라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []


  • (solum의 단수 속격형) 바닥의

    형태분석: sol(어간) + ī(어미)


2변화 명사; 중성 상위1000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: solum, solī

  1. 바닥, 밑, 밑바닥, 기초
  2. 포장, 층
  3. 땅, 흙, 대지, 토양
  4. 발바닥
  5. 국가, 국토, 지역, 구역 (넓은 의미로)
  1. The lowest part of something; bottom, ground, base, foundation, bed.
  2. The floor or pavement of a room.
  3. Ground, earth, land, soil.
  4. The sole of the foot.
  5. (by extension) Land, country, region, place.

격변화 정보

단수 복수
주격 solum




속격 solī




여격 solō




대격 solum




탈격 solō




호격 solum





  • Sic nos diversa tendentes et in causa finali de proprietate soli, immo viae herciscundae contendentes, rapinis suis onusti coram deprehendunt ipsi latrones et ad lunae splendorem iam inde longius cognitos risu maligno salutant; (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 6 7:8)

    (아풀레이우스, 변신, 6권 7:8)

  • Sed dum solus licentius fluit, spatia longa et lata sensim praelabens, et ea coartans prope exitum in angustias, accolas ab impetu Romanorum alveo Danubii defendit, a barbaricis vero excursibus suo tutos praestat obstaculo, ubi pleraque umidioris soli natura, et incrementis fluminum redundantia, stagnosa sunt et referta salicibus, ideoque invia, nisi perquam gnaris; (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XVII, chapter 13 4:2)

    (암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 13장 4:2)

  • quo Troici defensor et vindex soli (Seneca, Troades 488:1)

    (세네카, 488:1)

  • Neminem enim sanum debere facere sumptus in cultura sterilis soli, nec rursus pestilenti quamvis feracissimo pinguique agro dominum ad fructus pervenire. (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 1, chapter 3 2:1)

    (콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 1권, 3장 2:1)

  • Sed nunc potius uberioris soli meminerimus, cuius demonstranda est duplex tractatio, culti et silvestris. (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 2, chapter 2 8:1)

    (콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 2권, 2장 8:1)

유의어 사전

Solum, fundus, vadum, denote the natural ground and bottom of a thing; solum, that of the earth, on which one can place a firm foot, in opp. to the movable elements air and water; fundus (from fodere, βυθός,) that of a vessel, in opp. to the remaining space in the vessel; vadum (ἕδος) that of a river, ocean, or sea, in opp. to the water, which flows into it, or to standing water; whereas fundamentum denotes a foundation artificially laid, on which a building, etc. rests, and which, in addition to the solum, it particularly needs. Hence the proverbial phrase, Omnis res jam in vado est; like a swimmer who has reached the bottom of the water: and Largitio fundum non habet, like the vessel of the Danaides. Cic. Brut. 74. Solum et quasi fundamentum oratoris vides. (v. 35.)

Tellus denotes the earth as a whole, as the centre of the universe, as a goddess, in opp. to other bodies in the universe, or other divinities, like Γαῖα, Γῆ; whereas terra (τέρσω, torreo,) as matter and one of the elements in opp. to the other elements, like γαῖα, γῆ); solum (ὅλον) as a solid element, in opp. especially to water, like πέδον; lastly, humus (χθών, χαμαί), as the lowest part of the visible world, in opp. to the sky, like χθών. Hence the derivative terrenus is in opp. to igneus; solidus is in opp. to fluidus; lastly, humilis, in opp. to sublimis. (i. 173.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 바닥

  2. 발바닥

  3. 국가

    • ōra (지역, 지방, 국가)
    • tellūs (땅, 국가, 지방)


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