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기본형: colloquium, colloquiī
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | colloquium 회화가 | colloquia 회화들이 |
속격 | colloquiī, colloquī 회화의 | colloquiōrum 회화들의 |
여격 | colloquiō 회화에게 | colloquiīs 회화들에게 |
대격 | colloquium 회화를 | colloquia 회화들을 |
탈격 | colloquiō 회화로 | colloquiīs 회화들로 |
호격 | colloquium 회화야 | colloquia 회화들아 |
fore uti per colloquia omnes controversiae componantur. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, PRIMVS 9:11)
(카이사르, 내란기, 1권 9:11)
condiciones a se latas, expetita colloquia et denegata commemorat. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, PRIMVS 32:12)
(카이사르, 내란기, 1권 32:12)
cum hac et praetoria cohorte cetratorum barbarisque equitibus paucis, beneficiariis suis, quos suae custodiae causa habere consuerat, improviso ad vallum advolat, colloquia militum interrumpit, nostros repellit a castris, quos deprendit interficit. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, PRIMVS 75:4)
(카이사르, 내란기, 1권 75:4)
conatus tamen nihilo minus est aliis rationibus per colloquia de pace agere. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, TERTIVS 18:9)
(카이사르, 내란기, 3권 18:9)
Inter bina castra Pompei atque Caesaris unum flumen tantum intererat Apsus, crebraque inter se colloquia milites habebant, neque ullum interim telum per pactiones loquentium traiciebatur. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, TERTIVS 19:1)
(카이사르, 내란기, 3권 19:1)
1. Sermo (εἰρόμενος) denotes a conversation accidentally arising, or at least carried on without any fixed and serious purpose; whereas colloquium, generally a conversation agreed upon for a particular purpose, like a conference. 2. Sermo is a natural mode of speaking; oratio, a speech premeditated and prepared according to the rules of art. The sermo arises when, in ordinary life, an individual speaks longer than usual, and continues speaking, and is accidentally not interrupted; the oratio has a definite extent with an observable beginning, middle, and end, and in it the speaker calculates upon not being interrupted. In the sermo, the language of ordinary life predominates, whether in prose or verse, as in the comic poets, and in the Sermones of Horace; whereas in the oratio the language is select, and in conformity to the rules of rhetoric. Cic. Orat. 16. Mollis est oratio philosophorum et umbratilis . . . Itaque sermo potius quam oratio dicitur. Tac. Hist. i. 19. Apud senatum non comptior Galbæ, non longior . . . sermo; Pisonis comis oratio. (iv. 23.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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