Extracts from Cicero, narrative and descriptive;

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Chap. II. OMEN AND DREAMS. I I57. Tib. Gracchus, the ather of the wo amous tribunes, and husbandos Cornelia. me a consul a second time in I 63 B. C. 58. Primus rogatorum- mortuus, 'heirsi voter asti gave his vote so them, et down sud dent dea on the spol. Rogatorum comes Dom rogatus, with hicli is to e supplied sententiam ' literat ly, in asked sor his vote. 6o. In religionem populo venisse, had rat sed scruples in the mindsos the eople.'6 I. Quos ad soleret, to the sua authorities, i. e. the haruspices. The order of the word is that of the ancient sormula the fuli sentencewouldae, ad eos, ad quos soleret reserri. 62. Introducti: i. e. in to the Senate-hous e. Non fuisse- rogatorem that the man who ad preside at the elections had acie irregularly. Rogator, literalty the man who put the question cp. rogatus, a bove. 66. Ius tenetis, control. Potestis esse, lare ou toae γ'

68. Collegium, suppi haruspicurn. A collegium a s a bod os menwhoillexu by election the vacancies in thei Own ody. 69. Vitio sibi- fuisse, that he had made an omission in hoos in thesi te sor his tent. The person ho oo the auspices ad O pitch a tentout si de the walis. 7o Pomerium, Dona post-murus,' was a line running parallel to the walis of the ity marked by pili ars, on ither fide of whicli a pace a Leptclear stomauit dings, and regardefas sacred. 73. Rem ad senatum, suppi retulerunt.

Senatus, suppi censuit.

76. Quod celari posset, though it might have been concealed. Quod is concessive, and so sol lowed by subjunctive. 78. Deponere, suppi maluerunt. XI. I. Ea quae disputavi, my arguments, referring to hat the speaherhad sal before, to prove the realit of the interseretice of the God inhuman flairs. 2. Ratio, principie. Mecum tacit, cicon m fide. II. Quid habet, ,hat reason canae give γ' I 2. Cur pulmo - diem, ,hy, a pii in the lungs of the victim , evenwhen the en traiis are therwis of good omen, requires theireakin os and postponement of the matte in handin. I9. Cur fiat quaeritur, 'do ouos the reason os ach of thesethings 3 o a re qui te right tota so. ut that is no thelo in now. The question is, hether the are true orio. II. Ut, instance. 23. Nequeam, infert but o Mwhile in Englisti.

Quod idem facis, et o do illis. Observe in his, an in the


14 NOTES. Seci. III.

sentence jus below, quod idem nullam sensit gratuitam esse virtutem,' two idiomati usage of idem. In oppo sed sentences it is always equivalent to tamen 'here, o the contrary the sentences are parallel, it is equivalent to etiam, an in both cases it is literalty oou or he, the fame


26. Communis vita ordinan sella. 28. In quo esset. Qui is here consecutive aster a negative, in talis, ut in eo. 3 . Monumentis, record s. 35. Consignata, ' vouched,' attestes; literalty sealed. 36. Ducem, ide.

5 I. Permotione divina, inspiration. 52. Marcios Livy, 25. 2 mentions Wo prophecies fine Marcius, theiirs foret et ling the deseat a Cannae, the ther ordering the establishment of the Ludi Apollinares. Whether there ere ne or two, or hen the lived,

cannotae ascertained.

53. Polyidum Therator is old in Hom. Il. 3. 663 668.

56. Auguria tenebant, Understood augury. 58. Eodem sacerdotio praeditici referring to the rex sacrificulus,'who, after me expulsion of the tangs, was appotnte to discli arge those priesti iunctions hicha a die longe to the ings, unde the notio that the god would notae satisfied illi the offering of any one it an inferiortille the pri esti archon at Athens a calle πχ- βασιλευs. 63. Naturae rationem, the system o nature.'68. Vos. The college of augur a Rome of whom Cicero as one. In this passage Quintus Cicero is the speaker, addressin his rother, ho as

7o. Perceperit, ' has earnt. Percipio is literalty gather, e g. percipere fruges, gather in crops: then it is applied to the ind, reaping, scit ere, a harves of knowledge. 72. Telmessus. The Telmessian ἐξθγ ταί, o interpreters of Oracles, arementione d by Herodotus I. 78. 74. Iam id aera the descendant of Iamus, amythica personage of Olympia. 77. De caelo tacta, places struc by lighining. 'SI. Singulis populis, rio ach of the states. Etruria a noto single state, ut a consederac of twelve cities it thei districis. In disciplinam leam thei art.' 83. Abduceretur shouldae perverted.'9O. Aequoribus. Aequor sto aequus' means properi an levet sursace here applied O plain s.



95. De caelo multa fiebant, ' an signs in the hy Occurred, e g. lighining meteorS, C. 99. Verba ipsa. See bove, ch. I. l. o. Io 8. Multa fingi gignique possunt, many strange creatures and birilis may occur, reserring to the mens suppo sed to e derive stomirregula birilis of animal s. Maia suci a re mentione d in Livy. e. g. mong the omens at the eginning of the secon Punic War he mention capras quasdam lanatas esse tactas. II 7. Divinos inspired. I 2O. Senibus, i. e. the γερουσία or Counci os γεροντεs. See Dict of Ant. I 24. Temperavit, organi Zed. 125. Lysander. At the end of his career hecis sa id o have en dea uouredio change the Sparta constitution anxio abolisti the hereditar monarchy, havin been constanti thwarted by the opposition os Pausanias, and to havetri exto obta in the sanctio Of the oracle in his projecis, ut in vain. I 29. Quietis oracula, tractes received in fleep.'I3o. Decemviros the decemviri sacrorum, Whose hie dut was the

De caelo lapsa per umbras Stella facem ducens multa cuni luce cucurrit. Tw of these mens are mentione together in iv 4 I. res simul soles effulserunt, et faces eadem nocte plures per caelum lapsae sunt: and 29. I Duos sole visos, et nocte interlv xisse, et facem Setiae ab ortu solis ad occidentem porrigi visum.'I35. Globi, balis of ire. Cp. Liv a I. Faleriis caelum findi velut

magno hiatu visum, quaque patuerit, ingens lumen effulsisse.'I36. Labes agri, a fetilement, probabi caused by an earth quake. p. de Div. I. ID Tantos terrae motus in Italia iactos esse, ut multis locis labes factae sint, terraeque desederint.'I I. Apollo, the statue of Apollo.' p. Liv 3. ID Apollo Cunais in

arce triduum ac tres noctes lacrimavit. He also naentions more than Onc the

perspiring of statues, e g. per idem tempus Romae signum Martis Appia via ad simulacra luporum sudasse. Cp. also Virg. G. I. 48 Et maestum illacrimat templis ebur, aeraque sudant. I 2. Ortus androgyni p. Liv. 27. II ' Sinuessae natum ambiguo inter marem et feminam sexu infantem, quos androgynos vulgus appellat.'I44. Lapidum. Ad these prodigies a re recorde by Livy, e. g. I. 62 in Piceno lapidibus pluisse. 22. Praeneste ardentes lapides caelo cecidisse.'22 36 aquae multo cruore e fonte calidae manarunt.' o. 38 in Palatio

lapidibus pluit. et 7. I lacte pluisse.'I5l. Caeciliae This a the aughter of Q. Caecilius Metellus Balearicus. he was arrie to Ap. Claudius Pulcher, and was mollier of Cicero 'sgreat nemy, P. Clodius the tribune, ho procured his anishment.


Marsico bello. nother nam so the Sociat war, orio 884. C. p. Hor. Od. 3. 4, 18 Et cadum Marsi memorem duelli. 155. Idem, set he. Cp. O te on l. 3.163. Profugisse. According to Liv he was ahen prisoner.

166. Lapsu et cursu suo 'in iis naturat course an Stream.

169. Deductio, lara in ing 'ohe emissar o tunne by hicli the water Was rawn ost rena ain to the present time. A description oscit ma bessiund in milli' Dici of Geogr. I 8O A Palatii devexus est si opes down rom the oot of the Palatine hill to the Via Nova. 'I81. Nisi provisum esset, unies precautions ere ahen. I 82. Quod neglectum, the neglect of which.'I84. Aio loquenti. p. iv s. 5 Expiandae etiam vocis nocturnae, quae nuntia cladis ante bellum Gallicum audita neglectaque esset, mentio illata, iussumque templum in Nova Via Aio Locutio fieri. 'Quam septam videmus . ,hicli is to e seen now-a-days ichonen clos ure round it. The enclo sure ould e calle 'Puteal. See Dici of

quentative verb.

I9 . Quod bonum, c. liis formula as divays prefixe to ali public

195. Faverent linguis. Favete linguis' a the orde gi ven by the crier hen the pri est a commen cing the service Cp. Hor. Od. 3. I, 2 favete linguis. Virg. Ae. 5. I Ore favete omnes et cingite tempora ramis. Ov. Fasti, I. 7I Prospera lux oritur, linguis animisque favete, Nunc dicenda bono sunt bona verba die.

106. Litibus et iurgiis. So Ovid egin his notice of New-year' Day.

Fastici. 73 lite vacent aures, insanaque protinus absint Iurgia differ opus livida lingua tuum. I97 Lustranda, iuri bing. See Dict of Ant. iust ratio. I99. Bonis nominibus, Men illi luch nam es. 2OI. Praerogativam. Praerogativa, properi an ari agree in With tribus o centuria,' a the tribe or centur whicli gaverit vote firs in the comitia. It vote a generali sol lowed by the est, a bella regardedas an omen. Hences praerogativa as a subst camerio mean I a prognostic, et a reference or privilege.

2o7 Quid est 3 ,hat is the alter γ' a17. Sibi concederet, 'o give u her placerio her.'



222. Sed id- contemnere, despising the tokens hicli the od sendis in realit nota elievin in them.' 224. Tuae partes sunt, that is our uty. This is ad dresse to Cicero, ho was ne of the college of augurs, b his brother Quintus. et 26. Ad dubitato, called in question. Salutis augurio. Salus a the od des who personified health and wealth, et ther of individual or of the commonwealth. In the lalter capaci tyshe was stylex Salus publica. The augurium Salutis as a ceremonyby hicli the augur at the egi nning of the consular ea observe thesign to ascertain the fortune of the common ealth so the comin year. 23o. Non decantandi disciplinam, maintaine the est ablished methodiso meret os repeatin os the or os augury, ut os reatly divining. Decantare is to recite ossbyaear something et known Cp. Cic. de Orat. 2. IM Nec mihi opus est Graeco aliquo doctore, qui mihi pervulgata praecepta decantet. Divinandi means, going through the whole

232. Pisidam- Soranum. The were evidenti term os contempt, but it oes no appear hy Soracis in Latium on the Liris. 233. Quibus videbatur, aliose horaeli eved. 234. Sapienter- religiones, that the eremontes of augurn adbeen leveri invented to fuit the notions of the ignorant. 236. Quod longe secus est the truth is ust the contrary. 239. Simulacra, shams. 2 2. Apud te in Mario, in our poem Marius. ' Among Cicero spoetica est usion was a poena unde this ille, hicli describe the exploits of Marius, ho was a native of Arpinum, hich was also Cicero' birthplace. The lines a re interestinxas a specimen of his attempis at poetry, of Which

2 Altisoni, ,ho thunder stomis hi gli. 246. Subigit, carries alost. Observe that Cicero tengiliens the rst syllabie of this ord, hicli is properly hori. 248. Se intorquentem, inscit rithed.' 25 I. Obitu- ortus, Dona est to east. The directio os the fiightos

bird ma de the omen favou rabie or the contrary.

252. Praepetibus pennis Cp. Virg. Ae 6. 5

Praepetibus pennis ausus se credere Caelo.

Praepes is also applied to bird wholive omen by thei fiight socii is sed below l. 278 Praepetibus sese pulchrisque locis dant. Cp. Virg. Ae 3 36I

Et volucrum linguas, et praepetis omina Pennae.'

253. Divini numinis, of the will of the god.'

25 . Fausta. Faustus is derived rom the oot os fav-eo' and sav-or bella probabi a contractiora frona ' fav-estus. It always reser to the favo uros Fortune, eing sed in connection illi mens, or here successcis ishedor prayed sor. 257. Pastoralis non urbanus, exerci sed among hepherds no in a


1 6 NOTES. Seci. III.

great ci . He means that ii as of a simpleatnd, and used in good Uth,

no invent exas a plece of state-cra'. 258. A certis acceptus, derived rom trusi SoUrces. 262. Regni, gen o limitatio acter concupientes sed as an adject ve. 26 . Servat, Malches or. De caelo servare Was a regula phras inaugur sor ahin omenS.

Romulo'. The final 4 is osten droppedae re a consonant in the earlier Latin poets. It is plain stomahe two endings of and pers sing. in the passive voice amaris ' and amare ' , that the Latin pronunciatio tended o tur the final 4. 268. Signum, the signa sor stari in in the chario race. 269. Carceris See Dict of Ant. Circus.'27o Faucibus, the barriers, a number of whic made poli carcer. 27Ι. Ore timebat rebus, 'hei faces howed thei fear so the result. 27 Dedit se foras, jam fori abroad. Foras, originali an acc. plur. is sed here molion is implied 'o ut o doors; foris, hic Wasan abl. is sed where there is no motion. 277. Quattuor. The i is to e pronounced like ' so that the Nordis a spondee so in the ex line avium is a dis syllabie, i be in pronounced like o. 278. Praepetibus. Praepes, as a Wor os augury, is opposed to insera, fuinihi gliae in regarde a luchy, fi3 anilo as unluch the theword is transferre here rom the bird thenaseives to the pari here theyare seen. I ma here, therefore, mean ei ther closty, or, as implied by that, duc . 28o. Scamna, throne. Scamnum, usu atly a bench D. scando, to climb.'TIT. I. Nihil de re maioris rei, scarce anythin os importance.'Rei, a partiti ve genitive genitivus rei distributae. Ne privatim quidem, tot eveni individuat s. 2. Nuptiarum auspices These ere probabi employe to x by augur a luch da for the wedding. . Id ipsum, ' even that is done: fit, or geritur, o sonae such ord,

5. Impetriri, D. impetrio, a Word only used in augury, to se e savourabie mens: fauourabie mens ere fough sor at matters of importance.' 6. Sinistra incurrimus, i no finding ut halcis uni uchy, e runrecklessi into hat is odin and ill-omen ed. Both dirus and vitiosus are speciali used, illi reseretice to the mens. p. Cic. de Legg. 2. M Quae augur injusta, nefasta vitiosa dira defiXerit, irrita infectaque sunto. Andabove, ch. I. ll. 6 and 72, the substantives vitium ' is sed in the fame way. II. Inter sese. The lines are rom Accius. Secundo-avi, the popula voice ein favourable though the mens Were against t.' I . Dirarum obnuntiatione, fine amounc ement os in augur stat



the mens ere unsa uourabie. Nuntiatio was the regula term so the declaratio of the augurs, obnuntiatio ' eing sed i the omen as un- propitious. Dirae cis sed as a substanti verior sortent of evil inluchy

I 7. Quod subscripserit, ' chargin him illi avin salsifie theauspices.' Subscribo is uo signisne' nam to an accusation, an so toaccuse. The formis the expression is like that sed above. t. a. o 2, 3, IO, O. The re ason is no reali in the ver to hich quod belongs, ut in that hicli is dependent on it. It is a sortis abbreviation quod ementitus esset auspicia, ut ipse subscripserat. Esto- censoris, ,eli; his may have been his dutyras censor. Fuerit, conjunctive sed potentiat ly.

23. Quae si- calamitatis, and Di had been false, it could have givenno occasion sor dis aster.

27. Signo obiecto, teralty put ling the omen in his a to stophim.

3o. Id valuit ut 'it effect was that, ' c. 3 . Regiones direxit, harhed ut his boundar lines.' Regio, Dom rego,' 'o malae strat glit, is literat ly, in malaing strat glit, hence, a stra ight line, then in tractaounded by such lines. 35. Leviter a summo inflexum, slightly bent at the top. 36. ius litui quo canitur, the musica instrument called lituus. 'The hape of them both may be een in Dict of Ant. at tuus. 37. Curia Saliorum The officiat reside iace of the Salii ,as called Curia, as havin a sacre character analogo us to that of the Curiae, orguild-halis of the thiri curiae. See Dict of Ant. Curia. 46. Abdixissent, i ad rejected, i. e. had sal that non os hos three paris a the right One. 5 I. Cuius scientia in auguratus Cuius cis gen of the subjeci, auguratus ' of the object Mishing to est his kill in augury.'6o Puteal anencloia stare like the wali round the edge of weli puteus'). An place hich was speciali sacred was hept Doni ris of pro sanation is

suci a lance. Accepimus, tradition telis s. TV. I. Coniectura, prophecy. In, ab ovi; literalty in the caseis. 3. Demisisset in flumen, i ad id den his hors down into a river. Cp. Liv. 23. Nisi e campo in cavam hanc viam demittimus equos. 4. Non exstitit, di sappea red. Maxima contentione, , illi the great est efforis. Contentio is literapy, the stra ining of the muscies. 5. Philistus as an historian, a contemporar an great supporter of

Dionysius the Elder. II. Significatio. prognostic. I 7. Res divina fieret, sacrifice a bein offered. 22. Lysandri The main sentenc here is, corona subito exstitit in


a 8 NO TE S. Seci. III

capite statuae Lysandri. Tach of the two dependent genitives has a relative clause defining it. 26. Navalem illam victoriam the batile of Aegospotami, O B. C. Athenienses conciderunt, the power of Athens a destroyed. Cp. Virg. Ae. II. 245 Contigimusque manum qua concidit Ilia tellus. Hor. Od. 3. I 6 Ii Concidit auguris Argivi domus.'33. Illud in quo inerant sortes collocavissent, had arrange thevesset, hici contained the lots. 34. In deliciis habebat, leptis a Pet. 37. Sacerdos, the pri estes s. 4 I. Xercitu lustrato A eremon of lustratio, o purification, asalivays performed e re an arm too the fiet d. See Dict of Ant.


44. Nec eam rem habuit religioni, set id not et this cause iman scrupte. Obiecto signo, though it was an omen sent to sto hi m. See bove, ch. 3. l. 27, and ' obnuntiatio, ch. 3. l. 4.

46. Tripudio auspicaretur was talain omen by the Dedin of thes acred sowls.' M Tripudium ' as hen the fowis te so re edit that thegra in feli rom their mouilis and struc me ground . Differebat, sui off. i. e. a ad him ut T. 49. Praeclara, ironical like fine in Englisti, καλos in reeh. 5 I. Signa convelli. The standard were planted in the ground uringa hali: flucking up the standards was there re the signat sor marching Theopposite or o command was statuere signa, to ali. Cp. Liv 5. 55 Signifer, statue signum : hic manebimus optime.'52. Primi hastati. Suppi ordinis. The standard-bearer of the rst company of the hastati. The hastati were the anguar of the heavyarmed troops. An ordo is the sameras a century Ordinum ductor is a centurion See Dict of Ant unde Exercitus. Nec quidquam proficeretur and the were o more successsui.'Literalty andis more progress was made. Though Taci, has no passiveo iis own severat oscit compound have, though some of them se thecompound of io ' also e g. conficio. 59. Labes factae sint se ab ove ch. a. l. 36. 62. Midae in os congesserunt. Observe the construction, the dativus conmiodi, here in Englisti e liould se a genitive dependent onthe ther substantive. Compare the rench construction, e g. VI me inςaroreille, he inche m ear. So in the neX sentence, quum in cunis parvulo dormienti apes in labellis consedissent, ' ,hen a swarm o bee setile don his ipf, henae a sle eping in infanc in his radie. The idio m houldbe care fuit observe in ritin Latin. 68. Amores ac deliciae tuae, Myour dari in friend.' mores inplur is constantly used in his ense. Cp ad Att. a. I9 Pompeius, nostri


amores, dea friend Pompeius. Phil. 6. 5 redeo ad amores deliciasque nostras, Antonium,' here it is sed ironi catly particular friend


Roscius. in Roscius, celebra ted as an actor os comed a Rome Ciceroplea ded his cause in a speech stili extant amon his rations.7 I. Lumine apposito, in there a a Ilighta his ed-side. 75. Hanc speciem, this incident; species, properi vision, or apparitiora, applied to this incidentissa appening in the night.

Pasiteles, a famous sculptor an silver-chaser o Cicero' time. There Was an other, famous as a statuar in much earlier times. 77. Quae reapse nullae sunt, ,hichia veno realexisterice. Reapse is a corruption D re ipsa ' in reali ty. 78. Speciem, in resemblance.' Brenno. his is no the Brennus ho ook Rome, ut notherchi es, ho more than O years later 27 B. C., te a horde of Gaul thath ad previ ou si se ille in Pannonia outhward into Macedonia an Greece and after ein desea ted like the Perstans, at the pas o Thermopylae, made thet way ver the fame mountain-pas an ad vance to the fac os Delphi It is probabi that the nam Brennus is reatly O a Prope name,

So. Nefarium, ' sacrilegi ous.'8I. Pythiam. The pri est ess who gave the oracles a callex Πυθια. 83. Viderentur-contra, there a an appea rance of maidens carryingarnas against them. These e re the formae, the prophec bein reatly sulfilled by the now-storio the falaes of hicli,ere the real albae virgines, 'o whicli the presente species. V. This hapter consist o four et ache passages, hich have been groupe together se convenience. The ther Chapter of this part a re ali

I. Commentitiam 'imaginary. 2. Ad te. It is no certain here Cicero as He ad stayed belli nil When Pompeius ad vance to Pharsalia, and was probabi in the et g bour-hood of Dyrrachium. 3. Praetorio imperio, , illi a praetor' commission, i. e. as admiratos the eet. 6. myrrachii, at myrrachi una. Fugientibus- fore, ahat the fugitives ould Oola acla, nil se apiteous si glit os ames. Cp. Virg. e. 5. 3. here Aeneas ut to ea, Moenia respiciens, quae iam infelicis lissae Collucent flammis.

II. P. F. Tublii filius.' his is Tib. Gracchus, the ather of the twosamous tribunes, and conqueror of the Celtiberians in Spatii. 25. Uxori Cornelia, aughter of Scipio Africanus Major. 3ω Tages This stor is also tot in Ovid. Met. 5. 553-52 9.


3I. Sulcus-impressus, a surro had been raWn deeper than usual ' Imprimere cis properi applied to the plough, hicli akes the surro by

the pressure on it Hor. Od. 1. 6, 2 Imprimeretque muris Hostile aratrum exercitus insolens. Exstitisse, ' have emerged rom the round. 35. Cum admiratione, 'in amaZement.'38. Exceperint is subj. ecauserit is in oratio obliqua. 39. Disciplina, System.'

o. Rebus novis-referendis, a the ascertaining os ne lacis, and reserring of them to the fame principies.' I. Ab ipsis, i. e. rom theatruscan. 2. Haec scripta conservant, 'hese re preserve in ritte documents. here ere aid o be twelves book of Tages.'Hunc sontem disciplinae these are the ources of the Systemsos augury. 44. Rarum est quoddam-avocent, there is a clas of men se in number, ho illidra thenaseives. The construction is, rarum est quoddam genus, genus eorum, qui,' C. 46. Horum sunt-humanae, 'hei auguries come, o sto divine inspiration, ut frona human wisdom.'48. Aquarum fluxiones, deluges.'5o Tyrannidem, usurpation. The Greelis meant by τυραννο onewho gained his powera usurpation the word hadiso reserence illi themto the way in hicli the power Was sed a it has illi us Severat of their τυραννοι ere note so thei mi id and beneficent way. 53. Convinceret, to refute.

58. Defectionem solis. This eclipse is mentione by Herodotus I. 74, andae there add that it ad been predicteda Thales.

59. Gubernatores, ' pilois, saliors. 6o. Nullam. Observe that it agrees in gender illi divinationem. though stricti it oes notietondit it, ut refers to sonae ther,ord implied stom praesentiunt. This is a no uncommon construction illi factitive orcopulative verbs, and is like the constructio of the relative illi the fame classi verbs, e g. et O , ch. 6 magi, quod genus sapientum et doctorum habebatur. 64. Ex monte-avulsa est, the end of Mount Taygetus as for ossas the steria might e rent Domin hi p. It is impossibi eri imitate in Englishthe brevit with whicli the mage is here suggested by the ne or quasi . 66. Potius divinus quam physicus, a prophe so muchlas a naturalphilosopher. VI. I. Phalaridis Phalaris a tyrant of Agrigentum, an his amewas a proverbis mong the Greelas and Romans as a monster of crueity. Thestor of the brage buli is et known and shews hat was the popular notionis him, though it is probabi itselfinhistorical.