Extracts from Cicero, narrative and descriptive;

발행: 1890년

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GREE A NECDOTES. 29 5 illi nihil satis umquam fore se eius voluptate non deSiderare, quibu numquam Satiari ille OSSet Sua eum consequi

nullo modo POSSe.

cium quoddam redemptor praebuisset, capitale esset hostias is qui redemerat, quum Sacrificii die instaret, in urbem ex agro coepit agere. Tum Subito magni commoti tem pestatibus fluvius Eurotas S, qui propter Lacedaemonem fluit, ita magnus et vehemen factu est, ut eo traduci victimae nullo modo OSSent. Redemptor suae voluntatis ostendendae causa hostia constituit omne in litore, ut, qui trans flumen essent, Videre poSSent. Quum omneS 1 studio eius Subitam fluminis magnitudinem scirent fuisse impedimento, tamen quidam Capitis arcessierunt. Intentio est Hostiae, quas debuisti ad Sacrificium, praesto nonsuerunt. Depulsio est concessio. Ratio 'Flumen enim Subito accrevit et ea re traduci non potuerunt.' Infirmatio 13 est 'Tamen, quoniam, quod te iubet actum non est,

supplicio dignus es. Iudicatio est: quum in ea re contra legem redemptor fecerit, qua in re Studio eius subita fluminis obstiterit magnitudo, supplicione dignus est λ'NecesSitudo autem insertur, quum vi quadam reus id quod a secerit fecisse defenditur, hoc modo : Lex est apud Rhodios,

ut, si qua rostrata in portu naVi deprehenSa Sit, publicetur. Quum magna in alto tempeSta eSSet, Vi Ventorum invitis nautis Rhodiorum in portum navim coegit. Quaestor navim populi vocat. Navi dominu negat oportere publicari. 23 Intentio est Rostrata navi in portu deprehensa est.'Depulsio, concessio. Ratio: et necessario sumus inportum coacti. Infirmatio est Navim e lege tamen populi esse oportet. Iudicatio est Quum rostratam navim in


3 EXTRACT FROM CICERO. portu deprehensam ex publicari quumque haec navis invitis nautis vi tempeStatis in portum coniecta Sit, Oporteatne eam 3o

publicari. 31. A Socrata Dialogue.

Apud Socraticum Aeschinem demonstrat Socrates cum Xenophontis uxore et cum ipso enophonte Aspasiani locutam: Dic mihi, quaeso, Xenophontis uxor, Si vicina tua melius habeat aurum quam tu habes, utrum illius an tuum malis λ

Illius. inquit.

Quid si vestem et ceterum ornatum muliebrem pretii maiori habeat quam tu habes, tuumne an illius malis λ' Illius vero, re Spondit. Agesis inquit si virum illa meliorem habeat, quam tu ohabeS, utrumne tuum virum malis, an illius Θ' Hic mulier erubuit Aspasia autem cum ipso enophonte Sermonem in Stituit. Quaeso inquit, enophon, si vicinus Quus equum meliorem habeat quam tuu eSt tuumne equum mali S, an Is

Illius,' inquit. Quid si fundum meliorem habeat quam tu habeS, utrum tandem undum habere malis λ' Illum, inquit, Meliorem scilicet.' et o quid si uxorem meliorem habeat, quam tu habes, utram malis λ Atque hic Xenophon quoque ipse tacuit Post Aspasia:

Quoniam uterque vestrum,' inquit, 'id mihi solum non respondit, quod ego Solum audire Volueram, egomet dicam, squid uterque cogitet. Nam et tu mulier Optimum virum vis habere, et tu Xenophon uxorem habere lectissimammaXime vis. Quare, ni Si hoc perfeceritis, ut neque vir melior, neque semina lectior in terris Sit, profecto id Semper,


GREEL A NECDOTES. 313 quod optimum putabitis esse, mulio ma Xime requiretis, Ut et tu maritus sis quam optimae, et haec quam Optimo Viro nupta sit Hic quum rebus non dubiis esset assensum, actum Stpropter similitudinem, ut etiam illud quod dubium videbatur, 35 Si qui Separatim quaereret, id pro certo propter rationem rogandi concederetur. Hoc modo sermonis plurimum Socrates Sus est, propterea quod nihil ipse asserre ad per-

Suadendum volebat, sed ex eo quod sibi ille dederat quicum disputabat, aliquid conficere malebat, quod ille ex eo quod

o iam conceSSiSSet necessario approbare deberet.



1. I. Roges- utar. his is a conditiona sentence, illi si omitted in ille prota sis o conditionat clauseta it is in sul si roges utar. This is a common construction in Latin, illi et ther ind. or conj in the prota sis, ac- cord in a the would e sed i the si Were inserted. E. g. Rides, maiore cachinno concutitur' i. e. si rides' hJuv. 3. IOO Tu quoque magnam Partem opere in tanto, sineret dolor, Icare, haberes ' i. e. si sineret dolor' Virg. Ae 6 3o. In Englisti, usuali substitute a question, moso ask,&e Observe that itar is Conj pres. no fui ind. Auctore utar Simonide, should follo the ex ample of Simonides.'

auctor froni augeo, lit. One Wh mahes t gro , is used sor an originator' in various senses here, ne hos exanapte originales a particular in os conduci in another.

3. De liberandi unum diem, ine da sor consideration. 2. I. Praeclare accusat, ita me in admirabie term s. a. Quod consectetur courting, subj a be in virtuali oratio obliqua giving the ea sola hicli Philip assigne sortis lanie. 3. Malum ; sed as an interjection, X pressive os indignation. It is a colloquial expression more common in Plautus and Tereiace than et sewhere. Itis alway used, illi questions e g. Ter Phorm. . 5. II Quid tua, malum, id reseri y Plague onaou, hat s that to ou 3'5. Id agis ut sperent ' ciscito our object that the Macedonian should hope Τ do ou an to malae the Macedonians hope γ' 6. Bene ministrum et praebitorem suppi dicit.' me is right inusing the term minister V an praebitor . V 3. 4. Interdici here sed impersonalty illi dat os person, patribus, and abl. of thing bonis. When sed personalty it usuali takes, in the act. voice, I a dat o person an ace of thing, as, deminis purpurae usum interdicemus 3 shali e sorbi la dies to ear scarlet γ' Liv. 34. 7: a sonae times the fame construction as here, as Ariovistus omni Gallia Romanis interdixisset Caes. B. G. I. 6. Translate, in sather Who mis-manage thei properi are usuali deprived of the controi os t. Observethat solet with an impersonat verbaecomes also impersonat. 9. Sententiis iudicum, by the voles of the jury' the iudices at Rome, and in ome respecis, the δικασταί at Athens, ho a re here meant by iudices, corresponde more earlyrio ur Wia jurymen than to jud ges. Se Dict of Ant. v. Iudex. 4. I. Phintiam. his is the more correct sor of the a me, hicli s


more generali give a Pythias Danion and 3 thias a re proverbial instances of triae friendship. The are quo ted, long illi the ther classical instances in the ollowin passage froni Scott' Fortunes of Nigel, ch. 16 ou seemo have imagine d in lord that ou an Pwere Pylades and Orestes- secon editionis Damon an Pythias Theseus an Pirithous at ille least.' The student of the Bible ill ad to these David and Jonathan. q. Commendandorum suorum causa, that he might commit hissam it to the protectionis other s.' 5. Vas factus est alter eius sistendi, the ther eca me bail sor his

appearance. Sistere, as a legat term is ei ther no cause to appear, or, in a id die sense, 'o put in an appearance.'5. I. Oeconomico Themouseholder. treati se by Xenophonis themana gement of household, and of properi generat ly. . Venisset ad eum Sardis. Observe the dissere tace of the Latii and Englisl idiom. e say, came to im a Sardis' the Latin is litterat ly.

camerio hi in to Sardis. 5. A sociis. socii here a re meant the Peloponnesian league against Atheris Toward the lose of the Peloponnesian war, O B. C., Lysander was sent rom Spartario talae the command o the coas of Asia, to oppose Alcibiades, who was a theae ad of the Athenian orces. He was an ossi cero great diplomati talenis, and was speciali commissione to a in thetavour o Cyrus, roster of Artaxerxes hin os Persia, ho was then in supreme command o the coastis Asia Minor. 9. Quincuncem. Quincunx' in quinque unciae, 'o twel fili paris os an as' is used here sor a common methodis plantingarees, hereb the alternaterows were placed opposite the centre of the pace bet Neenalios in the preced-ing and solio in ones, o that the resembled the ive o dice thus,

The nam is sa id o be ahen rom V the Romanive half the bove figure in an directionaeing in the sormis V.

Subactam. Subigere ' was a regula agricultural ter sor Morhing the soli, as e liould say, o as to pulveris it. It is sed in Virg. G. I. I 25 Ante Iovem nulli subigebant arva coloni, ' here it is no to e regarde asa poetical metaphor. II. Descripta, arran ged. Describo' is sed os an orderi arrangingor classibing. Livy I. 2 appli escit to Servius Tullius' division of the people, Classes centuriasque et hunc ordinem ex censu descripsit.' So Cicero, de Rep. a. 8, o Romulus, Populum in tribus tres curiasque triginta descrip


14. Istarum arborum, the treesIousee. Iste' must always have somere serence to the and person, hic it is et to expres in construing. e. 5. Ludis, in the games, an abl. of time. 8. Consederant, an indicative in oratio obliqua be cause the clauserio whic it elong is an explanation adde by the writer, an so a fori os parenthesis.


7. 5. aumdem esse, that equali exist.' 6. Creditote. Observe the future orce. The longe forin of the imperative has always sonae distinc resererice to future time, and it Don this account that it is sed in laws, wilis, and the like documenis, not e cause it con- vos a stronge command It is sed in his passage ecause Cyrus is reser-ring to the time aster his deat h. Etiam si nullum videbitis, even though o domo se me at all. '2O. Remissi, uel ea sed, i. e. as X plaine by What sol lows corporis vinculis. 2 . Hanc omnem pulchritudinem, at the beauties e se a roundus,' 'his ea utilat woridis our s.' S. I. Philippo minitanti, an anacoluthon. Cicero ut this in the dat. ascis he were goin to se responderunt'; then, a thei rept was in theirm os a question, he substitutem quaesiverunt, Whicli is equivalent to responderunt quaerendo.'D. I. Omni generi satisfaciamus, do ur ut to ali classes. 10. 2. Posset, in subj. Ood, e cause it states the reason hicli Themistocles gave, and socis virtuali oratio obliqua. 11. I. Seriphio, is native of Seriphus.' . Nobilis L i. e. umquam fuissem. 12. I. Satis, thoroughly.'4. In continenter, 'intemperate. II. Palam, a substantive 'Pala cis the partos a ring in xvhicli the stoneis set, the leget. I a Converterat. Observe riuum With plup. ind. here, and with in verterat below, expressin an actio frequently repea ted. Translate

quum, ras osten as.

I 3. In locum, cinio iis prope place.' 'Locus cis similarly used in Hor. Od. 4. 12, 28 Dulce est desipere in loco.'I8. Si habeat-putet . Observe the differetice of the wo conditionalclauses Theirst, illi present subjunctives, is a mere supposition, Even fa is man ad his in g, he would no think,' c. in the second the imperfeci subjunctive is sed, ecauseris the sest supposition ere a iaci thesecond wouldae an impossibi one. I9. Honesta enim-quaeruntur the goodia seelas odo halis right notri hi de hat he oes.' 13. The stor here tot of Aratus illae best understood sto the account give of it in Thiriwall, His t. of Greece, Ch. 61.4 Quum improviso oppressisset, hau in surprise an over-

9. Quinquaginta annorum possessiones moveri, that fist years' occupation hould e disturbed. Possessio ' in Roman law the actual


36 NOTES. 14

Io. Propterea quod, c., iecause in his long intervat mali os the propertie had come to e hel right ill) , b inherit ance, o purchase, o indow .' 13. Illis-his Observe that theaule that hic' reser to the lalter of two objecis, ille' to the fornier, is ymo means universat. It tways reser tothe ea rest, ut omeli ines noto the eares in position, ut in thought. So heres his refers to the restore exiles, ho ere mentione firSt, probablyaecause the were mearer in thought to Aratus, a being the specialobjects of his legislation. See another instance in De Ana. 2. Cave Catoni anteponas ne istum quidem ipsum, quem Apollo sapientissimum

iudicavit hujus enim Catonis facta, illius Socratis dicta laudantur.'I6. Rem integram and destre that the matter hould e lest open tillhis return. Integer, derive frona 'in an TAG- the oot of tango,' is literalty intouched, and so here in decided. So Cic. Phil. I. I loquor de legibus promulgatis, de quibus est integrum vobis,' abo ut hicli ou canstili do as ou like.'I7 Ptolemaeum This Was Ptolemy, furna med Philadelphus, the secondos the Macedonian line of hings fagypt. et O. Grandi pecunia, I 5 talenis, abo ut 36,5 OO. 2I. Adhibuit sibi in consilium, joined in commission illi himself.' et . Persecit aliis, i valuing the estates, he succeeded in persuad ing

26. Quod tanti esset, a fair price.'29. Sic par est agere cum civibus, aliis is the right wayrio deal

3o Bis iani vidimus rs by Sulla, then by Julius Caesar. In tes thana ea aster his as ritiei Cicero as himself include among the Proscripti by Anton an Octavianus. Hastam in foro ponere A spea was the signis an auction. The properi os the ' proscripti', a confiscat ed an sold. 33. Eaque est- continere, lanxit is the main objeci and the highest wisdom os a good citi gen noto separate the interest of his countrymen, but to unite ali unde one impartia rule.'14. 5. Barbaria, savage country. The termination -ia in his ordcorresponds totur -dom, acheathendona ChristendOm. p. Hor. Ep. I. 2, 7 Graecia barbariae lento collisa duello.'7. Caucas i. o the mounta in generali known by that name, ut au- casus Indicus, them indo Coosli, the cha in o mounta in norit o Cabool. 12. Prosequentibus suis, is scorted byae friends.'I3 Aegyptiorum morem. For the veneration os the gyptians sorparticula Lind of animais p.radi. 2. 65-76. I . Pravitatis erroribus, Mith the delusions of a salse belles': pravus,' literalty crooked, distor ted, then metaphoricali applied to hat is ei thersalse in doctrine or vici ous in practice. Cp. the rench tori.'I5. Quamvis carnificinam, an degre of torture.'


I7. Imprudentes, inawares,' in intentionalty. The antecedent to quorum is to es undio in the substantives precedin g, but in the sentence, I any one is uilino any of thes injuries: so that quorum' - no et

horum animalium,' ut et horum animalium violandorum. et o Lustrationes: P. Or. Od. 3. 25, pede barbaro Lustratam Rhodopen .' 2I. Excipiant, isncounter. 15. . Artem memoriae, an artificiat system os memory.

Proserebatur, Masaein published.' 5. Traditurum, Mould eachaim. 6. Ut omnia meminisset. Understand effecturum esse,' that it,oulden able hinario remember nything. '9. Docuisset, had offere torieach him ' he oes no appear o have accepted the man's offer, 16. I. Actio 'deli very' notrio limited a Word a action withis. Actor' is sed a the en of the passage speaker' proper in pleader, Wis qui causam agit' , and actio is the deli ver of a spe ech, illi ali iis accom

thir place. Demosthenes emphatic orni o expression has been ostenim italed the mos famous instanc perhapscis that o Danton the Jacobintea de in the rench Revolution when, describin the qualities required in are volution, he says, Hl nous aut de raudace et encore de raudace et oujours de Paudace. 5. Quo- solet, an so Aeschines well-known sayin alway solet ')seem to me ali theae iter. Quo se et eo, and is ablative of mea sure a ter

the comparative.

6. Propter ignominiam iudicii. on account of the disgrace whichae incurred by the result of the triat.' Aeschines, in the action hicli hebrought against Ctesiphon, id not et a fili par of the voles, the resultos hicli as, that he incurret a fine of OO drachmae, an also partialατιμία, ein deprive of the right of appear in as accuser again. Iudicii

is gen of the objeci. II. A Demosthene γ this Was the famous spe ech nown in the De


17. I. Qui se necesse est, alios e lio choos to malle thenaseives feared, must, in thei turn, ea thos by hom the are Dared.' a. Quid has no constri ictio in the sentence, a se conit interrogative, quo 'havin supersede it . e ma suppi in thought fecisse, o sonae such


2. Superiorem illum Dionysium, 'he amous Dionysius the Elder.'5. Quid is constanti used by Cicero as a sorm o transition, speciallyin a string of instances, achere. It may be translated again. 8. Compunctum notis Threiciis, latiooed like a Thracia n. 13. Nec eum fefellit, i. e. i Xor,' mor asae ron in his suspicions.'I4 Pellicatus, in laithmines s. I7. Non ex insidiis. He is sal to have been tone to eath by thepeople of Agrigentum, ho rose sud deni against hi m. 18. Hic noster, Julius Caesar This as rittera in the ea os Caesar'sdeath. 2o Demetrium Demetrius Poliorcetes sonis Antigonus, ho got possession of the throne o Macedonia in the contest amon AleXander' generat s. IS. a. idem and et ould not malae even the lightest sacrifice os glory. Idem is equivalent to an adversative parti cle, lihe tamen,' henthe two things mention exare apparenti in Consistent.12. Invidiam timens Cicero here ad opis Xenophon' account of thebatile of Leuctra Xen Heli. . , 5 . that Cleombrotus fought, against his own et ter udgment for ea his en emi es hould accus him o secretiyfavouring the Thebans. There oes no seem to e an rea foundation sorthe charge, hicli Xenophon a texto malae through his partialit for the Spartans See Thiriwall, vol. 5, h. 28.1D. I. Zenone Zeno the ounder of the Stoic school os philosophy,

taught that pa in asino Vii. 2. Deductus est; i. e. de sententia, a below Was converted. . therrea dings are devictus ' an 'dedoctus ' the last perhaps gives the happi est sense, was augii the opposite lesson. dolores' the preposition is sed because patia is, o to spe ah, personi fled, and regarde a the agent atherthan the instrument, o malae a more exact antithesis a Zenone in the

7. Dedissem, esset. The Ood an tenses are here rema rhablo theyare the orm O oratio obliqua, et the person dedissem is that foratio recta Dionysius mustae considerexto beeti ving in a sortis oratio obliqua his own thought when e bandone Zeno' theory, and satis

esset is equivalent to censebam satis esse.'II. Epigonis A play of Aeschylus the line is no extant in the Greela. Cicero substitute sor it a line froni a translatio by Attius a Roma poet. Cleanthes applies the verse o Zeno, ho was dea d. I 3. Significabat, Vallude to . 2O Honorificis verbis prosecutus esset, Aia ad dresse him in complimentar ternas.' Prosequor is literalty to accompan or attend as amarios respecl. 22. Committam, Nili Pallow.'26. Quasi faces doloris admoverentur, ,hen e a tortured bypain. The metaphor cani ard lyie kept in Engllisti. Admovere,' to apply. Applying lighted orche was a forna of torture.