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  • (frequenter의 최상급형)



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기본형: frequenter

어원: frequēns(붐비는, 혼잡한)

  1. 종종, 자주, 흔히
  1. often, frequently, in great numbers
원급 비교급 최상급
부사 frequenter




  • Quid autem turpius quam quod evenit frequentissime, ut nihil intersit inter odium et beneficium ? (Seneca, De Beneficiis, Liber II 59:5)

    (세네카, 행복론, 59:5)

  • sed utrumque debet post vernum aequinoctium seri, et quam frequentissime seminarium primo anno sarriri; (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 5, chapter 9 5:2)

    (콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 5권, 9장 5:2)

  • ea translatione fortasse crebrior, qua frequentissime sermo omnis utitur non modo urbanorum, sed etiam rusticorum: (M. Tullius Cicero, ORATOR AD M. BRVTVM, chapter 24 2:4)

    (마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, , 24장 2:4)

  • quibus quia frequentissime Demosthenes utitur, sunt qui putent idcirco eius eloquentiam maxime esse laudabilem. (M. Tullius Cicero, ORATOR AD M. BRVTVM, chapter 39 3:2)

    (마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, , 39장 3:2)

  • Haec Eumolpo dicente mutabam ego frequentissime vultum, iniuriis scilicet inimici mei hilaris, commodis tristis. (Petronius, Satyricon, Fragmenta, and Poems, TITI PETRONI ARBITRI SATYRICON 92:20)

    (페트로니우스, 사티리콘, 92:20)

유의어 사전

1. Sæpe denotes often, in opp. to semel, Suet. Ner. 33; nonnunquam, Cic. Or. 66; semper, like πολλάκις; whereas crebro and frequenter, in opp. to raro, Rhet. ad Her. iv. 23. Cic. Or. 66; crebro, often, and in quick succession, and rather too often than too seldom, like θαμά; but frequenter (partic. from farcire) often, and not too seldom; for in general creber denotes a multifarious assembly, inasmuch as it is dense and crowded; whereas frequens, inasmuch as it is numerously attended. Consequently, frequens rather implies praise, like largus; creber, blame, like spissus. And frequentes senatores denote the senate, when represented as complete; crebri senatores, as wanting room on account of their number, and forced to sit close. 2. Frequentare means to visit a place often, and not neglect it: whereas celebrare, to visit it often, and thereby to enliven it, and to fill it with festive sounds. (i. 17.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 종종

    • plūries (자주, 종종, 반복적으로)
    • saepe (종종, 자주)


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