... M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis, libri tres

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16. Quam- spes, i. e. O se Fouu uae there are lio e 83 ea hope Wil attain a like excelleue in Oratory. t. 17. Audacia pre umption in attemptin to lea at ille bar vithout the requirite qualifications. 19. Licet-petentem. e P. P, line 21, note . For the di serent construetions illi licet se M. 389, an Obs y Z. 60 l. 20. Beneficia here chien civi in Gram pro ii referrinia

to multis'. commendantem Sc udro estu. be re theco tui. e. Magistratibus. Fe p. 21, line , Ole, ora thea syndeton. 21. Eos onsuluntur juria con ut 08.

36. Itaque isti 2 Fere See p. 27. Ita 18, note. 845. Referre gratiam to return re in cit. 6. commode, Se disit. 7. Pecuniam qui habeat etc. The Diu of the saying Onsist in the play po the mea in o habere. He ho haspes bae moneymo longe has it butine ea repa a favorandistili cheris a Delingi gratitude forcit and Gr. 10. Beatos Me edo it thesius offortune. Itineludes both locupletes an honoratos He. 13. Postulari They se in the estomment of the in an

14. Patrocinio here, in iis mos genera signifieation Vero introduces the this ste of the elimax of hie the rs ismarhed by quin etiam and the see Dd by atqui tiam. e.


268 BOOK II.

84 I7. Qui est meritus se de eo. 19. Multis se hominibu8. Se videri. O this construotionaster studet, se p. 28, linera note, and Z. 10.21. Extenuat, depreciat scit. Videndum-illud. this fac o M il ιωbe consideres. He. Que moreo ver Quod-manet This semiis used rather than the infinitive to given prominen clii the saei Whielicis made stili more emphatici prefixin the demonstra live illud. V. 398, b Z. 626, Note 1 f. p. 85 line 20. 22. Si forte inserte adverbially, /pε ι . e. 23. Sin autem. See p. 23, line , Ole. 26. Quae-multitudo est, i. e. reorum Ustu See I . ' line 39, Ole. 27. collocari, e λη ted like money Put oui at interest. I. li. 74 line 11 et 8 99.28. mni generi, eos eis et ery iud. s. p. o lineo',

Venere toto.

29. Si res-veniet. i. e. is ou lave occasion di Whether o rende a service to a good an or a sortunate one. O contentionem, Se P. 6, line 28, Ole. 3I. consuleretur se s aliquo, in hieli is implied the sub jee o collocaret. 35. Quarum, i. e. the wealth of another. Ad- pertinet S that we hould estimate hina the more hi glily. Or isti the in oret do him a favorin account Oscit. 37. pulentior a conjecture of Lambinus, adopted by r. The S. readiniis urentior, hiel doe Dot occur l-Whe in Cicero, but hieli mos other editor retalia in the sens os spendin more money. 85 1. Sit judicium, oenu et the decision eo res Iὲ m.

3. Beneficiis operaque Hendia lys.

q. Ne quid-contendas. i. e. trire t εν 't.

Chap. XXI. 10. ad universos is sed so the salie os thestiarime intrast illi ad singulos findi iduola, and i R explain by the solio vin elaus quae pertinent. Torali , lattereorum ipsum ala reseo Hi11. Partim . . . partim. Sed i partiti ve adjectives in hi nominative illi the precedin genitive limi in them obg. 4 Z. 271.


l 2. Universos cives, i. e. theiod of iligens asin hole 8513. Attingant. s. p. 13, line 13, and note benes iura ad rem publieum pertinens a the diseharge of the uties fovery ome in the State, sine this as a servie Without remuneration. ut his ould osten involve services to individualsalso. The praetor, lar ex ample in administering justice, ouldsserve both the State and thos individual Whose right o proper ae preserved. Ηe.14. omnino. f. p. 33, line 34, note. Si possit, Se flexi. Utrisque se ut consulatur, hielicis tot supplied Dom hat

Dilows It ineludes both universi an singuli. The thoughtis heresere The mos important concer mus have reserenoeto that whiel, is benefietat althe to the State an to individuals,

but nexi to that the interest os individual must e care soreven henio advantage to the State M a WhOle acerues there-srom. He Gr. mahes it agre With bene fletis.


85 24. utiquari to berejected. In the caseos laws, eaeli liter received Wo tableis, o one os, hieli ivere the letters V. R. the initials of Ut Rogos, i. e. let it e iis ou sh, and this heis he was in favor of the me ure on the ther the leue A. the initia os Antiquo, i. e. intivu probo, prefer hi ulu tu uallers, and thisie used i he voted against the bili ri, Vittit . Whene the phrases antiquare legem 'o r j luti'. namsay, Rom. Antiqq. In eo, sor in quo See p. 63, line . L , um25. Sed statim it referene to the intervening clause quam -praebuit. thersis nitui ould e requisite o connec trahi With the principat clause. r. 26. Populariter, Se egit, here in a ad sense. Illud male. Se diaeit. 27. Rem See P. 22, line , note capitalis. Se li. I, line

Ρlies ko uinea se a qui a constituto sunt oleis tres a the ullae ei os tenerent. Ne M. 490 b. 31. Nam etsi, etc. n the thought se li. 58 lineae; t euq 36. Tributum, a propertftuae, pati by at the i itigi iis utilio, and the proceed chiesty is no alti gether, applied ii mali lir

i ii in or the expense is War. Thus the amouni mis , anil ii the rate Per ent. varie Mannuali accordin ti, the deman mos the public service and was fixed by the Senate, ho eie id indirere tribulum, hile the i lili correlatively e in id conferre tributum. It was regulari levied unti thii pies of Medonia, B. C. 67, heia sueti vas innis e lii, ured into theore ur tha this tax a no longe ne ed uam say, RO in Anii in 38. Muneris qui exaesed by the State, tributum. 39. Alii is the ea lingis no S. adopted by r. and I. The ther M. omit it Instea xiit it, ito i inseri


Whci eo Mers alii usuite Io the eoti neetiora. Sine Cisero Siloes uot rediet an evit o any the State, et insist iliatmine or is neede IO Xpres the eonis tu quam-ominari, and the more beeause after malo mustae supplied noti minari. but aecordin to a common ellipSiS, dicere. Neque tamen, i. e. Atili his additiona remur is noti e My for ete. I. Tantum, an adjunet O attingendus, ni t 86toueheu resectu.9. Avaritiae, opp. to abstinentiae, line 28.)10. c. Pontius, the Samnite generat, hocin B. C. 321 de- a te the Romans at the batile of the Caudine sortis, and compellexiliem totas unde the yOhe.14. Saecula, generation o meo. spectanda fuerunt. See p. li , line 25, note Modo. See p. 15 line 17, note. 16. Si quidem denotes a reason implied in a reviOUS Onees sion. Z. 346. 17. Tantum roboris se to carry his threat into ex ution He. 18. De pecuniis repetundis. The erimen repetundurum pecuniarum originali denote a harge of extortion preferre lagainst a provineta govsernor The rovineials h brought thetharge ere sui re referiere, an partis the punishment Was a restitutionis the sum Or Objeet illegali approprialed Whioli er ealle Res Repetundite. In ProeeS O time, hoWever, this D en a held se to any et O misgovern mentis Oppression by a Provineial OVernor. L. Calpurnio Pisone, urname Frugi, consul B. C. 133, and ne of the Roman annalis is Though he a a Stauneli supporter of the aristoerati par , he Ouid not overtoo thei crimes. 19 Lata est. The indieative is iam sed he quum bona the time Phen, in Deonneet an event With a time an eircumstanees reviOust mentioned. Se C. 214 4, notera H. 521, 2, 2); A. 325, α G. 582. Fuisset. See p. 8, linerat, note Lex-nulla fuisset. In earlier times Overnors ad Sometimes heen accusedi extortioni misgOvertiment, but sueti cases h ad


86 20. Proxumae duriores, the more recent-the more , o G ι . . Aster quisque, illi the superlative, Ont a superlative an ii l.

eali sollow. The comparative is tot explained by a iixtureos the , constructions, quo propior -eo duriore ani serori

in se quaeque duri88imae He.

21. Italicum bellum, se the Sociat war, occasioned by liestrugo of the Italian ollies B. C. 100-88 to obtain the privi leges of citigenship. 22. Propter metum M. Livius Drusus see p. 42 line , note), in his tribuneshiΡ, B C. 91, proposed a la transferring the functions of urors D in the linight to the Senate, and Ρ-Ρointingis specia crimina commission sor the tria of tho elinight Who ha been guilino acceptingiribes It is proha-blo that this dedide the moneyed aristocrae in oppos ali his mensures, includin that one hieli providet so the elevationo the Italian allies o fuit iligenslii p. The alter then, des patringis obtaining this privilege in any the way took Ρ

23. Expilatio-sociorum, se by Sulla an Caesar in their dictatorshiPS.chap. XXII. 26. Africanum se Scipio Africanus Minor. Se p. 32, line 4 p. 36, line P p. 44 line 37, note Fuerit. I. 357, a, in n. 27. Abstinens. Se p. 87, line 10, note Sed, te. i. e. II i, integrit Was indeed raiseworthya ut he had ther ostier qualities, and this virtve a characteristi os the times in whieli e lived. 30. Paulus. Se p. 44, line 37, note Tantum pecuniae. Accordin to Velleius Patereulus I. ), he brought into thetreasur bis millies centies sestertium, Wo hundred million os sesterces about eight million os doliars. 31. Finem-tributorum. See p. 85 line 36, note. 32. Finem attulerit ho pu an en duo, etc., or at time sol-lοWing For the ense se C. 234, 5 H. l . i. VI. A. G. 513. 34. Patrem See p. 44 line 37, Ole. 35. Quid Se p. 68, linera note L. Mummius. He gain the urnam os Aellaicus by the destruet iniim Corinth, . '. 146, the conquest os Greece, and the e tablishment of them


3. abere quaestui, O enrie one' fel a the expense of the State by managiniit astato. b. Oraculum se gi ven to the Spartan ings Alcamenes and

10. Abstinentia, command ove the destrem What elongsto another continentia, versensual destres. Otii a re antago-

uim to avaritia. l. II. Se populares volunt se. Me, an ellipsisno uneommon in Cicero. He f. p. 28, linera note. 12. Agrariam-tentant. The usual X pressio for prose eita re uri in laeto Possessores, notis oners, but occupi 8, - of the publie land s. See p. 85 line 23, Ole. 13. Pecunias- condonandas an allusion O law so the abolitionis reductioni debis. 17. Si non, illi an emphasis noli negation is sed Onlywhere non is unit ex ith the solio in ver so acto Ormone negative dea, hie is put sorWard in opposition to the assirmative notion Nisi excludes the eas in hieli a thinidoes notoeeur M. 442, o Z. 343.

19. Ut supra dixi, se. p. 85 line 29 et eqq. 20. eviusque is feminine and agrees illi rei He.

22. Quam putant, Se se con SecuturOS Z. 774.

24. In pecuniis creditis, in the esse of debis remitted. 26. Non fuisse solvendo, to ore been insolirent. Esse Ause With the dative of the gerundo signis to e in a condition to able io, particulari of payment an peeuntur obligations. M. 415 Obs 1 C. 252 9, 3 m. 542, II. A. 299 G. 430. 27. Prae se fert, seni eaehibita publiδhe8.30. Non numero . . . pondere, i. e. O by the number, but by the eharaeter position, and influence of those Who have been iniured.


87 3I. Quam habet aequitatem quam eque D. Gr. Cicerouses the term aequitatem no justitiam, loris is speukiu os the occupanc of the public lanci, hiel the State ad his indisputabie legal right to recal homo hos Who ad eas them. et here land ha been et for generations anilualuabie improvementa ha been made pon them, great injuStice might he involve is the occupanis ere sud leni oblige aio relinquisti them. 32. Possessum, ta heu po rario of DOm po88ido. 33. Ut habeat, a clause of result, hic is also the subjeci. chapter XXIII. Ib. Propter genus. See lines 12 et 8eqq. 36 Lysandrum no the Lysander mentione on p. 42 line 31, but the friendis Agis, associate With him in his attempted politiea resorm an overthro . phorum, ne of the pa tan magistrates chosen by the peoplerus a hec o the OKeros the king an Senate. Agim Durth in os Sparta, B. 244-240. His measures sor a ne partitionis the lauded Properi of the nation hicli ad passed in to the haud os a seWindividuals an for the abolitionis ali debis illi hiel thepOO Kere burdened, ere bitteri Opposed by the arist racy: and the finali caused his arrest auxeXeeution. 38. Exque See p. 47, line 5 note. 39. Tyranni. iter Cleomenes III. Who ad reneWed theat templa os Agis, ha been banished B C. 222 sire Lyeurgiis rule ove Sparta, nex Machanidas the Nabis, aster lio emurde Sparta came unde the Achaea leagiae optimates. Cleomenes ut o death our Ephori and auished exterminarentur eight Spartans ho opposed hi mensures os resoran. He.

88 3. contagionibus. Cicero represent the contagion os evilas transmitte Domine State to another, and lienee se the plures. l. 6. Affricani, se the elder, hos daughter Cornelia Nas theirmother.

7. Aratus Sicyonius, at the age of twenty B. C. Di, With a part os Sicyonian exiles gain ossession os his native ity, Sicyon, and o in exitu ille Achaean lingue. In B. C. 2 aeWas electe generat of the eaque, an subsequently re electa dfiixteen times. He res imison C. 213 by orderis Philipo Macedon Diet. Biog.


s Tyrannis, Se Abautidas, lio murdere Clinia the Ather 48os Aratus, Pageas the sather of Abantidas, ho a putri,dpathb Nicoeles, and Nicocles hi uiself, ho, on the sui pris os ille eitadel and the burningis his palae by Aratus, ned. 14. In-possessionibus, in the matter os, etc. l. considers bonis et possessionibus, a case of hendiadys. Cf. p. 83, line 11.16. Possederant, ad come into po88e88ion Q. 17. Quinquaginta-possessiones. The exilesia been ban. ished in partiesore the time o Clinias. 18. Moveri. A concise mode os expressio sor po88e88ores

moveri agris. r. 24. Integram, i. e. intactam.

25. Ptolemaeum Philadelphum, . C. 285-247, the son os Ptolem I. Soter) heuce alter He a note a the patronan promoter Os literatur an science, an se the prosperityandio veris his hingdom. Accordiu to Josephus, it a byliis command that the Hebre Scriptures ere translate into

27. Alexandream conditam, se in B. C. 332, When the ground plan was laid ut an ille uilding egu by Alexander the areat, though it a no complete unti the eigni Philadelphus. In ord adopte Domuli Greeli, ει is expresse be fore vometsi iis e. m. 5, b, Obs. 2.28. Liberare, here in the wide significationis the regulationos interna ossa irs He. in the sense that the or of libera. tion a no complet unti a setile conditioni assair Wasreached. r. causam docuisset, hud set forth the eonditio uis fossuti 8. He. 29. Grandi pecunia Ptolem gavelim a hundred an fiftytalentS, parti beeaus it Was os importanee o hi in that theMaeedonians hould e riven ut os the eloponnesus, inorde that he himself,ight gain influene there, an partly beeaus Aratus ad osten sent hi valvabie patiatings rom

32. causas cognovit, i. e. investiga ted the justice and merusos the olaimS. 3. Aestimandis by prala inst. 34. Aliis se thoseolio ad come into possession os theestates of the exiles. 36. Aliis se thos ivli had been tu exile.


Sy 36. Tanti se inuisti possessiones missu erunt. Gr89 I. Bis jam vidimus, se unde Sulla an Casesar Hastam ponere See p. 69, linei, note aud line 22.6 commoda divellere, i. e. to alienate or et ut variane i divide interestes atque See P. 4 line 23 Que uole. 7. continere to old Dether, renite. Habitent, et: Subjunet is Desire CaeSarcissued an die in B. C. 47, exemptingili sin alter tenanis DOm the paymen O hOus rent forin year, to the dam age of the landiords. his is intro lueed here undortherior of the objeetionis an opponent, an is ans ore With

Quid ita He. 8. Quid ita Hore of hys ex pluine by an ellii Risis the

o delis, ei ther holi or in part by law. Quid argumenti, who meo iussinus, hat oes it uini at He. Chap. XXIV. See Synopsis.16. Quod refers to the whole ree in thought though in Suehis eas Cicero usuali has id quod. l.

16. Non, si fuerit, ut, i. e. i fuerit Se ac alienum, etc. ita faciendura est, ut So, frequently a generat ord i ii, , supplied froin a particular, an assii malive rom a negative. Me 19. Fides, credit. Esse eae i8t. Nulla See P. 19, line . I, Ole. Necessaria, com relin o. 21. Quam me consule, se L. C. i; , ' Catiline, ho Promised a tota abolitionis debis.

M. Dissolutum, a Stronger ex Ρression than Glutum. ' .

26. Solvendi necessitas Cistem threatenedo , sol by u tion the good of the deblors, is the di notia mei debis. 27. Hic nunc victor Se p. 67 linerat , note. Tum Victus. That Caesar an Crassus 'ad a haud in the gameis Catiline, in B. C. 63, as et a in the plotis B. C. 66 may be morde i-no in a juristi e but in a histori eat Oint of vlew-u an eertaine laci. Mom. VOl. IV., p. 22 226. 28. Quae cogitarat. Aster these ordio an die inseri theelauSe qui tu ip8iu infererat tum, hieli has sonae, but notrahebest, IIS authority, O the round that after the si si antithesis, nunc victor, tum victus, e liould xpeet in eontrusi illi