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기본형: cāsus, cāsūs
pro quibus traditi sunt in gladium et in rapinam patres nostri et ceciderunt casum magnum ante conspectum inimicorum nostrorum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iudith, 8 8:19)
바로 그 일 때문에 우리 조상들은 살육과 약탈을 당하고, 우리의 적들 앞에서 무참히 파멸하였습니다. (불가타 성경, 유딧기, 8장 8:19)
Sicut enim eructant praecordia foetentium, et sicut perdix inducitur in caveam, et ut caprea in laqueum, sic et cor superborum, et sicut prospector videns casum proximi sui. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 11 11:32)
불씨 하나가 숯불을 활활 타오르게 하고 죄인은 다른 사람의 피를 흘리려고 숨어 기다린다. (불가타 성경, 집회서, 11장 11:32)
Sibi praestare, si in eum casum deducerentur, quamvis fortunam a populo Romano pati quam ab his per cruciatum interfici inter quos dominari consuessent. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, SECVNDVS, XXXI 31:6)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 2권, 31장 31:6)
Maiori tamen parti placuit, hoc reservato ad extremum casum consilio interim rei eventum experiri et castra defendere. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, TERTIVS, III 3:4)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 3권, 3장 3:4)
Cum iam amplius horis sex continenter pugnaretur, ac non solum vires sed etiam tela nostros deficerent, atque hostes acrius instarent languidioribusque nostris vallum scindere et fossas complere coepissent, resque esset iam ad extremum perducta casum, (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, TERTIVS, V 5:1)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 3권, 5장 5:1)
1. Casus denotes chance as an inanimate natural agent, which is not the consequence of human calculation, or of known causes, like συμφορά; whereas fors denotes the same chance as a sort of mythological being, which, without aim or butt, to sport as it were with mortals, and baffle their calculations, influences human affairs, like τύχη. 2. Fors, as a mythological being, is this chance considered as blind fortune; whereas Fortuna is fortune, not considered as blind, and without aim, but as taking a part in the course of human affairs from personal favor or disaffection; lastly, fors fortuna means a lucky chance, ἀγαθὴ τύχη. 3. All these beings form an opposition against the Dii and Fatum, which do not bring about or prevent events from caprice or arbitrary will, but according to higher laws; and the gods, indeed, according to the intelligible laws of morality, according to merit and worth, right and equity; fatum, according to the mysterious laws by which the universe is eternally governed, like εἱμαρμένη, μοῖρα. Tac. Hist. iv. 26. Quod in pace fors seu natura, tunc fatum et ira deorum vocabatur. (295.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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