장음표시 사용
begati his publie aree in B. C. I 03, heia quile oung, by ue 76 Osing . Albue tu os extortio durin his praetor hi in Sar- linia. His spee , hie led to the eondemnationi Albucius was ue admired. Diet. Biog. L. Fufi I B. C. 98 his orator aeeused M' Aquillius Dextortio during his consulfhipiti ieily but Aquillius. Who a defende by Antonius Was
37. Tribuat, et him render Muneri, Se p. 9, line 1, note Inimicos, persona o private enemies hene used hererather than hostes publie nemi Saepius qualines uiscisci. 1. Periculosum ipsi. I the aecused Was aequitied the prose T Teutor couldie aecusedis malielous intent, an is convicte Wasbanished or Ged, or brande on theriorehead With the letter, dum imitor l. Diet. Antiqq. 2. committere. Sees X. . . I. B, 4. It is an eXPlanatoryappositive sal He. r. remes it a the subjectis sordi
3. M. Iunio Bruto sum ame Aeet lator beeause of the Vehemene an harshnes of his prosecutions. His ather is mentioned by Pomponius sine os the three Munder of the civillaw. Diet. BiOg. 12. Est habendum religioni me a re notes hol it, a mat. ter of eὸ upia. n. Se I X. s. Religio II. A, . t primar mean iniis a reverenee for the gora, Springing Domin earefulpondering os divine things. Servius ad Virg. Aen. VIII., IAM, Augustine Retrael. I. 133, an Laetantius IV. 28), derive the ord Domini eligure, and the last mentione quotes the expressionis Lucretius I. 313, arctis religionum animum isdia exsol ere. ut in favor os ira derivation Dom relegere, to gather asta in and again, o o through or ver again in realing, in Speuhing, O in thought, are the RHOWin considerations: 1St. Cieero' Statemenis, De Nat Deor. II. 28 Qui autem omnia, quia ad cultum Deorum pertinerent, diligenter retractorent et tamquam relegerent, sunt dicti religio8 eae relegendo, ut elegunte eae eligendo, et Umquam a diligendo diligentes, eae intelligendo intelligent ea his enim in verbis omnibu inest via tegendi eradem, quae in religioso II 3 Religione, id est cultu Deorum De Lirent. II. 53, 161 Religio rat, quae uperiori8 oujuldum nuturae quum divinum vocant curam, caerimoniam
77 gidius Figulus a Pythagorean hilosopher, contemporar Rilli Cicero Dominia ancient poem, and copi ed by A. Gellius,
Relige item te oportet e se relictiosus here upem fui s. Sehoemania, in his commentary Ponite. De mi. 3 ιι. M n, RSeris that this verse cannot be et to arrani hi derivationai ven by Cicero, a relisen is notis current es, butine manufactu red by the poetu fuit the derivation V nil With Corsson assumes the stem I to bind. ut Curtius, Vaniseli, and the lexieons of Κ tot and Georges endore t idem derivation. Fic also traces religio in a roo signifying for, o tro ubi oue' set bor. d. The various meantu is religio hiel saccordinit Freund follo more naturali Domtheride of the eure fui pondering of divine thium C s. also thelanmage of Arnobius : Non enim qui solicite religi et immo eis
latus hostias caedit . . . numina conmentienduε Si colere, re u oisset solus religionis implere ani Aug. IJ Civ. Dei, X. . A.
13. Nolarium, ne ho is implous in his oction8; impium. strictly one horis implous o ni is niud. D. 14. Fert ullo iis, although With a certain eluetanee. r. 15. Judicis. The funetions os the Iu deae uppearto have beennearly the fame illi thoseos uror in modern times. In eivis suila a least hos in hiel the offence a prosecutad undersome Leae), the magistrat he re homin uetion a brou mini potnted a judeae in try the ense, ho was a liberint ii ilhimsel of tho legat ad vide of the jurisconsulis, and ii se verdici. In crimina tria is the judi a Nere eliosen bycio si omamong those ho ere eleeted annuali by the P, Q Hor Urbo, nu8, nil, hos numes ere registeret in the Album Iudiei Selectorum. The judice voted by ballot undis majorit deter mine the aequit tali condemnationis the aecused Theira tor lio presidet ut the tria pronoune cilii ir sentenue, and in thecaseos condemnation adjudged the legat penalty See Di Antiqq. 16. Patroni Orocie, leader, hos Prose ion a quite distinet froni that of the jurisconsuti a.
17. Praesertim- scriberem, speciollyma Lam inruingi imphilosophis, in t Philosophicui orh. ne a principes clauseiu a past ense as et a uster the imperseei and lupersi subjunctive in hypothetica sentene in the wason illi quum is osten expressed in the impersee us ne thai exist
sam di- tinction et ween theor and praeti in in the ope ningos Chap. X. He. 19. Gravissimo, stricteSi, w8t austere. He f. p. 102, line 36. 23. Adolescentes, etc. A the age of tWenty-Si Cieero uade his firstile in a crimina triat, tu defene of Sex. Roscius of Ameria, eharge Wit parricidei Chrysogonus, a DeedmanifSulla, Supported a it a underStood by the influence of his
alitas are talae together asine dea, though the repetitionis de might lea uso expeet ther se. r. f. . 21 line 24. note Ratio. See p. 40, line 1 note. 29. pera See p. 63 line 25, Ole. 30. Haec . . . illa. See p. 31 line 27, note. 32. Utraque se benescentiae rotione. O r. an He. . und r. adopi them S readin utroque, hiel Gr. says may belrihen itheris maseulinem neuter altera then referrinito liberalis voluntas se liberalitas. . 377. e. hiulis utroque anno b eorreet heinus haec and illa seminine have justi receded, and altera also solio , referring to ratio. 36. Quo is tot tinen illi plures. 3. Praeclare, te This stor introduces the siri reas I 8 hy pecuniar aid is of Ies value See lines 1 and 11.5 Accusat, i. e. reprehendit, OUUrstat He. 6. Malum is an interjection expressiti indignation. See
8. An tu id agis See p. 23, line 10, Ole. s. Praebitorem, urveyor. The eehni ea term Was Porochi. Τhe supplied the Roma octieials hen travelling. With neee8saries hie eo ut not e convenienti earried. at ali Ihe principa stations on the publio road in Italy and the prOVinees. Diet. Antiqq. 10. Quia sordidum regi, se to purelias the good mill of his soldiera; et his a not so ad us the mora corruption it caused in them He. 13. Eoo-filio, Se praece it.
21. Multi se sueti a Milo, Curio Caesar. 27. Non tanta studia The sanie sentiment is expresse amore sully on p. 87, line 21 et seqq. Tanta studia assequuntur odia is an instanceis Zeugma. 30. claudenda . . . reseranda continue the et hor coim
32. Referatur ad facultates i. e. et ou refources e themensure of Our bounty Hn See p. 17 line 15, note. 34. Usurpatum denotes a single aut Os using inti a Permi nentisse. D. n-consuetudinem, . . in Proverbium 8is m
35. Largitionem habere, i. e. has no limit o end. An Bllusion to the able of the Danaides. The more isti are ii
stoWed the more the are Sought. 36. consuerunt, Se t receive gratuities. 37. Alii se . Who have not et received.
chap. XVI. 39. Prodigi applies to those ho give lavisti lywithout regar to the value os money. Epulis, public bunquets. sueti as erevitve to the Senate in the Capitolis in a templo, an to theseopte in the Forum ei ther ut them riue Lurium ora su neruis, and onither publico insistis. ΙΙe. 79 1. Muneribus eoibi tona in customar gis os a ut liesho to the pe0ple by the magistrates, and partieulari the Ii
diles, as an expressionis gratitude so election to ossim . For Di distinetion rom incium se p. 9, inerat, note P. 2 liue 2, note audorum, se circensi an and theatriet 2 Venationum, se in the amphitheatre an cireus. s. Theophrasto See p. 8, line 7, note. 10 inultus, Euse, pro .r Se LeX. L . I. R, II. Apparatione apparatu, lineae, Prese iration im a mn nificent Suale. f. p. 15 line 20, and note on the signis, a tio of the endings, Se M. 178, s. l.
16. Qui non admiremur, becat 8 we a re notis8ton Ohed. f. p. 115, line 26.18. Qui obsidentur ib8e88i. 19. Sextarium the scit partis a congius, hich was ne-
Vol. I. P. 452. 20. Attenderint. Notice the change here to the hir person, and in the nexi claus to therarat person again. 21. Jacturis f. p. 34, line 14, and Dote. 23. Quum praesertim neque liti, hil vet uot ouce suamvis neque He. Necessitati subveniatur. See . 34, line ,
25. Ad-tempus. Se p. 16, linei, note A levissimo quoque, by the mos frivolou on ly. The spectator must be herereserre io, since the solioWin claus refers to this Phrase, audit cannot properi denote either those ho exhibit he ho or
32. Bonis the good old. Splendor aedilitatum, i. e. in thecelebratio of the public ames os,hicli in aediles ad tho
superintendenee, O Whieli Oeension the Often incurre a pr0digious expense, With the vie Ofileasin theseopte an secur. in thei voles in subsequent elections. Diet. Antiqq. 33. Ab froni Optimis viris, o b understoo no in apolitica Sense, a the connection hoWs, butis denotin meno the greatest abilit o qualifications. The demand was madeupon ve beeaus the were the ne to hom the Ossices erogive . He. Postularetur, the readin adopte by Br. and ., though most of the MSS. have postuletur, hic som explainas due to the present meaning of inveterasse' in consuetmdine erae. Se p. 60 lineo, note P. Crassus Dives, atheri thetriumvir of that name. Hemas consul B. C. 97, and asterWarda a governor of Spes se severa Lyears. 35. . cras gua See p. 42 linera note.
79 36 Q. Mucio, se Scaevolae. See P. 44 line 37, note. 37. C. Claudius Pulcher In the ames conducted by him. B. C. 99, elephanis ere so the si res time exhibited in the ii reus, and aintinxemployed in the scenic decorations. He a
consul B. C. 2.39. D. Iunius Silanus. His aediles his as in B. C. 70. 1, consul-eleel, B C. 63, he Was therars togive his opinion in hi Senate a to the punishment of the Catilinaria conspirator P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther, aedilem C. 63, consul z
proconsulis Cilicia the nex three ears He was prominHi in securing Cicero' retur DOm exile.
80 L M. Aemilius Scaurus. Seei. 52, line l0, notis.
2. Pompeii. In B. C. 55 he complete theirs sione theatri ever erecte in Rome. It was in the Campus Martius, and h:illseat for sorinthousani spectat ors. The games exhibito, hemit as pened Iaste many ays, and consiste, O theali io: ilShONS gymnasti contests, gladiatoria combuis, and fictis Misit be tS. 3. Quid mihi placeat. The soll0Win tamen hows that Such extravagane di no pleas him. He on I apologia tbecauserit Was the old and est ubi istie custoria. Chap. XVII. G. Mamerco em Lepido Liviano, consul D. C. 77. 6. Praetermissio, declining se in orde fas a suspecti avoid the expense of exhibitin gam . 8. Bonis viris i. e. pright men, by hos jud ent eough t be uided: illi approbantibus, a participiat 1 ir i
s. Faciendum est, se id or utet a Viam r. 10. Nos-fecimus, se in B. C. 69. The mos important bus,nes of his aedilesii imma the preparation m celebratili Floralia, the Liberalia, and the Ludi Boinani in honor iit thethre divinities of the Capito : and although he avoid ,- thingli hemean nessor parsimon in thesegam , he was equalis carem to Simia ostentation and prosuse expenditure. Diet Dio II. resti. Proba Ll Cn. Aufidiu Aurelianus i
I 2 Prandia in semitis. i. e. Dee inners ive by hini in public places to secure populari ty Decumas nomini,
customary aster an SuceeSSsul undertaking Such sacrific0 80were osten aecompanie by east for theseople, o the distributioni Dod He. 13. Marco Seio. Equestrian, a Diend of Atticus and Cicero, quaestor B. C. 80, an aedile . C. 4. In a time os great Scarcit Icaritate, se annonae heri sal to have suppliedihe eopte illi cor at a very lo rate, and the credit,hichii thus obtaine serve to retrieve the disgrace invidia intowhieli ho h ad preriousi falle by his condemnatio for Ome
16. Quando since Therus Of this partici sor quoniam hoWever, is rare in Cicero. He Se LeX. s. v. II. B.
17. Nostro Miloni. In his tribunat he eudeavore to obtain Cicero' recal se in anishment, an in his ehat 'hen arra igne for the tria o Clodius, Whο ad procure Cicero's bauishment the lalter prepare his amous oration. Qui Therelative clause, hic States What tende to the honoris Milo is virtuali the subjectis honori-fuit. Ηe. 18. Quae-oontinebatur, hic fore dependent sol mys rescis i. e. retum DO banishment), in s far a the anishment of Cicero as a victor of Iawles violence ver ait orderi the state. r. 19. conatus furoresque, HendiadyS. 20. Si-utile, se largitionem seri.
22. L. Marcius Philippus See p. 42 line .
25. C. Aurelius Cotta, consul B. C. 75, an a note orator. C. Scribonius curio, consul B. C. 76, and an intimate friendis Cicero. Notiee the asyndeton, hic oeeur oceasionali in Spestringi colleagues in ossice, in contrasis, an in Tample8.M. 434 Z. 783 See also p. 24 line 4 note.
26. Quodam modo. his quali*in phras is inserte be-
28. Nostro quidem anno, i. e. the ear in hielite a fixsteligibi in acti, hieli a fixo by the eae illi Annalis. V are noWhere expressi tol What the legat ages ere. Cicero, hoWever, as electe quaestor in his hirty-first year, aedile in his hirty-ssusnth, prasitor in his sortieth, an consul in his forty-third Ramsay, Roman Antiqq.
80 33. Quamquam, obesure, in utrae. The clause introduc by this partici stantis in contrast ali herio the precedin sentene an to the followin tamen. s. p. 32, uni34. Oratiora, morea ni ortis. e. 35. Verecundius See p. 37, line 25, u . 36. Propter Pompeium Pompe erected a O te in I bVenus ani Victoria, illi colonuades ait ining Doctissimi. i. e. the philosophera P. 93, line'. 38. Non interpretatus. s. . , line 2 et seqq. and we Introd. p. 143. Phalereus Demetrius See p. 8, line I 5, 39. Periclem, the reates of theni an statesnaen xv liii d. B. C. 29. 8 I. Praeclara- propylaea This structure, die vestibule i rentrance of the Acropolis, as os Penteli marble, overed the Whole esteri end of the eitudet, a considered ne os in
masterpieces of Athenian ari, and cost ii verta, talenis
11. Et aster Miu not uia frequently occum in Cicero instet O the more common atque thunci ii altu re Peat . II i
12. Nullis-adversis s. p. 9, line 2 am note, and 15. Non ne mi ideo, me 19. Bene facta, etc. For the meti I. in P. 21. Ex ceteris. i. i. O inly ill the recipienti malreturn, ut ali iners ill le grates ut so the reason iv
28. Eamque injuriam se iussi utitude, implied in immemorem beneficii. In - liberalitato. Se in i sar a liberalis i ii the pari s litae r i In expi
8. Liberale See p. 55, line 32 Hote. 11. Sed ita se habenda ratio δt. 13. Est maximus On the eo Oeatio Os the OrdS. Se P. b, line 26, Ole. 20. Vehementer utile. i. e. res de utile. Honeste posse multum, o bee-e werfui in an honorabie Psy Gr.
23. Cimonem the sonis Miltiades, wholourished in theirsthal of the fifth sentur B. Q distinguished for his able and Suee smi genera hip aud sor his liberalit an munifieone in private life Athenis braehered by Br. and by He. Wh re- marks that it could ODI mea that he a generous o It while it is his liberalit exereised not in the et 'ut in the
28. Tum . . . tum See p. 58 line 35 note. 29. In ure caVere, Sc. licui, i. e. to give legat advicera iocine in a IaWsuit. r. 30. Consilio juvare, bracheted by Rr. e. also consider it a gloss,ontheground that theeXPm S inii Simo generat. lia i , l. lows shoms that a knowledge of the scienceos Ia is referre soli. 33. Tum quod, i. e. tum illud pr clet uis eri quod M. 35. Ante hanc ete , i. e. re te horrem temporum coufi ionem.
36. Principes Theanowledge of the jus ciniae a confine lio the patricians uti Cn. Flavius, a Secreta ' ΑΡΡ laudius Caecus, ad public thesi ad forni lue. 38. Eo indignius. c. Dcων Q. 39. Quum is esset riseret. The allusion 8 to Serv. ul. pleius Lemonia Rufus, consul B. C. I the reat a juri R his time, an as an Orator inferior ninio Cicero, illi homhe asin term o inti uiate friendship. 83 4. Gravior, bracheted by Br. o. and He. The osti uni the word ui akescit probabi that it came into the extrus aeniselier readiniso gratior. Besides, it is not sui te to the conuecti Q sor gravis is no more applicabie in orator than to jurirerim
8. In toga, i. e. in pacis urtibu8 s. p. 32, line 14. s. Facile, indum illi nyly. 11. Gratuito, iam no remuneration In early times, o in patriis moribus, no retronuctoo a se Dona his elieni bulas this custom et into disi e theraeae Cincio a passed I. 204, hiel sorbad the paymen os mone so the plendin*cas in Ouri Beneficia et patrocinia. uendia lys ni 12. Admonebat. The imperseet indicative is sonaetimes sedo a thin Whieli has parit Oeeurred ut ready in the reseni