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기본형: pīlum, pīlī
his deiectis et coacervatis cadaveribus qui superessent ut ex tumulo tela in nostros conicerent et pila intercepta remitterent: (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, SECVNDVS, XXVII 27:4)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 2권, 27장 27:4)
Celeriter nostri clamore sublato pila in hostes immittunt. Illi, ubi praeter spem quos fugere credebant infestis signis ad se ire viderunt, impetum modo ferre non potuerunt ac primo concursu in fugam coniecti proximas silvas petierunt. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, SEXTVS, VIII 8:6)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 6권, 8장 8:6)
namque pila lippis inimicum et ludere crudis. (SERMONVM Q. HORATI FLACCI, PRIMVS, 05 5:32)
(호라티우스의 풍자, 1권, 05장 5:32)
Milites legionis VIIII subito conspirati pila coniecerunt et ex inferiore loco adversus clivum incitati cursu praecipites Pompeianos egerunt et terga vertere coegerunt; (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, TERTIVS 46:6)
(카이사르, 내란기, 3권 46:6)
leviusque casura pila sperabat in loco retentis militibus, quam si ipsi immissis telis occurrissent, simul fore, ut duplicato cursu Caesaris milites exanimarentur et lassitudine conficerentur. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, TERTIVS 92:5)
(카이사르, 내란기, 3권 92:5)
Missile is the most general name for a weapon used in fighting at a distance, from the spear to the arrow; hasta and lancea serve both for thrusting and hurling; hasta (from σχαστήριον, σχάζω,) as a genuine Roman weapon, δορύ; lancea, as a foreign weapon, supposed to have come originally from the Suevi, λόγχη; pilum, jaculum, verutum, are more for hurling; jaculum, as the most general expression, including the hunting spear, βέλος; verutum (from ὀρυχή) and tragulum (τρώγλη) military weapons for hurling, ἄκων; pilum (from πῆλαι) in the singular, as the peculiar weapon for hurling used by the Roman legion. Liv. ix. 19. Romano pilum haud paulo quam hasta vehementius ictu missuque telum.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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