라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []


  • (certātiō의 단수 탈격형) 싸움으로

    형태분석: certātiōn(어간) + e(어미)


3변화 자음어간 변화 명사; 여성 자동번역 상위10000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: certātiō, certātiōnis

어원: 2 certo

  1. 싸움, 투쟁, 전투, 노력
  1. striving, strife, combat

격변화 정보

3변화 자음어간 변화
단수 복수
주격 certātiō




속격 certātiōnis




여격 certātiōnī




대격 certātiōnem




탈격 certātiōne




호격 certātiō





  • Militia colonica contra copias regias acerrime velitabatur, qua certatione multi utrinque occisi. (Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita, CAPUT TERTIUM. 5:29)

    (프란키스 글라스, , 5:29)

  • ubi cum timor atque ira in vicem sententias variassent, quo magis spatio interposito ab impetu ad consultandum avocabantur, eo plus abhorrebant a certatione animi, adeo ut Quinctio gratias agerent, quod eius opera mitigata discordia esset. (Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, Liber II 634:2)

    (티투스 리비우스, 로마 건국사, 634:2)

  • haec cum ab optimo quoque pro atrocitate rei accepta essent, vimque eam contra rem publicam et pernicioso exemplo factam senatus decresset, confestim Carvilii tribuni plebis omissa multae certatione rei capitalis diem Postumio dixerunt ac, ni vades daret, prendi a viatore atque in carcerem duci iusserunt. (Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, Liber XXV 52:1)

    (티투스 리비우스, 로마 건국사, 52:1)

  • Humanitatis optima est certatio. (Publilius Syrus, Sententiae, 2 2:25)

    (푸블릴리우스 시루스, 격언집, 2:25)

  • Cum essent autem homines imitabili docilique natura, cotidie inventionibus gloriantes alius alii ostendebant aedificiorum effectus, et ita exercentes ingenia certationibus in dies melioribus iudiciis efficiebantur. (Vitruvius Pollio, De Architectura, LIBER SECUNDUS, chapter 1 2:7)

    (비트루비우스 폴리오, 건축술에 관하여, , 1장 2:7)

유의어 사전

1. Imitari means merely the effort to produce something like some other thing, without any accessory moral notion; æmulari (from αἴσιμος) means, at the same time, to do something which shall gain equal or superior consideration, honor, and approbation, when compared with the thing imitated. Imitatio has in view only the thing itself, and is generally moderate and laudable; æmulatio has in view chiefly the person, who is already in possession of the quality worthy of imitation, and always seems more or less a passion, which deserves praise or blame, according as it has its foundation in the lover of honor, or in immoderate ambition. Plin. Ep. vii. 30. Demosthenis orationem habui in manibus, non ut æmularer (improbum enim ac pæne furiosum) at tamen imitarer ac sequerer tantum. Comp. i. 2, 2. viii. 5, 13. Quintil. i. 2, 26. Cic. Tusc. iv. 8, 17. 2. The æmulus is at first behind his opponent, and strives for a time only to come up to him, and be like him; whereas the certator and concertator are already on a par with their opponent, and strive to outdo him, and conquer him. 3. Æmulatio contends for superiority in any art; rivalitas, only for preference in estimation. Cic. Tusc. iv. 26, 56. Illa vitiosa æmulatione, quæ rivalitati similis est, quid habet utilitatis? 4. Imitatio is an effort to become something which a man at present is not, but fain would be, and really can become; whereas simulatio, an effort to pass for something which a man properly and naturally is not, nor ever can be. Imitatio is the means of attaining to an actual or presumptive ideal; whereas simulatio remains for ever a mere counterfeit. (iii. 64.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


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