장음표시 사용
28. Omnino omnes, ' in fac it is alway the a se that: clari et nobilitati dolores, great an notorious suffering s.' 2O. . Obduxisset, had quassedis T. He drank the olson asci he werequenchin his hirst ith a lea sani draught. Obduco ' is literat in todrawover sibi is here to e supplied with it, the expression implyingio tali notis mere sip, ut a long draught, o afri de luge himself with it,as, might say Cp. Virgirs Xpression Ae . I. 739 Tum Bitiae dedit increpitans. Ille ina piger hausit
Spumantem pateram, et pleno se proluit auro.
5. Sic e poculo eiecit ut id resonaret. As f he were engaged in thegam calle κοτταβos See Dict of Ant. Cottabus.' 6. Propino, I drinito theaealth o Critias the and sonae. Cf. Xen.
Io. Cui praebiberat, 'o hos health he had runk. Praebibes is coiiaeda Cicero as a translatio of the Gree προπινειν. I . In eumdem scyphum, Q drin the fame cup. Vadit is sed with scyphum by a Zeugma. Polson a the regula forna in hicli sentence of eath was carried ut at Athens. 15. Eodem scelere-Theramenes, i as unius a sentence of his judges a that of the thiri tyrant on Theramenes. 16. Plato. The spe ech here put in to the mout his Socrates is translated by Cicero stom Apol SOC. 32.
19. Necesse est- duobus, one of tW things mustae the case.'a I. Migretur, impersonat, one removes. 24. Quid lucri, io great a gain, gen o quantity, or CC. O Lat. Prime genitivus rei dimensae. 29. Iam The orce of iam cis, Me come noW, when e reach this alter.
native, to halcis much happier.'33. Cum fide, Mith honour. In the Greela, ευωρκωs. Mediocris as ut a mali ales sing. 39. Tentarem, referring to his habit of ross-question in all,lio a id claim to isdom, to prove to them that the weremo reatly ise. He ad mentioned his earlier in his Desen ceras ne of the chie cause of the ill-willa gainst him, hicha ad texto hisaeing rought to tria an condemn ed. good instance of Socrates method, illi Cicero' commentis it may be seen
68. Ego vero-habeo, Nay, Uthan him much. 69. Qui multaverit, for inflicting. Qui causal and there re sol lowed by subj. 7 I. Ut mihi videatur so that m pari hin that ne hoshowed so brave a spirit muS have been rongi condemned, literat ly, condemned though innocent.'
8 I. Apud inferos, in the the worid. 83. Unus Herodotus 7 226, telis the ne dote, and ives his a me, Di eneces. The the was accordin to him, notis Persiani ut a Trachinian, one of the inhabitant of the eigh bourhood, ho had se e the Persia host. 88. Genueram. The lup. ense connecis liat the mollier says illithe soli' de ath. It was qui te right that he hould die. I ad gi ven imbirili for the ver purpos e that,' C. 89. Esto granted, o Will say, introduces a supposed objection, that this contentipt of eath was peculiari sestered by the stem discipline of Spartan education, hic is answered by the instance of Theodorus cp. Virg. Ae. q. 35. 9o. Quid, 'eli then. 92. Rex : o Thrace Lysimachus as ne of Alexander the reat's generais, ho secured the throne o Thrace, in the division o Alexander'sempire aster his de ath. 93. Istis purpuratis tuis, o u scarlet-clad courtiers. 96. Rem in apposition illi' aliquid dicendum. 97. De nihil sentiendo of the factahat no seel in grema in aster death.' Nihil sentire cis to e regarde a a sortis compound verb, and nihil sentiendo 'cis the ablative of the verbal substantive. Excepi sor ome specialreason the gerundive constructio is alway used illi repositio iis, i the
99. In quo moritur, 'in hicli his de allicis described. The 'Crit, os
Plato. Io I. Urgeret, Mas close at hand ': sed here absolutely. The fuit expression ould urgeret eum, was pressin hard pon hi m. 'IO 2. Multam vero- consumpsi, why, I have was ted a deal of pa insto no purpo se . . Socrates ad been arguin that a man 's real et was his foui, hicli test the od a dea th. IOS. Assequi, catch. 'Io 6. Sepelito. Observe the future imperative. See note o h p. Io 7. Praeclare suppi dicit. his as eli sal of him, sor he qui, wit subj. both gave his friend permission and showed that he did
Io9. Et is quidem-asperius, Mith the fame conviction, ut, a Wasnatural in a Cynic philosopher, more coarSely Xpressed.' III. Minime vero, oh no. II 3. Ponitote, future imperative, Oou hali put.
II 3. Qui old ablative, iois 'II 6. Si quid ei accidisset. A common euphemis sor i hedi ed':
more sully, si quid mihi humanitus accidisset Cic. Phil. . . ra σχω is used in the fame a in reela: Μαρδονίου si τι παθη, λογο ουδεὶ γίνεται di 8. ΙΟΣ. II 7. Undique enim-viae est, it is the fame distance to the therworid Domini potnis. 21. 2. Cum dictis: it his doctrine that pat was the greates evit. S. stand sor salutem, illi,hicli suppi dicit. Thicis a regula formula sor the eginning of a letter. Sometimes a longe soria is sed, S. P. D. salutem plurimam dicit. 3. Ageremus-scribebamus-aderant. Observe the enses. As a considerable intervat usuali elapsed etween the writin and the receivingo a letter, t was usual with the Romans for the writer to emplo the tenses which wouldae sui table to the time heia the letter a read Theanglislii diom ill require them to e altered to the present. am ritin this onthe las da of m Ese, a very happy one. I have such terribi susserings,' c. 6. Compensabatur-capiebam the fame enses, to e change in Englisti into the present. 8. Rationum, theories. Io Metrodori. Metrodorus had been a favourite disciple an intimatostiendis Epicurus, and had tedaesore him. II. Iam, inster his.'I . Salvusne esset clypeus To lose thoeshield in batile was a great dis. grace the hieldaein usuali tost byaeing thrown way by those horaed. I 6 Essentne fusi hostes Englishmen ill compare the cenem Nelson ' death, and that of Generat Wolse at the talain o Quebec Α.D. I759. For ome moment hecia motioni ess, with no the signi dis than heavybreathingis a sitfled groan. All at once an ossicer,ho stoo by exclaimed, Te how the ruit' sho ruta γ' cried olla, ageri rai si nihimselfin his et boW. The enemy,' an swere the ossicer the give a in alidi rections.' The God e pratsed V aid olla, after a hori pause: dshal die happy. These ere his ast ords h again seli bacla, an turning on his fide, as fi a sudde convulsion expired.' Mahon' Histor ofΕngland vol. , Chap. 35. 2I. Quum esset proposita, ,henaeiadae reaim the cholceis.'a . Lectulis. The diminutive here suggest the de of the ordinarycharacter of such deallis, a compared with hos of great heroesin the si eido batile. 22. I. In scholas, Vin the lecture-roonas of philosophers. σχολη, literar leisure, Was sed firs sor dearne discussion, 'philosophy, and then
secondi so the place here suc subjecis ere raught becauge ali suci, purguit os iterature a looked o by the Greelas a the occupatio ofleisure time, hicli a spare hom the real busines of life the uties of a
3. Cleobis et Biton his stor is tot by Solon to Croesus in Het.
5. Ius esset, 'cit a the proper hing. '9. Precata, in Mood esse tot supplied. Io Pietate, 'hei actis filial duty. 'I3. Usi in L ood, precata 'labove.16. Nihil certi, ashing for no definite reWard.' 18. Post eius diei diem tertium three days iso that time. agor of attractio sor die tertio post eum diem, like ante diem tertium Kalendas for die tertio ante Kalendas. 22. Hoc muneris, en O quantity rei dimensae, accordin toLat. Primer. 23. Non nasci. Cp. Soph. Oed Col. I 225
Andidi. I. 3I, in the stor o Cleobis and Biton διεδεξέ τε ν τουτοι τι
25. In Cresphonte. Theclines of Euripides a re
32. Terinaeum of Terina, a Gree est o the est coastis Bruttii. 33. Psychomantium, ψυχομντειον, a place here the spirit of the deaxwere conjurerdip. 39. Rebus, by acis, not meret hv ords. 3. Exquisitius, ' very elaborately.'46. Repetunt ab Erechtheo, the go ac to Erechtheus. Thiswas Erechtheus the econd. in o Athens. When an oracle demande thesacrifice of ne of his four aughters in a War ith leusis, the ali Mursacrificed themselves. 8. Codrum is to e regarde a depending on sonae ord like memorant, implied sto the repetunt above. 5 I. Menoeceus In the 'ar thes Seven against Thebes, the
prophet Tiresias declared that the Thebans ould conque is Menoeceus sacrificed himself sor his country, hichae did. 56. Nostros the Roman heroes. 23. 2. Haberetur The ood implies that it Was par of the question, notis explanation ut in by the writer The question as hether Archelaus bella in genera estimation fortunatissimus, the luckies of men, Wasno proved thereb toae ' beatus, trul happy. 5. Ain tu, i. e. aisne,' 'do ou say goy i. e. ,hat o ou nieany τί δαἱ: in Plato. 9. An ego possim, ne hal o a Conditional sentence the ther, si tentem, o sonae suci phrase, ein implied How could II 'I6. In epitaphio, 'in his funera oration. The Menexenus ' o Plato,srom hicli this is quoted contain a funerat speech whicli Socrates relatesas havin been spolien by Aspasia, ut hicli contain his own sentiments. The previous dialogue is translate stom Plato' 'Gorgias.'17. Cui- comparata est, 'he man who has verything hicli tendsto malae lis happy attache to imself, instea of their ein dependenton the good or ad fortune Dothers, an so obliged to solio whata appensio thers and hist illi them, his an has attaine the true method ofliving eli. 2I. IH moderatus, the true good man, the naan who it thegoiden mean oderatus is the translation of the Gree σὐpρων. Et ascentibus et cadentibus, ,hether the come o go.'25. Spem sui, hopes for himself.'2g. I. Diodotus as a frien o Cicero's, and lived illi im. me ted in Cicero' house, an test in his property. a. Esset the conditiona claus is omitted 'Si quis diceret 'o sonae suci claus is implied.
3. Fidibus uteretur, played on the lyre.' usi occupie an important place in the training of the discipies of Pythagoras, an many osthei speculative theories an mora doctrines ere foundeLon the law of
6. Geometriae munus tuebatur, te aught geometry, was a professor of geometry.
mentions here. Io. Puero ut uno esset comitatior, that he had ne bo more toattendis him, i. e. than he would have had therwise Literalty that he was more attende by in the degre of one boy. Puero is ablativus mensurae, o a it is also called, o quantityi os disserenco It is to ecaresuli distinguished frona the abi. of comparison. II. Sit si liceat, Mouldie, i ii ere allo ed. The fuit sentence ouldb si liceat id facere quod licet quibusdam Graecis. He meansiegging.
I3. Valetudinum. The plurat is rare. It means different ind of ill-health, infirmities. 'Subsidia valetudinum means contrivances torei levemur infirmities. 14. Scilicet, no doubt, 'it is true.' expresse the grantin os something hich, as farras it goes, is against the writer' o speaher' argument. I 5. Bona mala, good rom evit. The conjunctio is omitte by a common Latin idio belween patrs of opposites. I p. Notione rerum, 'nowledge.'2O. Nun in extremitate consisteret, Nas bounded by no horigon.'22. Eius picturam non poesi videmus, iis ritings are ather
pictures that e se than poenas.'
29. Hic ipse the man we are speaking f.' 35. Eiusque laudare fortunas There are o mord exacti to this effect in the word whic Homer ut into the mouit os Polyphemus, ut Cicero nee mean o more than that the speech implies an suggest thecontrast hichae raws. 39. Surdaster, stigiis deas, ' hard of hearing. The termination -aster is more commoni used withis ames of ree o planis to signis the inferior or i ldaind of them, oleaster, the wild olive It is apparently a Lindis diminutive in ei ther ense.
o. Male audiebat There is a playin the mord here, Male audiebat might mea the fame as erat surdaster': ut it also means-and thisis hat Cicero means to imply- he hado ad reputation, literalty hewas illi spolienis. Cp. Hor. Ep. I. 7, 38 Rexque paterque Audisti bo have been called by me . Ando. 6 17 Tu recte vivis si curas esse quod audis' i yo talae care to e hat ou are sal to e .
Graece nesciunt, 'don' understand Greela. Suppi loqui.' . At, aut, o Will say. Statin an objectiora in orde to ans er t. More usuali expressed by at enim. 5 I. Caecos ad aurium traducebamus voluptatem, Me sal that the lind could et o the pleasures of hearing : literalty transferre thebl in to the leasures of hearing that is, da id that the could o to thepleagures of the ne sense instea of thos of the ther of whicli the were deprived. 56. Qui primum-hominem, in the rs place these of them-selves ut an en to lila. 'Conficiunt.' as e liould say setile the
57. Tamen Inserte bemus naturali the ain Would not e both acute and chronio.
59. Quid est tandem quod laboremus 3 What reason is there onearth, hy e liould erat a los what o do γ' 6o. Nihil sentiendi See bove oriri o. 63. In tua potestate. He means that Perses could escape the disgraceos belli ted in triumph by puttin an endo his own se. Perses a thelas hin os AIacedonia, ho was de se aled by Aemilius Paullus at the batile o Pydna 1684. C.
25. I. Sed utilitatis- peccatur, aut it is in matters of state that wroniis mos osten done ori a false te of expediency. Re publica is notissed here in iis more ordinar sense so the state iis et Let. In Corinthi disturbatione nostri, when e demolished Corinth.' Corinthi and nostri' gen os nos 'hare both dependent on disturbatione ' nostri 'aeing the en of the subjecto Corinthi of the objeci. Is turnedint a sentenc it ould Nos disturbavimus Corinthum. Cicero is re- serring to the capture an destruction o Corinth by Ilummius, 1 6 B. C., when ali iis orlas Dari ere carrie orto Rome. Durius : Suppi egerunt.' . Nimis imminebat Aegina Piraeeo. Pericles sexto ait Aegina the yesore of the Petraeus τὶ λῆμι η του Πειραιέα s. The Aeginetans eresor long rival of Athens at ea. 8. Exterminant, χXpe them sto in thei territories, the literat sense of the word, rom ex ' an terminus. He is reserring to suci measures asthe Spartan ξενηλασία, a sortis alien act.
9. Pennus . . unius Pennus in I 26 B. C. ein tribune os the plebs, brought sorwar lex de peregrinis or alienisci ordering ali soreignersto leave Rome, hich, as opposed by C. Gracchus, ut carri ed. Papius. C. Papius proposed a similiaresa in 65 . C. Nam is elliptical, that sor hicli ita ives the reasonaeing omitted. The Lex Papia containe a claus inflictin punishment ii thoseolio ad assume the ranchise illio ut an real laim, and this Cicero considers just. He means there re do no mean to in fauit illi Papius lawaltogether, for c. 9. Esse pro cive- licere, cit is right to sorbi any one hocis notreatly a citi gen to se the rights of a citi Zen. 'I 2. Inhumanum, in civili sed . 13. Illa praeclara, i. e. sunt,' 'hos are nobi actions. Prae, in comparison illi.' I9. Obscuret, eclipses.
22. Cyrsilum Herodotus oes no mention his story, ut 9 5 hetelis a simila stor of one Lycidas bella stone to eath sor proposin toaccepi ternas osse reda Mardonius at theaeginning of the solio in year.
28. Non opus esse. litotes 'it was unde si rabie.'3O. Subducta esset, Was haut e uinon theae ach. 32. Necesse esset. Esse ' Ouid have been more natura ac quo in et eo, and the sentenceris reali coordinate, o sub ordinate.
33. Contione This is the me sto of the word, ot concione '
Contio is a contractionis co-ventio, fro. Con-venire.'Magna X spectatione, ,here ali,ere agerly watting him.'35. Quod honestum non esset his is oratio obliqua, as putaverimi is practicali verbum dicendi.'26. I. archimedis The stor of Archimedes 'ill e found in the
account of the lege of Πacusea Marcellus in the secondiunic War. Quum esse omnino negarent, ,ho aid that it a notrahere at ali.'3. Tenebam, remembered. q. Senariolos, sOme lines, i. e. of poetry senarius is an iambic lineo si feei. 5. Sphaeram cum cylindro As symbols of his fame as a mathematician. 7. Portas Achradinas Achradina a the quarter of Syracus whichwas furthes inland and the porta Achradina' a the at toward the
interior o Sicily. See a plan of Πacuse in milli' Histor of Greece, p. 337. It was the custo both of Greelas and Roman to bur thei dead
13. Ad adversam basim, to the front of the pedestat.'I . pigramma, in inscription.' Exesis dimidiatis fere, Mith the end of the lines destroyed, to the extent of nearly hali, literalty so that the were almost halved.'I7. Unius unus With a superlative add force to it the leverest f
I8. Homine Arpinate. Cicero as a native of Arpinum, an is sondos Iastin of ein a set made man novus homo, Who ad rat sed himselfi liis own abilities and Xertions. 27. 2. Dionysius, the et de of the two. 3. Qua pulchritudine urbem, io beautisul a city, abi. of quali ty. 7. Eum dem tamen, aut at the a me time.'IO. Omnia se posse, that he could do anythinga liked. Facere' is omitted in such phrases a this. I 3. Abundaretque-propinquorum, and ad plent of equali to e intimate illi an relative so associales.'15. Familiis, instablishments.' Quibus- detraxerat, 'o homae ad give thei Deedom, so a toestabiisti a claim o thei gratitude.2o. Sordido. Sordidus is sed of anythin Which was unworthyis an ingenuus o Dee-bom citiZen or as e liould say, uniit sor a genti eman. Artificio,' trade. Translate, fracti sed a mea trade fit ni for serving-
26. Locrensem, of Locri on the outh-east coas o Bruttii in South
Italy, calle so distinctio 'Locri Epizephyrii' the estern .
Sic ventitabat ut specularetur, me neve visited them ithout recon-noi tring. 28. Cubiculari lecto. Stricti speali iniit was the ed-chamber, notthe ed which was surrounded by the rench. 29. Transitum coniunXisset, had made a passage acros S.'3I. Communibus suggestis, the ordinar platfornas.' Suggestum' was a rat sed platkr frona hicli the speaher add res sed thei audience. 37. Quia demonstravisset, subj. ecaus it is oratio obliqua, eingste reason hichae assigne fortis act. o. Impotentium, 'hose ho putio limit to thei destres. Impotens' is sed first,ith a genitive o limitation, irae, amoris, animi impotens,' and then absolutet to expres inabilit to contro temper o passions and
so comes o mean generalty in restra ined,' violent, excessive, immoderate. It is a favourite or in his sage illi Cicero. p. Hor. d. I. 37, IO, O Cleopatra, quidlibet impotens Sperare, fortunaque dulci Ebria. And 3. 3o, 3 aquilo impotens. Huic illi, one,' another. 42. Indicavit, betrayed, literati a legat term ' gave eviden ce or information against himself. Indico is norae an index is informer. Quam beatus, io litile happy.'5o Magnificis operibus picto, embroidere With gorgeous orla': picto agrees illi stragulo.
SI Argent auroque caelato, Mith gold an silver plate.'5 . Conquisitissimis, mos recherche. 57. Aptum astened.' aptus is properi a participi e frona the sameroo as lapiscor, adipiscor, obtain. 58. Cervicibus. eruta is notis sed in the singular, excepi in poetryand the later pro Se-writerS. 6o. Iam Soon' defluebant, ,ere removed froni hi hea d.' 62. Satisne videtur more emphati than the simple nonne satis 3
hut theanglislicidioni requires the insertior of the negative Do ou notth in that Dionysius has give satisfactor pro of Τ' 64. Ne integrum quidem erat, cit a no even ope to im .' See notem j I 3. 65. Iis, such, sollowed by a consecutive ut. 68. Desideraret, Missed. ' Desidero is rio se et the los of somethingwhichoo once had; an neve in good Latin means sinapi to des ire.'69 Pythagoreis duobus. his stor is tot in early the sanie ord sabove, M. 73. Societate victus, the sociat interco urse false.'75. A puero, drom hildhood.
75. Artibus ingenuis, the liberat aris, A the educationis a genti eman. Musicorum, ac complishmenis', it is a more genera terni than ur music. 77. Nihil ad rem, noth in to the purpo se. In hoc genere, 'in his subject, i. e. Poetry.
Nescio quo pacto, dometio orither.'79. Aquinio mentione d also by Catullus Carm. 4, 8 as a contemptibi poet Noth in eis is known of him.
8o. Me delectant mea. Cicero' vanit Was in noth in more conspicuous than in his false idea of his own poetical owers. He rote severat poenas, an osten quo te passages rom them in his the writ ings. Theywere the objecti much ridicule amon his countrymen. 8 I. Omni cultu- carebat, iue lost ali re finem ent, ali the accompaniment os civili sed lise.'83. Qui esset. Qui has here a suri a be in consecutive, i. e. as representin a cla Ss, and soaein equivalent to talis t. 2 S. I. Darius his is Darius the Third, urna me Codomannus, thelast in o Persia, conquered by Alexander the reat. 3. Videlicet, the pia in ea Son as.' Ptolemaeus It is no certa in hicli of the Ptolemi es this was It was geli erat a me of the Macedo iii an kings of Egypt . . Comitibus non consecutis, lavin ovis trippe his attendanis': literalty iis attendant nota a vin come up ithaim.'5. Cibarius panis, coarse read. 7. Contentius, very vigorous ly' contente 'i literalty with stra inedinia scies, fron contendo.
9. Obsonare, ' was urveying, storia Gree ὀψωνέω oi ον υ νεο iath togo to market, lit. to bu οφον, sisti, ruit, c. Io Philitiis, φιλιτια or φειδιτια the alter probabi a comi perversiono the ormer were names gi ven to the frugal me ais talaen a the Spartan public tables συσσιτια See Dictis Ant unde 'Syssilia. II. Iure, iroth. I a Caenae caput, the hie disti a the meat, the piecede resistance. I . Ad, o the bank of I7. Ut quidquid ; a very unu sua and irregular Xpression As ut and quidquid a re both relatives, the could no regulari occur in the fame clause. Ut quidque Would e the more regula expression or ut quid,' like si quid. Perhaps ut quidquid ma be sed to Xpres more emphaticali anything hatever, hic h.'18. Quod modo non sit, risint it e no contrar to thei nature. Quod talae the subj a bella conditionat, equivalent to si modo id.' et o More doctae, 'aught y thei traditions.'33. Nasturtium, ' cress. en Cyr. I. 2 8 φερονται δε οἴκοθεν σιτον μεν ἄρτον, isto δε ρδαμον Butae say this ni of the boys. 26. Siccitatem, De edom stomaum ours.