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기본형: initium, initiī
Post dies autem tres initi foederis, audierunt quod in vicino et inter eos habitarent. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iosue, 9 9:16)
그런데 그들과 계약을 맺은 지 사흘 만에, 이스라엘 사람들은 그들이 가까이 살 뿐만 아니라 바로 자기들 가운데에 산다는 말을 듣게 되었다. (불가타 성경, 여호수아기, 9장 9:16)
Has litteras Sisines, utpote innoxius, ad Alexandrum saepe deferre temptavit, sed cum tot curis apparatuque belli regem videret urgueri, aptius subinde tempus expectans suspicionem initi scelesti consilii praebuit. (Curtius Rufus, Quintus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, book 3, chapter 7 15:2)
(쿠르티우스 루푸스, 퀸투스, 알렉산드로스 대왕 전기, 3권, 7장 15:2)
Pronuntiari deinde iter in posterum iubet, ne qua noxiis initi consilii daretur nota. (Curtius Rufus, Quintus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, book 6, chapter 8 15:1)
(쿠르티우스 루푸스, 퀸투스, 알렉산드로스 대왕 전기, 6권, 8장 15:1)
trepidatum in Etruria est post Fidenas captas non Veientibus solum exterritis metu similis excidii, sed etiam Faliscis memoria initi primo cum iis belli, quamquam rebellantibus non adfuerant. (Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, Liber IV 246:1)
(티투스 리비우스, 로마 건국사, 246:1)
Callisthenes quoque tortus interiit, initi consilii in caput regis innoxius, sed haudquaquam aulae et adsentantium accommodatus ingenio. (Curtius Rufus, Quintus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, book 8, chapter 8 5:1)
(쿠르티우스 루푸스, 퀸투스, 알렉산드로스 대왕 전기, 8권, 8장 5:1)
1. Initium denotes the beginning in an abstract sense, as the mere point from which a thing begins, in opp. to exitus. Cic. Rosc. Com. 13, 39. Tusc. i. 38. Brut. 34. Sen. Ep. 9. N. Q. iii. 29; whereas principium denotes the beginning as a concrete notion, as that part of the whole which stands before the other parts in things, and goes before them in actions, in opp. to extremum. Cic. Cleunt. 4. Orat. 61, 204. Cæc. 15, 44. In initium the beginning is made only with reference to time; in principium the foundation also is laid with reference to space. The initium is pushed out of the way by that which follows; the principium serves as a basis for that which follows. The initia philosophiæ are the rudiments over which the scholar goes, and which are superseded by further studies; the principia are the fundamental principles, to which he must always recur. Initio usually means “at the beginning, but differently (or, not at all) afterwards;” whereas principio means from the very beginning, and so onwards. 2. Primordium is a more solemn and comprehensive term than principium, and supposes a whole of great extent, the beginning of which is so far removed that one can distinguish a merely apparent beginning from the actual and primeval source and origin. (iii. 163.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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