라틴어-한국어 사전 검색

veritī erāmus

고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []


  • (vereor의 과거완료 능동태 직설법 1인칭 복수형 ) (우리는) 존경했었다

    형태분석: verit(어간) + ī(어미)


2변화 동사; 이상동사 상위1000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: vereor, verērī, veritus sum

어원: 1 VEL-

  1. 존경하다, 존중하다
  2. 경외하다, 두려워하다
  1. I have respect for, revere, stand in awe.
  2. I am afraid, fear; dread.

활용 정보


직설법 능동태

현재단수 vereor

(나는) 존경한다

verēris, verēre

(너는) 존경한다


(그는) 존경한다

복수 verēmur

(우리는) 존경한다


(너희는) 존경한다


(그들은) 존경한다

과거단수 verēbar

(나는) 존경하고 있었다

verēbāris, verēbāre

(너는) 존경하고 있었다


(그는) 존경하고 있었다

복수 verēbāmur

(우리는) 존경하고 있었다


(너희는) 존경하고 있었다


(그들은) 존경하고 있었다

미래단수 verēbor

(나는) 존경하겠다

verēberis, verēbere

(너는) 존경하겠다


(그는) 존경하겠다

복수 verēbimur

(우리는) 존경하겠다


(너희는) 존경하겠다


(그들은) 존경하겠다

완료단수 veritus sum

(나는) 존경했다

veritus es

(너는) 존경했다

veritus est

(그는) 존경했다

복수 veritī sumus

(우리는) 존경했다

veritī estis

(너희는) 존경했다

veritī sunt

(그들은) 존경했다

과거완료단수 veritus eram

(나는) 존경했었다

veritus erās

(너는) 존경했었다

veritus erat

(그는) 존경했었다

복수 veritī erāmus

(우리는) 존경했었다

veritī erātis

(너희는) 존경했었다

veritī erant

(그들은) 존경했었다

미래완료단수 veritus erō

(나는) 존경했겠다

veritus eris

(너는) 존경했겠다

veritus erit

(그는) 존경했겠다

복수 veritī erimus

(우리는) 존경했겠다

veritī eritis

(너희는) 존경했겠다

veritī erunt

(그들은) 존경했겠다

접속법 능동태

현재단수 verear

(나는) 존경하자

vereāris, vereāre

(너는) 존경하자


(그는) 존경하자

복수 vereāmur

(우리는) 존경하자


(너희는) 존경하자


(그들은) 존경하자

과거단수 verērer

(나는) 존경하고 있었다

verērēris, verērēre

(너는) 존경하고 있었다


(그는) 존경하고 있었다

복수 verērēmur

(우리는) 존경하고 있었다


(너희는) 존경하고 있었다


(그들은) 존경하고 있었다

완료단수 veritus sim

(나는) 존경했다

veritus sīs

(너는) 존경했다

veritus sit

(그는) 존경했다

복수 veritī sīmus

(우리는) 존경했다

veritī sītis

(너희는) 존경했다

veritī sint

(그들은) 존경했다

과거완료단수 veritus essem

(나는) 존경했었다

veritus essēs

(너는) 존경했었다

veritus esset

(그는) 존경했었다

복수 veritī essēmus

(우리는) 존경했었다

veritī essētis

(너희는) 존경했었다

veritī essent

(그들은) 존경했었다

명령법 능동태

현재단수 verēre

(너는) 존경해라

복수 verēminī

(너희는) 존경해라

미래단수 verētor

(네가) 존경하게 해라


(그가) 존경하게 해라

복수 verentor

(그들이) 존경하게 해라


능동태 verērī


veritus esse


veritūrus esse


수동태 veritum īrī



능동태 verēns






수동태 verendus



형태 veritum

존경하기 위해




  • Quia timor, quem timebam, evenit mihi, et, quod verebar, accidit. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 3 3:25)

    두려워 떨던 것이 나에게 닥치고 무서워하던 것이 나에게 들이쳐 (불가타 성경, 욥기, 3장 3:25)

  • vereor omnes dolores meos, sciens quod non iustificaveris me. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 9 9:28)

    저의 모든 고통이 두렵기만 한데 당신께서 저를 죄 없다 않으실 것을 저는 압니다. (불가타 성경, 욥기, 9장 9:28)

  • Abominantur me et longe fugiunt a me et faciem meam conspuere non verentur. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 30 30:10)

    그들은 나를 역겨워하며 내게서 멀어지고 내 얼굴에다 서슴지 않고 침을 뱉는구려. (불가타 성경, 욥기, 30장 30:10)

  • Nam peccator centies facit malum et prolongat sibi dies; verumtamen novi quod erit bonum timentibus Deum, qui verentur faciem eius. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiastes, 8 8:12)

    악인이 백 번 악을 저지르고서도 오래 살기 때문이다. 그러나 나는 하느님을 경외하는 이들이 그분 앞에서 경외심을 가지므로 잘되리라는 것도 알고 있다. (불가타 성경, 코헬렛, 8장 8:12)

  • Non enim subtrahet personam cuiusquam Deus nec verebitur magnitudinem cuiusquam, quoniam pusillum et magnum ipse fecit, et aequaliter cura est illi de omnibus; (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Sapientiae, 6 6:7)

    만물의 주님께서는 누구 앞에서도 움츠러들지 않으시고 누가 위대하다고 하여 어려워하지도 않으신다. 작거나 크거나 다 그분께서 만드셨고 모두 똑같이 생각해 주신다. (불가타 성경, 지혜서, 6장 6:7)

유의어 사전

1. Vereri (ὁρᾶν?) like αἰδεῖσθαι, has its foundation in what is strikingly venerable; metuere and timere, like δεῖσαι; and φοβεῖσθαι, in the threatening danger of an object. The timens and metuens fear the danger; the verens, the disgrace and shame. Cic. Phil. xii. 12. Quid? veteranos non veremur? nam timeri ne ipsi quidem volunt. Sen. 11, 37. Metuebant eum servi, verebantur liberi, carum omnes habebant. Liv. xxxix. 37. Veremur quidem vos Romani et si ita vultis etiam timemus. Afran. ap. Gell. xv. 13. Ubi malunt metui, quam vereri se ab suis. Senec. Ir. iii. 32. Quibusdam timeamus irasci, quibusdam vereamur. 2. Metus (ματᾶν) is fear, only as the anticipation of an impending evil, and reflection upon it, the apprehension that proceeds from foresight and prudence, like δέος, synonymously with cautio; whereas timor (from τρέμω), the fear that proceeds from cowardice and weakness. Or, metus is an intellectual notion; fear, as from reflection, in opp. to spes; for instances, see Cic. Verr. ii. 54. Off. ii. 6. Liv. xxx. 9. Suet. Aug. 25. Tac. H. i. 18. Ann. ii. 12, 38. Sen. Ep. 5. Suet. Aug. 5. Cels. ii. 6. Curt. viii. 6:—whereas timor is a moral notion, fear as a feeling, in opp. to fiducia, animus. Cic. Divin. ii. 31. Att. v. 20. Rull. i. 8. Sallust. Jug. ii. 3. Tac. Hist. ii. 80. Plin. Ep. v. 17. 3. In the like manner are spes, hope, and fiducia, confidence, distinguished. Sen. Ep. 16. Jam de te spem habeo, nondum fiduciam. Tac. Agr. 2. Nec spem modo ac votum securitas publica, sed ipsius voti fiduciam ac robur assumpserit. Suet. Cl. 10. Aliquanto minore spe quam fiducia. Liv. x. 25. Curt. ix. 4, 25. 4. Timor denotes fear, as a temporary state; timiditas, fearfulness, as an habitual quality, which is connected with ignavia, as a more precise expression for the more general feeling. Lactant. iii. 17. Epicurus . . . ignavum prohibet accedere ad rem publicam, pigrum exercere, timidum militare. Ignavia is inaptitude for any noble action, and particularly for deeds of valor; timiditas is, under certain circumstances, excusable; ignavia is absolutely blamable. 5. Metus and timor have their foundation in reflection, whereby a person is made clearly aware of the object and ground of his apprehension; whereas horror and formido is an immediate feeling, which overpowers the understanding by the dreadful image of the nearness of some horrid object, and can give no account of the ground of its fear; formido (fremere) expresses this state immediately as a state of mind, like ὀῤῥωδία; whereas horror (χέρσος) as the bodily expression of this state, by the hair standing on end, the eyes wildly staring, etc., like φρίκη. Tac. H. iv. 45. Metus per omnes ac præcipua Germanici militis formido. (ii. 190.)

1. Vereri and revereri mean, to feel reverence; whereas venerari, to show reverence. Tac. Ann. xiv. 13; comp. venerationem sui with matris reverentia. 2. Vereri (ὁρᾶν?) denotes respect bordering on fear and bashfulness; whereas revereri, fear and bashfulness arising from respect. In vereri, fear, in revereri, respect is the principal notion: hence verecundia is the dread of exposing one’s self before the person respected; whereas reverentia, the calm consciousness that some one is worthy of this reverential feeling. 3. Venerari (ἄντεσθαι?) is used (at least in Cicero) only for demonstrations of reverence towards the gods and sacred things; observare, only for such demonstrations towards men; colere, towards either. Cic. Rep. i. 12. Ut . . . Africanum ut deum coleret Lælius, domi vicissim Lælium observaret in parentis loco Scipio. And, N. D. i. 42. ii. 28. The venerans seeks only to express due reverence, and by self-humiliation to avert the anger of the gods; the colens (from κόλαξ) seeks by acts of courtesy, of service, and of respect, to win the affection of some one, and the fruits of it, as from a cultivated field. Veneratio shows itself more in prayer; cultus, more in sacrifice: veneratio is more a single, transient act; cultus more a permanent expression of respect. Tac. H. i. 10. Vespasianus . . . Titum filium ad venerationem cultumque (ejus) miserat; that is, that he might do homage to the new emperor, and then also remain in his circle of courtiers. 4. Observare (from ἐρύεσθαι) involves a mere negative notion, and denotes having regard for, in opp. to slighting; yet is not, on this account, colere a stronger, observare a weaker term. Colere, indeed, involves more palpable activity, operam; whereas observare, more tender regard, pietatem; hence sometimes the one, sometimes the other, is the stronger expression. 5. Adorare is the most general expression for any sort of worship; whereas veneratio consists more in gestures, precatio in words. 6. Reveremur validas auctoritates; admiramur raras virtutes; suspicimus excellentia dignitate. At the same time it appears to me, that the reverens is in a state of silent awe; the admirans with the expression of loud, or at least visible enthusiasm; the suspiciens, under the image of one looking up to another with an humble feeling of his own inferiority. Revereri refers especially to moral; admirari, to intellectual and moral; suspicere, to any, even adventitious, pre-eminences. (ii. 185.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 존경하다

    • revereor (~를 놀라서 보다, 존경하다, 공경하다)
  2. 경외하다

    • formīdō (두려워하다, 염려하다, 무서워하다)
    • horreō (두려워하다, 무서워하다)
    • metuō (두려워하다, 겁내다, 무서워하다)
    • timeō (두려워하다, 무서워하다, 걱정하다)
    • revereor (~를 두려워하다, 경외하다)
    • paveō (~를 두려워하다, 무서워하다)
    • subtimeō (약간 두려워하다, 조금 무서워하다)


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