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기본형: mōs, mōris
Nonne iste est sermo, quem loquebamur ad te in Aegypto dicentes: Recede a nobis, ut serviamus Aegyptiis? Multo enim melius erat servire eis quam mori in solitudine ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 14 14:12)
‘우리한테는 이집트인들을 섬기는 것이 광야에서 죽는 것보다 나으니, 이집트인들을 섬기게 우리를 그냥 놔두시오.’ 하면서 우리가 이미 이집트에서 당신에게 말하지 않았소?” (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 14장 14:12)
Ne agas nimis impie et noli esse stultus! Cur mori debeas in tempore non tuo? (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiastes, 7 7:17)
너는 너무 악하게 되지 말고 바보가 되지 마라. 어찌하여 네 시간이 되기 전에 죽으려 하느냐? (불가타 성경, 코헬렛, 7장 7:17)
Visi sunt oculis insipientium mori, et aestimata est afflictio exitus illorum, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Sapientiae, 3 3:2)
어리석은 자들의 눈에는 의인들이 죽은 것처럼 보이고 그들의 말로가 고난으로 생각되며 (불가타 성경, 지혜서, 3장 3:2)
et potius est mori sine filiis quam relinquere filios impios. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 16 16:4)
지각 있는 사람 하나로 한 도시가 번창하지만 무도한 가문 하나로 그 도시가 황폐하게 되리라. (불가타 성경, 집회서, 16장 16:4)
et elegerunt mori, ut non polluerentur escis et non profanarent testamentum sanctum, et moriebantur. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber I Maccabaeorum, 1 1:63)
(불가타 성경, 마카베오기 상권, 1장 1:63)
Consuetudo denotes the uniform observance of anything as a custom, arising from itself, and having its foundation in the inclination or convenience of an individual or people, ἔθος; whereas mos (modus) is the habitual observance of anything, as a product of reason, and of the self-conscious will, and has its foundation in moral views, or the clear dictates of right, virtue, and decorum, ἦθος; lastly, ritus denotes the hallowed observance of anything, either implanted by nature as an instinct, or introduced by the gods as a ceremony, or which, at any rate, cannot be traced to any human origin. Consuetudines are merely factitious, and have no moral worth; mores are morally sanctioned by silent consent, as jura and leges by formal decree; ritus (from ἀριθμόσ, ῥυθμός), are natural, and are hallowed by their primæval origin, and are peculiar to the animal. (v. 75.) 2. Ritus is a hallowed observance, as directed and taught by the gods or by nature; whereas cærimonia (κηδεμονία) is that which is employed in the worship of the gods.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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