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기본형: pār, paris
남/여성 | 중성 | |||
단수 | 복수 | 단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | pār 같은 (이)가 | parēs 같은 (이)들이 | pār 같은 (것)가 | paria 같은 (것)들이 |
속격 | paris 같은 (이)의 | parium 같은 (이)들의 | paris 같은 (것)의 | parium 같은 (것)들의 |
여격 | parī 같은 (이)에게 | paribus 같은 (이)들에게 | parī 같은 (것)에게 | paribus 같은 (것)들에게 |
대격 | parem 같은 (이)를 | parēs 같은 (이)들을 | pār 같은 (것)를 | paria 같은 (것)들을 |
탈격 | parī 같은 (이)로 | paribus 같은 (이)들로 | parī 같은 (것)로 | paribus 같은 (것)들로 |
호격 | pār 같은 (이)야 | parēs 같은 (이)들아 | pār 같은 (것)야 | paria 같은 (것)들아 |
원급 | 비교급 | 최상급 | |
형용사 | pār 같은 (이)가 | parior 더 같은 (이)가 | parissimus 가장 같은 (이)가 |
부사 | pariter 같게 | parius 더 같게 | parissimē 가장 같게 |
제시된 형태 중 음영이 칠해진 것은 실제 코퍼스에서는 확인되지 않았고, 규칙에 의해 자동 생성된 것입니다.
Et, cum diu de his consilium ageretur, et ipse dux ad multitudinem rettulisset, et paribus suffragiis pareret sententia, sponsionibus pacis annuerunt. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber II Maccabaeorum, 14 14:20)
(불가타 성경, 마카베오기 하권, 14장 14:20)
Tum demum necessario Germani suas copias castris eduxerunt generatimque constituerunt paribus intervallis, Harudes, Marcomanos, Tribocos, Vangiones, Nemetes, Sedusios, Suebos, omnemque aciem suam raedis et carris circumdederunt, ne qua spes in fuga relinqueretur. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, PRIMVS, LI 51:2)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 1권, 51장 51:2)
Muri autem omnes Gallici hac fere forma sunt. Trabes derectae perpetuae in longitudinem paribus intervallis, distantes inter se binos pedes, in solo collocantur. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, SEPTIMVS, XXIII 23:1)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 7권, 23장 23:1)
His collocatis et coagmentatis alius insuper ordo additur, ut idem illud intervallum servetur neque inter se contingant trabes, sed paribus intermissae spatiis singulae singulis saxis interiectis arte contineantur. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, SEPTIMVS, XXIII 23:3)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 7권, 23장 23:3)
Quare paribus eorum beneficiis parem se quoque voluntatem tribuere debere et neutrum eorum contra alterum iuvare aut urbe aut portibus recipere. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, PRIMVS 35:12)
(카이사르, 내란기, 1권 35:12)
1. Æquum (from εἴκελος) is that of which its own component parts are alike, in opp. to varius, Cic. Verr. v. 49; par (from πείρω) is that which is like to some other person or thing, and stands in the same rank (on the same level) with it or him, in opp. to superior and inferior. Cic. Brut. 59, 215. Orat. ii. 52, 209. 39, 166. In æquo marte the battle between two parties is considered as a whole; in pari marte the fortune of one party is set against that of the other, and declared to be equal to it. 2. Par denotes similarity with respect to greatness, power, and value, or equality and proportion with regard to number, like ἴσος; æqualis refers to interior qualities, like ὅμοιος. The par is considered as in a state of activity, or, at least, as determined and prepared to measure himself with his match in contest; the æqualis, in a state of rest, and claiming merely comparison and equality as to rank. The paria are placed in opposition to each other, as rivals in the contest for pre-eminence; the æqualia are considered in a friendly relation to each other, in consequence of their common qualities and sympathies. Hence pariter means, in the same degree, ἴσα; æqualiter, in the same manner, ὁμοίωσ, ὁμῶς. Vell. Pat. ii. 124. 3. Par denotes quite like, parilis, nearly like, as a middle step between par and similis. 4. Par expresses equal to another, and hence may relate to only one side; compar, mutually equal, like finitimi and confines, ἐγγύς and σύνεγγυς. 5. Impar denotes inequality as to quantity, either arithmetical inequality with regard to number [= odd], or a relative inferiority as to strength; dispar refers to quality, without distinguishing on which side of the comparison the advantage lies. (iv. 77.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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