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기본형: modus, modī
Expavit Isaac stupore vehementi ultra modum et ait: " Quis igitur ille est, qui dudum captam venationem attulit mihi, et comedi ex omnibus, priusquam tu venires? Benedixique ei, et erit benedictus! ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 27 27:33)
그러자 이사악이 깜짝 놀라 몸을 떨면서 말하였다. “그렇다면 사냥을 해서 나에게 고기를 가져온 자는 누구란 말이냐? 네가 오기 전에 나는 이미 그것을 다 먹고, 그에게 축복해 주었다. 그러니 그가 복을 받을 것이다.” (불가타 성경, 창세기, 27장 27:33)
Auditis Esau sermonibus patris, irrugiit clamore magno et amaro ultra modum et ait patri suo: " Benedic etiam mihi, pater mi! ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 27 27:34)
에사우는 아버지의 말을 듣고 비통에 차 큰 소리로 울부짖으며 아버지에게 말하였다. “아버지, 저에게, 저에게도 축복해 주십시오.” (불가타 성경, 창세기, 27장 27:34)
ditatusque est homo ultra modum et habuit greges multos, ancillas et servos, camelos et asinos. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 30 30:43)
이렇게 해서 야곱은 대단한 부자가 되어, 수많은 양과 염소뿐만 아니라 여종과 남종, 낙타와 나귀들을 거느리게 되었다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 30장 30:43)
Tres scyphi quasi in nucis modum in calamo uno sphaerulaeque simul et flores; et tres similiter scyphi instar nucis in calamo altero sphaerulaeque simul et flores: hoc erit opus sex calamorum, qui producendi sunt de hastili. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 25 25:33)
가지 하나에 꽃받침과 꽃잎을 갖춘 편도 꽃 모양의 잔 세 개, 또 다른 가지에 꽃받침과 꽃잎을 갖춘 편도 꽃 모양의 잔 세 개를 만들어라. 등잔대에서 벋어 나온 가지 여섯 개를 모두 이처럼 만들어라. (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 25장 25:33)
In ipso autem hastili candelabri erunt quattuor scyphi in nucis modum sphaerulaeque et flores. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 25 25:34)
등잔대 원대에는 꽃받침과 꽃잎을 갖춘 편도 꽃 모양의 잔 네 개를 만들어라. (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 25장 25:34)
1. Modus, in a moral sense, denotes the μέτριον, or the included notion of the μηδὲν ἄγαν in objective relation; modestia and moderatio, in subjective relation; Modestia is the feeling of preference for this modus; moderatio, the habit of acting in conformity to this feeling. 2. Moderatio is moderation, as springing from the understanding, from calculation and reflection, akin to prudentia; temperatio and temperantia are qualities pervading the whole man, and ennobling his whole being, akin to sapientia. Moderatio supposes, like self-government, a conflict between the passions and reason, in which reason comes off conqueror; in temperatio, as in tranquillity of mind, the reason is already in possession of superiority, whether through nature or moral worth. 3. Temperatus, temperatio, denote merely a laudable property, which may belong even to things; whereas temperans, temperantia, a virtue of which reasonable beings alone are capable. 4. Moderatio denotes moderation in action, in opp. to cupiditas; whereas continentia, moderation in enjoyment, in opp. to libido, Cic. Cat. ii. 11, 25. Verr. iv. 52. 5. Continentia denotes command over sensual desires, continence; abstinentia, over the desire for that which belongs to another, firm integrity; the translation of abstinentia by ‘disinterestedness,’ is not precise enough, for this virtue is required by morality only, abstinentia, by law also. Quintil. v. 10, 89. Cic. Sext. 16. 6. Modestia shuns overstepping the right measure, out of regard to the morals which the modus prescribes; whereas verecundia and reverentia out of regard to persons, whom the verecundus is afraid of displeasing, and whom the reverens thinks worthy of respect; lastly, pudor, out of self-respect, that one may not bring one’s self into contempt. Varro, ap. Non. Non te tui saltem pudet, si nihil mei revereare. Terent. Phorm. i. 5, 3. or ii. 1, 3. Non simultatem meam revereri? Saltem pudere? (ii. 203.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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