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기본형: labor, labōris
Fructus terrae tuae et omnes labores tuos comedet populus, quem ignoras, et eris semper oppressus et confractus cunctis diebus (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Deuteronomii, 28 28:33)
너희 땅의 소출과 너희가 일하여 얻은 모든 것을 너희가 알지도 못하는 백성이 먹어 버리며, 너희는 언제나 억압을 받고 짓밟히기만 할 것이다. (불가타 성경, 신명기, 28장 28:33)
diū terram quaerunt ubi novam Trōiam condere possunt; multōs labōrēs, multa perīcula subeunt; saepe dēspērat Aenēās. (Oxford Latin Course I, Polyphemus 10:2)
그들은 새로운 트로이를 세울 수 있는 땅을 오랫동안 찾는다; 그들은 많은 역경과 많은 위험을 겪는다; 종종 Aeneas는 절망한다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 10:2)
nōlī timēre. Trōiānōrum labōrēs omnibus nōtī sunt.’ (Oxford Latin Course I, The meeting of Dido and Aeneas 11:18)
두려워 마라. 트로이 인들의 시련은 모두에게 알려져 있다.' (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 11:18)
sed, sī cupis cognōscere, audī Trōiae suprēmōs labōrēs.’ (Oxford Latin Course I, The meeting of Dido and Aeneas 11:30)
그래도 만약 당신이 알고싶으시다면, 트로이의 크나큰 역경을 들어주십시오.' (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 11:30)
per tōtam noctem Aenēam et labōrēs Trōiānōrum in animō volvit. (Oxford Latin Course I, Infēlix Dīdō 12:5)
밤새 Aeneas와 Troia인들의 역경을 마음속에 떠올린다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 12:5)
1. Labor is the toil which requires strength and causes weariness, like πόνος; molestia (from μόλισ, μαλερός) the trouble which, by its greatness or unseasonableness, dispirits, like χαλεπότης; ærumna (αἰρομένη) the hardship that almost exceeds human strength, and bows down even the hero, like ταλαιπωρία; an antiquated, half-poetical expression, in Cic. Fin. ii. 35, and Quintil. viii. 3, 26. Cic. Fin. v. 32. Ut ubi virtus sit resque magnæ et summe laudabiles virtute res gestæ, ibi esse miseria et ærumna non possit, tamen labor possit, possit molestia. (iv. 422.) 2. Laborare denotes, as an intransitive verb, to be in a state of trouble and toil; but elaborare, as a transitive verb, to produce something by trouble and toil. (i. 116.)
1. Opera (from περᾶν, πράσσειν,) denotes activity without intense exertion, as merely doing, or turning one’s hand to, something, in opp. to momentary inactivity; and also in opp. to thinking, speaking, advising, like ἐργασία; whereas labor denotes strenuous exertion, which is followed by fatigue, labor, in opp. to pleasure, like πόνος. Plaut. Aul. iii. 3. 7. Opera huc est conducta vestra, non oratio: comp. with Bacch. iii. 6, 11. Cic. Rep. i. 9. Otiosiorem opera quam animo. Liv. xxii. 22. Ut opera quoque impensa consilium adjuvem meum. And Liv. v. 4. Labor voluptasque dissimillima natura, societate quadam naturali inter se sunt conjuncta: comp. with Cic. Mur. 35. Plin. Ep. ix. 10. Senec. Tranq. 2. 2. Industria, gnavitas, and sedulitas, denote activity as an habitual quality, in opp. to the love of idleness; industria, of an elevated sort, the impulse to activity that animates the hero or the statesman, in opp. to ignavia, gnavitas (γενναιότης) of a useful sort, the diligence of ordinary men, and of the industrious citizen; sedulitas (sine dolore) an activity that shows itself in small matters, often even of a comic sort, the indefatigable bustling of the busy housewife, of the good-natured nurse, of any one who pays officious court to another. Colum. xii. præf. 8. Ut cum forensibus negotiis matronalis sedulitas industriæ rationem parem faceret. 3. Assiduitas and diligentia denote industry; assiduitas (from sedere) like συνέχεια, more in an extensive sense with continued and uninterrupted efforts; diligentia, (ἀλέγειν) more in an intensive sense, with careful and close application, in order to attain the end of one’s industry. 4. Studium denotes inclination and love towards the object of one’s industry, and an inward impulse. (i. 111.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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