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기본형: for, fārī, fātus sum
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | for (나는) 말한다 |
fāris, fāre (너는) 말한다 |
fātur (그는) 말한다 |
복수 | fāmur (우리는) 말한다 |
fāminī (너희는) 말한다 |
fantur (그들은) 말한다 |
과거 | 단수 | fābar (나는) 말하고 있었다 |
fābāris, fābāre (너는) 말하고 있었다 |
fābātur (그는) 말하고 있었다 |
복수 | fābāmur (우리는) 말하고 있었다 |
fābāminī (너희는) 말하고 있었다 |
fābantur (그들은) 말하고 있었다 |
미래 | 단수 | fābor (나는) 말하겠다 |
fāberis, fābere (너는) 말하겠다 |
fābitur (그는) 말하겠다 |
복수 | fābimur (우리는) 말하겠다 |
fābiminī (너희는) 말하겠다 |
fābuntur (그들은) 말하겠다 |
완료 | 단수 | fātus sum (나는) 말했다 |
fātus es (너는) 말했다 |
fātus est (그는) 말했다 |
복수 | fātī sumus (우리는) 말했다 |
fātī estis (너희는) 말했다 |
fātī sunt (그들은) 말했다 |
과거완료 | 단수 | fātus eram (나는) 말했었다 |
fātus erās (너는) 말했었다 |
fātus erat (그는) 말했었다 |
복수 | fātī erāmus (우리는) 말했었다 |
fātī erātis (너희는) 말했었다 |
fātī erant (그들은) 말했었다 |
미래완료 | 단수 | fātus erō (나는) 말했겠다 |
fātus eris (너는) 말했겠다 |
fātus erit (그는) 말했겠다 |
복수 | fātī erimus (우리는) 말했겠다 |
fātī eritis (너희는) 말했겠다 |
fātī erunt (그들은) 말했겠다 |
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | fer (나는) 말하자 |
fēris, fēre (너는) 말하자 |
fētur (그는) 말하자 |
복수 | fēmur (우리는) 말하자 |
fēminī (너희는) 말하자 |
fentur (그들은) 말하자 |
과거 | 단수 | fārer (나는) 말하고 있었다 |
fārēris, fārēre (너는) 말하고 있었다 |
fārētur (그는) 말하고 있었다 |
복수 | fārēmur (우리는) 말하고 있었다 |
fārēminī (너희는) 말하고 있었다 |
fārentur (그들은) 말하고 있었다 |
완료 | 단수 | fātus sim (나는) 말했다 |
fātus sīs (너는) 말했다 |
fātus sit (그는) 말했다 |
복수 | fātī sīmus (우리는) 말했다 |
fātī sītis (너희는) 말했다 |
fātī sint (그들은) 말했다 |
과거완료 | 단수 | fātus essem (나는) 말했었다 |
fātus essēs (너는) 말했었다 |
fātus esset (그는) 말했었다 |
복수 | fātī essēmus (우리는) 말했었다 |
fātī essētis (너희는) 말했었다 |
fātī essent (그들은) 말했었다 |
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | fāre (너는) 말해라 |
복수 | fāminī (너희는) 말해라 |
미래 | 단수 | fātor (네가) 말하게 해라 |
fātor (그가) 말하게 해라 |
복수 | fantor (그들이) 말하게 해라 |
현재 | 완료 | 미래 | |
능동태 | fārī 말함 |
fātus esse 말했음 |
fātūrus esse 말하겠음 |
수동태 | fātum īrī 말해지겠음 |
vincite ferro, verberum vis extrahat secreta mentis, Ipsa iam fabor. (Seneca, Phaedra 12:38)
(세네카, 파이드라 12:38)
verum animo redit illa meo sors cognita divum (fabor enim nec spe dubios solabor inani): (C. Valerius Catullus, Argonautica, C. Valeri Flacci Argonauticon Liber Quartus. 601:1)
(가이우스 발레리우스 카툴루스, 아르고나우티카, 601:1)
altera ponti eluctanda via et cursu, quem fabor, eundum est. (C. Valerius Catullus, Argonautica, C Valeri Flacci Argonautiocon Liber Octavus. 194:2)
(가이우스 발레리우스 카툴루스, 아르고나우티카, 194:2)
tibi fabor enim hoc loco excusat quaestionem futuram, quasi Veneri dolenti quae vera sunt dicat, sed aliter loquatur cunctis praesentibus dis: (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil, SERVII GRAMMATICI IN VERGILII AENEIDOS LIBRVM PRIMVM COMMENTARIVS., commline 261 252:3)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 252:3)
aut quia cum uno deo vel dea aliter loquitur - unde est in primo hic tibi, fabor enim, quando haec te cura remordet - , aliter vero cum omnibus diis utilitatis causa propter removendam eorum contentionem et dissensionem: (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil, SERVII GRAMMATICI IN VERGILII AENEIDOS LIBRVM DECIMVM COMMENTARIVS., commline 8 8:4)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 8:4)
1. Dicere denotes to say, as conveying information, in reference to the hearer, in opp. to tacere, like the neutral word loqui. Cic. Rull. ii. 1. Ver. ii. 1, 71, 86. Plin. Ep. iv. 20. vii. 6, like λέγειν; but aio expresses an affirmation, with reference to the speaker, in opp. to nego. Cic. Off. iii. 23. Plaut. Rud. ii. 4, 14. Terent. Eun. ii. 2, 21, like φάναι. 2. Ait is in construction with an indirect form of speech, and therefore generally governs an infinitive; whereas inquit is in construction with a direct form of speech, and therefore admits an indicative, imperative, or conjunctive. 3. Aio denotes the simple affirmation of a proposition by merely expressing it, whereas asseverare, affirmare, contendere, denote an emphatic affirmation; asseverare is to affirm in earnest, in opp. to a jocular, or even light affirmation, jocari. Cic. Brut. 85; affirmare, to affirm as certain, in opp. to doubts and rumors, dubitare, Divin. ii. 3, 8; contendere, to affirm against contradiction, and to maintain one’s opinion, in opp. to yielding it up, or renouncing it. 4. Dicere (δεῖξαι) denotes to say, without any accessory notion, whereas loqui (λακεῖν), as a transitive verb, with the contemptuous accessory notion that that which is said is mere idle talk. Cic. Att. xiv. 4. Horribile est quæ loquantur, quæ minitentur. 5. Loqui denotes speaking in general; fabulari, a good-humored, or, at least, pleasant mode of speaking, to pass away the time, in which no heed is taken of the substance and import of what is said, like λαλεῖν; lastly, dicere, as a neuter verb, denotes a speech prepared according to the rules of art, a studied speech, particularly from the rostrum, like λέγειν. Liv. xlv. 39. Tu, centurio, miles, quid de imperatore Paulo senatus decreverit potius quam quid Sergio Galba fabuletur audi, et hoc dicere me potius quam illum audi; ille nihil præterquam loqui, et id ipsum maledice et maligne didicit. Cic. Brut. 58. Scipio sane mihi bene et loqui videtur et dicere. Orat. iii. 10. Neque enim conamur docere eum dicere qui loqui nesciat. Orat. 32. Muren. 34, 71. Suet. Cl. 4. Qui tam ἀσαφῶς loquatur, qui possit quum declamat σαφῶς dicere quæ dicenda sunt non video. 6. Fari (φάναι) denotes speaking, as the mechanical use of the organs of speech to articulate sounds and words, nearly in opp. to infantem esse; whereas loqui (λακεῖν), as the means of giving utterance to one’s thoughts, in opp. to tacere. And as fari may be sometimes limited to the utterance of single words, it easily combines with the image of an unusual, imposing, oracular brevity, as in the decrees of fate, fati; whereas loqui, as a usual mode of speaking, is applicable to excess in speaking, loquacitas. (iv. 1.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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