장음표시 사용
3. Visam esse videre, 'hought sh saw. 4. Consecravisset: his and the ollowin verbs re subjunctive lilyasaeing in oratio obliqua. 8. Quae magi interpretati sunt, the interpretations ive by the magi. Quae ' is a cognate accusative. 9. Principi a mean ither the lder, literalty the first, i. e. of thename, the king. Dinonis Dinon or Deinon rote a histor o Persia. His son Clei-tarchus accompanie AleXander the reat in his campaigns, and wrote histor of them. I a Magi quod genus habebatur. Observe the relative illi a copulative ver agreeing illi the substantive hici follows the ver instea ofwith iis real antecedent. 17. Quiddam praesentiens atque divinans, a certain power of presage and divination. 18. Si quidem 'inasmuch as, literat in is a least, Vis it e true that. r is sexto introduce evidence in favour os a statement hicli has been
22. Si quid vellet, he had anythingo say. Volo is osten sed illi an acc in his sense, Caes. B. G. I. 34 Si quid ille se velit, eum ad se venire oportere,' he had anythin to anto him. It is ver cammon in
the colloquial language of Tereiace and Plautus. 23. Optime, an expression o polite declining ou re very ind. am much obilige to ou. The fuit phrase optime facis. Bene facis is common in the fame sense. So καλω and καλλιστα re sed in reela. 29. Haec-Magis, Io much a boui the Indians and the agi.'3I. Laciniae, o Lacinium. There a a famous temple of uno onthe promontor of Lacinium, O the eas coas O Bruttii, o calle Domthe ruin of the temple apo elle Coloniae Cp. Virg. e. 3. 55 Attollit se Diva Lacinia contra.
used in reela παρ οἶνον Ο παρ' οἴνω, ,hile drinking.'35. Praedicere, 'o warn. 42. Visum esse vocari, thoughtae a summoned. 45. Quo utentem, with whom.
8. Cupiditate, curiosity. Visam belluam-pervertere, te thought e sa a monster overthrowing,' C. 5 . Ne laboraret, motrio troubi himself about.
55. Apud Agathoclem his Agathocles as a Gree historian. Hamilcarem The rs of the amous Carthagini an generat of this
name, ii Ied the expedition against Sicil in 48 B. C. Which was delea ted by Gelon in the batile o Himera, sal to have been ought on the fame da with the batile of Salamis. 62. Tum, an moreover Tum is generali in suci a positio precede by rivum ' in the previous clause, in the sense of notinly-but also '6 . in . Quinti Filius. This Decius a the ne ho devote himselfat the batile unde Vesuvius in the Latin War. 7 I. Obsidione Accordin to the story the arm o Cossus . hen invadin Samnium, as hemme in by the Samnites in a de file of the pennines, and ni faved by Decius occupyin a iit, an bearing the wholebrunt of the enemy' attach, ill the res of the arm made thet waybach. 7 . Filius. The ne ho commande at the batile of Sentinum in thethir Samnite ar 295 . . 76. Est apud Platonem Socrates, , have Socrates in Plato. Thisis mentione d in the dialogue called Crito.
8 I. Tertia te The line is rom Il. 9. 363
9 I. Alexandro See Pt. I. Q 7. Diffiderent, 'despa ire of him. 97. Prima the twoirs predictions. IO 2 EX Cesserit - videatur. The tenses reser the interpretation to theti me heia the ream occurred. When Eudemus foui has est his Ody thenae is to e considere Dio have returned home. ΙO8. Ubi idem saepius, ,hen the ream recurred again and again. 'The ver is to e supplied froni vidit ab ove. Areopagum, the highest judiciat cour at Athens se Dici os Ant. IIO Quaestione adhibita, iein puto torture.' 'Quaestio, 'whichliterati mean en quiry, is osten sed by iis et for investigatio by torture, and the se of adhibita', illicit impli es that that is it mea ning here. III. Indicis Herculis of Hercules the Reueater. Index ' froni 'DIC- 'thaeroot of dico, δεικνυμι digitus, means literalty that whichio in is out; 'henc it means I the fore-finger, as eing sed to poliat illi a 'an informer; 3 signis mark.' II 3. Sed quid ego Graecorum, suppi somnia commemorem.' II . Fabii Gellii. The plurat here domo mea that there a morethan ne historianis ach a me, ut it is a common dio in Latin a in Englisti, o put a stringis nam es in the plurat, meaning no more than to givea kindis greater notion of the number of instances. o ne might say, Allthe great Englisti genera is the Mariboroughs, thesellingtons. The Fabius here meant is in Fabius Pictor, hociive in the time of the secon PunicWar, and wrote a histor of Rome rom the earli est times down to his o nday. Gellius also rote a histor o Rome down to his own date; he lived in the times of the Gracchi. They belon to the classis historians called
Annali sis, thei histori es e in calle 'Annales.' L. Caelius Antipater asanother of the fame classis writers He was contemporary with Gellius Thestor is also tot by Livy, 2 36. Bello Latino This didio occur in the great Latin War, ut a cord ingio ivn during the war illi the Volscians, in hicli Coriolanus Commanded.
II 5. Ludi maximi More commoni calle Magni or Circenses. The were sal to have been institute by Ronaulus, an consisted of races an other amus ement in the Circus See Dict of Ant. Circus.' II 6. Primum does no mea that this a the rs occasion on hichthe were ver persormed, ut that this a the firs time of thei perform- nc that ear, as opposed to the repetition of them relatexbelow.II7. Instaurativi suppi ludi. The ames ere commenced ver
ΙΙ9. Furcam literalty a sori: here an instrument of punishment in Use among the Romans for flaves. It was an instrument of ood, in theshape of a Gree Λ, hich was placed ver the lioulder of the victim, and his hand lied to it herace came the worix furcifer 'cis a term os reproach. Sometimes it was sed torii criminals to, ho ere then Courged, Ome- times o deat h. o Livy, 2 36, describes it a b eing sed in his case, servum quidam paterfamiliae, nondum commisso spectaculo, sub furca caesum
medio egerat circo. The trian gles' used in militar fioggings in uri n
I 2 o. Visus est venire qui diceret, ine eemexto come o him, hosaid. Cicero mentiora noma me. Liv says, visus upiter venire.' III. Praesulem ludis, the man who anced e re the ames.' Is praesulem 'is the rue re ad ing the wor is sed in a very unu sual sense. Praesul is properis a resident, literat ly, one ho sit ab ove, sto prae 'an soL, whicli is a variet of 4AD, the oot of sedeo, the D' eingchange into L, as in solium and sella, justis consub is properi colleague, literat ly, one ho sits with another, anx exsul, literat ly, ine hostis o lives way rom home. I it is genuine here, it must be on a salse derivatio Dona salio, leap. Livy uses praesultatorem, an perhapsthe wor here praesultorem.' audis is an ablative of time, eingequivalent to tempore ludorum. Iussum esse. The construction here sud dent changes to infinitives, dependent on dicitur' fertur to e supplied. I 23. Suam is sed herea ecauserit is the oratio obliqua os meam.
I 26. Debilem factum, was paralysed. Debilis is derive froni de and habilis, and o is literalty dis abled, ' untiandy. Cp. the se of habilis in Virg. G. 4. 18 Atque habilis membris venit vigor.
I 29. Iterum instauratos, uene edisnce more. Liv does no mention the rst 'instauratio.
whil servin a Quaestor in Sardinia, here the opposite party ere ruingio deta in him, that he a this vision. 133. Quam vellet cunctaretur. howeve much e might delay, 'literalty let hi dela a he would. Cunctaretur is oratio obliqua Dan imperative ood. I 2. Moneri- affecerat, a thought e sa ille man whom he had buri ed warn in him notrio do so.' I R. Ad cauponem 'Ad here is like cheg in French at the hou se
I 9. Caenati Passive participi With active signification. iuratus. having Worn. Concubia nocte. in his firs fleep.'Ι5O. Visum esse-orare the ne ho vas stayin With a friendthoughtae a the other entreati nihina. 'I59. Bubulco praesto fuisse, , aited for the carier. 'I63. Divinius, a cleare proo of the interventio of heaven. 165 dependent in narravi, tot in alie meare ver, audivi. Translate. 'Mine as thates,' c. Me is Cicero' brother Quintus. I. I. Facilis coniectura huius somnii 'it is eas to malae ut thenaean in of this dream. 17 2. ventus aerum, evenis, literat in result os circumstances. Herefers to Cicero' banishment an recall.
175. Salustius Noth in specia cisanown of this person Hecis notthe historia Sallust. I 76. Campi Atinatis The Campus Atinas' as ea a toNn called Atina, in Lucania in the bank of the Tanager an on the Via Aquilia, thehigh road to Rhegium.
I 79. Iter instaret, 'it Was early timerio stari.'ISI. Hora secunda fere, abo ut ei glit in the moria ing. 'I83. Laureatis. ,reat hed illi bay. his as a symbolis victory. I 86. Monumentum riuum The temple bulli in Marius in commemoratio of his victori es. Deduceret conduci, 'escori, like Gree προπεμπειν. I9O. Ut audivisses, that, heu ouhad heard. Ut here is temporal, dependent on 'dixisse below.192. Referente, O the motion os. The Consul ho proposed C cero' recal was P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther, ne of the two Consulsos 57 . . I93. Frequentissimo theatro, i a crow dedisssembl o spectat ors.'
Cicero, in his extraci, represent Scipio Africanus Minor narrat in arem arkable dream hichae saxu heia in Africa. I. M'. Manilio Manilius a Consul in I 9 B. C ith L. Marcius Censorinus. The two Consul Were sent to Africa illi an arna to id Masinissa, and so commence the thir Punic War.
a. Tribunus militum This a the ille of the hie ossicer of the Legion In Scipio' time sichad ecome the established numbe to ach Legion They id not conmaan disterent division of the Legion, ut divi ted the command amon thema rotation. Nihil mihi potius fuit, 'here a nothini was o destrous f.' 3. Masinissam Masinissa was in os Numidia, and ad ide the Romans against Carthage in the secondiunt War. He ad been o great service to Scipio Africanus Major henae invade Asrica at the end of the war, and a great frientishi had been established etween them. 5. Senex He a 89 years old. He die in the illo in year, and Scipio divided his hingdom etween his three fons.
9. Ita numquam- memoria, s constanti dori cheristi in m minxtherecollectionis that great an in vincibi hero.'Io Illius, i. e. Scipio Africanus Major the conqueror o Hannibal a thebatile os Zama. 12. Multis verbis ultro citroque habitis, 'in much intercliange os conversation. Ultro citroque literati 'backward and forwards.'I . Regio apparatu accepti, entertaine with royal state. Apparatus is speciali applied to elaborate balaqueis : p. Hor. d. I. 38, I
Persicos di puer, apparatUS.'An so Cicero se the ver apparare in Verr. 2. 4, o licuit Calidio posse domesticis copiis, quum magistratum aut aliquem Superiorem invitasset,
ornare et apparare convivium.'
In multam noctem, tili late a night. Simila phrases are ad multam diem,' 'ill late in the day; multa nocte,' 'late a night: multo mane,' very early in the moria ing. 'I8. Et de via-vigilassem, ioth frona in Journey, and ecause I ad sat up sociale. ui here is causal and socioine with a suri. 22. De Homero He means that Ennius asserte that Homer appearedio him by night. Cicero alludes to this again, quot in Ennius own Ords. Acad. Prior. 2. I Quum soniniavit EnniusJ, ita narravit,
and so a belleve in the transmigrationi fovis, he maintained that the oulwhic had Once diuel in Homer' body, after dwellin among ther in thatos a peacock, and ais o Pythagoras himself now west in his ownaody. 24. Ex imagine eius, 'froni his bust. Busis made in ax of their deceased ancestors ere kept in the atria of the liouses of distinguished men. The Jus Imaginum' as an stablished legat distinctio of those hose families ha been ennobled by one of thei member holdin a curule office. Quam ex ipso. The ounge Africanus could ardi remember theelder his grandiathera adoption, at all. He a bor in 185 . , and theother, accordin to Cicero, de Seneci. 6 die in the fame ear Other accounts malae his death two ears later. 26. Ades animo, te of good courage :' p. Mil. 2. Adeste animis, judices, et timorem, si quem habetis, deponite.' Someti me adesse animo'
means 'o attend. 3 2. Paene miles, itile more than a common soldier.
39. Nepotis mei. Tiberius Gracchus the tribune. His ather Tib. Gracchus, ho distinguished himself in Spain, married Cornelia, the aughtero Africanus Major Africanus Minor, though thus relate to im, and further connected by havin married his sister Sempronia, di not disguis his approvat of the murder of Gracchus. When heaeardis it a Numantia hequote in line of Homer, Od. I. 47
and when publici asked in the assembi aster his retum, ha his opinionwas of the deed, he replied that he was justi flain, whereb he avelastin offence to the popular Party. 2. Eius temporis, genitive aster datorum viam, regarded asine com- pound substantive. The quasi 'here implies that viam is sed in iis literat sense. Translate, d se that at that time the path sorio speala, hichthe fates destine or ou, ill e a critica one. 43. Septenos octies. The distributive numerais an no the cardinalones, re almos alway used Wit the numera adverbs, e g. twice No is in Latin iis bina. not iis duo. Septenos-converterit, ias passe through eight times even revolutions of the sun. Both amfractus' and reditus are sed separalelytor revolutions of the sun reditus is sorased inst. l. 196 annum solis reditu metiuntur: amfractus in Cic. de Legg. 2. M in annuis amfractibus. Here amfractus must mean the sun's passage long one half of the ecliptic, and reditus.' iis passage long the ther hali the ther fide of the equator, by hicli it rerum to the polii stom hic it started.
Seci. III. SCIPIO'S DREAM. 3745. Plenus, a persect iamber. He is here using the ternis ofastrology. 46. Summam tibi fatalem confecerint, laving rought bout thecrisis of your lila. Scipio as 56 in I 29 . . In that ea attempis erema de to reverse ome of the measures of Tib. Gracchus an Scipio aslooked uinto by the aristocracy a thei champion Aster a vehement debate in the Senate, in hich he was violenti assailed by Carbo, ne of the popular eaders, he went home an retire t his fleeping-roomo prepare aspeechrior the nex day, and in the orning he was iun dea in his ed. It was generali belleved that he was murdered, a the contexi impli es. 48. Socii . . . Latini. The various peoples of Itat were connected with Rome as allies o disserent ternas. The mos favoured of these ere called specificatly Socii; the lower class, with inferior privileges, 'Latini, or nomen Latinum. The lalter nam originaled in thei standi sint Rome in the sanae relation in hicli the Latins id aster the had been conquered, anda ad ea sexto e ora qua term with the Romans. 5 I. Impias, innaturat.' Propinquorum . his alludes to the Common repor that Sempronia who was Scipio's is and Gracchus sister, an C. Gracchus, the brother of Tiberius, adaad a liand in the murder. 53. Habeto. Observe the accurate se of the future imperative. 56. Quod quidem fiat. Quod is here consecutive aster the negati ve nihil. 'Quidem, like γε in reela, marks a limitation, nothing that is, whicli akes placem earth. 59. Hinc literali 'from here Pam, i. e. fro heaven. 62. Paullus Aemilius Paullus, o of the ne ho feli in Cannae, sur-name Macedonicus, as eing the Conqueror o Perses a Pydna, 6 B. C. His son a adopted by the so os Africanus Major, an so ecam P. Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus. Arbitraremur. The ood implies that this a par of the questionwhichae asked. 66. Vim lacrimarum. 4 hower os ears. 7o. Sanctissime, Most revered. 73. Cuius hoc templum est, 'o hom ali his Xpanse hi clibo see longs. Templum, rom ΤΕΜ- the oot f Gr. τεμνω, Lat. temno, is, literat ly, in iece ut oss. Henc it as sed of the regio of the hy whicli the augur marhed os with his lituus o talae observations in and stomthis, apparently it go the mean in os a id open pace, ' an Xpanse 'especiali of the hy, in hicli sens it is mostly used in poetry, and has asomewhat archai sound the instances quotedaeing mostly rom Ennius and Lucretius. It is sed so the universe in Lucr. 5. I 35 caeli magnum et vorsatile templum. It common meaning, a temple, comes frona thesam origina naeaning beincliteralty a place ut is and se apart. 74. Istis custodiis, Trom our present confinement.'76. Qui tuerentur, 'o kee in order. Qui is here final.
77. Quae . The antecedent to quae is globum, ut, ein nom. to a Copulative verb, it agrees illi the followin substantive and not illi iis
79. Divinis animatae mentibus. He is here adopting one of the prevati in theories of the origin os the oul. 8O. Circos suos orbesque, 'hei circuit an orbiis.'82. Iniussu Tusc. I. 3o Vetat enim dominans ille in nobis deus, iniussu hinc nos suo demigrare. De Seneci. Vetatque Pithagoras iniussu imperatoris, id est Dei, de praesidio et statione vitae decedere. The sameide is thus expande di Spenser, F. in I. . I The night much ondre at his suddei ne it, An savd The terme o lis is limited, Ne ma a. man prolong nor horten it: The oldier a no move rom alchsul sted, Nor leave his stan unti his captaine ed.
Quoth he, inowes est the termes est ablis ed: An he, that oinis the centonet his roome, Doth licens him depare at ound of moria in droo me. '84. Munus humanum, Oour ut a men. 86. Quae i. e. pietas. In parentibus, literalty in the a se os, i. e. When practi sed toward parent an relatives. Quum-tum, vireat indeed - but great est.'93. Erant-vidimus. Tae is here the predicate of the clause- thest ars ere such as e have neve seen rom the arth.'96. Illa, i. e. the oon. 99. Imperii- poeniteret, I as astianae of the malines os ourem Pire, hicli cover literat ly, ith whicli, cover no more than a specla incit, o to speah. Io . Globis, spheres. Tibi, ou see. IO6. Arcens et continens, ' enclos in and containing 'ohe two ordsare sed together in the fame Way, Sect 4. l. 249 Alvus arcet et continet quod recipit. It is an unusual sense of arceo, whicli generali means to e epout o oss. In quo- sempiterni in hicli are fixe the evertastin revolvingorbiis of the tars.'Io 7. Cui subiecti sunt septem sub ordinate to this are even mers,
IO8. Contrario- caelum, ' opposite to that of the heavent sphere.'IO9. Illa, i. e. stella. II O. Ominum generi prosperus. In astrolog Jupiter is thetavo u rabie plane to e unde the influence of Mars the threaten in and
II 2. Rutilus, glaring ; the fier re colour maris it threaten ing
II 3. Subter is here an adverb. Regionem is gΟverned by obtinet. II . Temperatio, alie controssin principie.' Ii S. Infra iam nihil est, telo this there is nothing. The orceos iam is, ,hen o come below his, heiace rili ou find nothitag. 'Iai Media. Observe that the arti is regarde a the centre of the system, an a alone fiXed, at the est moving round it. It is interestingio conrpare these ancient notions of the universe illi the more accurate knowledge os modern times. I 22. Nutu suo, i their Wn gravity. Cp. De Or. 3. 45 terra suavi nutuque tenetur.
I 23. Ut me recepi, ,hen I recovered myseis.'I25. Tam dulcis sonus. The dea hicli is here expresse of the music of the spheres ' Was a favo urite ne illi the ancient philosophers. That he harmonious order of the universe hould produce a harmon offound seeme to them natural froni the igh place hich the gave tomusica harmon in their systems. The language of Milton' Hymnin the Nativity, st. 3, ill illustrate severat of the expressions hicli Cicero here
An let the base of heavera' dee orga bio . And with our inessit harmonyMahe u fuli consor to the angeli symphony.'Hic est-efficit The musica ternas here are omewhat dissiculi torender his is ciat he the ound whicli, madem os interva is nequat, but yet proportionali divide by divine reason, is produced by the wingara movement of the spheres thenaseives, and blendin trebie With base produces uniformi varie harmontes.' Rationes mean the in of the
'summus deus ' ' mentioned above. I 28. Acuta cum gravibus : p. Hor. A. P. 3.39 Poscentique gravem persaepe remittit acutum.'
I 37. Septem efficiunt- sonos, produce seve notes illi distinct
I 38. Nodus, thetond. He means that the number even is the elementar number of ali paris os creation. Nervis atque cantibus, siti instrumental and voca music 'I I. Oppletae Stunned ' p. Plaut. Rud. . , I Jam meas opplebit aures sua vaniloquentia.'He means that et in thei morta state cannot hea the eavent foundsbecause thei sense of heariniis verpowered by them. I 3. Catadupa The Greela nam so the cataracts of the Nile. p.
σχό- θαλασσαν. The word is commoni derive frona καταδου ricio, nopou down illi a roar,' ut se Liddeli and Scott sub voce. Ι 8. Acies vestra sensusque, bour ense of sight.'I56. Habitari is sed impersonalty that the arthris inhabited.' In ipsis-habitatur, ' even among the speclis, o to Speak, here mendo dweli. 158. Ita interruptos, Vso ut orsrom ne nother. 16O. Partim obliquos-vobis, some re place at ne fide os ou,some a right angies to Ou, sonae opposite, i. e. on the ther si de of the
globe. 164. Cingulis, the ve gones. The Gree ζων' is literalty like cingulus, a bet t.' p. illi his description of the v gones that of Virgili G. I. 233 Quinque tenent caelum zonae quarum una Cor USco Semper sole rubens, et torrida semper ab igni: Quam circum extremae deXtra laevaque trahuntur Caerulea glacie concretae atque imbribus atris. Has inter mediamque duae mortalibus aegris
I 65. Caeli verticibus, ah two potes. 168. Ille, sonder.' Adversa vobis urgent vestigia, lare the antipodes o ou.'I69. Nihil ad vestrum genus suppi pertinet.'Ι7O. Quam tenui vos parte contingat, ,ith how mali a part os it
173. Quod Atlanticum- appellatis, ,hicli ou cal the Atlantic orthe reat ea, o the Ocean. Observe that the relative, illi the Same antecedent, changes iis gende to agree illi the substantive connecte Withita a factitive verb. 17 . Tanto nomine, Tor at iis grandianae : ablative of quality. 176. Caucasum Gangem. The range of Caucasus and the river Ganges ere boundaries of the Orbis veteribus notus.'18 . Quantis in angustiis-velit, ho narro the pace is Withmwhichbour fame destres to spread.'