Extracts from Cicero, narrative and descriptive;

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-10. ROMA ANE OTES. 99

7. A senatu re non impetrata, tot havin gaine their po in homili senate, viz. that they hould e ransomed. 8. Unum- remansisse, aut that ne of the ten, ho ad gone bach in to the cam jus asterae had star ted stayed a Rome.'II. Interpretabatur, te made ui.'I 2 Prudentiam, 'reat fores ight.' Prudentia is a contraction os providentia. 14. Illud, literalty that ther tory' in English, should an 'his, i. e. the following. 15. Non quos cepisset. The subj is here sed illi the relativebe causerit is consecutive, tot men homae had ahen, though the expression o conseque iace scies clea than usual. 18. Quum although. 2 o. Idem, C. Polybius. 22. Honestatis comparatione, ' in comparison illi hono ur.' a . Plures, more than one,' severat. He is here referrin bacito the

Eadem fraude, with the sanae dis honest purpose.'26. Omnibus ignominiis, Mith very disgrace the could ut ponthem. The censorsa ad fou kind of notatio in thei power. otio ex senatu, ademptio equi, moti e tribu, an in aerarios reserre. Thesema aliae se en expla ined in Dict of Ant unde Censor. 18. 2. Male pugnatum. A very one ne expression The had been led by C. Pontius into a defites the amous Furcae Caudinae where the wereat the mercy of the Samnites, an force to capitulate. 7. Pax Samnitium, theaeace illi the Samnites. Cicero is misi e diereb patrioli prejudice. The conduci of the Romans, o far rom ein an instance of honestas prevati in ove species utilitatis, is ather a proof that the Roman were a regardies of their own individual Delings, as of thelaw of justice and good faith, heri ei the were et in the balance against nationa pride and ambition. Arnold, Hist. O Rome, vol. 2 Ch. 31. 8. Suasor et auctor fuit, tot oni supported ut proposed. '9. C. Mancinus. He commande against Numantia in I 37 B. C., Q. Pompeius in I I A. C. In the alter a se the reat he had made illi the Numantines a repudiat ed, ithout even the arce of surrenderinthina tot hemisi I. Suasit Vspolae in avo ur of 'I3. Honestius, i. e. egit, Vacte more honourably. 'I . In ea dena causa, 'in the fame predicament, i. e. he had been deseate by the Numantines, and ad made a peace hicli id not satisfythe Senate. 16. Apud superiores, Mith those ho have been mentione ab ove,' i. e. Postumius an Mancinus. Auctoritate the superior influence.'19. I. Belli aequitas, dat conduci in ar. 'Fetiali iure See Dict of Ant under aetiales.'


3. Rebus repetitiis, aster a formal demand of satisfaction.' Denuntiatum et indictum, vii vera notice of an declared. 4. Popilius M. Popilius Laenas, ho a Consul I72 B. C., and Omniande against the Ligurians. 6. Dimittere disband discli arge. Catonis: sc Cato the Elde r. I . Missum factum 'dis charged. 'Bello Persico no Persian war,' ut the war illi Perses, the asthin os Macedonia. Quod, qui- mitigatam. Observe that quod here is dependento mitigatam, an no on animadverto, in Englisti order of the wordsbeing this animadverto tristitiam rei mitigatam esse lenitate verbi, quod is, qui proprio nomine ierduellis V esset, hostis V vocaretur. The quod 'introduces the instanc in hicli thes mitigatio is observed. 19 Lenitate verbi, i a sollened expression.'aa. Status dies cum hoste. his and the fossowin are fragmentsseo the old law of the welve tables made by the Decemviri. Status dies mean da fixe so the trial o an action.'23. Adversus hostem, is against a foret gner the right of ownershi isgood sor ver, i. e. ownership could not be acquired by a foreiguer possessio, o prescription that is by an tengiliis occupation. Hostem Cicero says that the applicationis ' hostis' stranger to mean enemy, was a sonening of the asperit o war: the truth ather is that it proves that the Roman lookeLupo ali stranger a enem ies It is observed Donaldson Varr. p. 2O6 that the Latin hostis V and Gree ξενos, startingsrom Opposite politis have intercliange thei significations.' Hostis originali means, in person enteria ined by another, bella connected illi hospes hostia,' c., ut came graduali to mean rst in stranger,' in rei gner, then lan nemy, whereas ξενos, originali denotin stranger 'bein derive sto ἐκ εξε vos), came in the en to signis an triertainer 'anx a friend. 26. A peregrino- remansit, 'it has ea sed toae applied i soreigners, an has rem aine a the proper ille of ne ho bears arnas againstanother.

27. Proprie mea in that it is no regarde ascit origina mean in and notis a derive or figurative one. 28. Causas subesse, that it hould e based on hos grounds' literalty that hos ground should e underne athcit. 39. Quibus-proposita est, , hos objectris. 32. Civi, in sellow-countryman. 3 . Capitis et famae, life and honour.' 35. Ut cum inimicis, ' a meri do illi thei personat enem ies. 'Uter esset, to setile hich should sur vive,' that is, for i se, o sorsoverei gnty.' . Nec mi aurum Theanes are sto Ennius, an are interest in as


a specimen o olde Latin poetr than that of Virgil an Horace and the writers of the Augusta age. Mi is an id contractiora os mihi.' I. Cauponantes bellum, 'higgling ver ar'; rom caupona, ashop-keeper: p. Aesch. Theb. 5 5ελθῶν δ' εοικεν ου καπqλευσε ιν μαχον. et Cernamus, decide, in hicli sense the compound decerno is more common ly used in later Latin. 43. era sors, Da me Fortune. 46. orumdem. The sirst Wo syllabies to e rea as ne like oorumdem. Certum est, I have resolved' suppi mihi.' 7. Dono ducite, doque. The order of the word is inverted. dono coque ducite,' give an present them to ou do e carry them T 'Volentibu ' sinat s was osten elide in old Latin poetry. R. Aeacidarum Pyrrhus boasted of ein lineali descende DomPyrrhus, the son o Achilles, ho was sal to have setile in Epei rus after the Trojan war, an to aves unde a race of kings. 9. Temporibus adducti. unde Stres of circumstances. 53. Non censuit, vote against. 5 . Quum retineretur Cp. Hor. Od. 3. 5, O mi movit obstantes propinquOS Et populum reditus morantem. 55. Fidem hosti datam fallere . to rea his ord when ledge to

57. Quos decem, the antecedent i eos omnes below. The orde of the Latin sentences may be kept by translatin quos decem, in regard

58. Nisi- impetrassent, inles the induced the Senateyto et theprisonersae ranso med. tio. Qui peierassent subj. ecause, ascit is state in Q 7, it was un- certa in o many of them e re uili of the perivry, and so eos qui' sucti asaad. Observe that the antecedent quos eos not eorum. In aerariis reliquerunt, lepi dis ranchised ' literalty lese among the aerarii. For aerarii, se Dict of Ant. 6 I. Qui iurisiurandi frauae culpam invenerat, ,ho ad been the irs to incur the uili by evadita his ath. With his se of fraude cp. the phras 'fraudem facere,' 'o evade. Liv. 7. 6 Quod emancipando filium fraudem legi fecisset. Plaut. Mil. Glor. I. I, 9 Ne legi fraudem


63. Nescio quid. Obliviscor seldom is sed illi an acc. here it isso sed probab lyra a void the ambiguit om nescio cuius.' 6, In fide in a promise . Quid senseris non quid dixeris,' oti mean in g, Ot our mere ord s. 71. Bellum ultro inferentis, the aggressor in the war. 20. 2. Iaceret, id tot comes sorward. Iam septimum annum,


nox so the se venili ear, i. e. ha been more than si x ears ithout comin forWard.' 3. Legatus, subordinate. 6. Si se consulem secissent. Compare Cleon' boastit offer, henthe Athenians ere impatient a Demosthenes dela in ahing the Spartan rce in the fland of Sphacteria, that is the made in generat he wouldeither alae them prisoner o kill them ali illi in twent days. huc.

. 28.

9. A fide iustitiaque discessit, 'deviated rom hono v and justice. Qui adduxerit. by bringing. Qui causa l.

II. Invidiam, odium. 13. Adhibuissent, had calle in to thei assistance.' Ut res nummaria constitueretur that the question of the coin agemight be set iled by thei unite deliberations,' that is, o fix a definite legat

standard of the relative value of the current coiias of the time. I . Iactabatur nummus sic the value os money histed so mch. 16. Conscripserunt- iudicio A the die u a proclamation ogether,

with a fixe penalty and orna of triat.'I7. Omnes simul escenderent. Their ali mounting the rostra together ould signis that it a their oint orla. 18. Alius alio suppi verunt, went their severat ways. 19. Marius is Gratidianus, hos fultis a me a M. Marius Gratidianus, the orni of the last ord implying that he was by birili a Gratidius, adopte by a Marius. Adopte sons too the nomen ' of thei adoptingsa the with the adjective forna of their own proper momen. See Dict oi Ant. Nomen. So the ounge Africanus, ho was by birili an Aemilius, when adopted by P. Cornelius Scipio the son os the et de Africanus, e came P. Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus and Octavius, heia adopted by Julius Caesar, his great-uncte. ecam C. Julius Caesar Octavianus. Recta : suppi via vit,' ,ent stra ight. Ab subselliis, Vsrom their sit tini' literalty frona the enches.'

Idque solus edixit, lave ut in his own nam alone the proclamation hich had been composed in concert.' a I. Statuae-ceret, statues of him ere et u in ali the streeis, andat ali of them incens and wax apers ere burni. These ere specialmark of the eople' gratitude so the reli ef,hicli the meas ure produce d. 22. Quid multas suppl dicam in hori. 23. In deliberatione, ,hen decidin thei line of conduci. 25. Non ita magnum, io such very great matter.'26. Ut Mario. The orde is, it videbatur Mario non ita turpe esse praeripere collegis et tribunis popularem gratiam, valde utile esse videbatur consulem ob eam rem fieri quod sibi turn proposuerat.'Praeripere collegis, to anticipat his colleagues in securing ' literat ly, to nat chae relian stom his colle agues.' Collegis is dative, expressing incommodum' the antecedent to quod consulem fieri.'


29. Omnium, dor at cases. 21. u. Quam diu. The boast hich Cicero ut ter here is no borne iit by history In ali heir vars the Roman were ut lites an unscrupulous. 3. Necessarii orcedispo us. 4. Populorum, nationum, civilli sed nations an barbarous tribes.' heia these two ord a re sed together populus means an organi sed communit with a regular overnnient, natio a tribe ithout such political orga iii sation. 6. Si defendissent, i hau in protecte d.'7. Illud nominari, tu position thera might have been called that os protector rather than foverei gns of the worid. 'IO. Desitum est, Me ea sed to regar anythin as unjustrio ur allies. 'The passive of desino' sint used in the compo unxtenses. I 2. In illo ' in his case, i. e. Sulla's. Honestam causam. It is to e remembere that Cicero e longed tolli sanae political part a Sulla. 13. Hasta posita a the sigra Dan auction. 15. Praedam ; hicli properi means 'boot talae sto a foret gn

Secutus est He means the Dictator. Julius Caesar. 16. Impia. Julius Caesar a at he head of the opposite part to thato Sulla and Cicero, and so Cicero calis his causes impia ' in naturat' thatis, he was agita civit, ar against his country, hichae do es no allo in

Sulla's a Se .

I 7. Publicaret, confiscaled. Qui has a subjunctive affer it here, be cause Cicero isties to leave it apparenti ambiguo us hom e means, o ne hes' it is there re consecutive. 18. Iure calamitatis an ironical phrase. Ius in such a phrasemean privilege' inste ad os giving them an rea 'ius 'he involve themali in the fame calami ty. I9. Ad exemplum amissi imperii, las an instance to hoW that eli ad os ou empire.'2o Massiliam Massilia ad long been of the reat est service to the Roman in their ars in Gallia Transalpina. ut it hut iis ales against Caesar henae a marchin frona Ital into Spa in to attac the ea ters of the Senatorial part there, at he egi nning of the war etween him and Pompey. I Was ahen after a long siege, and accordin to the Romancus tona, a mode or picture oscit a carried in Caesar' triumph. Ex ea urbe triumphari, a triumph celebra ted ver a city. 25. Impunitates tulissemus, i ad fulsere many crimes o go un- punished. 26. A quo- hereditas. his as rittera oon aster Caesar' deat h.

Who has equeat he his properi inde e to ni a se heirs, ut his

ambitio has descende Dio a number of scound reis. He means Antonius an lothers. ho ere ali stri viragri succee to Caesar' Power.


3O. P. Sulla, nephew of the Dictator Sulla, ho oo par both in his

proscription and that o Caesar. Quam- recessit, ,hicli P. Sulla firstwaved hen his own relative a Dictator, and then 'idem' thirty-si xyears stem ard too par in a stilliore atroci ous auction.'3a. Alter autem, the ther Sulla. It is notanown ho he was. Scriba, in clerk.'35. Parietes, theauit dings, literalty the walis of the hous es, no the walis of the city, hich would muri or Moenia. 'Iique ipsi- metuentes, and even the are no drea ding the very extreme of wichediaess. He insinuates that Antonius is lihelyrio bum and pillage the City. 36. Rem publicam the constitution. 37. Redeundum est enim ad propositum, must re turn to mysubjeci. What he has been sayin is a digression he recur here o h the had sat at the egi nning of the passage. 22. I. Nec Nec is here equivalent to et non, the et meanin not and but ioth. S nec infacetus in et facetus.' a. Otiandi non negotiandi : observe the play on the woriis: negotiandi means acting negotiator. The negotiatores ,ere bainers and money-lenders, ut the a me a confine to those ho exerci sed his profession in the provinces. 3. Hortulos, in the plurat, corresponds to theangli: sh,ord 4round s. 5. Sine interpellatoribus, Mithou any one to disturbaim.' 6. Qui faceret qui is here consecutive a referring to a class, O an individual, a man who. Argentariam faceret, i. e. ' rem,' Ma ab anker.' argentarius is much the fame negotiator, oni it is usuallyapplied o bankers a Rome, negotiator is to thos in the provinces. 7. Venales-habere, that his round were not for sale, ut that Canius as et come o malae imself at home in them literalty to se

Io. Qui esset. The relative here is solio ed by the subjunctive, shein causat, expressing the reason hy Pythius as able to carry ut his an . Ut argentarius, as a moneb -lender ould naturali3 ae.'I3. Tempore, in the appoin te time. I9. Hac villa. illa is here the fame as hortuli, ' Pleasurearound s. Carere, to do ithou t.' a I. Gravate suppi vendebat, ' Was reluctant. Quid multa suppi dicam,' to ut the stor Shori. 22. Impetrat, i. e. CaniuS.

23. Instructos, iteralty ready fumished' applied to the round it means in the stood, with at the stoc andauit ding on them. Nomina facit negotium conficit, te borrows the money an con-



cludes the arga in. Nomen, as a term o trade means M an enlr in aledger or account-book, and the phrases nomina facere means, accordiri tolli conteXt, ei ther o len mone oro borro it ei ther proces causingentri es in the ledger Bonum nomen' good debi. 25. Scalmum Gr. σκαλμOs , a thole-pin, i. e. a pe answering the purpos of a row-loch. scalmum nullum ' means io the east sigii os boat.'27. os nullos videret, he a non of them. Nullos ' malae thenegative more emphati than the simple non. 'Quod sciam, sociar a I now. The subjunctive in his and similarphrases implies a restriction, and o comes unde the consecutive construction It an only be sed illi a negative. 29. Quid faceret The conjunctive of doubi or deliberation. It is equivalent to te id notano what o do.'3o. Aquillius C. Aquillius Gallus, a famous Roman jurist, ho pub-tished severa legat works, hic li,ere quo ted as aut horities. Collega. me a Cicero' colleague in the praetorshi 66 B. C. De dolo malo formulas. Dolus malus is the regula legat terna sor fraud' formulae were stablished method os procedure, unde sonae oneo whicli ever actionis law must e brought.

3 Luculente. Iuppi dictum est.'Ut definiendi, inscit ould naturali bea a mani skill in desining.

23. I. Existunt, arise. Calumnia, inuibble, derived rom an id ver calvor,' to deceive. 4. In re publica, in matters of state.

5. Ut ille suppi peccavit.' 6. Quod essent : subjunctive, a be in oratio obliqua This is expressed in Englisti by insertini te aid'; iecause, he a id truce Was made,' c. 9. Seu quem Quem here is aliquem.'I3. Aliquantum agri, a considerable pace.' Agri is genitive of

quantity, rei demensae. 24. . In scripto, in the textis a lavi. a. ex suppi ait, ' the la says. 3. Amittunto. Observe the future imperative, as usual in claw. . Onera, ' the argo.'8. Applicaverunt, rite ered. '9. Ad se sustulerunt, 'ook o board. Aliquanto oblative of mea Sure. II Quum idem gubernator esset, ' ho was also the captain.'I2. Scapham annexam trahebat, inept the boat in tow' liter ally, dre the boat, fastene to it.'I5. Navi est opitulatus, ea sed the esset. 2O. Scripto ad causam accedunt, viro und thei casempora the textis the law. a I. EX nominis vi, ' On the meaning of the terna.'


22. Relinquere navim. The quid sit comes e re this, the infinitives eing sed a substantives hat is meant by leavingin hip. 'Navis ipsa quid sit. Such a question Mould aris as hether theslii include the boat elongin tocit, heri e in to ed ehin it ponthis ould depend whether the wner os his laim.

25. I. Sanctum est, perfeci passive of sancio.'2. Dicerentur- essent. Observe these past tenses, dependent on a

principat ver in a perfeci tens for sanctum est is a real persect no anaorist. ut his is the me Latin diom here the result o purpose hichis expressed by the deperident ver is regar ded illi referen ce, noto the whole time represente by the perfeci. ut to the past ac in hicli it com-nienced. Thus here Ianctum est implies aegis lator sanxit' aorist).whicli ould os necessit be sol lowed by the pasto enses. The must betranslated in Englisti by present tenses.

3. Praestari, te made good '4. Lingua by ordis mouili,' in ord s. Quae qui Quae is equivalent to et ea, and so subiret is subjunctive ecause the riuum belong to it a much as satis esset. Translate, and that any one ho dein te them.'8. Ut 'sor instance. Io. a thos bulldings.' .e thos saris of the laedes. Quorum altitudo officeret subjunctive ei thermnly because i is oratio obliqua, ,hos height the said was in thet way when ta king the auspices 'or, perhaps, in a causa sense, iecause thei height,' c. II. Proscripsit, ' adverti sed sor sale. Proscribo is 'o put up a noti ceo lis of an kind in publici 'Insulam. hous standita delache froni thers a calle insula. 'Se Dict of Ant. 15. Quam belong to postea. 'Arbitrum illum adegit in egit illum ad arbitrum,' compelle hina tosubmit to arbitration ' literalty forcediim o go e re an arbitrator' ano id construction.

16. Quidquid sibi, c. his claus is a par of the formula os sale. Whereb the felle gave a in os arrant that he had deali fairly and honesti by the purchaser. The sentenc is elliptical It means, iroughthim efore an arbitrator, in reseretice to the word quidquid sibi,' c. i.e. to decide hether he had fulfilled the enga gement made in them. 17. Huius nostri Catonis Cato os Utica, Cicero' Contemporary. IS. Ut enim It was usual to describe a Roman citi Zeti by givin hissather' praenomeli aster his Nn a me. See an instanc incis, and below, 26. So his Cato ould e formali describe a M. Porcius Cato M. F. i. e. Marci Filius. Illud lumen. that luminary, i. e. that illustrious mala. 'I9. Is igitur, 'he. I sau. Igitur is sed to resume the narrative astera parenthesis.


2o. Ita pronuntiavit, gave his sentence. repeat the revi ous Word s sententiam dixit. 23. Reticentiae, lati cases of fraudulent concea linent. Where an abstraci ord is sed in the plura it mean cases instances, ex amples of the

25. Propinquus noster. His uni ad married Cicero' grandia ther. De Legg. 3. I 6. 27. Serviebant, Mere unde a servi tu de or restra int. Servitus was a technical termis hi sor an liabilit whicli restra ine the wner' powerove his property, a S, for instance another person' havin a right o wayove land oris carryin a atercourse through it, or in regar to a ouse, as here a right of using the wallis it for supporto an adjoining one SirW. coit puis an amus in expositio of the Scotch law of servitude, hichis alien rom the Roman in to the mouth of ad diei ree in Hear of Mid. lothian. h. II, hereae illustrates it by the a se of stillicidium, or, as hemiscalis it tillicidian. 2S. In mancipio, in the sale. Mancipium, stom in anus and capio, expressed the proces by hicli the trans se of wnership was made by the buye t:.kin hold of the properi y or of something hicli represent edit, and laim in itis his own e re it nesses. ZO. Ius Urgebat-praestari, clai med the la in his favour' whielisays that Whateve defeci the felleranow of and oes no mention hecis bound to malae good. Vitii is genitive of quantity rei demensae.'3I. Aequitatem : suppi urgebat, ' maintained that equit Was nais fide.' quit recti fies the wrongs hicli a strici adhereiace to the letterii the law ould cause, in cases here, ac cord in to the maxim quot ed in 23, summum ius summa iniuria.'34. Qui teneret, invito kne What the propert he had bought was liable o. The orde is, qui teneret quo iure id quod emerat SSet.' 35. Quorsus haec suppi pertinent, or spectant,'' xvii do I quote these cases 3 36. Astutos Sharp practices ' literat ly, thos e lio sed sharp practices.'20. I. Mamerco It is notanown to whicli of the Mamerci this resers. 2. Praetermissio aedilitatis, his refusing to serve as aedile. The aediles, ho ere commissioner o public orks,' had the superintenderice of the public festivat an games, and in his capacit were X pected at theiro Vn Xpense, to give magnificent and costi performa iaces at them sucti asshow of gladiators, conabat of ild ea sis, theatrical performances, C. 3. t-et, a best e rendere here either or. Faciendum est 'refers to the uties os the aediles, implied in laedilitatis. There is no ordexpressed hicli it agrees illi. Bonis viris- approbantibus, 'vith the appro va at ali evenis, is notruith the des ire os honest citi gens. 5. Modo pro facultatibus, oni ita in proportion to one' means. 6. Populari, alven to the eople.'


7. Decumae nomine, unde preteiace of a tithe. An osse ring of at enth, as Often maderas ain of than k-Οsseriniso great successes o gains and was expende in reat in the popul ac to how or ea sis. 8. Vitio datum, charge as a Duli. Vitio is dative o purpo se or dativus rei pro complemento.'9. Asse modium, cor at ne as the pecti' literat ly. a peck of coria a the rice of one in s. 'IO. Nec turpi maxima, i an e Xpenditure hich, as ei ther dis- creditable, as he was aedile, nor very enorm ous. The aediles lia charge of

I3. Quae-continebatur, literat ly, ,hich was involved in my asely,' i. e. ,hose et fare depende on m recall. Salus is sed ome times in the sense of the civit et fare os a citigen, and so, in the case of an exile, it means his recali rom anishment an restoration to his right as a citi eten. Cicero severat times se it in his ense. his is a specimen o Cicero' svani ty. Clodius a Cicero' chie opponent at the time, and was the pro- pose of his banishment Milo proposed Cicero' recali, and was a sterwarils

defende by Cicero sor having, in the disturbances hicli rose, illed

Clodi US. I . Causa est, it is a good reason sor. 16. Mediocritatis. The orde is, mediocritatis regula optima regula est,' moderation is the est rule.'I7. Q. F., Quinti filius.' et 1. Cunctis suffragiis, ' by the voles of ali the centuries. On themethod by hicli the votes e re alien, se Dict of Ant. Comitia. 22. Nostro anno, in the ea in hicli I was aedile.'24. Illae, these, i. e. the illo ing. Illae means iterat ly, thoseo ther as opposed to tho se hich have been ire ad mentioned. 26. Tanquam in manum datur, Visai ven or immediate se. 28 Verecundius reprehendo, I seel more reluctant to lanae.' Propter Pompeium, ecause Pompeius, ho was the ea de of the senatorial part y to hic li Cicero e longed had uili a theatre, the theatrum


3o. Non interpretatus, tot translated, i. e. not copi e literat ly. Panaetius rote in reeh. 33. Propylaea : προπυλata literat ly, bulldings in front of the gales, 'frona προ πυλη were the en trance to a temple. The amous propylaea forme dtherent rance to the Acropolis of Athens. 33. Coniecerit, subjunctive, a be in Demetrius reason, an so a Sorto oratio obliqua. 27. I. Legem -trientibus, incla to oblige the state to seli cor to thepeopte a d os an as': semissis an as,' triens se , together d. Saturninus as a dema gogue, and to gratis the populace, propo sed that corii hould e soldielow the marke price. a. Id tomporis, in that time' hoc noctis,' at this time o night,