Extracts from Cicero, narrative and descriptive;

발행: 1890년

분량: 343페이지

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14. Coactoribus. Coactores Was a nam applied to collectors os varicius in is Here it means persons ho conected the mone froni thepurchaser of good sol Dat auctions It is algo applied to the collectors hoacte unde the publicani to collec the axes the sarme so them. Horace' fathe was coactor in his sense S. I. 6 86. Invenitur-pervenisse, Vis provexto have been in Strato' possession.' D. I. A. F. Auli filio. a. Diem dixit, impeached, nam ed a dansor his tria l. The firs ste in atriat was sor the accuser to declare that he would on a certain a accus the person hom he had nam ed, o sonae specific crime. Dici of Ant. Judicium.'Quod- addidisset, iecause he had kept his dictatorshi a se dayso ver the legat time. The limit Xed by la was si monilis. Addidisset, 'subj. asaeing oratio obliqua giving the tribune' reason. Livy. 7. 4 sayshe was impe ached fortis crueities When in ossice. Probabi the ne a thetechnica ground the other the ea reason of the impea liment. 5. Quod relegasset subj for the fame ea son addidisset ab ove. Quod quum audivisset Quod is here the acc. of the relative pro notan, and the sentence negotium exhiberi patri is in apposition illicit. 6. Negotium exhiberi patri, that his a the was in tronble.'8. Qui arbitraretur, as e thought.' Qui is causat, an sotakes Uri. 13. Missum facturum, Mould se a liberty. 'Ι9. Invenit, ,on.' Ad Veserim. The amous batile in the Latin ar usuali calle the

2I. Acerbe severus. He caused his son to e belleaded e re thearna sor en gagin in single conabat illi a Latin soldier, contrar to his order justae fore the batile. Manliana imperia ' came froni his to e pro ver sor extrem severit o discipline. 10. I. ago. The speaker here is Cato the Censor.

3. Condita sto condio,' se ason ed.' 4. Eum colere, to culti vate his acquaintance.'5. Anno Io St-quam natus sum, the ea aster I a born, 233. B. C. Observe the order of the words post is usuali separa ted rom quam

iii givini lates in his Way ante ' fosso ws the fame arrangement. i I. Suasor fuit Vspolae in favouris.' Legis Cinciae. The Lex Cincia a passe in Ο B. C. Iis objectina to controi an prevent lolisti an hasty in by requirin certa informalities, and nacti nil imitation to them. 24. C. Flaminio. The sanae ho was a sterward de seated and illedin the batile at the alae Thrasyinelius. As tribune 232 . , he Carried, by plelii scitum contra senatus auctoritatem ), an agrari an a for distributi nil an latet conquere in the orthis Italy.


26. Dividenti proposing to distribute.'3I. Viritim, individuals.' illo distributed by speciat nactinent, the land rem aliae state propert3 ager publicus.' Laudatio, his funera oratiora.'33. In luce, 'in publici '3 . Intus domique 'in his private an domestic liis. 36. Augurii here an adj agreeing ith iuris. Ius augiarium ' means the established system os augury ius pontificium.'Ut in homine Romano, Roman. The Roman acknowledged their great inferiorit to the Greelas in literature. 37. Domestica must here mean o civit Wars for at the time Cato is supposed to a this therea ad been none but the wars of his own country,' and externa, tho se of sore igia nations. 11. I. App. Claudii. his a the Appius Claudius hos censorship 3I B. C., was amous for his great public orks the Via Appia, the vireat fouth road os Rome, and the Aqua Appia, an que duci, hicli rought water o Rome a distance of eight miles and ais for his admission os freed me a citi gens by nroning them in tribes. 6. Viat, an id formo the en It is dependent on quo, like ibi

terrarum, eo audaciae.'7. t tamen- oratio. The force of tamen here is, though there is no ne exto referri Ennius, sor Appius' own spe ech is stili extant.' Arnold, Hist. Ol. 2 Ch. 27, compares illi this speech of Appius the amous protesto Lord Chatham against ield in to the demand of the America Coloni es, when, bowed down by years and infirmit like Appius aut ou sed like him by the re ad of approachin distio nou to the Englisti a me, he was led by

his son and son-in-la into themo use of Lords, an ali the eers illi ne impulse roserio receive hi m. 22. Et tamen sic. He means, et there an emo doub of the fact. sor it is positi vel asserte by tradition.'I3. Nihil afferunt, have no ground sor thei assertion. I . Similes sunt ut si qui dicant, iure like persons ho maintain.' I9. Celeritate, lactivi ty. 'eto. Consilio, auctoritate, sententia, judgment, eight of character, decision. 23. Tantam domum, tantas clientelas, in large ousehold, a vastia umber of dependanis. Tantus is sed here ithout an correlative quantus, which may be supplied in thought so great chou selio id a sucha man would have. Clientelas, an abstraci terna sed for the concrete clientes. 24. Intentum, everin the stretch. We have here the metapho contained in the wor intent. 25 Languescens. enseebled. 27. Metuebant-verebantur. Observe the disserence etween the two orils metuo eXpresses a lavisti ear, rea lingaunishment, A vereor.'



the reverence an Mawe With hicli ne is inspired by superior greatnes or

29. Ita si Ita illowed by si is inly, literat ly, in his condition is 3I. Nemini mancipata under no one' thumb, literat ly disposed ofio no oneras his property. Manci po cis to malae ver o another by the legat proces terme mancipium ' sor hicli se Dict of Ant. 3 . Sequitur, laim at, studies. 12. I. In about, literalty in the caseis. et obsignatum, sealed, or, as e liould say, loched, seat with the Romans usuali supplying the place of loch s. 9. Studiose luderet, ' devoted himself to playing.' Signa sacra, the statues of the gods, whicli sto od in public places SoAlcibiades a suspected of mutila ting the usis o Hermes, and other statues at Athens, μετα παιδία καὶ ινου, in drunken stolic huc. 6. 8. II. xcusavit, ' sat he was noto blame. Excus, is derive Dom ex an causa, to give a re ason whicli rees a person rom ex 'ha charge, a the opposito, accuso, is rona ad an causa. Quod- diceret, saying that the re ason Was that he had brohen an arm.

The reason is not stricti spe alaing, in the diceret, ' ut in the dependent ver fregisse. It is a Lindis abbreviation. p. elow ll. 45 andio, and Sect 3, Q. I 3. Num ei esset molestus futurus, ,hetherae ould anno him. I . Bene, riuite. Cicero se the phras ' bene mane for qui te early 'in his letters. 16. Et ille understand respondit. Certe negaram, ,hy, Ptoldboufo would nos. The fuit orce of theptu pers. negaram is, 'Phad told ou e re o asked the last question.' 17. Ex tui animi sententia. There is a pla here On the two mea ning of ex animi sententia,' I to the est of ou knowledge, and ah to ou liking. Cato means the first, hich was a common formula in solemn question ing Nasica means the alter. It is not known ho his

L. Porcius Nasica RS.

22. Homo inimicus, though personali opposexto him. Consulem fecisset, had vote for his electio a Consul. 24. Malui compilari quam venire, i ad ratherae robbed than sold, i. e. e lundered by Cornelius individua extortion, than e sold sor a flavethrough his countryae in conquered. 25. Anagnino, of Anagnia. Pro C. Gracchi capite. A price had been ut pon Gracchus' head by proclamation, e re the rio in hich he was killed.

27. Praefectum. Praefectus seem here to e ste a me as legatus,' one of his licui enant-generat S.'

28. Ut tibi ego hoc confirmen, ribat Pit Warrant ou.'


92 NOTES. 12.

3I. Censor in his Censorship. Tribu moveret, 'disfranchise l. To remove a man' nam sto theroil of his tribe was the method by whicli the Censor deprived hi os his

citigenship. 32. Paulli pugna the batile o Cannae. Custodiae causa, to guard it. 34. Notaretur, Mas disgraced. Nota censoria 'was a regula ter sorany disgrace inflicted by the Censors See Dict of Ant. art. Censor. 35. Nasica The rs of the Scipios ho ad his secon cognomen. He a frs cousino Africanus Major, and was mos famous as a lawyer. Ad Ennium to Ennius hou se like ' cheg in French. 36. Quaerenti Ennium, Washing hether Ennius asint home.'Ostio ianua The two ord are sed here a synon umous Strictiv, ianua is the droni Oor, an ' ostia,' the oors Mihin the liouse.' Siculus. A cognomen o a fami ly of the Gens Cloelia. Who theone mentioned here ascis notano n. Quod diceret. Here a in t Ia diceret appears superfluous. It mavbe translate in Englisti by the participi saying that.' 5. Amabo, flease. A common colloquial expression Literat ly, Iwill love 3 ou is,' c. 46. Surculos, Vcuttings. 47. pilogo his peroration. 48. Misericordiam movisse, excite pity, i. e. os his audien e sortii client homae a defending. 49. Ac magnam quidem, oes plent of it. 5O Durum There is perhaps a doubie meaning intended in his ord, whic ma mean ither I iniseling, in hicli sens it ould ea thespeahe to thin to the last that Catulus a goin to agre with him, or ah uneducated,' Mantin in aste. in hicli sense Catulus reali means it. implifing that any one of the lightest education anxiaste ould appreciate the adnes of the speech. 52. Ab eo qui, i a man who eo being sed ecause the stor NaswellanoWn. 53. Cave, clook ut there. The johe turn o the an no giving

Narning ill asterae has hi Cato.

55. Patronum dabat, ' assignedaim as an advocate.'57. Istum, yOur friend.' 59. Vocem obtudisset, 'had made himself hoarse.'6o. Mulsum, a miXtur os,ine and honey. 6 I. Melius est. The sui sentence ouldae, melius est te perdere tolose vocem quana reum perdere to destroy).'62. Reum, bour client.'



63. Scaurus M. Aemilius Scaurus, the first man o note os the fami ly a stron supporter of the aristocratical Party, and an orator Os Some note . Sallust Jug. 5, ives his character homo nobilis, impiger, factiosus, avidus potentiae honoris, divitiarum, ceterum Vitia Sua callide occultans. '65. Bestiae L. Calpurnius Bestia, consul III B. G. sent to alae thecommand against Jugurtha, ut ribed by laim to grant hi ni favou rabie ternis for hicha was a terwariis trie and condemne d Scaurus as .withhim a 'legatus. Possederat, i ad got ob Ses Sion Os.' 66. Duceretur, Was passin by.'67. Rapitur, is bella carri exto buriat. Si potes esse possessor, perhaps Ou an contrive to et his property. p.ri 28 l. 36. 68. Appius There is noth in os note connected illi his Appius. His fuli nam e was Appius Claudius Pulcher.

69. Lege Thoria This as an agrari an law, passe Somewhere abo ut Io B. C. It delatis a re uncertain Premeretur, Masaeing assaited.' Ab iis qui dicerent, i person wh sat d.' 72. Liberum esse. I two senses; Ih without an wner,' a 'Dee, expla ined by ha solio s. 73. Crassus L. Lucinius Crassus, the reat orator, Consul in D. C. There is noth in to identis the Piso here mentioned. Silus testis, a lines nam e Silus. 'Laesisset Pisonem, i ad state to the di sad vantage os Piso.'7 . Potest fieri, cit is possibie, isn' it Τ' 76. Toto capite, , illi fuit assent. 77. Ut se Crasso daret, so acto put hinas et in Crassus power, i. e. so a toetive him the opportunit for his oke. 84. Cincius see bove, ii. o. 85 Prodiisset, had go uinto speah. In public assem biles a Romethe speaker ad dresse his audience, no sto the place here e sat, ut stom suggestus o rai sed plat forna, to hich he had to come sorward prodire' . In the Forum it was calle Rostra, stom theaealis of galleyswith whicli it was adornees: in the law-couris aribunal, wherace the rench tribune.' S at Athens the speakers ali addresse the assembi frona the βῆ mi, an παριεναι is used like prodire rising to spe ala as e liould say, and the spe akers ere called ἱ-aρίοντε s. 86. Cinciole. Diminutives of nam es ere sed ither, as illi us asternis of familiarit an affection, or, as here, in contem Pt. Ut emas, Cai, si uti velis, , ares, Caius, is ou isti to buy. Cai. This is the rea formo the vocative of the praenomen 'Caius, proving that the wor is reali a trisyllabie, and that to pronounc the ai as adiphthoniis rong. 88. Lepidus M. Aemilius Lepidus, Censor in 7 B. C. Equum ademisset, had deprive os the rank of eques. The equus' Was originali alWays furnished by the state, an called equus publicus,'


aia the censor degra de an eques by taking way his hors at the regularin spection, in hicli the were sat D equitatum recognoscere.'9O. Ille Antistius Diceret appears superfluous,as above in il 1 and 5 may be omitted in translating. 13. The narrator of this is Cicero himself. I. Tusculano. Cicero' Tusculan illa Tusculum, fifteen miles outh-west o Rome, on the si ope of the ills hicli continue the in os the Mons Albanus, as ne of the favourite resoris of ealthy Romans. Cicero' villa as, a the conteX impli es, clo se to that o Lucullus Thesevillas ere usuali calle by the neut of the adj. derived frona the nam ofthe place praedium' eing the substantive supplied Cicero ad also Forni ianum, a villa a Formiae, and Pompeianum another a Pompeii. Pueri Luculli, solin Lucullus. This a the son of the amous Lucullus, hos character is describe below, 6 3o. The ouia Lucullus was illed when o more than wenty-two years old, in the purSuit aster the batile o Philippi Cato, ho was his uncte by his mother' fide, as his guardian. His fallier die xwhen he was quile oung, ut neither the year Oftheria ther' death nor that of the on's birili is certain. 8. Cogeretur, Was assem bling. The Consul had the power os compellita attenda iace. See Cic. Phil. 1. 5. Nihil-detrahens, Mithout at ali depriving the State os his service. 9. Quo magis tum Vall the more no . IO. Helluari, clo devou like a glutton.' In tam clara re, in s exalte a subjeci.' II. Quod quum. The quod is here the relative, and the clause ' ut videremus is in apposition illi it See bove, m. 13. Prima illa solemus, the regula sirsi reetings hicli e se

16. Ludis commissis, Vas the ames ad egun,' ecause then there was notus iness go in on a Rome. 2I. Tuum munus, a be in his Dardian. 22. Caepioni in Servilius Caepio, hos daughter Servilia a yo ungLucullus mollier. 23. Respondeat, may be orthy f.' 25. Quanti fecerim, iow greatly esteemed. 27. Quum-tum, tot only-but specially.'28. Omni voluntate sententiaque coniunctus, in persecta armonyos assection and sentim erat.'29. Praeclare facis quum tenes, yo a re qui te right iuuetaining. 34. Aetatem vides, bo se how oun heris.' 35. Infici, gain a tincture.'


14. 2. Personis, chariacters. Communis, C immon to ait, ' iniversat. Ex eo quod frona the fac that.'7. In formis in externat appearance.'9. L. Crasso, the great orator See bove 12. l. 73. L. Philippo. Consul in I B. C. When e an Crassus ere ercelyopposed omne another He is describe by Hor Ep. I. 7. 46. Strenuus et sortis, causisque Philippus agendis


Magis de industria, more studied. 1 o L. F. iucii filio. The Caesar here mentioned was C. Iulius Caesar Strabo, a mani considerable noteras an orator He was killed when Marius and Cinna ei Zed Rome 87 .C. II. Druso M. Livius Drusus, coseaguem C. Gracchus in the tribune-ship and employed by the Senate to thWar his measures. II. Scipione Scipio Africanus Minor the conqueror of Carthage in thethir Puni War. I . Simulatorem, 'land of disguisinitiis ea sentiments. There is no Englisti ord hicli fuit expresses liat the Greela meant by ρων. Εἰρωνεια is a figure hicli enabies the speahe to conve his meaning ith greater orce by means of a contrast etween his thought an his expres

15. Socratem accepimus, , are old that Socrates Was. 17. ix Poenorum understan ducibus. I9. Praecipere, ' anticipale. 23. Furere se simulavit. When the Athenians ad met illi continue ili succes in thei attempis to conque Salamis, the passed a decree whicli, unde penalty of eath, orba any one o much a to propos therenewal of the desperate undertaking. Solon, to evade his, Digne naad ness, an rustie into the agora and there recited an elegia poena urgin the Athenians o re-conque the lovel istand. The decree gas repealed, and Solon appotute to the command and e succeede in conquering theisland . 26, Qui perpetiantur. Qui is here consecutive, and so talae a subj., meri ho ill endure anything.'27. M. Crassum, the triumvir. 29. Contra A Was the opposite.'3Ι. Itemque in sermonibus alium. Alium is governe by a veibto e implied rom accepimus.' accepimus' iself illiso fit the sentence, ecause alium does no referri an particula individual. In sermonibus,' in conversation, in privii te interCourse.'32. Unus e multis, riuite an ordinar person. Translate, land again in sociat intercourse e se others, though the a re ver so great people, mali thenaseives seem to e ut ordinar persons.' Cicero here means to


describe the qualit os assabili ty by hicli rea men re able to ut thersat thei ea se illi them, and meet inem as quais Without an appearance of

32. Et in patre et in filio Theirst was Marius' colleague in the consul-ship IO B. C., and gained, ith him, the reat victor ove the Cimbri. He was ne of the victim o Marius bulcher Whenae entere Rome illi Cinna, 7 .C. The seconi maintaine Sulla' laws against the counter- revolution attempte aster his eath by Lepidus, ho was his colleague in the consul ship. He was ne of the clites of the aristocratical party, and aman os ver high character.

36. Vindicavit, iunished.' Ne Xenocratem quidem here, again, a disserent ver must e supplied rom audivi. Cicero could no have learn anythin about Xenocrateson the personat authorit of his et de contemporaries, fora die 3I B.C. Accepimus o sonae such wor must e supplied Translate reely this

a the case, too it is aid even illi Xenocrates, the austerest o philosophers, ho asin that ver account great an famous. The sentenc issonaewhat wkwardi expressed. 39. Minime tamen vituperandorum, ,hicli areae by no means tob found sauit illi. 15. I. Haec the arguments hicli ad precede on the thesis that nothinii good ut halcis honourabie.'2. Quae verbis videntur, ,hicli I hin we are discussin withmore than suificient minuteneSS.'5. Aut auri-voluptates, Vetther of old an silvero gratis theira varice, o O pleasure to ichle thei senses, o of in furniture to leasetheir aste, or fianquet to delight thei palates.'

8. Vultis a Romulo suppi incipiamus ' shali e egin illi

Romulus 3 9. Tandem should like to know. Tandem in a question givescit energy, and Osten mark indignation o astonishment.1 O. Isti , your iri ends, the supporter of the opposite fide of the argument. He here means the Epicureans, ho maintaine that leasure asine hie good He is argutia against an imaginar opponent. 13. Quid egerit, ,hatae iniexat.' 2I. Patrem Decium P. Decimus Mus who devote himself at thebatile unde Vesuvius in the reat Latin ar, 34 B.C. The mens having been interprete to declare that the fates require the sacrifice of a generalfrom ne si de an an arm frona the ther, Decius, hen his en eganto aver, solemni offere himself as a sacrifice to the od of eath, and then iunge in to the thiches of the enem and was lain. His sondevote himself in the fame a in the secon Samnite ar, at the batile

of Sentinum, 295 .C. 22. Devotavit, Made them devote thenaselves.'



23. Continentia, the integri ty, reser ring to Fabricius resusa of the present and offers of Pyrrhus. 24. Duo propugnacula belli Punici, tho se two bulwark of Ronie in the Punic ar. p. illi the phrase, Virg. Aen. 6. 43, Duo fulmina belli Scipiadas cladem Libyae.' Observe however, that Virgil is here referring to the w other Scipios, theelde and ounge Africanus. naeus an Publius Scipio ere brothers: Publius a Consul in I B.α, the ea that Hannibal entere Italy. Hewas sent to Spatia to sto Hannibar ad vance, ut, ein to late to stopHanniba Ps ros sing the Rhone, he sent his own arm on to patia unde his brother' command an returne to Cisalpine Gaul to alae the command of the orces there Aster the batile of the Trebia he wen to Spa in to resumeliis prope command and there e an his rother contende successit lywith Hasdrubal for si years, tili in II B. C. the Nere both de seate and sta in But the had done their ork, hau in prevente Hasdrubal homsendin reinforcernent to Hannibal uring the critical period of his cam-paigias in Italy Publius as a ther of Africanus Major. 27. Inter horum aetates interiectus, who comes et ween them iii


32. Alicuius: overned by similes a the end of the sentence. Horum the me of the present day.'33. Qui signis, qui tabulis, 'in statues an pa intings.'3 . Corinthiis operibus, Mork of ar frona Corinth. It was espectat lysamous for statues madem a peculiara in os ronge called aes Corinthia- cum .' So Virgil, Georg. a. 446, includes among the luxuries of the greata Rome, Illusas auro vestes, Ephyreiaque aera,'

Ephyra eing an id nam os Corinth. 26. I. Consul iterum, in his secon Consul ship. Ex insidiis, in an ambuscade. Ex means literalty, a person risingo ut os an ambu Scade.

2. Duce- imperatore Observe the distinction of the two ord s. Xanthippus was the real generat ho conducte the campa ign, Hamilcar the nomina commander in chie f. Xanthippus was a Gree soldier isortune, ho ad come o Africa to tali service illi the Carthaginians. He potia ted ut o ciearly to the go vertamen the mista kes of thei genera isto hicli thei de ais ad been wing that the ent ruste him illi thedirectio of thei forces, though leavin the nomina command with their

3. Iuratus, ' Under ath ' the participi is sed actively, as i it cametroni a deponent verb. pransus frona ' prandeo,' potus a participi of poto,' coenatus frona coeno, and thers. The construction illi ut is uti usual it 'iuro, whicli, heia referring to the future, usuali tines thesut ius.


6. Utilitatis speciem, in plausibi appearanceis expediency. 8. Quam calamitatem - gradum. The Englisti order of the Latinword is iudicantem eam calamitatem quam accepisset in bello communem esse bellicae fortunae,' a regard the deseat whichaea ad met illi a parto the common fortune of war literalty common to the fortune of war' , an maintain his position os consula digni ty. Calamitatem is in therelative clause, instea dis bein in the main ne dependent on iudicantem.' Iii suci sentences it ould e perhaps more usual to find a demonstrative as eam, inserted in the main senteiice Calamitatem in bello in deseat': calamitas is by itfel a generat ori sor dis aster. It is probably derived fron cado, the change of I be in common in Latin e g. sella frona sedeo,' palam frona pando, M scala stom scalido,' lacrima compared with Gr. δaκρυ. II. Quem censes i. e. negare. ho do ou thin woii ld Τ' Ι2. Auctores, aut horities. Locupletiores more eighty, i. e. than magnanimit and Courage. 13. Omnia humana, ali mortal ills.' Humanus frona homo means

ei ther I what a mancis Eablerio as a mortal homo, man, in contrast illithe Dei ty). 2 what efiis manis a rationa bein homo, man, in contra Stwith the brute creation).I7. Non esse se, saying that he was not. Dixit is implied in recusavit Whicli precedes. Illud etiam explaine by hat follows reddi captivos. Illud is literalty that ther potnt a distinguis hed rom the question of his xvia personalcia sely.2Ι. Cuius quum m et quum eius. Translate ' and as his advice prevalled. For the mean in of auctoritas se note on ecl. i. o. 23. Neque vero tum ignorabat Cp. or . Od. 3. 5, 49 Atqui sciebat quae sibi barbarus

Tortor pararet.

The whole de ma be compared illi the present passage, a containing the stor of Regulus a tot in Oetry. 25. Tum, quum vigilando necabatur, at the ver time heia he wasbei nihil led by ant of ste ep. Quum cis followed by an indicative in pastiense ecause the time indicate by it is simultaneous illi that of the principat Uerb. 26. Erat in meliore causa, 'as in belle plight, or as e say, in

27. At here introduces an objection, but yo will say. Stulte, .e secit. 'Qui illi the subj is here causat, proposing. 'IT . . duratos se ab ove iaci 16.3. Ea castra. The campi the Roman whicli ha been alien by the Carthagini an after the batile. . Si non redierunt, is ita true that thendidio return. He inseris