. I. p. 50, ἔκπιε χρυσὸν ἐν πνινι μενον. Itaque sum umili result of the discussion He. 33. Proposita-gloriam. Pere se fortho it referetice tosiory, i. e. Sin means o obtaining it. 37. Aviditate. On the construction, Spe p. 16, line 27, note, stud Z. 454. 38. Institutio, requiration, at ways reta in the significati in os the i live voice. It ornas i sors os i ii liadys illi ratio. l. 73 I. abeat. From h abstra et ratio atque institutio ita rρi here a transition to a percon a Sumi Pet. C. . qui ira 'nil in the nex claus the ame indo iis rabie et is p x Dr d
4. Opinio justitiae. li. lineae', note. 6. Injusti habebuntur. The asyndemia stud inuiola imve that illese oriri rere interpolat . The si med originalty a
margina note to eam-habebunt. He. 8. contrahendisque. Que here uisu in hori, addsumi cula Meriton o porticulur intemenis Arn. II. Sine ulla particula mi Mus ιυγ0rti e re uterer, i. e. chol is it u . Ilus like quisquom denotes an tti, an is heresore sed in negative elauses here the negationi universa an relates to the hiae clause. I. 494, a, and Obs. 1.13 Latrocinio, δε and of obbers the abstrae so the On
19. Bardulis an Illyrian hiena in the ea deri a band offreebooters in hieli e Mit he was amous se his equit in the distribution os tunder, Whi, ultimates rat sed imself tot he supreme pomer in Illyria Diet. Bios . 20. Theopompum. b. B. C. 378, in Chios, the mos di Stinguis hed of the pupilsi Isocrates, note for his eloquenee, aequi remenis, and wealth but more celebrate Mas the author os ae intinuation of the histor of hueydides and of the historvos Philip theriather of Alexander Diet. Bi Og. 21. Viriathus a Lusitania meritia hie of humbi origin, Who Meam the Ieader of his countrymen against the Roman SB. C. 147, displayed reat valor ani generat shil' and ad X-trROrdinar suecesses sor severat eam. mulso h ad been noted sor in salm s and quit' ith hiel, 0 ad distribut0d thum iis ahen secim the enemy. Mom. I. III. 22. C. Laelius. Se p. 36, line 21, 0t0. e a praetor in I4 B. C. s. De Amicit. XXV. n. He Was nable to
73 23. Usurpatur iri 8olet. Se Lex. . . II. C. Praetor ii mirarioris,. 24. Facile, e . a b consciendum. 27. constituta, . . bene coo8titutu He. Chap. XII. 29. Ut ait Herodotus, Sc. I f iJ os et Oees, hobeuum an arbitrator sortis Wn village, and the sume of wh0, justice ut truci sed loci ii in ultor from ut quarters, tinti ut i iii Medes chos hi maing, undis thus beeunae the ounderis thei empire in B. C. 10.31. Fruendae. See P. 15 line 14, Ole. 34. Prohiberet admits of a doubie construction; the in ,si common is tot ut the hostile thingi person in the ac usative.
18. Quod si im 2 lin note The restos the hapte 74 is a digressio suo ted by the sentinierit, Socrates. 21. Radices agit Propagatur has the re or
29. Volet. Future ense beeause futurit is indieate in the rincipat elaus is Me eis totion, fungatur b. ObS. 1.31. In libro superiore. Q. E. I. Ch h. VII. XIV. O the
36. Habet eausam. i. e. has a someth in t be maintain ed. celebritatis et nominis eas of hendi adyS. 38. casu i in ingle Oeeurrence fortuna the holerati nation ah in . r. Α ordingrio D. Me forme denotes hane a auinanimate natural agent Whieli is notethetonsequene os humanealeulationi ofano v auses the loti in amythologiea be-m talain pari in human affaira Dom favor OritSameelion. 2. Nullum . . . nec . . . nec the foree of the negatives. 75 See p. 28, line 34, note stud M. 460, bS. T. . 754, note.
75 A. Hominum ignoratio ut, i. e. uis inui ina. 6. Beotis studiis, it uiisweres in re ii K illi contendoro.
an expression uster the analog ii recto cursu contenderi'. lli .
7. Eo firmiori animo the nor consuerium 8. Aetati. Se p. 64, line 10, note. Prima, i. e. pro 'rabie moueothos for militaryalor Was in igher esteem illi the Roman tha that obtaine by eloquenee f. h. XIX. Me
11. Exstiterunt, hune di/t inquished theni sese . 13. Altera pars se that o Caesar altera that O Pom P . 15. Alae. In the time os Cicero, hen ali the inhabitant iit Ital ha beeo me citi gens, ita an alarii denoted sores amo serving With the Roman armies. Distinguished yOung men erethen aecustome to serve fidit noli staf O the generat eoui mandini contubernale imperatoris), and were aster vard u signe to the command of an olo, a quadron os auxiliarueavair os 1 rom 300 to 400 men This a the mee ii iiii PomΡe appotia ted the ouia Cicero Alo ulter i could inlude note one-hal os the corps of Italian allies. ut the distine tionbetween them und the lestione Eo in incle havi ligno ei alteri, though ound in the MSS., musti regardedis an inter i lationis sonte eopyist. He. his ori is also braehet G,3 o. und Br. Praefecisset. Se Introd. P. 138. The ouugi iter Wasalien ut the age of SeVenteen. 18. Pariter here denotes time and 8iin l. He. Mihi ι
31. . Rutilii Rus a statesmaia anil orator, consul in 105 Bani legatus, Si in unde Q. Mueius Scaevola, proconsul oi Asia. ue repressed the extortion iis hi publicani, RS ID
dra into exile at Smyrna, here e ted Aneieni riters agre in asseri in that Rutilius Was a mali os the mos simile integri ty, and that his condemnation a the resultis a coit spirasty Diet. Biog. He a also a discipleis Panaetius. See p. 95, lineae et seqq. Innocentiae, i. e. morum integrita 8. He. 32. P. Mucii eaevolae eonsul B. C. 133, an distinguis hedsor his Enowledge of the Ium Gliseium II Was the fallier of the Q. Mucius Scaevola mentionedon p. 44 line 37. The elauseintrodueed by Nam professes O give the reason hyae oes notmentio Crassus M another Xample of What is stated above line 25 30 l. The sui expression Ouidie: De Crosso nihil
33. L. Crassus See P. 2 line , Ole. 35. Ex illa accusatione. At the age of twenty-One heirought against C. Carbo the supporter of the Graeelii tribune B C. 131, consul B. C. 120, but a maia os no prinei ple ira harge thenatur of Whieli is notanown, ut hieli ad resere ne to his editious tribunate, und whieli ted him to eo minit uteide. 36. Quae aetate, an adjunetit exercentur. Qui exercentur. Se in declamation a a reparation O publie spei ing. t is
37. Demosthene. The allusion is to the rigid eoursem training to hieli e subjeete himself in orde to vereonae his
natura defeet a R Spenker. 38. Etiam tum, stili, vel, i. e. a a Oung man. Z. 285. Poterat here ei licebat. r.
39. Melitari. Se p. 44 line 20 note . t i mos frequently used os reparator pruetie in rem in ' Quintilian IV.l spealis of elamotio afforensium rectionum medit tris. Chap. XIV. 1. Duplex ratio. See p. 50 liue e90. and 76
3. orationis Braehered by Br ani me. The emphatie Lindb spe li Cicero calis either contentio or oratio, hil contentio rutioni eould oni denote the emor in speahingi the rhetori ea figure, antitheris Deither of hieli is sui te to the verbhabeat. He. q. Ad gloriam Mith restari locis expressedi ad in eonnee ion ita adjectives When mention is made of Omething externu the subjeci, With regard o hie judgmen is passedin the
b. Difficile dictu est, is earcet credibie. M. 12, Obs. I. 7. Exstant epistolae These episties erem more genuinethan hos stili preserve o Demosthenes o Phalaris. 8. Antipatri, an omee o Philip and of Alexander, and aster thedeath os thesi alter, regento Macedonia. His On cassander. after a long Series of contests, gained possession os bothinae donia and Greee B C. 301 and rei gned unti his dea th. Antigoni, also ne of the generat of Alexander, after his death lero Phrygia, Lycia, and Pamphylia, and later, o ali Asia orliis sola Philippus ver litile is lino n. Diet. Bio.
13. Universam, se multitudinem. 14. Excitat. The SS. adit diloritim, i. e. roses 'loc ore deed s. ut loria denotes the permanent conditiori iis hein sumous, no an rectioity and universu gloria sor fori netis un-Ciceronian. The true meaniniis also indi cuted by the claus in linei, with Whieli it is contrasted. He. 18. Ea se modeStia et stravit M.
21. Et apud populum f. p. 50 linei et eqq.
23. In judiciis, i. e. in forensi genere dicendi He. 24. Constat, Se ratio judiciorum. 26. De Crasso, se On P. 75, line 33. 27. M. Antonius, the granillather of the triumvir of thalname, consuli C. 99 See p. 42 linera note. 28. P. Sulpicii Rufi, also adistinguished orator. In B. C. 9 he accused of in Gestus C. Norbanus, a tribune of thel ple, litiwas defended by Antonius and nequit ted. 29. Inutilem a caseis litote O meiosis, O perniciosum. r. 32. Ii se fecerunt. Duo Luculli, Lucius see p. 52, line 32 note, an Marcus, adopted by M. Terentius Varro, consul B. '. 73, and one of the leader of the aristoeratio arty. When quireyOung the aecused the augur Servilius, o retaliate si, hi procuring the banishment of thei sat he Licinius Lueullus in charge of briber anil malversation. Servilius Was aequiited, but the tria adde greatly to the credit anil reputation os ille older of the brothers. Diet. Bi Og. 33. Patrocinii. s. p. 19, lines 7-9, and note. Nos pro Siculis in the orations against Verres, B C. V. In in the 34. c. Iulius Caesar Strabo. See p. 42, line , note. Me